[sixel] take a stab at sixel_wipe()

nick black 2 years ago committed by nick black
parent 85dc76c465
commit 6777c93f8a

@ -366,57 +366,158 @@ change_p2(char* sixel, sixel_p2_e value){
sixel[4] = value + '0';
// wipe the color from startx to endx, from starty to endy. returns the
// number of pixels actually wiped.
struct band_extender {
int length; // current length of the vector
int next; // next x location we will cover with a write
// add the supplied rle section to the appropriate vector, which might
// need to be created.
static inline char*
sixelband_extend(char* vec, struct band_extender* bes, int maxlen,
int rep, int rle, int curx){
assert(maxlen >= rle);
assert(0 < rle);
assert(b->size > color);
assert(0 < rep);
assert(64 > rep);
if(vec == NULL){
// FIXME for now we make it as big as it could possibly need to be
if((vec = malloc(maxlen + 1)) == NULL){
return NULL;
bes->length = 0;
bes->next = 0;
int clearlen = (curx - rle + 1) - bes->next;
fprintf(stderr, "clearlen: %d\n", clearlen);
if(clearlen > 2){
bes->length += sprintf(vec + bes->length, "!%d?", clearlen);
}else if(clearlen){
if(clearlen < 0){
logpanic("internal error, clearlen %d", clearlen);
return NULL;
vec[bes->length++] = '?';
if(clearlen == 2){
vec[bes->length++] = '?';
vec[bes->length] = '\0';
rep += 63;
if(rle > 2){
bes->length += sprintf(vec + bes->length, "!%d%c", rle, rep);
vec[bes->length++] = rep;
if(rle == 2){
vec[bes->length++] = rep;
vec[bes->length] = '\0';
bes->next = curx + 1;
return vec;
// wipe the color within this band from startx to endx, from starty to
// endy (0-offset in the band). returns the number of pixels actually wiped.
static inline int
wipe_band(sixelmap* smap, int band, int startx, int endx,
int starty, int endy, int dimx, int cellpixy, int cellpixx,
uint8_t* auxvec){
wipe_color(sixelband* b, int color, int startx, int endx,
char mask, int dimx, int cellpixy, int cellpixx,
uint8_t* auxvec){
const char* vec = b->vecs[color];
if(vec == NULL){
return 0; // no work to be done here
char* newvec = NULL;
int wiped = 0;
// offset into map->data where our color starts
int coff = smap->sixelcount * color;
//fprintf(stderr, "sixels: %d color: %d B: %d-%d Y: %d-%d X: %d-%d coff: %d\n", smap->sixelcount, color, sband, eband, starty, endy, startx, endx, coff);
// we're going to repurpose starty as "starting row of this band", so keep it
// around as originy for auxvecidx computations
int originy = starty;
for(int b = sband ; b <= eband && b * 6 <= endy ; ++b){
const int boff = coff + b * dimx; // offset in data where band starts
unsigned char mask = 63;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i){
if(b * 6 + i >= starty && b * 6 + i <= endy){
mask &= ~(1u << i);
//fprintf(stderr, "s/e: %d/%d mask: %02x\n", starty, endy, mask);
for(int x = startx ; x <= endx ; ++x){
const int xoff = boff + x;
assert(xoff < (smap->colors + 1) * smap->sixelcount);
//fprintf(stderr, "band: %d color: %d idx: %d mask: %02x\n", b, color, color * smap->sixelcount + xoff, mask);
//fprintf(stderr, "color: %d idx: %d data: %02x\n", color, color * smap->sixelcount + xoff, smap->data[color * smap->sixelcount + xoff]);
// this is the auxvec position of the upperleftmost pixel of the sixel
// there will be up to five more, each cellpxx away, for the five pixels
// below it. there will be cellpxx - 1 after it, each with their own five.
//fprintf(stderr, "smap->data[%d] = %02x boff: %d x: %d color: %d\n", xoff, smap->data[xoff], boff, x, color);
for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 && b * 6 + i <= endy ; ++i){
int auxvecidx = (x - startx) + ((b * 6 + i - originy) * cellpixx);
unsigned bit = 1u << i;
//fprintf(stderr, "xoff: %d i: %d b: %d endy: %d mask: 0x%02x\n", xoff, i, b, endy, mask);
if(!(mask & bit) && (smap->data[xoff] & bit)){
//fprintf(stderr, "band %d %d/%d writing %d to auxvec[%d] %p xoff: %d boff: %d\n", b, b * 6 + i, x, color, auxvecidx, auxvec, xoff, boff);
auxvec[auxvecidx] = color;
auxvec[cellpixx * cellpixy + auxvecidx] = 0;
// we decode the color within the sixelband, and rebuild it without the
// wiped pixels.
int rle = 0; // the repetition number for this element
// the x coordinate through which we've checked this band. if x + rle is
// less than startx, this element cannot be affected by the wipe.
