You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1123 lines
38 KiB

#include <cstdlib>
#include "main.h"
void BoxPermutationsRounded(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane* n, unsigned edges) {
unsigned dimx, dimy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
REQUIRE(2 < dimy);
REQUIRE(47 < dimx);
// we'll try all 16 boxmasks in 3x3 configurations in a 1x16 map
unsigned boxmask = edges << NCBOXCORNER_SHIFT;
for(auto x0 = 0 ; x0 < 16 ; ++x0){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, 0, x0 * 3));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_rounded_box_sized(n, 0, 0, 3, 3, boxmask));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc));
TEST_CASE("Plane") {
auto nc_ = testing_notcurses();
CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_));
struct ncplane* n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_);
// Starting position ought be 0, 0 (the origin)
SUBCASE("StdPlanePosition") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(0 == x);
CHECK(0 == y);
// Dimensions of the standard plane ought be the same as those of the context
SUBCASE("StdPlaneDimensions") {
unsigned cols, rows;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &rows, &cols);
unsigned ncols, nrows;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &nrows, &ncols);
CHECK(rows == nrows);
CHECK(cols == ncols);
// Verify that we can move to all four coordinates of the standard plane
SUBCASE("MoveStdPlaneDimensions") {
unsigned cols, rows;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &rows, &cols);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 0);
CHECK(x == 0);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows - 1, 0));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == rows - 1);
CHECK(x == 0);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows - 1, cols - 1));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == rows - 1);
CHECK(x == cols - 1);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, cols - 1));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 0);
CHECK(x == cols - 1);
// Verify that we can move to all four coordinates of the standard plane
SUBCASE("MoveBeyondPlaneFails") {
unsigned cols, rows;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &rows, &cols);
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, -2, 0));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, -2, -2));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, -2));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows - 1, -2));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows, 0));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows + 1, 0));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows, cols));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, -2, cols - 1));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, cols));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, cols + 1));
SUBCASE("SetPlaneRGB") {
CHECK(0 == ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 0, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 255, 255, 255));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("RejectBadRGB") {
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, -1, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 0, -1, 0));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 0, 0, -1));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, -1, -1, -1));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 256, 255, 255));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 255, 256, 255));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 255, 255, 256));
CHECK(0 > ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n_, 256, 256, 256));
SUBCASE("StandardPlaneChild") {
struct ncplane_options nopts{};
nopts.rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_);
nopts.cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_);
auto n = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(nullptr != n);
CHECK(ncplane_dim_y(n) == ncplane_dim_y(n_));
CHECK(ncplane_dim_x(n) == ncplane_dim_x(n_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(n));
// Verify we can emit a NUL character, and it advances the cursor after
// wiping out whatever we printed it atop.
SUBCASE("EmitNULCell") {
nccell c = CELL_CHAR_INITIALIZER('a');
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putc_yx(n_, 0, 0, &c));
auto egc = ncplane_at_yx(n_, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
CHECK(0 == strcmp("a", egc));
unsigned y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(0 == y);
CHECK(1 == x);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putc_yx(n_, 0, 0, &c));
egc = ncplane_at_yx(n_, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
CHECK(0 == strcmp("", egc));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(0 == y);
CHECK(1 == x);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// Verify we can emit a multibyte character, and it advances the cursor
SUBCASE("EmitCell") {
const char cchar[] = "";
