You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

503 lines
21 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// Get a human-readable string describing the running notcurses version.
API const char* notcurses_version(void);
5 years ago
struct cell; // a coordinate on an ncplane: an EGC plus styling
struct ncplane; // a drawable notcurses surface, composed of cells
struct ncvisual; // a visual bit of multimedia opened with LibAV
struct notcurses; // notcurses state for a given terminal, composed of ncplanes
// A cell corresponds to a single character cell on some plane, which can be
// occupied by a single grapheme cluster (some root spacing glyph, along with
// possible combining characters, which might span multiple columns). At any
// cell, we can have a theoretically arbitrarily long UTF-8 string, a foreground
// color, a background color, and an attribute set. Valid grapheme cluster
// contents include:
// * A NUL terminator,
5 years ago
// * A single control character, followed by a NUL terminator,
// * At most one spacing character, followed by zero or more nonspacing
// characters, followed by a NUL terminator.
// Multi-column characters can only have a single style/color throughout.
// Existence is suffering, and thus wcwidth() is not reliable. It's just
// quoting whether or not the EGC contains a "Wide Asian" double-width
// character. This is set for some things, like most emoji, and not set for
// other things, like cuneiform. Fucccccck. True display width is a *property
// of the font*. Fuccccccccckkkkk. Among the longest Unicode codepoints is
// wcwidth() rather optimistically claims this suicide bomber of a glyph to
// occupy a single column, right before it explodes in your diner. BiDi text
// is too complicated for me to even get into here. It sucks ass. Be assured
// there are no easy answers. Allah, the All-Powerful, has fucked us again!
// Each cell occupies 16 static bytes (128 bits). The surface is thus ~1.6MB
// for a (pretty large) 500x200 terminal. At 80x43, it's less than 64KB.
// Dynamic requirements can add up to 16MB to an ncplane, but such large pools
// are unlikely in common use.
typedef struct cell {
// These 32 bits are either a single-byte, single-character grapheme cluster
// (values 0--0x7f), or a pointer into a per-ncplane attached pool of
// varying-length UTF-8 grapheme clusters. This pool may thus be up to 16MB.
uint32_t gcluster; // 1 * 4b -> 4b
// The CELL_STYLE_* attributes (16 bits), plus 16 bits of alpha.
uint32_t attrword; // + 4b -> 8b
// (channels & 0x8000000000000000ull): inherit styling from prior cell
// (channels & 0x4000000000000000ull): foreground is *not* "default color"
// (channels & 0x2000000000000000ull): wide character (left or right side)
// (channels & 0x1f00000000000000ull): reserved, must be 0
// (channels & 0x00ffffff00000000ull): foreground in 3x8 RGB (rrggbb)
// (channels & 0x0000000080000000ull): reserved, must be 0
// (channels & 0x0000000040000000ull): background is *not* "default color"
// (channels & 0x000000003f000000ull): reserved, must be 0
// (channels & 0x0000000000ffffffull): background in 3x8 RGB (rrggbb)
// At render time, these 24-bit values are quantized down to terminal
// capabilities, if necessary. There's a clear path to 10-bit support should
// we one day need it, but keep things cagey for now. "default color" is
// best explained by color(3NCURSES). ours is the same concept. until the
// "not default color" bit is set, any color you load will be ignored.
uint64_t channels; // + 8b == 16b
} cell;
// Configuration for notcurses_init().
typedef struct notcurses_options {
// The name of the terminfo database entry describing this terminal. If NULL,
// the environment variable TERM is used. Failure to open the terminal
// definition will result in failure to initialize notcurses.
const char* termtype;
// An open FILE* for this terminal, on which we will generate output. If
// not attached to a sufficiently capable terminal, notcurses will refuse
// to start. You'll usually want stdout.
FILE* outfp;
// If smcup/rmcup capabilities are indicated, notcurses defaults to making
5 years ago
// use of the "alternate screen". This flag inhibits use of smcup/rmcup.
bool inhibit_alternate_screen;
// By default, we hide the cursor if possible. This flag inhibits use of
// the civis capability, retaining the cursor.
bool retain_cursor;
// We typically install a signal handler for SIGINT and SIGQUIT that restores
// the screen, and then calls the old signal handler. Set this to inhibit
// registration of any signal handlers.
bool no_quit_sighandlers;
// We typically install a signal handler for SIGWINCH that generates a resize
// event in the notcurses_getc() queue. Set this to inhibit the handler.
bool no_winch_sighandler;
} notcurses_options;
// Initialize a notcurses context, corresponding to a connected terminal.
// Returns NULL on error, including any failure to initialize terminfo.
API struct notcurses* notcurses_init(const notcurses_options* opts);
// Destroy a notcurses context.
API int notcurses_stop(struct notcurses* nc);
// Make the physical screen match the virtual screen. Changes made to the
// virtual screen (i.e. most other calls) will not be visible until after a
// successful call to notcurses_render().
API int notcurses_render(struct notcurses* nc);
// Refresh our idea of the terminal's dimensions, reshaping the standard plane
// if necessary. Without a call to this function following a terminal resize
// (as signaled via SIGWINCH), notcurses_render() might not function properly.
// References to ncplanes remain valid following a resize operation, but the
// cursor might have changed position.
API int notcurses_resize(struct notcurses* n);
// Get a reference to the standard plane (one matching our current idea of the
// terminal size) for this terminal.
API struct ncplane* notcurses_stdplane(struct notcurses* nc);
API const struct ncplane* notcurses_stdplane_const(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Create a new plane at the specified offset (relative to the standard plane)
// and the specified size. The number of rows and columns must both be positive.
// This plane is initially at the top of the z-buffer, as if ncplane_move_top()
// had been called on it. The void* 'opaque' can be retrieved (and reset) later.
API struct ncplane* notcurses_newplane(struct notcurses* nc, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, int xoff, void* opaque);
// Destroy the specified ncplane. None of its contents will be visible after
// the next call to notcurses_render(). It is an error to attempt to destroy
// the standard plane.
API int ncplane_destroy(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane* ncp);
// Move this plane relative to the standard plane.
API int ncplane_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);
// Get the origin of this plane relative to the standard plane.
API void ncplane_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* y, int* x);
// Splice ncplane 'n' out of the z-buffer, and reinsert it above 'above'.
API void ncplane_move_above(struct ncplane* n, struct ncplane* above);
// Splice ncplane 'n' out of the z-buffer, and reinsert it below 'below'.
API void ncplane_move_below(struct ncplane* n, struct ncplane* below);
// Splice ncplane 'n' out of the z-buffer, and reinsert it at the top or bottom.
API void ncplane_move_top(struct ncplane* n);
API void ncplane_move_bottom(struct ncplane* n);
// Retrieve the topmost cell at this location on the screen, returning it in
// 'c'. If there is more than a byte of gcluster, it will be returned as a heap
// allocation in '*gclust', and '*c' will be 0x80.
API void notcurses_getc(const struct notcurses* n, cell* c, char** gclust);
// Manipulate the opaque user pointer associated with this plane.
// ncplane_set_userptr() returns the previous userptr after replacing
// it with 'opaque'. the others simply return the userptr.
API void* ncplane_set_userptr(struct ncplane* n, void* opaque);
API void* ncplane_userptr(struct ncplane* n);
API const void* ncplane_userptr_const(const struct ncplane* n);
// Returns the dimensions of this ncplane.
API void ncplane_dimyx(const struct ncplane* n, int* rows, int* cols);
// Return our current idea of the terminal dimensions in rows and cols.
static inline void
notcurses_term_dimyx(const struct notcurses* n, int* rows, int* cols){
ncplane_dimyx(notcurses_stdplane_const(n), rows, cols);
// Move the cursor to the specified position (the cursor needn't be visible).
// Returns -1 on error, including negative parameters, or ones exceeding the
// plane's dimensions.
