HACKING: much ncvisual documentation

nick black 3 years ago committed by Nick Black
parent e3d4bffd28
commit c8f4df9f15

@ -323,4 +323,48 @@ There's a sort at the beginning of O(PlgP) on P planes. We then check
P * PX * PY cells. In the worst case, where all cells actually need be used,
our new algorithm is worse by the cost of a sort.
## Ncvisuals
An `ncvisual` is blitter-independent, and may be used with multiple blitters.
Its `data` field holds RGBA pixels as provided from disk or memory. Its `pixx`,
`pixy`, and `rowstride` fields describe this bitmap. There are `pixy` rows of
`rowstride` bytes, each containing `pixx` RGBA pixels at the front, plus any
necessary padding (external libraries might generate padded output).
`ncvisual_render` works with at least four geometries:
* `vopts->begy`/`begx`: offsets into unscaled data (pixels)
* `vopts->leny`/`lenx`: lengths of unscaled data to use (pixels)
* These geometries, when summed, must not exceed `ncv->pixy`/`ncv->pixx`.
* They are usable as input to scaling.
* `inputy`/`inputx`: Derived: `leny` - `begy` + 1 and `lenx` - `begx` + 1
* `scaledy`/`scaledx`: size of scaled output, derived from target plane and
scaling type (pixels), usable as input for blitting.
* `outputy`/`outputx`: size of blitted output (pixels)
* `occy`/`occx`: size of blitted output (cells)
`occy` and `occx` may represent a larger area than `outputy` and `outputx`,
since a blit might not occupy the entirety of the cells with which it
interacts. likewise, `outputy` might represent a taller area than `scaledy`,
due to Sixel requirements. `outputx` will currently always equal `scaledx`.
the relationship of `inputy`/`inputx` to `scaledy`/`scaledx` is as follows:
* `NCSCALE_NONE`: equal
* `NCSCALE_INFLATE`: `scaledy` = `inputy` * *N*, `scaledx` = `inputx` * *N*,
where *N* is an integer.
* `NCSCALE_SCALE`: `scaledy` = `inputy` * *F*, `scaledx` = `inputx` * *F*, where
*F* is a float, and at least one of `outputy` and `outputx` maximize the
space within the target plane relative to mandatory scaling.
* `NCSCALE_STRETCH`: no necessary relation. Both `outputy` and `outputx`
maximize the space within the target plane relative to mandatory scaling.
"Mandatory scaling" is operative only with regards to Sixel, which must always
be a multiple of six pixels tall.
### Bitmaps
`NCBLIT_PIXEL` yields a bitmap. A bitmap
* occupies the entirety of its plane, by resizing if necessary
* always starts at the origin of its plane
* admits no other output to its plane, nor resizing
* greatly complicates rendering