nccell c{};
CHECK(strlen(cchar) == nccell_load(n_, &c, cchar));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putc(n_, &c));
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(0 == y);
CHECK(1 == x);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
5 years ago
// Verify we can emit a wchar_t, and it advances the cursor
SUBCASE("EmitWcharT") {
const wchar_t* w = L"";
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putwegc(n_, w, nullptr));
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(0 == y);
CHECK(1 == x);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// Verify we can emit a multibyte string, and it advances the cursor
SUBCASE("EmitStr") {
const char* ss[] = { "Σιβυλλα τι θελεις;",
" respondebat illa:",
" αποθανειν θελω.", NULL };
for(const char** s = ss ; *s ; ++s){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, s - ss, 0));
int wrote = ncplane_putstr(n_, *s);
CHECK(ncstrwidth(*s) == wrote);
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(2 == y);
CHECK(10 <= x);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// Verify we can emit a wide string, and it advances the cursor
SUBCASE("EmitWideStr") {
const wchar_t* ss[] = { L"Σιβυλλα τι θελεις;",
L" respondebat illa:",
L" αποθανειν θελω.", NULL };
for(const wchar_t** s = ss ; *s ; ++s){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, s - ss, 0));
int wrote = ncplane_putwstr(n_, *s);
CHECK(0 < wrote);
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(2 == y);
CHECK(10 <= x);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// some aren't yet proper wcwidth() on ubuntu FIXME
SUBCASE("EmitEmojiStr") {
const wchar_t e[] =
CHECK(!ncplane_set_scrolling(n_, true));
int wrote = ncplane_putwstr(n_, e);
CHECK(0 < wrote);
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK_LE(0, y);
CHECK(1 <= x); // FIXME tighten in on this
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("HorizontalLines") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(0 < y);
REQUIRE(0 < x);
nccell c{};
nccell_load(n_, &c, "-");
for(unsigned yidx = 0 ; yidx < y ; ++yidx){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, yidx, 1));
CHECK(x - 2 == ncplane_hline(n_, &c, x - 2));
unsigned posx, posy;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &posy, &posx);
CHECK(yidx == posy);
CHECK(x - 1 == posx);
nccell_release(n_, &c);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("VerticalLines") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(0 < y);
REQUIRE(0 < x);
nccell c{};
nccell_load(n_, &c, "|");
for(unsigned xidx = 1 ; xidx < x - 1 ; ++xidx){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, xidx));
CHECK(y - 2 == ncplane_vline(n_, &c, y - 2));
unsigned posx, posy;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &posy, &posx);
CHECK(y - 2 == posy);
CHECK(xidx == posx - 1);
nccell_release(n_, &c);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// reject attempts to draw boxes beyond the boundaries of the ncplane
SUBCASE("BadlyPlacedBoxen") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(2 < y);
REQUIRE(2 < x);
nccell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
REQUIRE(0 == nccells_rounded_box(n_, 0, 0, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
CHECK_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y + 1, x + 1, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, 0));
CHECK_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y, x, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 1));
CHECK_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y, x, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 1, x - 1));
CHECK_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, 2, 2, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 2, x - 1));
CHECK_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, 2, 2, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 1, x - 2));
CHECK_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, 2, 2, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("BoxPermutationsRoundedZeroEdges") {
BoxPermutationsRounded(nc_, n_, 0);
SUBCASE("BoxPermutationsRoundedOneEdges") {
BoxPermutationsRounded(nc_, n_, 1);
SUBCASE("BoxPermutationsRoundedTwoEdges") {
BoxPermutationsRounded(nc_, n_, 2);
SUBCASE("BoxPermutationsRoundedThreeEdges") {
BoxPermutationsRounded(nc_, n_, 3);
SUBCASE("BoxPermutationsDouble") {
unsigned dimx, dimy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &dimy, &dimx);
REQUIRE(2 < dimx);
REQUIRE(47 < dimx);
// we'll try all 16 boxmasks in 3x3 configurations in a 1x16 map
unsigned boxmask = 0;
for(auto x0 = 0 ; x0 < 16 ; ++x0){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, x0 * 3));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_double_box_sized(n_, 0, 0, 3, 3, boxmask));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("PerimeterRoundedBox") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(2 < y);
