You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
9.5 KiB

#include "demo.h"
// we have a set of cyclic glyphs, with each cycle composed of some number N_c
// of glyphs. our string is made up of each cycle, with each occupying N_c
// cells, each iterating through the N_c states in a round. the string emerges
// from the center of the screen, moving in a spiral. it then does a loop around
// the columns, and returns back to its hole.
// so, each iteration, start at the head of the chain, and move one forward.
// work back along the path, moving back through the string. if we reach the
// end of the string, clear the cell behind it. eventually, we'll clear the
// entirety of the string, and we're done.
// path: we know what phase we're in based on the location of the head. within
// the side columns, we're spiraling. beyond them, we're circling. the geometry
// of the circle is dictated by being one beyond the columns everywhere. the
// geometry of the spiral is dictated by distance from the center.
// we'll start with just one cycle to prove the path, then add the rest in.
static const char* cycles[] = {
"🞯🞰🞱🞲🞳🞴", // 6 five-point asterisks
"🞵🞶🞷🞸🞹🞺", // 6 six-point asterisks
"🞻🞼🞽🞾🞿", // 5 eight-point asterisks
"◧◩⬒⬔◨◪⬓⬕", // 8 half-black squares
"◐◓◑◒", // 4 half-black circles
"◢◣◤◥", // 4 black triangles
"◰◳◲◱", // 4 white squares with quadrants
"◴◷◶◵", // 4 white circles with quadrants
"🞅🞆🞇🞈🞉🞊", // 6 white circles
"🞎🞏🞐🞑🞒🞓", // 6 white squares
"▤▥▦▧▨▩", // 6 squares with fill
"⯁⯂⯃⯄", // 4 regular black polyhedra
"⌌⌍⌎⌏", // 4 crops
typedef enum {
} phase_e;
// get the new head position, given the old head position
static void
get_next_head(struct ncplane* std, struct ncplane* left, struct ncplane* right,
int* heady, int* headx, phase_e* phase){
int lrcol; // left column of right progbar
int rlcol; // right column of left progbar
int trow, brow; // top and bottom
if(*heady == -1 && *headx == -1){
*headx = ncplane_dim_x(std) / 2;
*heady = ncplane_dim_y(std) / 2;
*phase = PHASE_SPIRAL;
ncplane_abs_yx(right, &trow, &lrcol);
ncplane_abs_yx(left, &brow, &rlcol);
rlcol += ncplane_dim_x(left) - 1;
brow += ncplane_dim_y(left) - 1;
// if we're ending, we either remain where we are, or move down
if(*phase == PHASE_CLOSE){
if(*heady < ncplane_dim_y(std) / 2){
}else if(*headx > ncplane_dim_x(std) / 2){
--*headx; // done
// we're above the columns. head left, unless we're at top left, in which
// case we head down, or if we're in PHASE_CIRCLE and at the top center,
// in which case move into PHASE_CLOSE.
if(*heady == trow - 2){
if(*headx == ncplane_dim_x(std) / 2 + 1 && *phase == PHASE_CIRCLE){
*phase = PHASE_CLOSE;
if(*headx == rlcol - ncplane_dim_x(left) - 2){
++*heady; // turn the corner
if(*headx == ncplane_dim_x(std) / 2){
*phase = PHASE_CIRCLE;
// we're to the left of the columns. head down, until bottom left.
}else if(*headx == rlcol - ncplane_dim_x(left) - 2){
if(*heady == brow + 2){
// we're below the columns. head right, until bottom right.
}else if(*heady == brow + 2){
if(*headx == lrcol + ncplane_dim_x(right) + 1){
// we're to the right of the columns. head up, until top right.
}else if(*headx == lrcol + ncplane_dim_x(right) + 2){
if(*heady == trow - 2){
// in the spiral cycle. it's a counterclockwise spiral, come out the bottom,
// calculate distances from the center in both directions. if the absolute
// values are equal, turn counterclockwise, *unless* xdist is positive and
// ydist is negative. in that case, we're coming down the left side, and
// need go down one further, only then turning right. that case is xdist is
// positive, ydist is negative, and xdist + ydist == -1. otherwise, continue
// moving counterclockwise (right if |ydist|>|xdist| and negative y, left
// if |ydist|>|xdist| and positive y, etc.)
