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% notcurses_ncplane(3)
% nick black <>
% v1.1.0
notcurses_ncplane - operations on notcurses planes
**#include <notcurses.h>**
**struct ncplane* ncplane_new(struct notcurses* nc, int rows, int cols, int yoff, int xoff, void* opaque);**
**struct ncplane* ncplane_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int rows, int cols, int yoff, ncalign_e align, void* opaque);**
**int ncplane_resize(struct ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx, int keepleny, int keeplenx, int yoff, int xoff, int ylen, int xlen);**
**int ncplane_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);**
**void ncplane_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* restrict y, int* restrict x);**
**int ncplane_set_default(struct ncplane* ncp, const cell* c);**
**int ncplane_default(struct ncplane* ncp, cell* c);**
**int ncplane_destroy(struct ncplane* ncp);**
**int ncplane_move_top(struct ncplane* n);**
**int ncplane_move_bottom(struct ncplane* n);**
**int ncplane_move_above(struct ncplane* n, struct ncplane* above);**
**int ncplane_move_below(struct ncplane* n, struct ncplane* below);**
**struct ncplane* ncplane_below(struct ncplane* n);**
**int ncplane_at_cursor(struct ncplane* n, cell* c);**
**int ncplane_at_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, cell* c);**
**void* ncplane_set_userptr(struct ncplane* n, void* opaque);**
**void* ncplane_userptr(struct ncplane* n);**
**const void* ncplane_userptr_const(const struct ncplane* n);**
**void ncplane_dim_yx(struct ncplane* n, int* restrict rows, int* restrict cols);**
**static inline int ncplane_dim_y(struct ncplane* n);**
**static inline int ncplane_dim_x(struct ncplane* n);**
**int ncplane_cursor_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);**
**void ncplane_cursor_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* restrict y, int* restrict x);**
**uint64_t ncplane_channels(const struct ncplane* n);**
**uint32_t ncplane_attr(const struct ncplane* n);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_bchannel(const struct ncplane* nc);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_fchannel(const struct ncplane* nc);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_fg(const struct ncplane* nc);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_bg(const struct ncplane* nc);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_fg_alpha(const struct ncplane* nc);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_bg_alpha(const struct ncplane* nc);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_fg_rgb(const struct ncplane* n, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b);**
**static inline unsigned ncplane_bg_rgb(const struct ncplane* n, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b);**
**int ncplane_set_fg_rgb(struct ncplane* n, **int r, **int g, **int b);**
**int ncplane_set_bg_rgb(struct ncplane* n, **int r, **int g, **int b);**
**int ncplane_set_fg(struct ncplane* n, unsigned channel);**
**int ncplane_set_bg(struct ncplane* n, unsigned channel);**
**void ncplane_set_fg_default(struct ncplane* n);**
**void ncplane_set_bg_default(struct ncplane* n);**
**int ncplane_set_fg_alpha(struct ncplane* n, **int alpha);**
**int ncplane_set_bg_alpha(struct ncplane* n, **int alpha);**
**void ncplane_styles_set(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);**
**void ncplane_styles_on(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);**
**void ncplane_styles_off(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);**
**unsigned ncplane_styles(struct ncplane* n);**
Ncplanes are the fundamental drawing object of notcurses. All output functions
take a **struct ncplane** as an argument. They can be any size, and placed
anywhere. In addition to its framebuffer--a rectilinear matrix of cells
(see **notcurses_cell(3)**)--an ncplane is defined by:
* a base cell, used for any cell on the plane without a glyph,
* the egcpool backing its cells,
* a current cursor location,
* a current style, foreground channel, and background channel,
* its geometry,
* a configured user pointer,
* its position relative to the visible plane, and
* its z-index.
**ncplane_new(3)** and **ncplane_aligned(3)** both return a new **struct ncplane**, or
**NULL** on failure.
**ncplane_userptr(3)** and **ncplane_userptr_const(3)** both return the configured user
pointer for the ncplane. They cannot fail.
**ncplane_below(3)** returns the plane below the specified ncplane. If the provided
plane is the bottommost plane, NULL is returned. It cannot fail.
Functions returning **int** return 0 on success, and non-zero on error.
All other functions either cannot fail (and return **void**).
It would be reasonable to expect many of these functions to accept `const struct notcurses`
parameters. Alas, almost all must manipulate the mutex contained within the object.
**notcurses(3)**, **notcurses_cell(3)**, **notcurses_output(3)**,