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== Requirements
* Magisk, and by that accord *root*; link:[installing Magisk (via recovery)]
* link:[MagiskHide Props Config] module installed
* The link:[Termux] terminal emulator (link:[from F-Droid only])
* link:[AFWall+ from F-Droid]
* Install Busybox Magisk module
. Magisk -> Modules (puzzle piece icon)
. Search for 'busybox' to find "Busybox for Android NDK", then install it
== Recommended/optional
* Google Play Store, alternatively through link:[Aurora Store]
* link:[KTweak for higher network speeds], using its 'throughput' profile
* Kernel with the "xt_HL.ko" module (netfilter's TTL packet mangling) enabled
** Known kernels with support (and seem high-quality):
*** Freak07's link:[Kirisakura] for ASUS ZenFone 8
*** kdrag0n's link:[ProtonKernel] for Pixel 4a 5G/Pixel 5
*** kristofpetho's link:[Omega Kernel] for OnePlus 9 Pro
TIP: Search terms to use on XDA Forums to find other kernels with "xt_HL.ko" support: +
TTL spoofing +
TTL target +
IPtables TTL +
TTL/HL target +
TTL module +
NOTE: Testing "xt_HL.ko" support: +
1. Launch Termux +
2. ``su`` +
3. ``iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o wlan+ -j TTL --ttl-set 64;ip6tables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o wlan+ -j HL --hl-set 64``
TIP: -> If your custom kernel does not support `--ttl-set` and `--hl-set`, inform them of this repository publicly (to increase exposure of these instructions) +
For kernel tweakers: link:[an aid with enabling "xt_HL.ko" support through Magisk]
== 1. Configure props
NOTE: ↵ is the kbd:[Enter / Return] key
. Launch Termux
. ``su``
. ``settings delete system tether_entitlement_check_state;settings delete global tether_dun_required``
. ``props``
** "Select an option below." -> "Add/edit custom props" kbd:[4 ↵]
** Select "New custom prop" with kbd:[n ↵]
*** `net.tethering.noprovisioning` kbd:[↵] -> kbd:[true ↵] -> kbd:[y ↵]
**** "Do you want to reboot now?" kbd:[n ↵]
** Select "New custom prop" with kbd:[n ↵]
*** `tether_entitlement_check_state` kbd:[↵] -> kbd:[0 ↵] -> kbd:[y ↵]
**** "Do you want to reboot now?" kbd:[n ↵]
** Select "New custom prop" with kbd:[n ↵]
*** `tether_dun_required` kbd:[↵] -> kbd:[0 ↵] -> kbd:[y ↵]
**** "Do you want to reboot now?" -> kbd:[y ↵]
== 2. Adjust TTL & HL
.Alternative method for kernels with no "xt_HL.ko" support
. Install link:[TTL Editor]
. Open TTL Editor
. Check "Apply to all network interfaces using /proc"
. Press OK to the side of "Set new TTL" to apply a chosen TTL, likely 64
NOTE: TTL changes reset on reboot/shut down/boot with this method
. Open AFWall+ -> 3 vertical dots (hamburger menu) -> Preferences
- UI Preferences
** Confirm AFWall+ disable -> Enabled
- Binaries
** Iptables binary -> System iptables
** BusyBox binary -> System BusyBox
. Open AFWall+ -> 3 vertical dots (hamburger menu) -> Set custom script
. Put in "Enter custom script below"
Blanket setting \*rmnet* might be a bad idea? +
rndis* is specific to USB tethering; \*rmnet* still has business with USB tethering, along with all other tether types
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o +rmnet+ -j TTL --ttl-set 64
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o rndis+ -j TTL --ttl-set 64
ip6tables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o +rmnet+ -j HL --hl-set 64
ip6tables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o rndis+ -j HL --hl-set 64
== 3. Test TTL & HL change on the tethered device
NOTE: kbd:[CTRL C] to stop pinging at any time
* IPv4/TTL/iptables: `ping -4`
* IPv6/HL/ip6tables: `ping -6`
If the TTL & HL is 64, you've successfully completed this guide
TIP: If this works, then Star this repository!
NOTE: If this didn't work, try link:[RiFi2k's method]