REQUIRE(2 < x);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_rounded_box(n_, 0, 0, y - 1, x - 1, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("PerimeterRoundedBoxSized") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(2 < y);
REQUIRE(2 < x);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_rounded_box_sized(n_, 0, 0, y, x, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("PerimeterDoubleBox") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(2 < y);
REQUIRE(2 < x);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_double_box(n_, 0, 0, y - 1, x - 1, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("PerimeterDoubleBoxSized") {
unsigned x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(2 < y);
REQUIRE(2 < x);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_double_box_sized(n_, 0, 0, y, x, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("EraseScreen") {
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// we're gonna run both a composed latin a with grave, and then a latin a with
// a combining nonspacing grave
SUBCASE("CellLoadCombining") {
const char* w1 = "à"; // U+00E0, U+0000 (c3 a0)
const char* w2 = ""; // U+0061, U+0300, U+0000 (61 cc 80)
const char* w3 = "a"; // U+0061, U+0000 (61)
auto u1 = nccell_load(n_, &cell1, w1);
auto u2 = nccell_load(n_, &cell2, w2);
auto u3 = nccell_load(n_, &cell3, w3);
REQUIRE(2 == u1);
REQUIRE(3 == u2);
REQUIRE(1 == u3);
nccell_release(n_, &cell1);
nccell_release(n_, &cell2);
nccell_release(n_, &cell3);
SUBCASE("CellDuplicateCombining") {
const char* w1 = "à"; // U+00E0, U+0000 (c3 a0)
const char* w2 = ""; // U+0061, U+0300, U+0000 (61 cc 80)
const char* w3 = "a"; // U+0061, U+0000 (61)
auto u1 = nccell_load(n_, &cell1, w1);
auto u2 = nccell_load(n_, &cell2, w2);
auto u3 = nccell_load(n_, &cell3, w3);
REQUIRE(2 == u1);
REQUIRE(3 == u2);
REQUIRE(1 == u3);
CHECK(0 == nccell_duplicate(n_, &cell4, &cell1));
CHECK(0 == nccell_duplicate(n_, &cell5, &cell2));
CHECK(0 == nccell_duplicate(n_, &cell6, &cell3));
nccell_release(n_, &cell1);
nccell_release(n_, &cell2);
nccell_release(n_, &cell3);
nccell_release(n_, &cell4);
nccell_release(n_, &cell5);
nccell_release(n_, &cell6);
SUBCASE("CellMultiColumn") {
const char* w1 = "\xf0\x9f\x91\xa9"; // U+1F469 WOMAN
const char* w2 = "N";
auto u1 = nccell_load(n_, &c1, w1);
auto u2 = nccell_load(n_, &c2, w2);
REQUIRE(0 < u1);
REQUIRE(0 < u2);
REQUIRE(strlen(w1) == u1);
REQUIRE(strlen(w2) == u2);
CHECK(ncstrwidth(w1) == 1 + nccell_double_wide_p(&c1));
nccell_release(n_, &c1);
nccell_release(n_, &c2);
// verifies that the initial userptr is what we provided, that it is a nullptr
// for the standard plane, and that we can change it.
SUBCASE("UserPtr") {
CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_userptr(n_));
unsigned x, y;
void* sentinel = &x;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 0,
.x = 0,
.rows = y,
.cols = x,
.userptr = sentinel,
.name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
CHECK(&x == ncplane_userptr(ncp));
CHECK(sentinel == ncplane_set_userptr(ncp, nullptr));
CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_userptr(ncp));
sentinel = &y;
CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_set_userptr(ncp, sentinel));
CHECK(&y == ncplane_userptr(ncp));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(ncp));
// create a new plane, the same size as the terminal, and verify that it
// occupies the same dimensions as the standard plane.
SUBCASE("NewPlaneSameSize") {
unsigned x, y;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 0,
.x = 0,
.rows = y,
.cols = x,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
unsigned px, py;
ncplane_dim_yx(ncp, &py, &px);
CHECK(y == py);
CHECK(x == px);
unsigned sx, sy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &sy, &sx);
CHECK(sy == py);
CHECK(sx == px);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(ncp));
// create a new plane, the same size as the terminal, and verify that it
// occupies the same dimensions as the standard plane, but on another pile.
SUBCASE("NewPileSameSize") {
unsigned x, y;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 0,
.x = 0,
.rows = y,
.cols = x,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ncp = ncpile_create(nc_, &nopts);
unsigned px, py;
ncplane_dim_yx(ncp, &py, &px);
CHECK(y == py);
CHECK(x == px);
unsigned sx, sy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &sy, &sx);
CHECK(sy == py);
CHECK(sx == px);
// ensure that the new plane is not on our zaxis
CHECK(notcurses_top(nc_) == n_);
CHECK(notcurses_bottom(nc_) == n_);
// ensure the new plane has null above and below, and is bound to itself
CHECK(ncplane_above(ncp) == nullptr);
CHECK(ncplane_below(ncp) == nullptr);
CHECK(ncplane_parent_const(ncp) == ncp);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(ncp));
SUBCASE("ShrinkPlane") {
unsigned maxx, maxy;
int x = 0, y = 0;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &maxy, &maxx);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = y,
.x = x,
.rows = maxy,
.cols = maxx,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* newp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
while(y > 4 && x > 4){
maxx -= 2;
maxy -= 2;
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 1, maxy, maxx, 1, 1, maxy, maxx));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(y > 4){
maxy -= 2;
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 0, maxy, maxx, 1, 0, maxy, maxx));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(x > 4){
maxx -= 2;
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 1, maxy, maxx, 0, 1, maxy, maxx));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// FIXME check dims, pos
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// FIXME check dims, pos
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_destroy(newp));
SUBCASE("GrowPlane") {
unsigned maxx = 2, maxy = 2;
int x = 0, y = 0;
unsigned dimy, dimx;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &dimy, &dimx);
x = dimx / 2 - 1;
y = dimy / 2 - 1;
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = y,
.x = x,
.rows = maxy,
.cols = maxx,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* newp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
while(dimx - maxx > 4 && dimy - maxy > 4){
maxx += 2;
maxy += 2;
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 1, maxy - 3, maxx - 3, 1, 1, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(y < static_cast<int>(dimy)){
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 0, maxy - 2, maxx, 1, 0, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(x < static_cast<int>(dimx)){
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 1, maxy, maxx - 2, 0, 1, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dimy, dimx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_destroy(newp));
// we ought be able to see what we're about to render, or have just rendered, or
// in any case whatever's in the virtual framebuffer for a plane
const char STR1[] = "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz";
const char STR2[] = "Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz";
const char STR3[] = "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs";
ncplane_set_styles(n_, NCSCALE_NONE);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, STR1));
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell)); // want nothing at the cursor
CHECK(0 == testcell.gcluster);
CHECK(0 == testcell.stylemask);
CHECK(0 == testcell.channels);
nccell_release(n_, &testcell);
unsigned dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &dimy, &dimx);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, dimx - strlen(STR2)));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, STR2));
unsigned y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(1 == y);
REQUIRE(dimx == x);
// this ought not print anything, since we're at the end of the row
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_putstr(n_, STR3));
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell)); // want first char of STR1
CHECK(htole(STR1[0]) == testcell.gcluster);
CHECK(0 == testcell.stylemask);
CHECK(0 == testcell.channels);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, dimx - 1));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell)); // want last char of STR2
CHECK(htole(STR2[strlen(STR2) - 1]) == testcell.gcluster);
CHECK(0 == testcell.stylemask);
CHECK(0 == testcell.channels);
// FIXME maybe check all cells?
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// ensure we read back what's expected for latinesque complex characters
const char STR1[] = "Σιβυλλα τι θελεις; respondebat illa:";
const char STR2[] = "αποθανειν θελω";
const char STR3[] = "Война и мир"; // just thrown in to complicate things
ncplane_set_styles(n_, NCSTYLE_NONE);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, STR1));
ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell); // should be nothing at the cursor
CHECK(0 == testcell.gcluster);
CHECK(0 == testcell.stylemask);
CHECK(0 == testcell.channels);
nccell_release(n_, &testcell);
unsigned dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &dimy, &dimx);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, dimx - mbstowcs(nullptr, STR2, 0)));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, STR2));
unsigned y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
REQUIRE(1 == y);
REQUIRE(dimx == x);
// this ought not print anything, since we're at the end of the row
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_putstr(n_, STR3));
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell)); // want first char of STR1
CHECK(!strcmp("Σ", nccell_extended_gcluster(n_, &testcell)));
CHECK(0 == testcell.stylemask);
CHECK(0 == testcell.channels);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, dimx - mbstowcs(nullptr, STR2, 0)));
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell)); // want first char of STR2
CHECK(!strcmp("α", nccell_extended_gcluster(n_, &testcell)));
CHECK(0 == testcell.stylemask);
CHECK(0 == testcell.channels);
// FIXME maybe check all cells?
