pixelplots: alloc up pixel buffer #1382

nick black 3 years ago committed by nick black
parent e36497866f
commit 83b9a7820e

@ -43,19 +43,204 @@ typedef struct nc##X##plot { \
ncplot plot; \
} nc##X##plot; \
int redraw_pixelplot_##T(nc##X##plot* ncp){ \
const int scale = ncplane_notcurses_const(ncp->plot.ncp)->tcache.cellpixx; \
int dimy, dimx; \
ncplane_dim_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, &dimy, &dimx); \
const int scaleddim = dimx * scale; \
/* each transition is worth this much change in value */ \
const size_t states = ncplane_notcurses_const(ncp->plot.ncp)->tcache.cellpixy; \
/* FIXME can we not rid ourselves of this meddlesome double? either way, the \
interval is one row's range (for linear plots), or the base \
(base^slots == maxy-miny) of the range (for exponential plots). */ \
double interval; \
if(ncp->plot.exponentiali){ \
if(ncp->maxy > ncp->miny){ \
interval = pow(ncp->maxy - ncp->miny, (double)1 / (dimy * states)); \
/* fprintf(stderr, "miny: %ju maxy: %ju dimy: %d states: %zu\n", miny, maxy, dimy, states); */ \
}else{ \
interval = 0; \
} \
}else{ \
interval = ncp->maxy < ncp->miny ? 0 : (ncp->maxy - ncp->miny) / ((double)dimy * states); \
} \
const int startx = ncp->plot.labelaxisd ? PREFIXCOLUMNS : 0; /* plot cols begin here */ \
/* if we want fewer slots than there are available columns, our final column \
will be other than the plane's final column. most recent x goes here. */ \
const int finalx = (ncp->plot.slotcount < scaleddim - 1 - (startx * scale) ? \
startx + (ncp->plot.slotcount / scale) - 1 : dimx - 1); \
ncplane_set_styles(ncp->plot.ncp, ncp->plot.legendstyle); \
if(ncp->plot.labelaxisd){ \
/* show the *top* of each interval range */ \
for(int y = 0 ; y < dimy ; ++y){ \
uint64_t channels = 0; \
calc_gradient_channels(&channels, ncp->plot.minchannels, ncp->plot.minchannels, \
ncp->plot.maxchannels, ncp->plot.maxchannels, y, 0, dimy, dimx); \
ncplane_set_channels(ncp->plot.ncp, channels); \
char buf[PREFIXSTRLEN + 1]; \
if(ncp->plot.exponentiali){ \
if(y == dimy - 1){ /* we cheat on the top row to exactly match maxy */ \
ncmetric(ncp->maxy * 100, 100, buf, 0, 1000, '\0'); \
}else{ \
ncmetric(pow(interval, (y + 1) * states) * 100, 100, buf, 0, 1000, '\0'); \
} \
}else{ \
ncmetric((ncp->maxy - interval * states * (dimy - y - 1)) * 100, 100, buf, 0, 1000, '\0'); \
} \
if(y == dimy - 1 && strlen(ncp->plot.title)){ \
ncplane_printf_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, dimy - y - 1, PREFIXCOLUMNS - strlen(buf), "%s %s", buf, ncp->plot.title); \
}else{ \
ncplane_printf_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, dimy - y - 1, PREFIXCOLUMNS - strlen(buf), "%s", buf); \
} \
} \
}else if(strlen(ncp->plot.title)){ \
uint64_t channels = 0; \
calc_gradient_channels(&channels, ncp->plot.minchannels, ncp->plot.minchannels, \
ncp->plot.maxchannels, ncp->plot.maxchannels, dimy - 1, 0, dimy, dimx); \
ncplane_set_channels(ncp->plot.ncp, channels); \
ncplane_printf_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, 0, PREFIXCOLUMNS - strlen(ncp->plot.title), "%s", ncp->plot.title); \
} \
ncplane_set_styles(ncp->plot.ncp, NCSTYLE_NONE); \
