Add other filetypes to `set bufhidden=delete` autocmd

Running `git config --edit` or `git rebase --interactive` will open a
buffer in neovim with a filetype of `gitconfig` or `gitrebase`
respectively. We want these buffers to be deleted automatically when
they're hidden just like buffers with filetype `gitcommit` so let's add
them to the relevant note in the README.
Collin Styles 5 years ago
parent 98f7f48e04
commit 6a97e9f72d

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ Happy hacking!
put the following in your vimrc:
autocmd FileType gitcommit set bufhidden=delete
autocmd FileType gitcommit,gitrebase,gitconfig set bufhidden=delete
To use nvr from a regular shell as well:
