Each cell can be rendered in isolation, though synthesis of the stream carries
dependencies between cells.
## Cell rendering algorithm
Recall that there is a total ordering on the N ncplanes, and that the standard
plane always exists, with geometry equal to the physical screen. Each cell of
the physical screen is thus intersected by some totally ordered subset of
planes **P0**, **P1**...**Pi**, where 0 <**i** ≤ **N**. At each cell, rendering starts at
the topmost intersecting plane **P0**. The algorithm descends until either:
* it has locked in an extended grapheme cluster, and fore/background colors, or
* all **i** planes have been examined
At each plane **P**, we consider a cell **C**. This cell is the intersecting cell,
unless that cell has no EGC. In that case, **C** is the plane's default cell.
* If we have not yet determined an EGC, and **C** has a non-zero EGC, use the EGC and style of **C**.
* If we have not yet locked in a foreground color, and **C** is not foreground-transparent, use the foreground color of **C** (see [BUGS][] below). If **C** is **CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE**, lock the color in.
* If we have not yet locked in a background color, and **C** is not background-transparent, use the background color of **C** (see [BUGS][] below). If **C** is **CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE**, lock the color in.
If the algorithm concludes without an EGC, the cell is rendered with no glyph
and a default background. If the algorithm concludes without a color locked in,