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% ncplayer(1)
% nick black <>
4 years ago
% v2.1.7
ncplayer - Render images and video to a terminal
**ncplayer** [**-h**] [**-V**] [**-q**] [**-d** ***delaymult***] [**-l** ***loglevel***] [**-s** ***scalemode***] [**-k**] [**-L**] [**-t** ***seconds***] files
**ncplayer** uses a multimedia-enabled Notcurses to render images and videos to a
terminal. By default, **stretch**-type scaling is used to fill the rendering
area, and the **sexblitter** blitter is used (where known to work well) for a
3x2→1 mapping from pixels to cells. In a terminal that doesn't support Unicode
13 sextants, the **quadblitter** is used instead.
**-d** ***delaymult***: Apply a non-negative rational multiplier to the delayscale.
Only applies to multiframe media such as video and animated images.
**-t** ***seconds***: Delay **seconds** after each file. If this option is used,
the "press any key to continue" prompt will not be displayed. **seconds** may
be any non-negative number.
**-l** ***loglevel***: Log everything (high log level) or nothing (log level 0) to stderr.
**-s** ***scalemode***: Scaling mode, one of **none**, **hires**, **scale**, **scalehi**, or **stretch**.
**-b** ***blitter***: Blitter, one of **ascii**, **halfblocks**, **quadblitter**,
**sexblitter**, or **braille**.
**-m margins**: Define rendering margins (see below).
**-L**: Loop frames until a key is pressed.
**-k**: Inhibit use of the alternate screen. Necessary if you want the output left on your terminal after the program exits.
**-q**: Don't print frame/timing information along the top of the screen.
**-V**: Print the program name and version, and exit with success.
**-h**: Print help information, and exit with success.
files: Select which files to render, and what order to render them in.
Fully general ncvisual layer (#647) This represents an essentially complete rewrite of ncvisual and associated code. It had two major goals: Improve the ncvisual API based off lessons learned, pursuant to the upcoming API freeze. In particular, I wanted to: decouple ncvisuals from ncplanes. It should be possible to render a ncvisual to multiple planes, with different scaling each time. It should be possible to create an ncvisual without a plane, etc. normalize the various ways of constructing an ncvisual -- file, memory, plane, etc. Support multiple blitters, from 7-bit ASCII to Sixel. This required writing the blitters in several cases, and they're not yet in their final implementations (but the API is fine) I have not yet unified Plots and Visuals, and might not, given that the Plot code works fine. We could at this point implement Plots in terms of Visuals, though -- the blitter backend range has been unified. Sixel is not yet implemented, though it is listed. There is a new POC tool, blitter. It renders its arguments using all possible blitter+scaling combinations. Another new POC, resize, displays its argument, then resizes it to the screen size and displays that, explicitly making use of ncvisual_resize() rather than a scaling parameter to ncvisual_render(). This also eliminates some memory leaks and bugs we were seeing in trunk, and brings in Sixel scaffolding. The C++ wrapper will also need patching back up; I cut most of it down while wrestling with this crap, urk. Closes #638, #562, and #622.
4 years ago
Default margins are all 0 and default scaling is **stretch**. The full
rendering area will thus be used. Using **-m**, margins can be supplied.
Provide a single number to set all four margins to the same value, or four
comma-delimited values for the top, right, bottom, and left margins
respectively. Negative margins are illegal.
Scaling mode **stretch** resizes the object to match the target rendering
area exactly. **scale** resizes the object so that the longer edge of the
rendering area is matched exactly, and the other edge is changed to
maintain aspect ratio. **none** uses the original image size.
Blitters can be selected by pressing '0' through '8'. **NCBLIT_DEFAULT**
corresponds to '0'. The various blitters are described in
A video can be paused with space. Press space (or any other valid control)
to resume.
Optimal display requires a terminal advertising the **rgb** terminfo(5)
capability, or that the environment variable **COLORTERM** is defined to
**24bit** (and that the terminal honors this variable), along with a
fixed-width font with good coverage of the Unicode Block Drawing Characters.