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# Release procedure
## Precheck
* Review the testing checklist (doc/
* clang-tidy check with something like:
* `cmake "-DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY=/usr/bin/clang-tidy-11;-checks=-*,clang-analyzer-*,modernize-*,performance-*" ..`
* `scan-build cmake .. && scan-build make`
* Verify that rust + python compile
## Release
* In toplevel, run `tools/ $OLDVERSION $VERSION "quip"`:
* Cleans repo with `git clean -f -d -x`
4 years ago
* Opens an editor to finalize
5 years ago
* Bumps version numbers everywhere they need bumping
* Commits changes, tags result with v$VERSION, pushes tag
* Downloads new tarball and signs it
* Uploads signature to github
* Uploads new Rust crates with `cargo publish`
* Uploads new Python pip with
* `python3 sdist`
* `twine upload dist/*`
* Generates and uploads new HTML documentation via `make html`
* `scp *.html ../doc/man/index.html`
* `scp -r html`
* Publishes new release at
* Title is "v$VERSION—some quip"
## Packaging
### Debian
* In gbp repository, run `tools/ $VERSION`:
* Updates Debian changelog with `dch -v $VERSION+dfsg.1-1`
* Finalizes Debian changelog with `dch -r`
* Repacks DFSG-safe tarball with `uscan`:
* `uscan --repack --compression xz --force`
* `gpg --sign --armor --detach-sign ../notcurses_$VERSION+dfsg.1.orig.tar.xz`
* Uploads repack + signature to github
* imports new version: `gbp import-orig ../notcurses_$VERSION+dfsg.1.orig.tar.xz`
* `git push --tags`
* builds source package: `dpkg-buildpackage --build=source`
* builds binaries: `cd .. && export TERM=xterm-256color && sudo pbuilder build *dsc`
* performs this in xterm with TERM=xterm-256color
* beware: freak TERMs won't be present in pbuilder
### Fedora
* In pagure/notcurses master:
* Update notcurses.spec, bump version, add changelog entry
* clear out any old ersatz detritus
* spectool -g notcurses.spec
* fedpkg upload *.xz *.asc
* fedpkg new-sources *.xz *.asc
* fedpkg commit
* git push
* fedpkg build
* fedpkg switch-branch f32
* git merge master
### Arch
5 years ago
* Upload new AUR information
* Update `pkgver` and `sha256sums` entries
* `makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO`
* Test that package builds with `makepkg`
* `git commit -a`
### Alpine
* Update version in `APKBUILD`
* Run `abuild checksum` to get new checksums
* `abuild -r` to test `APKBUILD`
* create merge request
### FreeBSD
* Update svn checkout of Ports tree: `cd /usr/ports && svn up`
* Upgrade ports: `portupgrade -uap`
* `cd /usr/ports/devel/notcurses`
* Update `DISTVERSION` in `Makefile
* `sudo make makesum`
* `make stage`
* `make stage-qa`
* `portlint`
* `svn diff > ../`make -VPKGNAME`.diff
* File bug on devel/notcurses, attach diff