if(finalx < startx){ /* exit on pathologically narrow planes */ \
return 0; \
} \
if(!interval){ \
interval = 1; \
} \
uint32_t* pixels = malloc(dimy * dimx * states * scale); \
if(pixels == NULL){ \
return -1; \
} \
memset(pixels, 0, dimy * dimx * states * scale); \
int idx = ncp->plot.slotstart; /* idx holds the real slot index; we move backwards */ \
for(int x = finalx ; x >= startx ; --x){ \
/* a column corresponds to |scale| slots' worth of samples. prepare the working gval set. */ \
T gvals[scale]; \
/* load it retaining the same ordering we have in the actual array */ \
for(int i = scale - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i){ \
gvals[i] = ncp->slots[idx]; /* clip the value at the limits of the graph */ \
if(gvals[i] < ncp->miny){ \
gvals[i] = ncp->miny; \
} \
if(gvals[i] > ncp->maxy){ \
gvals[i] = ncp->maxy; \
} \
/* FIXME if there are an odd number, only go up through the valid ones... */ \
if(--idx < 0){ \
idx = ncp->plot.slotcount - 1; \
} \
} \
/* starting from the least-significant row, progress in the more significant \
direction, prepping pixels, aborting early if we can't draw anything in a \
given cell. */ \
T intervalbase = ncp->miny; \
const wchar_t* egc = ncp->plot.bset->plotegcs; \
bool done = !ncp->plot.bset->fill; \
for(int y = 0 ; y < dimy ; ++y){ \
uint64_t channels = 0; \
calc_gradient_channels(&channels, ncp->plot.minchannels, ncp->plot.minchannels, \
ncp->plot.maxchannels, ncp->plot.maxchannels, y, x, dimy, dimx); \
ncplane_set_channels(ncp->plot.ncp, channels); \
if(egc){ \
size_t egcidx = 0, sumidx = 0; \
/* if we've got at least one interval's worth on the number of positions \
times the number of intervals per position plus the starting offset, \
we're going to print *something* */ \
for(int i = 0 ; i < scale ; ++i){ \
sumidx *= states; \
if(intervalbase < gvals[i]){ \
if(ncp->plot.exponentiali){ \
/* we want the log-base-interval of gvals[i] */ \
double scaled = log(gvals[i] - ncp->miny) / log(interval); \
double sival = intervalbase ? log(intervalbase) / log(interval) : 0; \
egcidx = scaled - sival; \
}else{ \
egcidx = (gvals[i] - intervalbase) / interval; \
} \
if(egcidx >= states){ \
egcidx = states - 1; \
done = false; \
} \
sumidx += egcidx; \
}else{ \
egcidx = 0; \
} \
/* printf(stderr, "y: %d i(scale): %d gvals[%d]: %ju egcidx: %zu sumidx: %zu interval: %f intervalbase: %ju\n", y, i, i, gvals[i], egcidx, sumidx, interval, intervalbase); */ \
} \
/* if we're not UTF8, we can only arrive here via NCBLIT_1x1 (otherwise \
we would have errored out during construction). even then, however, \
we need handle ASCII differently, since it can't print full block. \
in ASCII mode, sumidx != 0 means swap colors and use space. in all \
modes, sumidx == 0 means don't do shit, since we erased earlier. */ \
/* if(sumidx)fprintf(stderr, "dimy: %d y: %d x: %d sumidx: %zu egc[%zu]: %lc\n", dimy, y, x, sumidx, sumidx, egc[sumidx]); */ \
if(sumidx){ \
if(notcurses_canutf8(ncplane_notcurses(ncp->plot.ncp))){ \
char utf8[MB_CUR_MAX + 1]; \
int bytes = wctomb(utf8, egc[sumidx]); \
if(bytes < 0){ \
free(pixels); \
return -1; \
} \
utf8[bytes] = '\0'; \
nccell* c = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, dimy - y - 1, x); \