// otherwise, starting at startx, it can be affected. once x > endx, we
// are done, and can copy the remaining elements blindly.
int x = 0;
struct band_extender bes = {
.length = 0, // index into newvec
.next = 0,
rle *= 10;
rle += (*vec - '0');
}else if(*vec == '!'){
rle = 0;
if(rle == 0){
rle = 1;
if((smap->data[xoff] & mask) != smap->data[xoff]){
smap->data[xoff] &= mask;
wiped = 1;
char rep = *vec - 63;
fprintf(stderr, "SO FAR [%s] (%d) %d @ %d\n", newvec ? newvec : "NULL", bes.length, rle, x);
x += rle - 1;
if(x + rle < startx){ // not wiped material; reproduce as-is
newvec = sixelband_extend(newvec, &bes, dimx, rep, rle, x);
}else if((rep & mask) == rep){ // not changed by wipe
newvec = sixelband_extend(newvec, &bes, dimx, rep, rle, x);
}else{ // changed by wipe; might have to break it up
if(x < startx){
newvec = sixelband_extend(newvec, &bes, dimx, rep, startx - x, x);
x += startx - x;
rle -= startx - x;
// FIXME this new rep might equal the next rep, in which case we ought combine
newvec = sixelband_extend(newvec, &bes, dimx, rep & mask, endx - x, x);
x += startx - x;
rle -= startx - x;
wiped += startx - x;
newvec = sixelband_extend(newvec, &bes, dimx, rep, rle, x);
//fprintf(stderr, "post: %02x\n", smap->data[color * smap->sixelcount + xoff]);
starty = (starty + 6) / 6 * 6;
if(newvec == NULL){
return 0;
if(x > endx){
strcpy(newvec + bes.length, vec); // there is always room
// FIXME check for empty vector; free such, and assign NULL
b->vecs[color] = newvec;
return wiped;
// wipe the band from startx to endx, from starty to endy. returns the
// number of pixels actually wiped.
static inline int
wipe_band(sixelmap* smap, int band, int startx, int endx,
int starty, int endy, int dimx, int cellpixy, int cellpixx,
uint8_t* auxvec){
int wiped = 0;
// get 0-offset start and end row bounds for our band.
const int sy = starty - band * 6;
const int ey = ((band + 1) * 6 > endy ? endy - band * 6 : (band + 1) * 6);
// we've got a mask that we'll AND with the decoded sixels; set it to
// 0 wherever we're wiping.
unsigned char mask = 0;
// knock out a bit for each row we're wiping within the band
for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i){
if(i < sy || i > ey){
mask |= ~(1u << i);
sixelband* b = &smap->bands[band];
// offset into map->data where our color starts
for(int i = 0 ; i < b->size ; ++i){
wiped += wipe_color(b, i, startx, endx, mask, dimx,
cellpixy, cellpixx, auxvec);
return wiped;
@ -713,54 +814,6 @@ load_color_table(const qstate* qs){
assert(loaded == qs->stab->map->colors);
struct band_extender {
int length; // current length of the vector
int next; // next x location we will cover with a write
// add the supplied rle section to the appropriate vector, which might
// need to be created.
static inline int
sixelband_extend(sixelband* b, struct band_extender* bes, int maxlen,
int color, int rep, int rle, int curx){
assert(maxlen >= rle);
assert(0 < rle);
assert(b->size > color);
assert(0 < rep);
assert(64 > rep);
struct band_extender* ourbes = &bes[color];
if(b->vecs[color] == NULL){
// FIXME for now we make it as big as it could possibly need to be
if((b->vecs[color] = malloc(maxlen + 1)) == NULL){
return -1;
ourbes->length = 0;
ourbes->next = 0;
int clearlen = (curx - rle + 1) - ourbes->next;
if(clearlen > 2){
ourbes->length += sprintf(b->vecs[color] + ourbes->length, "!%d?", clearlen);
}else if(clearlen){
b->vecs[color][ourbes->length++] = '?';
if(clearlen == 2){
b->vecs[color][ourbes->length++] = '?';
b->vecs[color][ourbes->length] = '\0';
rep += 63;
if(rle > 2){
ourbes->length += sprintf(b->vecs[color] + ourbes->length, "!%d%c", rle, rep);
b->vecs[color][ourbes->length++] = rep;
if(rle == 2){
b->vecs[color][ourbes->length++] = rep;
b->vecs[color][ourbes->length] = '\0';
ourbes->next = curx + 1;
return 0;
// build up a sixel band from (up to) 6 rows of the source RGBA.
static inline int
build_sixel_band(qstate* qs, int i){
@ -845,7 +898,7 @@ build_sixel_band(qstate* qs, int i){
if(!found){ // didn't find it; finalize it
sixelband_extend(b, meta, qs->lenx, prev[check].color, prev[check].rep, prev[check].rle, x);
b->vecs[prev[check].color] = sixelband_extend(b->vecs[prev[check].color], &meta[prev[check].color], qs->lenx, prev[check].rep, prev[check].rle, x);
if(check + 1 < prevactive){
// swap source with the top of the previous set
prev[check].color = prev[prevactive - 1].color;
@ -882,7 +935,7 @@ build_sixel_band(qstate* qs, int i){
// FIXME shouldn't this be on active, *not* prev!?
for(int j = 0 ; j < prevactive ; ++j){
sixelband_extend(b, meta, qs->lenx, prev[j].color, prev[j].rep, prev[j].rle, x);
b->vecs[prev[j].color] = sixelband_extend(b->vecs[prev[j].color], &meta[prev[j].color], qs->lenx, prev[j].rep, prev[j].rle, x);
return 0;
@ -1367,7 +1420,7 @@ typedef struct sixel_engine {
// FIXME make this part of the context, sheesh
static sixel_engine globsengine;
// a quantization worker.
// a quantization worker.
static void *
sixel_worker(void* v){
sixel_engine *sengine = v;