API int ncplane_cursor_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);
// Get the current position of the cursor within n. y and/or x may be NULL.
API void ncplane_cursor_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* y, int* x);
// Replace the cell underneath the cursor with the provided cell 'c', and
// advance the cursor by the width of the cell (but not past the end of the
// plane). On success, returns the number of columns the cursor was advanced.
// On failure, -1 is returned.
API int ncplane_putc(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c);
// Retrieve the cell under this plane's cursor, returning it in 'c'. If there
// is more than a byte of gcluster, it will be returned as a heap allocation in
// '*gclust', and '*c' will be 0x80. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
API int ncplane_getc(const struct ncplane* n, cell* c, char** gclust);
// Write a series of cells to the current location, using the current style.
// They will be interpreted as a series of columns (according to the definition
// of ncplane_putc()). Advances the cursor by some positive number of cells
// (though not beyond the end of the plane); this number is returned on success.
// On error, a non-positive number is returned, indicating the number of cells
// which were written before the error.
API int ncplane_putstr(struct ncplane* n, const char* gclustarr);
// The ncplane equivalents of printf(3) and vprintf(3).
API int ncplane_printf(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, ...);
API int ncplane_vprintf(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, va_list ap);
// Draw horizontal or vertical lines using the specified cell, starting at the
// current cursor position. The cursor will end at the cell following the last
// cell output (even, perhaps counter-intuitively, when drawing vertical
// lines), just as if ncplane_putc() was called at that spot. Return the
// number of cells drawn on success. On error, return the negative number of
// cells drawn.
API int ncplane_hline(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c, int len);
API int ncplane_vline(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c, int len);
// Draw a box with its upper-left corner at the current cursor position, and its
// lower-right corner at 'ystop'x'xstop'. The 6 cells provided are used to draw the
// upper-left, ur, ll, and lr corners, then the horizontal and vertical lines.
API int ncplane_box(struct ncplane* n, const cell* ul, const cell* ur,
const cell* ll, const cell* lr, const cell* hline,
const cell* vline, int ystop, int xstop);
// Draw a box with its upper-left corner at the current cursor position, having
// dimensions 'ylen'x'xlen'. See ncplane_box() for more information. The
// minimum box size is 2x2, and it cannot be drawn off-screen.
static inline int
ncplane_box_sized(struct ncplane* n, const cell* ul, const cell* ur,
const cell* ll, const cell* lr, const cell* hline,
const cell* vline, int ylen, int xlen){
int y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
return ncplane_box(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, hline, vline, y + ylen - 1, x + xlen - 1);
// Erase every cell in the ncplane, resetting all attributes to normal, all
// colors to the default color, and all cells to undrawn. All cells associated
// with this ncplane is invalidated, and must not be used after the call.
API void ncplane_erase(struct ncplane* n);
// Set the current fore/background color using RGB specifications. If the
// terminal does not support directly-specified 3x8b cells (24-bit "Direct
// Color", indicated by the "RGB" terminfo capability), the provided values
// will be interpreted in some lossy fashion. None of r, g, or b may exceed 255.
// "HP-like" terminals require setting foreground and background at the same
// time using "color pairs"; notcurses will manage color pairs transparently.
API int ncplane_fg_rgb8(struct ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b);
API int ncplane_bg_rgb8(struct ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b);
// Set the specified style bits for the ncplane 'n', whether they're actively
// supported or not.
API void ncplane_styles_set(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Add the specified styles to the ncplane's existing spec.
API void ncplane_styles_on(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Remove the specified styles from the ncplane's existing spec.
API void ncplane_styles_off(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Fine details about terminal
// Returns a 16-bit bitmask in the LSBs of supported curses-style attributes
// (CELL_STYLE_UNDERLINE, CELL_STYLE_BOLD, etc.) The attribute is only
// indicated as supported if the terminal can support it together with color.
API unsigned notcurses_supported_styles(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Returns the number of colors supported by the palette, or 1 if there is no
// color support.