int ydist = ncplane_dim_y(std) / 2 - *heady;
int xdist = ncplane_dim_x(std) / 2 - *headx;
if(ydist == 0 && xdist == 0){
++*heady; // move down
}else if(abs(ydist) == abs(xdist)){ // corner
if(ydist < 0 && xdist > 0){ // lower-left, move down
++*heady; // move down
}else if(ydist < 0 && xdist < 0){ // lower-right, move up
}else if(xdist > 0){ // upper-left, move down
}else{ // upper-right, love left
}else if(ydist < 0 && xdist > 0 && ydist + xdist == -1){ // new iteration
if(abs(ydist) > abs(xdist)){
if(ydist < 0){
if(xdist < 0){
static void
get_next_end(struct ncplane* std, struct ncplane* left, struct ncplane* right,
int* endy, int* endx, phase_e* endphase){
static int length = 0;
if(length < 1){
get_next_head(std, left, right, endy, endx, endphase);
static int
animate(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncprogbar* left, struct ncprogbar* right){
int dimy, dimx;
struct ncplane* std = notcurses_stddim_yx(nc, &dimy, &dimx);
int headx = -1;
int heady = -1;
int endy = -1;
int endx = -1;
// headx and heady will not return to their starting location until the
// string begins to disappear. endx and endy won't equal heady/headx until
// the entire string has been consumed.
(void)cycles; // FIXME
// FIXME need to color the stuff
ncplane_set_fg_rgb(std, 0xffffff);
struct timespec delay;
timespec_div(&demodelay, 150, &delay);
phase_e headphase, endphase;
ncplane_putchar_yx(std, heady, headx, 'x');
get_next_head(std, ncprogbar_plane(left), ncprogbar_plane(right),
&heady, &headx, &headphase);
// FIXME need to iterate each character through its cycle
int oldx = endx;
int oldy = endy;
get_next_end(std, ncprogbar_plane(left), ncprogbar_plane(right),
&endy, &endx, &endphase);
if(oldx != endx || oldy != endy){
ncplane_putchar_yx(std, oldy, oldx, '\0');
demo_nanosleep(nc, &delay);
}while(endy != heady || endx != headx);
return 0;
static int
make_pbars(struct ncplane* column, struct ncprogbar** left, struct ncprogbar** right){
int dimy, dimx, coly, colx, colposy, colposx;
struct notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses(column);
notcurses_stddim_yx(nc, &dimy, &dimx);
ncplane_dim_yx(column, &coly, &colx);
ncplane_yx(column, &colposy, &colposx);
ncplane_options opts = {
.x = colposx / 4 * -3,
.rows = coly,
.cols = (dimx - colx) / 4,
struct ncplane* leftp = ncplane_create(column, &opts);
if(leftp == NULL){
return -1;
ncplane_set_base(leftp, " ", 0, CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xdd, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b));
ncprogbar_options popts = { };
channel_set_rgb8(&popts.brchannel, 0, 0, 0);
channel_set_rgb8(&popts.blchannel, 0, 0xff, 0);
channel_set_rgb8(&popts.urchannel, 0, 0, 0xff);
channel_set_rgb8(&popts.ulchannel, 0, 0xff, 0xff);
*left = ncprogbar_create(leftp, &popts);
if(*left == NULL){
return -1;
opts.x = colx + colposx / 4;
struct ncplane* rightp = ncplane_create(column, &opts);
if(rightp == NULL){
return -1;
ncplane_set_base(rightp, " ", 0, CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xdd, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b));
*right = ncprogbar_create(rightp, &popts);
if(*right == NULL){
return -1;
return 0;
int animate_demo(struct notcurses* nc){
return 0;
int dimy, dimx;
struct ncplane* n = notcurses_stddim_yx(nc, &dimy, &dimx);
uint32_t tl = 0, tr = 0, bl = 0, br = 0;
channel_set_rgb8(&tl, 0, 0, 0);
channel_set_rgb8(&tr, 0, 0xff, 0);
channel_set_rgb8(&bl, 0, 0, 0xff);
channel_set_rgb8(&br, 0, 0xff, 0xff);
if(ncplane_highgradient(n, tl, tr, bl, br, dimy - 1, dimx - 1) < 0){
return -1;
ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n, 0xf0f0a0);
ncplane_set_bg_rgb(n, 0);
int width = 40;
if(width > dimx - 8){
if((width = dimx - 8) <= 0){
return -1;
int height = 40;
if(height >= dimy - 4){
if((height = dimy - 5) <= 0){
return -1;
const int planey = (dimy - height) / 2 + 1;
ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = planey,
.rows = height,
.cols = width,
struct ncplane* column = ncplane_create(n, &nopts);
if(column == NULL){
return -1;
struct ncprogbar *pbarleft, *pbarright;
if(make_pbars(column, &pbarleft, &pbarright)){
return -1;
int r = animate(nc, pbarleft, pbarright);
// reflash the gradient to eliminate the counter, setting stage for next demo
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, 1, 0);
if(ncplane_highgradient(n, tl, tr, bl, br, dimy - 1, dimx - 1) < 0){
return -1;
return r;