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// test that we read back correct attrs/colors despite changing defaults
const char STR1[] = "this was a world destroyer prod";
const char STR2[] = "not to mention dank";
const char STR3[] = "da chronic lives";
ncplane_set_styles(n_, NCSTYLE_BOLD);
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr_yx(n_, 0, 0, STR1));
unsigned y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y + 1, x - strlen(STR2)));
ncplane_on_styles(n_, NCSTYLE_ITALIC);
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, STR2));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y + 2, x - strlen(STR3)));
ncplane_off_styles(n_, NCSTYLE_BOLD);
REQUIRE(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, STR3));
ncplane_off_styles(n_, NCSTYLE_ITALIC);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
unsigned newx;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &newx);
CHECK(newx == x);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 2, x - 1));
REQUIRE(1 == ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell));
CHECK(testcell.gcluster == htole(STR1[strlen(STR1) - 1]));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 1, x - 1));
REQUIRE(1 == ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell));
CHECK(testcell.gcluster == htole(STR2[strlen(STR2) - 1]));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y, x - 1));
REQUIRE(1 == ncplane_at_cursor_cell(n_, &testcell));
CHECK(testcell.gcluster == htole(STR3[strlen(STR3) - 1]));
SUBCASE("BoxGradients") {
const auto sidesz = 5;
unsigned dimx, dimy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &dimy, &dimx);
REQUIRE(20 < dimy);
REQUIRE(40 < dimx);
nccell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
REQUIRE(0 == nccells_double_box(n_, 0, 0, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&ul.channels, 255, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&ur.channels, 0, 255, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&ll.channels, 0, 0, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&lr.channels, 255, 255, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&ul.channels, 0, 255, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&ur.channels, 255, 0, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&ll.channels, 255, 255, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&lr.channels, 0, 0, 0));
// we'll try all 16 gradmasks in sideszXsidesz configs in a 4x4 map
unsigned gradmask = 0;
for(auto y0 = 0 ; y0 < 4 ; ++y0){
for(auto x0 = 0 ; x0 < 4 ; ++x0){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y0 * sidesz, x0 * (sidesz + 1)));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_box_sized(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl,
sidesz, sidesz, gradmask << 4u));
gradmask = 0;
for(auto y0 = 0 ; y0 < 4 ; ++y0){
for(auto x0 = 0 ; x0 < 4 ; ++x0){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y0 * sidesz, x0 * (sidesz + 1) + (4 * (sidesz + 1))));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_box_sized(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl,
sidesz, sidesz, gradmask << 4u));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("BoxSideColors") {
const auto sidesz = 5;
unsigned dimx, dimy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &dimy, &dimx);
REQUIRE(20 < dimy);
REQUIRE(40 < dimx);
nccell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
REQUIRE(0 == nccells_rounded_box(n_, 0, 0, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
// we'll try all 16 boxmasks in sideszXsidesz configurations in a 4x4 map
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&ul.channels, 255, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&ur.channels, 0, 255, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&ll.channels, 0, 0, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&lr.channels, 0, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&ul.channels, 0, 255, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&ur.channels, 255, 0, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&ll.channels, 255, 255, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&lr.channels, 0, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&hl.channels, 255, 0, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&vl.channels, 255, 255, 255));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&hl.channels, 0, 255, 0));
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&vl.channels, 0, 0, 0));
for(auto y0 = 0 ; y0 < 4 ; ++y0){
for(auto x0 = 0 ; x0 < 4 ; ++x0){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y0 * sidesz, x0 * (sidesz + 1)));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_box_sized(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl,
sidesz, sidesz, 0));
for(auto y0 = 0 ; y0 < 4 ; ++y0){
for(auto x0 = 0 ; x0 < 4 ; ++x0){
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y0 * sidesz, x0 * (sidesz + 1) + (4 * (sidesz + 1))));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_box_sized(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl,
sidesz, sidesz, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("RightToLeft") {
// give us some room on both sides
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, 5));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putegc(n_, "־", nullptr));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 3, 5));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, "I write English + מילים בעברית together."));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 5, 5));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, "|🔥|I have not yet ־ begun to hack|🔥|"));
