You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// cells only provide storage for a single 7-bit character. if there's anything
// more than that, it's spilled into the egcpool, and the cell is given an
// offset. when a cell is released, the memory it owned is zeroed out, and
// recognizable as use for another cell.
typedef struct egcpool {
char* pool; // ringbuffer of attached extension storage
size_t poolsize; // total number of bytes in pool
size_t poolused; // bytes actively used, grow when this gets too large
size_t poolwrite; // next place to *look for* a place to write
} egcpool;
static inline void
egcpool_init(egcpool* p){
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
int egcpool_grow(egcpool* pool, size_t len, bool force);
// stash away the provided UTF8, NUL-terminated grapheme cluster. the cluster
// should not be less than 2 bytes (such a cluster should be directly stored in
// the cell). returns -1 on error, and otherwise a non-negative 24-bit offset.
static inline int
egcpool_stash(egcpool* pool, const char* egc){
size_t len = strlen(egc) + 1; // count the NUL terminator
if(len <= 2){ // should never be empty, nor a single byte + NUL
return -1;
// the first time through, we don't force a grow unless we expect ourselves
// to have too little space. once we've done a search, we do force the grow.
// we should thus never have more than two iterations of this loop.
bool searched = false;
if(egcpool_grow(pool, len, false)){
return -1;
// we now look for a place to lay out this egc. we need |len| zeroes in a
// row. starting at pool->poolwrite, look for such a range of unused
// memory. if we find it, write it out, and update used count. if we come
// back to where we started, force a growth and try again.
size_t curpos = pool->poolwrite;
if(curpos == pool->poolsize){
curpos = 0;
if(pool->pool[curpos]){ // can't write if there's stuff here
}else{ // promising! let's see if there's enough space
size_t need = len;
size_t trial = curpos;
if(++trial == pool->poolsize){
trial = 0;
if(pool->pool[trial]){ // alas, not enough space here
if(need == 0){ // found a suitable space, copy it!
if(pool->poolsize - len > curpos){ // one chunk
memcpy(pool->pool + curpos, egc, len);
pool->poolwrite = curpos + len;
}else{ // two chunks
// FIXME are clients prepared for split egcs? i doubt it...
size_t fchunk = pool->poolsize - curpos - 1;
memcpy(pool->pool + curpos, egc, fchunk);
memcpy(pool->pool, egc + fchunk, len - fchunk);
pool->poolwrite = len - fchunk;
pool->poolused += len;
return curpos;
curpos += len - need; // do we always hit pool->poolwrite properly?
}while(curpos != pool->poolwrite);
}while( (searched = !searched) );
return -1; // should never get here
// remove the egc from the pool. start at offset, and zero out everything until
// we find a zero (our own NUL terminator). remove that number of bytes from
// the usedcount.
static inline void
egcpool_release(egcpool* pool, size_t offset){
size_t freed = 1; // account for free(d) NUL terminator
pool->pool[offset] = '\0';
if(++offset == pool->poolsize){
offset = 0;
pool->poolused -= freed;
// FIXME ought we update pool->poolwrite?
static inline void
egcpool_dump(egcpool* pool){
pool->poolsize = 0;
pool->poolwrite = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus