some PNG work

nick black 3 years ago committed by nick black
parent 277fd3931e
commit 9c92b83387

@ -1,33 +1,94 @@
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "visual-details.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "png.h"
// 4-byte length, 4-byte type, 4-byte CRC, plus data
#define IHDR_DATA_BYTES 13
// PNG generally allows unsigned 32-bit values to only reach 2**31 "to assist
// [loser] languages which have difficulty dealing with unsigned values."
#define CHUNK_MAX_DATA 0x80000000llu
static const unsigned char PNGHEADER[] = "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a";
size_t compute_png_size(const ncvisual* ncv){
uint64_t databytes = ncv->pixx * ncv->pixy * 4; // FIXME 3 for pure RGB
uint64_t fullchunks = databytes / 0x100000000llu; // full 4GB IDATs
// number of bytes necessary to encode (uncompressed) the visual specified by
// |ncv|. if alphap is non-zero, an alpha channel will be used, increasing the
// size of the data by 1/3.
size_t compute_png_size(const ncvisual* ncv, unsigned alphap){
uint64_t databytes = ncv->pixx * ncv->pixy * (3 + !!alphap);
uint64_t fullchunks = databytes / CHUNK_MAX_DATA; // full 2GB IDATs
return (sizeof(PNGHEADER) - 1) + // PNG header
(CHUNK_DESC_BYTES + 0xffffffffllu) * fullchunks +
(CHUNK_DESC_BYTES + databytes % 0xffffffffllu) +
CHUNK_DESC_BYTES; // mandatory IEND chunk
// calculate the PNG CRC of the chunk starting at |buf|. all chunks start with
// a 4-byte length parameter in NBO, which we use to determine the area over
// which the crc must be calculated (this length only covers the data, not the
// chunk header, so we add 8 bytes). returns 0 on error, but that's also a
// valid value, so whacha gonna do?
static uint32_t
chunk_crc(const char* buf){
uint32_t length;
memcpy(&length, buf, 4);
length = htonl(length);
if(length > CHUNK_MAX_DATA){
logerror("Chunk length too large (%lu)\n", length);
return 0;
length += 8;
uint32_t crc = 0;
// FIXME evaluate crc32 over |length| bytes
return crc;
// write the ihdr at |buf|, which is guaranteed to be large enough (25B).
static int
write_ihdr(const ncvisual* ncv, char* buf, unsigned alphap){
uint32_t length = htonl(IHDR_DATA_BYTES);
memcpy(buf, &length, 4);
static const char ctype[] = "IHDR";
memcpy(buf + 4, &ctype, 4);
uint32_t width = htonl(ncv->pixx);
memcpy(buf + 8, &width, 4);
uint32_t height = htonl(ncv->pixy);
memcpy(buf + 12, &height, 4);
uint8_t depth = 8; // 8 bits per channel
memcpy(buf + 16, &depth, 1);
uint8_t color = 2 + alphap ? 4 : 0; // RGB with possible alpha
memcpy(buf + 17, &color, 1);
uint8_t compression = 0; // deflate, max window 32768
memcpy(buf + 18, &compression, 1);
uint8_t filter = 0; // adaptive filtering
memcpy(buf + 19, &filter, 1);
uint8_t interlace = 0; // no interlace
memcpy(buf + 20, &interlace, 1);
uint32_t crc = chunk_crc(buf);
memcpy(buf + 21, &crc, 4);
// write a PNG at the provided buffer using the ncvisual
int create_png(const ncvisual* ncv, void* buf, size_t* bsize){
size_t totalsize = compute_png_size(ncv);
int create_png(const ncvisual* ncv, void* buf, size_t* bsize, unsigned alphap){
size_t totalsize = compute_png_size(ncv, alphap);
if(*bsize < totalsize){
logerror("%zuB buffer too small for %zuB PNG\n", *bsize, totalsize);
return -1;
*bsize = totalsize;
memcpy(buf, PNGHEADER, sizeof(PNGHEADER) - 1);
// FIXME fill in IHDR
size_t written = sizeof(PNGHEADER) - 1;
memcpy(buf, PNGHEADER, written);
int r = write_ihdr(ncv, (char*)buf + written, alphap);
if(r < 0){
return -1;
written += r;
// FIXME fill in data chunks
// FIXME fill in IEND
return 0;
@ -43,7 +104,8 @@ mmap_round_size(size_t s){
// resulting length is written to *bsize on success. returns MMAP_FAILED
// on a failure.
void* create_png_mmap(const ncvisual* ncv, size_t* bsize){
*bsize = compute_png_size(ncv);
const unsigned alphap = 1; // FIXME 0 if no alpha used, for smaller output
*bsize = compute_png_size(ncv, alphap);
*bsize = mmap_round_size(*bsize);
if(*bsize == 0){
return MAP_FAILED;
@ -55,7 +117,7 @@ void* create_png_mmap(const ncvisual* ncv, size_t* bsize){
logerror("Couldn't get %zuB map\n", *bsize);
return MAP_FAILED;
if(create_png(ncv, map, bsize)){
if(create_png(ncv, map, bsize, alphap)){
munmap(map, *bsize);
return MAP_FAILED;