#ifndef __APPLE__ // FIXME
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 7, 5));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, "㉀㉁㉂㉃㉄㉅㉆㉇㉈㉉㉊㉋㉌㉍㉎㉏㉐"));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 8, 5));
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putstr(n_, "㉑㉒㉓㉔㉕㉖㉗㉘㉙㉚㉛㉜㉝㉞㉟"));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("NewPlaneOnRight") {
unsigned ncols, nrows;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &nrows, &ncols);
nccell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
int y, x;
ncplane_yx(n_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = y,
.x = static_cast<int>(ncols) - 3,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(0 == nccells_rounded_box(ncp, 0, 0, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_box(ncp, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y + 1, x + 1, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// FIXME verify with ncplane_at_cursor_cell()
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(ncp));
SUBCASE("MoveToLowerRight") {
unsigned ncols, nrows;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &nrows, &ncols);
nccell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
int y, x;
ncplane_yx(n_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = y,
.x = x,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(0 == nccells_rounded_box(ncp, 0, 0, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_box(ncp, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y + 1, x + 1, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_yx(ncp, nrows - 3, ncols - 3));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(ncp));
// FIXME verify with ncplane_at_cursor_cell()
SUBCASE("Perimeter") {
CHECK(0 == ncplane_perimeter(n_, &c, &c, &c, &c, &c, &c, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("EGCStained") {
CHECK(0 == ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n_, 0x444444));
CHECK(1 == ncplane_putegc(n_, "A", nullptr));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n_, 0x888888));
CHECK(1 == ncplane_putegc(n_, "B", nullptr));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
// EGC should change, but not the color
CHECK(0 == ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n_, 0x222222));
CHECK(1 == ncplane_putegc_stained(n_, "C", nullptr));
CHECK(1 == ncplane_putegc_stained(n_, "D", nullptr));
uint64_t channels = 0;
CHECK(1 == ncplane_at_yx_cell(n_, 0, 0, &c));
CHECK(htole('C') == c.gcluster);
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb(&channels, 0x444444));
CHECK(channels == c.channels);
CHECK(1 == ncplane_at_yx_cell(n_, 0, 1, &c));
CHECK(htole('D') == c.gcluster);
CHECK(0 == ncchannels_set_fg_rgb(&channels, 0x888888));
CHECK(channels == c.channels);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("MouseEvent") {
unsigned dimy, dimx;
notcurses_stddim_yx(nc_, &dimy, &dimx);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1,
.x = 1,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* n = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
ncinput ni{}; = NCKEY_BUTTON1;
ni.evtype = ncinput::NCTYPE_RELEASE;
int total = 0;
for(ni.y = 0 ; ni.y < 5 ; ++ni.y){
for(ni.x = 0 ; ni.x < 5 ; ++ni.x){
int y = ni.y, x = ni.x;
bool p = ncplane_translate_abs(n, &y, &x);
if(ni.y >= 1 && ni.y <= 2 && ni.x >= 1 && ni.x <= 2){
CHECK(25 == total); // make sure x/y never got changed
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(n));
SUBCASE("BoundPlaneMoves") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1,
.x = 1,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ndom = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
struct ncplane* nsub = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
int absy, absx;
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(1 == absy); // actually at 2, 2
CHECK(1 == absx);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_yx(nsub, -1, -1));
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(-1 == absy); // actually at 0, 0
CHECK(-1 == absx);
SUBCASE("BoundToPlaneMoves") { // bound plane ought move along with plane
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1,
.x = 1,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ndom = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
struct ncplane* nsub = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
int absy, absx;
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(1 == absy); // actually at 2, 2
CHECK(1 == absx);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_yx(ndom, 0, 0));
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(1 == absy);
CHECK(1 == absx);
SUBCASE("UnboundPlaneMoves") { // unbound plane no longer gets pulled along
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1,
.x = 1,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr,
.name = "ndom",
.resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ndom = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
CHECK(ncplane_pile(ndom) == ncplane_pile(n_));
REQUIRE(ndom); = "sub";
struct ncplane* nsub = ncplane_create(ndom, &nopts);
CHECK(ncplane_pile(nsub) == ncplane_pile(ndom));
int absy, absx;
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(1 == absy); // relatively at 1, 1
CHECK(1 == absx);