API int notcurses_palette_size(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Working with cells
#define CELL_TRIVIAL_INITIALIZER { .gcluster = '\0', .attrword = 0, .channels = 0, }
static inline void
cell_init(cell* c){
memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
// Breaks the UTF-8 string in 'gcluster' down, setting up the cell 'c'. Returns
// the number of bytes copied out of 'gcluster', or -1 on failure. The styling
// of the cell is left untouched, but any resources are released.
API int cell_load(struct ncplane* n, cell* c, const char* gcluster);
// Duplicate 'c' into 'targ'. Not intended for external use; exposed for the
// benefit of unit tests.
API int cell_duplicate(struct ncplane* n, cell* targ, const cell* c);
// Release resources held by the cell 'c'.
API void cell_release(struct ncplane* n, cell* c);
#define CELL_STYLE_SHIFT 16u
#define CELL_STYLE_MASK 0xffff0000ul
#define CELL_ALPHA_MASK 0x0000fffful
// these are used for the style bitfield *after* it is shifted
#define CELL_STYLE_STANDOUT 0x0001u
#define CELL_STYLE_UNDERLINE 0x0002u
#define CELL_STYLE_REVERSE 0x0004u
#define CELL_STYLE_BLINK 0x0008u
#define CELL_STYLE_DIM 0x0010u
#define CELL_STYLE_BOLD 0x0020u
#define CELL_STYLE_INVIS 0x0040u
#define CELL_STYLE_PROTECT 0x0080u
#define CELL_STYLE_ITALIC 0x0100u
// Set the specified style bits for the cell 'c', whether they're actively
// supported or not.
static inline void
cell_styles_set(cell* c, unsigned stylebits){
c->attrword = (c->attrword & ~CELL_STYLE_MASK) |
((stylebits & 0xffff) << 16u);
// Get the style bits, shifted over into the LSBs.
static inline unsigned
cell_get_style(const cell* c){
return (c->attrword & CELL_STYLE_MASK) >> 16u;
// Add the specified styles (in the LSBs) to the cell's existing spec, whether
// they're actively supported or not.
static inline void
cell_styles_on(cell* c, unsigned stylebits){
c->attrword |= ((stylebits & 0xffff) << 16u);
// Remove the specified styles (in the LSBs) from the cell's existing spec.
static inline void
cell_styles_off(cell* c, unsigned stylebits){
c->attrword &= ~((stylebits & 0xffff) << 16u);
static inline uint32_t
cell_fg_rgb(uint64_t channel){
return (channel & 0x00ffffff00000000ull) >> 32u;
static inline uint32_t
cell_bg_rgb(uint64_t channel){
return (channel & 0x0000000000ffffffull);
static inline unsigned
cell_rgb_red(uint32_t rgb){
return (rgb & 0xff0000ull) >> 16u;
static inline unsigned
cell_rgb_green(uint32_t rgb){
return (rgb & 0xff00ull) >> 8u;
static inline unsigned
cell_rgb_blue(uint32_t rgb){
return (rgb & 0xffull);
#define CELL_INHERITSTYLE_MASK 0x8000000000000000ull
#define CELL_FGDEFAULT_MASK 0x4000000000000000ull
#define CELL_WIDEASIAN_MASK 0x2000000000000000ull
#define CELL_FG_MASK 0x00ffffff00000000ull
#define CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK 0x0000000040000000ull
#define CELL_BG_MASK 0x0000000000ffffffull
static inline void
cell_rgb_set_fg(uint64_t* channels, unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
uint64_t rgb = (r & 0xffull) << 48u;
rgb |= (g & 0xffull) << 40u;
rgb |= (b & 0xffull) << 32u;
*channels = (*channels & ~(CELL_FGDEFAULT_MASK | CELL_FG_MASK)) | rgb;
static inline void
cell_rgb_set_bg(uint64_t* channels, unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
uint64_t rgb = (r & 0xffull) << 16u;
rgb |= (g & 0xffull) << 8u;
rgb |= (b & 0xffull);
*channels = (*channels & ~(CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK | CELL_BG_MASK)) | rgb;
static inline void
cell_set_fg(cell* c, unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
cell_rgb_set_fg(&c->channels, r, g, b);
static inline void
cell_set_bg(cell* c, unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
cell_rgb_set_bg(&c->channels, r, g, b);
static inline void
cell_get_fg(const cell* c, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
*r = cell_rgb_red(cell_fg_rgb(c->channels));
*g = cell_rgb_green(cell_fg_rgb(c->channels));
*b = cell_rgb_blue(cell_fg_rgb(c->channels));
static inline void
cell_get_bg(const cell* c, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
*r = cell_rgb_red(cell_bg_rgb(c->channels));
*g = cell_rgb_green(cell_bg_rgb(c->channels));
*b = cell_rgb_blue(cell_bg_rgb(c->channels));
// does the cell passively retain the styling of the previously-rendered cell?
