rust: direct mode changes

- rename ncdirect_start to ncdirect_new
- add direct mode option flags
- fix examples
- refactor comments
joseLuís 4 years ago
parent 00b5445418
commit d59d05990b

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use libnotcurses_sys as nc;
fn main() {
unsafe {
let ncd = nc::ncdirect_start();
let ncd = nc::ncdirect_new();
let cols = nc::ncdirect_dim_x(ncd);
let rows = nc::ncdirect_dim_y(ncd);

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use libnotcurses_sys as nc;
fn main() {
unsafe {
let ncd = nc::ncdirect_start();
let ncd = nc::ncdirect_new();
render_image(&mut *ncd, nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_1x1);
render_image(&mut *ncd, nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_2x1);

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
//use cstr_core::CString;
//use libnotcurses_sys as nc;
fn main() {

@ -40,20 +40,31 @@
// ncdirect_vline_interp
use crate as nc;
use nc::types::DirectMode;
use nc::types::{DirectMode, DirectModeFlags};
extern "C" {
fn libc_stdout() -> *mut nc::_IO_FILE;
/// A simple ncdirect_init() wrapper
/// A simple ncdirect_init() wrapper using the default options.
/// Initialize a direct-mode notcurses context on the tty.
/// Direct mode supports a limited subset of notcurses routines,
/// and neither supports nor requires notcurses_render(). This can be
/// used to add color and styling to text in the standard output paradigm.
/// Returns NULL on error, including any failure initializing terminfo.
pub unsafe fn ncdirect_start() -> *mut DirectMode {
nc::ncdirect_init(core::ptr::null(), libc_stdout(), 0)
pub unsafe fn ncdirect_new() -> *mut DirectMode {
/// A simple ncdirect_init() wrapper with optional flags.
/// `flags` is a bitmask over:
pub unsafe fn ncdirect_with_flags(flags: DirectModeFlags) -> *mut DirectMode {
nc::ncdirect_init(core::ptr::null(), libc_stdout(), flags)

@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ pub type EGCBackstop = u8;
pub type StyleMask = u16;
/// Type alias of ncplane
// Plane: fundamental drawing surface. unites a:
// - CellMatrix
@ -219,53 +220,86 @@ pub type Palette = nc::palette256;
pub type IntResult = i32;
/// Type alias of ncalign_e
pub type Align = nc::ncalign_e;
pub const ALIGN_LEFT: Align = nc::ncalign_e_NCALIGN_LEFT;
pub const ALIGN_RIGHT: Align = nc::ncalign_e_NCALIGN_RIGHT;
pub const ALIGN_CENTER: Align = nc::ncalign_e_NCALIGN_CENTER;
/// Type alias of ncblitter_e
pub type Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e;
/// space, compatible with ASCII
pub const BLIT_1x1: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_1x1;
/// halves + 1x1 (space)
/// ▄▀
pub const BLIT_2x1: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_2x1;
/// quadrants + 2x1
/// ▗▐ ▖▀▟▌▙
pub const BLIT_2x2: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_2x2;
/// sextants (NOT 2x2)
/// 🬀🬁🬂🬃🬄🬅🬆🬇🬈🬉🬊🬋🬌🬍🬎🬏🬐🬑🬒🬓🬔🬕🬖🬗🬘🬙🬚🬛🬜🬝🬞🬟🬠🬡🬢🬣🬤🬥🬦🬧🬨🬩🬪🬫🬬🬭🬮🬯🬰🬱🬲🬳🬴🬵🬶🬷🬸🬹🬺🬻
pub const BLIT_3x2: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_3x2;
/// four vertical levels
/// █▆▄▂
pub const BLIT_4x1: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_4x1;
/// eight vertical levels
/// █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁
pub const BLIT_8x1: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_8x1;
/// 4 rows, 2 cols (braille)
/// ⡀⡄⡆⡇⢀⣀⣄⣆⣇⢠⣠⣤⣦⣧⢰⣰⣴⣶⣷⢸⣸⣼⣾⣿
pub const BLIT_BRAILLE: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_BRAILLE;
/// automatic pick
/// the blitter is automatically chosen
pub const BLIT_DEFAULT: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_DEFAULT;
/// 6 rows, 1 col (RGB), spotty support among terminals
pub const BLIT_SIXEL: Blitter = nc::ncblitter_e_NCBLIT_SIXEL;
/// Type alias of ncscale_e
pub type Scale = nc::ncscale_e;
/// Maintain original size
pub const SCALE_NONE: Scale = nc::ncscale_e_NCSCALE_NONE;
/// Maintain aspect ratio
pub const SCALE_SCALE: Scale = nc::ncscale_e_NCSCALE_SCALE;
/// Throw away aspect ratio
pub const SCALE_STRETCH: Scale = nc::ncscale_e_NCSCALE_STRETCH;
/// Type alias of ncdirect (direct mode)
pub type DirectMode = nc::ncdirect;
/// Type alias of
pub type DirectModeFlags = u64;
/// Avoids placing the terminal into cbreak mode (disabling echo and line buffering)
/// Avoids calling setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL).
/// If the result is either "C" or "POSIX", it will print a diagnostic to stderr,
/// and then call setlocale(LC_ALL, ""). This will attempt to set the locale based
/// off the LANG environment variable. Your program should call setlocale(3) itself,
/// usually as one of the first lines.
/// Type alias of notcurses (full mode)
pub type FullMode = nc::notcurses;
/// Type alias of ncinput
pub type Input = nc::ncinput;