ncplane_abs_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(2 == absy); // actually at 2, 2
CHECK(2 == absx);
ncplane_reparent(nsub, nsub);
CHECK(ncplane_pile(nsub) != ncplane_pile(ndom));
ncplane_abs_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(2 == absy); // now relatively at 1, 1
CHECK(2 == absx);
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(2 == absy);
CHECK(2 == absx);
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_yx(ndom, 0, 0));
ncplane_abs_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(2 == absy); // still at 1, 1
CHECK(2 == absx);
ncplane_yx(nsub, &absy, &absx);
CHECK(2 == absy);
CHECK(2 == absx);
SUBCASE("NoReparentStdPlane") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1,
.x = 1,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
struct ncplane* ndom = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
CHECK(!ncplane_reparent(n_, ndom)); // can't reparent standard plane
CHECK(ncplane_reparent(ndom, n_)); // *can* reparent *to* standard plane
SUBCASE("ReparentDeep") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1,
.x = 1,
.rows = 2,
.cols = 2,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = "new1", .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto n1 = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(n1); = "new2";
auto n2 = ncplane_create(n1, &nopts);
REQUIRE(n2); = "new3";
auto n3 = ncplane_create(n2, &nopts);
CHECK(ncplane_reparent(n1, n3));
CHECK(ncplane_reparent(n2, n3));
// you ought not be able to output control characters
SUBCASE("DenyControlASCII") {
signed char c = 0;
c = -1;
if(c && !isprint(c)){
CHECK(0 > ncplane_putchar_yx(n_, 0, 0, c));
CHECK(1 == ncplane_putchar_yx(n_, 0, 0, c));
}while(c != 127);
// relative moves
SUBCASE("RelativePlaneMoves") {
struct ncplane_options nopts{};
nopts.x = 2;
nopts.y = 2;
nopts.rows = 4;
nopts.cols = 4;
auto n = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(nullptr != n);
uint64_t channels = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0xff, 0, 0xff);
int y, x;
ncplane_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 2);
CHECK(x == 2);
CHECK(1 == ncplane_set_base(n, " ", 0, channels));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
ABI3 changes (#2333) Long-planned changes for API/ABI3 #1777 * remove old-style notcurses_ rendering functions * Make notcurses_render() a static inline wrapper around ncpile_render(). Remove the deprecated notcurses_render_to_file() and ncpile_render_to_file(). * ncstrwidth() becomes static inline wrapper #1777 * remove deprecated ncvisual_subtitle() * kill ncvisual_inflate(), long deprecated #1777 * remove deprecated palette256 wrappers #1777 * kill ncplane_new() #1777 * remove deprecated renderfp field from notcurses_options #1777 * reorder ncstats fields to match documentation #1777 * kill deprecated style functions #1777 * ncplane_move{top, bottom} become static inline #1777 ** ncplane_pixelgeom -> ncplane_pixel_geom() #1777 * ncstyle functions ought return uint16_t #1777 #2200 * ncvisualplane_create: provide new pile functionality #1462 * [heuristics] GNU screen 4x never has rgb * [BitmapSmoothMove] only WARN in test until sixel supports this #2258 * contour: enable sextants * interp PoC: clean up ncvisual #2266 * ncselector_options: constify string arguments * Constify strings in selector/mselector_items Use internal types to track items within the selector/mselector widgets, rather than pressing the user-provided item structs into double-duty. With this change, we can constify the strings within those user-provided items. Do so, also removing the internal-side elements. Update documentation. Closes #2267. * constify ncmenu_item/_section strings * constify strings in nctabbed_options * notcurses-demo FPS graph: back to straight seconds * remove unused wchar_from_utf8() * nstrwidth_valid(): properly initialize bytes/width * [ncneofetch] use GetSystemInfo on Windows
3 years ago
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_rel(n, -1, 0)); // up
ncplane_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 1);
CHECK(x == 2);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
ABI3 changes (#2333) Long-planned changes for API/ABI3 #1777 * remove old-style notcurses_ rendering functions * Make notcurses_render() a static inline wrapper around ncpile_render(). Remove the deprecated notcurses_render_to_file() and ncpile_render_to_file(). * ncstrwidth() becomes static inline wrapper #1777 * remove deprecated ncvisual_subtitle() * kill ncvisual_inflate(), long deprecated #1777 * remove deprecated palette256 wrappers #1777 * kill ncplane_new() #1777 * remove deprecated renderfp field from notcurses_options #1777 * reorder ncstats fields to match documentation #1777 * kill deprecated style functions #1777 * ncplane_move{top, bottom} become static inline #1777 ** ncplane_pixelgeom -> ncplane_pixel_geom() #1777 * ncstyle functions ought return uint16_t #1777 #2200 * ncvisualplane_create: provide new pile functionality #1462 * [heuristics] GNU screen 4x never has rgb * [BitmapSmoothMove] only WARN in test until sixel supports this #2258 * contour: enable sextants * interp PoC: clean up ncvisual #2266 * ncselector_options: constify string arguments * Constify strings in selector/mselector_items Use internal types to track items within the selector/mselector widgets, rather than pressing the user-provided item structs into double-duty. With this change, we can constify the strings within those user-provided items. Do so, also removing the internal-side elements. Update documentation. Closes #2267. * constify ncmenu_item/_section strings * constify strings in nctabbed_options * notcurses-demo FPS graph: back to straight seconds * remove unused wchar_from_utf8() * nstrwidth_valid(): properly initialize bytes/width * [ncneofetch] use GetSystemInfo on Windows