static inline bool
cell_inherits_style(const cell* c){
return (c->channels & CELL_INHERITSTYLE_MASK);
// is the cell using the terminal's default foreground color for its foreground?
static inline bool
cell_fg_default_p(const cell* c){
return !(c->channels & CELL_FGDEFAULT_MASK);
// is the cell using the terminal's default background color for its background?
static inline bool
cell_bg_default_p(const cell* c){
return !(c->channels & CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK);
// does the cell contain an East Asian Wide codepoint?
static inline bool
cell_double_wide_p(const cell* c){
return (c->channels & CELL_WIDEASIAN_MASK);
// get the offset into the egcpool for this cell's EGC. returns meaningless and
// unsafe results if called on a simple cell.
static inline uint32_t
cell_egc_idx(const cell* c){
return c->gcluster - 0x80;
// load up six cells with the EGCs necessary to draw a box. returns 0 on
// success, -1 on error. on error, any cells this function might
// have loaded before the error are cell_release()d. There must be at least
// six EGCs in gcluster.
static inline int
ncplane_box_cells(struct ncplane* n, cell* ul, cell* ur, cell* ll,
cell* lr, cell* hl, cell* vl, const char* gclusters){
int ulen;
if((ulen = cell_load(n, ul, gclusters)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_load(n, ur, gclusters += ulen)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_load(n, ll, gclusters += ulen)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_load(n, lr, gclusters += ulen)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_load(n, hl, gclusters += ulen)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_load(n, vl, gclusters += ulen)) > 0){
return 0;
cell_release(n, hl);
cell_release(n, lr);
cell_release(n, ll);
cell_release(n, ur);
cell_release(n, ul);
return -1;
static inline int
ncplane_rounded_box_cells(struct ncplane* n, cell* ul, cell* ur, cell* ll,
cell* lr, cell* hl, cell* vl){
return ncplane_box_cells(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl, "╭╮╰╯─│");
static inline int
ncplane_double_box_cells(struct ncplane* n, cell* ul, cell* ur, cell* ll,
cell* lr, cell* hl, cell* vl){
return ncplane_box_cells(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl, "╔╗╚╝═║");
// multimedia functionality
struct AVFrame;
// open a visual (image or video), associating it with the specified ncplane.
API struct ncvisual* ncplane_visual_open(struct ncplane* nc, const char* file);
// destroy an ncvisual. rendered elements will not be disrupted, but the visual
// can be neither decoded nor rendered any further.
API void ncvisual_destroy(struct ncvisual* ncv);
// extract the next frame from an ncvisual. returns NULL on a decoding or
// allocation error. if all frames have been returned, starts over at the
// beginning. for a still image, all calls will return the same frame.
API struct AVFrame* ncvisual_decode(struct ncvisual* nc);
// render the next frame to the associated ncplane at the current cursor
// position, going through ystop/xstop. the frame will be scaled to the
// appropriate size.
API int ncvisual_render(struct ncvisual* ncv, int ystop, int xstop);
#undef API
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"