cell_set_bchannel(c, ncchannels_bchannel(channels)); \
cell_set_fchannel(c, ncchannels_fchannel(channels)); \
nccell_set_styles(c, NCSTYLE_NONE); \
if(pool_blit_direct(&ncp->plot.ncp->pool, c, utf8, bytes, 1) <= 0){ \
free(pixels); \
return -1; \
} \
}else{ \
const uint64_t swapbg = ncchannels_bchannel(channels); \
const uint64_t swapfg = ncchannels_fchannel(channels); \
ncchannels_set_bchannel(&channels, swapfg); \
ncchannels_set_fchannel(&channels, swapbg); \
ncplane_set_channels(ncp->plot.ncp, channels); \
if(ncplane_putchar_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, dimy - y - 1, x, ' ') <= 0){ \
free(pixels); \
return -1; \
} \
ncchannels_set_bchannel(&channels, swapbg); \
ncchannels_set_fchannel(&channels, swapfg); \
ncplane_set_channels(ncp->plot.ncp, channels); \
} \
} \
if(done){ \
break; \
} \
} \
if(ncp->plot.exponentiali){ \
intervalbase = ncp->miny + pow(interval, (y + 1) * states - 1); \
}else{ \
intervalbase += (states * interval); \
} \
} \
} \
if(ncp->plot.printsample){ \
int lastslot = ncp->plot.slotstart ? ncp->plot.slotstart - 1 : ncp->plot.slotcount - 1; \
ncplane_set_styles(ncp->plot.ncp, ncp->plot.legendstyle); \
ncplane_set_channels(ncp->plot.ncp, ncp->plot.maxchannels); \
ncplane_printf_aligned(ncp->plot.ncp, 0, NCALIGN_RIGHT, "%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)ncp->slots[lastslot]); \
} \
ncplane_home(ncp->plot.ncp); \
fprintf(stderr, "PIXELS: %p\n", pixels); free(pixels); /* FIXME */ \
return 0; \
} \
int redraw_plot_##T(nc##X##plot* ncp){ \
if(ncp->plot.bset->geom == NCBLIT_PIXEL){ \
return redraw_pixelplot_##T(ncp); \
} \
ncplane_erase(ncp->plot.ncp); \
const int scale = ncp->plot.bset->geom == NCBLIT_PIXEL ? \
ncplane_notcurses_const(ncp->plot.ncp)->tcache.cellpixx : ncp->plot.bset->width; \
const int scale = ncp->plot.bset->width; \
int dimy, dimx; \
ncplane_dim_yx(ncp->plot.ncp, &dimy, &dimx); \
const int scaleddim = dimx * scale; \
/* each transition is worth this much change in value */ \
const size_t states = (ncp->plot.bset->geom == NCBLIT_PIXEL ? \
ncplane_notcurses_const(ncp->plot.ncp)->tcache.cellpixy : ncp->plot.bset->height) + 1; \
const size_t states = ncp->plot.bset->height + 1; \
/* FIXME can we not rid ourselves of this meddlesome double? either way, the \
interval is one row's range (for linear plots), or the base (base^slots== \
maxy-miny) of the range (for exponential plots). */ \
interval is one row's range (for linear plots), or the base \
(base^slots == maxy-miny) of the range (for exponential plots). */ \
double interval; \
if(ncp->plot.exponentiali){ \
if(ncp->maxy > ncp->miny){ \
@ -113,7 +298,7 @@ int redraw_plot_##T(nc##X##plot* ncp){ \
int idx = ncp->plot.slotstart; /* idx holds the real slot index; we move backwards */ \
for(int x = finalx ; x >= startx ; --x){ \
/* a single column might correspond to more than 1 ('scale', up to \
MAXWIDTH) slot's worth of samples. prepare the working gval set. */ \
MAXWIDTH) slots' worth of samples. prepare the working gval set. */ \
T gvals[MAXWIDTH]; \
/* load it retaining the same ordering we have in the actual array */ \
for(int i = scale - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i){ \