3 years ago
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_rel(n, 2, 0)); // down
ncplane_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 3);
CHECK(x == 2);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
ABI3 changes (#2333) Long-planned changes for API/ABI3 #1777 * remove old-style notcurses_ rendering functions * Make notcurses_render() a static inline wrapper around ncpile_render(). Remove the deprecated notcurses_render_to_file() and ncpile_render_to_file(). * ncstrwidth() becomes static inline wrapper #1777 * remove deprecated ncvisual_subtitle() * kill ncvisual_inflate(), long deprecated #1777 * remove deprecated palette256 wrappers #1777 * kill ncplane_new() #1777 * remove deprecated renderfp field from notcurses_options #1777 * reorder ncstats fields to match documentation #1777 * kill deprecated style functions #1777 * ncplane_move{top, bottom} become static inline #1777 ** ncplane_pixelgeom -> ncplane_pixel_geom() #1777 * ncstyle functions ought return uint16_t #1777 #2200 * ncvisualplane_create: provide new pile functionality #1462 * [heuristics] GNU screen 4x never has rgb * [BitmapSmoothMove] only WARN in test until sixel supports this #2258 * contour: enable sextants * interp PoC: clean up ncvisual #2266 * ncselector_options: constify string arguments * Constify strings in selector/mselector_items Use internal types to track items within the selector/mselector widgets, rather than pressing the user-provided item structs into double-duty. With this change, we can constify the strings within those user-provided items. Do so, also removing the internal-side elements. Update documentation. Closes #2267. * constify ncmenu_item/_section strings * constify strings in nctabbed_options * notcurses-demo FPS graph: back to straight seconds * remove unused wchar_from_utf8() * nstrwidth_valid(): properly initialize bytes/width * [ncneofetch] use GetSystemInfo on Windows
3 years ago
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_rel(n, 0, -1)); // left
ncplane_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 3);
CHECK(x == 1);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
ABI3 changes (#2333) Long-planned changes for API/ABI3 #1777 * remove old-style notcurses_ rendering functions * Make notcurses_render() a static inline wrapper around ncpile_render(). Remove the deprecated notcurses_render_to_file() and ncpile_render_to_file(). * ncstrwidth() becomes static inline wrapper #1777 * remove deprecated ncvisual_subtitle() * kill ncvisual_inflate(), long deprecated #1777 * remove deprecated palette256 wrappers #1777 * kill ncplane_new() #1777 * remove deprecated renderfp field from notcurses_options #1777 * reorder ncstats fields to match documentation #1777 * kill deprecated style functions #1777 * ncplane_move{top, bottom} become static inline #1777 ** ncplane_pixelgeom -> ncplane_pixel_geom() #1777 * ncstyle functions ought return uint16_t #1777 #2200 * ncvisualplane_create: provide new pile functionality #1462 * [heuristics] GNU screen 4x never has rgb * [BitmapSmoothMove] only WARN in test until sixel supports this #2258 * contour: enable sextants * interp PoC: clean up ncvisual #2266 * ncselector_options: constify string arguments * Constify strings in selector/mselector_items Use internal types to track items within the selector/mselector widgets, rather than pressing the user-provided item structs into double-duty. With this change, we can constify the strings within those user-provided items. Do so, also removing the internal-side elements. Update documentation. Closes #2267. * constify ncmenu_item/_section strings * constify strings in nctabbed_options * notcurses-demo FPS graph: back to straight seconds * remove unused wchar_from_utf8() * nstrwidth_valid(): properly initialize bytes/width * [ncneofetch] use GetSystemInfo on Windows
3 years ago
CHECK(0 == ncplane_move_rel(n, 0, 2)); // right
ncplane_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(y == 3);
CHECK(x == 3);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(n));
SUBCASE("ScrollingVirtualCursor") {
struct ncplane_options nopts{};
nopts.x = 2;
nopts.y = 2;
nopts.rows = 4;
nopts.cols = 20;
auto n = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(nullptr != n);
CHECK(false == ncplane_set_scrolling(n, true));
uint64_t channels = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0xff, 0, 0xff);
unsigned y, x;
CHECK(1 == ncplane_set_base(n, " ", 0, channels));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < ncplane_dim_y(n) ; ++i){
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(i == y);
CHECK(0 == x);
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putstr(n, "here's a line\n"));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < ncplane_dim_y(n) ; ++i){
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
CHECK(ncplane_dim_y(n) - 1 == y);
CHECK(0 == x);
CHECK(0 < ncplane_putstr(n, "here's a line\n"));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(n));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_));