#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Copyright (c) 2015 - present Marco Hinz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import argparse import neovim import os import psutil import re import socket import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import time import traceback class Neovim(): def __init__(self, address, silent=False): self.address = address self.server = None self.silent = silent # -s self._msg_shown = False def attach(self): try: if get_address_type(self.address) == 'tcp': ip, port = self.address.split(':', 1) self.server = neovim.attach('tcp', address=ip, port=int(port)) else: self.server = neovim.attach('socket', path=self.address) except OSError: # Ignore invalid addresses. pass def is_attached(self, silent=False): silent |= self.silent if self.server: return True address = self.address if get_address_type(address) == 'socket' and os.path.exists(address): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(address) except: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='/tmp', prefix='nvimsocket_') as f: self.address = f.name if not silent and not self._msg_shown: self._show_msg(address) self._msg_shown = True pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: for i in range(10): self.attach() if self.server: return True time.sleep(0.2) else: os.environ['NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS'] = self.address try: args = os.environ.get('NVR_CMD') args = args.split(' ') if args else ['nvim'] os.dup2(sys.stdout.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.execvpe(args[0], args, os.environ) except FileNotFoundError: print("[!] Can't start new nvim process: '{}' is not in $PATH.".format(args[0])) sys.exit(1) return False def read_stdin_into_buffer(self, cmd): self.server.command(cmd) for line in sys.stdin: self.server.command("call append('$', '{}')". format(line.rstrip().replace("'", "''"))) self.server.command('silent 1delete _ | set nomodified') def execute(self, arguments, cmd='edit', silent=False, wait=False): if not self.is_attached(silent): return cmds, files = split_cmds_from_files(arguments) for fname in files: if fname == '-': self.read_stdin_into_buffer('enew' if cmd == 'edit' else cmd) else: try: self.server.command('{} {}'.format(cmd, prepare_filename(fname))) except neovim.api.nvim.NvimError as e: if not re.search('E37', e.args[0].decode()): traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) if wait: bvars = self.server.current.buffer.vars chanid = self.server.channel_id self.server.command('augroup nvr') self.server.command('autocmd BufDelete silent! call rpcnotify({}, "BufDelete")'.format(chanid)) self.server.command('autocmd VimLeave * if exists("v:exiting") && v:exiting > 0 | silent! call rpcnotify({}, "Exit", v:exiting) | endif'.format(chanid)) self.server.command('augroup END') if 'nvr' in bvars: if chanid not in bvars['nvr']: bvars['nvr'] = [chanid] + bvars['nvr'] else: bvars['nvr'] = [chanid] for cmd in cmds: self.server.command(cmd if cmd else '$') return len(files) def _show_msg(self, old_address): o = old_address print(textwrap.dedent(""" [!] Can't connect to: {} The server (nvim) and client (nvr) have to use the same address. Server: Expose $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS to the environment before starting nvim: $ NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS={} nvim Use `:echo v:servername` to verify the address. Client: Expose $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS to the environment before using nvr or use its --servername option. If neither is given, nvr assumes \"/tmp/nvimsocket\". $ NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS={} nvr file1 file2 $ nvr --servername {} file1 file2 $ nvr --servername file1 file2 nvr is now starting a server on its own by running $NVR_CMD or 'nvim'. Use -s to suppress this message. [*] Starting new nvim process with address {} """.format(o, o, o, o, self.address))) def parse_args(argv): form_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter usage = '{} [arguments]'.format(argv[0]) epilog = 'Happy hacking!' desc = textwrap.dedent(""" Remote control Neovim processes. If no process is found, a new one will be started. $ nvr --remote-send 'iabc' $ nvr --remote-expr 'map([1,2,3], \"v:val + 1\")' Any arguments not consumed by options will be fed to --remote: $ nvr --remote file1 file2 $ nvr file1 file2 All --remote options take optional commands. Exception: --remote-expr, --remote-send. $ nvr +10 file $ nvr +'echomsg "foo" | echomsg "bar"' file $ nvr --remote-tab-wait +'set bufhidden=delete' file Open files in a new window from a terminal buffer: $ nvr -cc split file1 file2 Use nvr from git to edit commit messages: $ git config --global core.editor 'nvr --remote-wait-silent' """) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class = form_class, usage = usage, epilog = epilog, description = desc) parser.add_argument('--remote', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Use :edit to open files. If no process is found, throw an error and start a new one.') parser.add_argument('--remote-wait', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Like --remote, but block until all buffers opened by this option get deleted or the process exits.') parser.add_argument('--remote-silent', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Like --remote, but throw no error if no process is found.') parser.add_argument('--remote-wait-silent', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Combines --remote-wait and --remote-silent.') parser.add_argument('--remote-tab', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Like --remote, but use :tabedit.') parser.add_argument('--remote-tab-wait', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Like --remote-wait, but use :tabedit.') parser.add_argument('--remote-tab-silent', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Like --remote-silent, but use :tabedit.') parser.add_argument('--remote-tab-wait-silent', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Like --remote-wait-silent, but use :tabedit.') parser.add_argument('--remote-send', metavar = '', help = 'Send key presses.') parser.add_argument('--remote-expr', metavar = '', help = 'Evaluate expression and print result in shell.') parser.add_argument('--servername', metavar = '', help = 'Set the address to be used. This overrides the default "/tmp/nvimsocket" and $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS.') parser.add_argument('--serverlist', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print the TCPv4 and Unix domain socket addresses of all nvim processes.') parser.add_argument('-cc', action = 'append', metavar = '', help = 'Execute a command before every other option.') parser.add_argument('-c', action = 'append', metavar = '', help = 'Execute a command after every other option.') parser.add_argument('-l', action = 'store_true', help = 'Change to previous window via ":wincmd p".') parser.add_argument('-o', nargs = '+', metavar = '', help = 'Open files via ":split".') parser.add_argument('-O', nargs = '+', metavar = '', help = 'Open files via ":vsplit".') parser.add_argument('-p', nargs = '*', metavar = '', help = 'Open files via ":tabedit".') parser.add_argument('-q', metavar = '', help = 'Read errorfile into quickfix list and display first error.') parser.add_argument('-s', action = 'store_true', help = 'Silence "no server found" message.') parser.add_argument('-t', metavar = '', help = 'Jump to file and position of given tag.') return parser.parse_known_args(argv[1:]) def split_cmds_from_files(args): for i, arg in enumerate(args): if arg[0] != '+': return [x[1:] for x in reversed(args[:i])], list(reversed(args[i:])) return [], [] def prepare_filename(fname): return os.path.abspath(fname).replace(" ", "\ ") def print_sockaddrs(): sockaddrs = [] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if proc.name() == 'nvim': for conn in proc.connections('inet4'): sockaddrs.insert(0, ':'.join(map(str, conn.laddr))) for conn in proc.connections('unix'): if conn.laddr: sockaddrs.insert(0, conn.laddr) for addr in sorted(sockaddrs): print(addr) def get_address_type(address): try: ip, port = address.split(':', 1) if port.isdigit(): return 'tcp' raise ValueError except ValueError: return 'socket' def main(argv=sys.argv, env=os.environ): options, arguments = parse_args(argv) if all(not x for x in vars(options).values()): options.remote_silent = [] address = env.get('NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS') if options.servername: address = options.servername elif not address: address = '/tmp/nvimsocket' if options.serverlist: print_sockaddrs() nvim = Neovim(address, options.s) nvim.attach() if options.cc and nvim.is_attached(): for cmd in options.cc: nvim.server.command(cmd) if options.l and nvim.is_attached(): nvim.server.command('wincmd p') try: arguments.remove('--') except ValueError: pass if options.remote is not None: nvim.execute(options.remote + arguments, 'edit') elif options.remote_wait is not None: nfiles = nvim.execute(options.remote_wait + arguments, 'edit', wait=True) elif options.remote_silent is not None: nvim.execute(options.remote_silent + arguments, 'edit', silent=True) elif options.remote_wait_silent is not None: nfiles = nvim.execute(options.remote_wait_silent + arguments, 'edit', silent=True, wait=True) elif options.remote_tab is not None: nvim.execute(options.remote_tab + arguments, 'tabedit') elif options.remote_tab_wait is not None: nfiles = nvim.execute(options.remote_tab_wait + arguments, 'tabedit', wait=True) elif options.remote_tab_silent is not None: nvim.execute(options.remote_tab_silent + arguments, 'tabedit', silent=True) elif options.remote_tab_wait_silent is not None: nfiles = nvim.execute(options.remote_tab_wait_silent + arguments, 'tabedit', silent=True, wait=True) elif arguments: nvim.execute(arguments, 'edit') if options.remote_send and nvim.is_attached(): nvim.server.input(options.remote_send) if options.remote_expr and nvim.is_attached(): result = '' try: result = nvim.server.eval(options.remote_expr) except: print(textwrap.dedent(""" No valid expression: {} Test it in Neovim: :echo eval('...') If you want to execute a command, use -c or -cc instead. """).format(options.remote_expr)) if type(result) is bytes: print(result.decode()) elif type(result) is list: print(list(map(lambda x: x.decode() if type(x) is bytes else x, result))) elif type(result) is dict: print({ (k.decode() if type(k) is bytes else k): v for (k,v) in result.items() }) else: print(result) if options.o and nvim.is_attached(): for fname in options.o: if fname == '-': nvim.read_stdin_into_buffer('new') else: nvim.server.command('split {}'.format(prepare_filename(fname))) if options.O and nvim.is_attached(): for fname in options.O: if fname == '-': nvim.read_stdin_into_buffer('vnew') else: nvim.server.command('vsplit {}'.format(prepare_filename(fname))) if options.t and nvim.is_attached(): try: nvim.server.command("tag {}".format(options.t)) except nvim.server.error as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) if options.q and nvim.is_attached(): nvim.server.command("silent execute 'lcd' fnameescape('{}')". format(os.environ['PWD'].replace("'", "''"))) nvim.server.command('call setqflist([])') with open(options.q, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): nvim.server.command("caddexpr '{}'". format(line.rstrip().replace("'", "''").replace('|', '\|'))) nvim.server.command('silent lcd -') nvim.server.command('cfirst') if options.c and nvim.is_attached(): for cmd in options.c: nvim.server.command(cmd) if 'nfiles' in locals(): exitcode = 0 def notification_cb(msg, args): nonlocal nfiles nonlocal exitcode if msg == 'BufDelete': nfiles -= 1 if nfiles == 0: nvim.server.stop_loop() elif msg == 'Exit': nvim.server.stop_loop() exitcode = args[0] def err_cb(error): print(error, file=sys.stderr) nvim.server.stop_loop() exitcode = 1 nvim.server.run_loop(None, notification_cb, None, err_cb) sys.exit(exitcode) if __name__ == '__main__': main()