You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
4.4 KiB

### ncdns will look for its configuration file in the following directories.
### The first configuration file found is used and all others are ignored.
### /etc/ncdns/ncdns.conf ) Non-Windows only
### /etc/ncdns.conf )
### (executable path)/ncdns.conf
### (executable path)/../etc/ncdns/ncdns.conf
### (executable path)/../etc/ncdns.conf
### You may explicitly specify a path to the configuration file on the
### command line by passing '-conf=PATH'.
### Daemon and fork
## fork=true
### This is a TOML configuration file. Values must be in quotes where shown.
### Basic Settings (Required)
### -------------------------
### The interface to bind to. Defaults to ":53", which causes ncdns to attempt to
### bind to all interfaces on port 53. Unless you are running ncdns as root you
### will probably find that this fails. On Linux, you can run the following
### command on the ncdns binary to authorize it to bind to ports under 1024.
### sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' ./ncdns
### On BSD, there are sysctls to disable the low port restrictions.
### IMPORTANT NOTE: For Go versions 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 (but not 1.4.x or earlier
### or 1.5.2 when released, or any later version, or HEAD) there is a bug which
### means ncdns cannot listen on privileged ports on Linux systems. This bug
### manifests as ncdns hanging once executed without ever beginning to serve
### requests. This bug will manifest whenever ncdns is executed as root or with
### a non-empty capability set, so it precludes use of setcap to bind to privileged
### ports just as it precludes the use of conventional privilege dropping.
## its not possible to specify more than one ip, but bind to all with ":53" is possible
## bind="[fd29:68b1:467b:8910:0:0:0:abc1]:53"
### namecoind access (Required)
### ---------------------------
### You must configure the RPC address, username and password ## of a trusted
### (i.e. local) namecoind instance.
### The address, in "hostname:port" format, of the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
### The username with which to connect to the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
### The password with which to connect to the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
### Use the username and password encoded in the .cookie file
### ncdns caches values retrieved from Namecoin. This value limits the number of
### items ncdns may store in its cache. The default value is 100.
### Nameserver Identity (Optional)
### ------------------------------
### ncdns needs to be able to state the hostname and IP address at which the
### nameserver lies. If you are only using ncdns locally you can avoid configuring
### these.
### If SelfName is specified, ncdns lists the name specified as an NS record at
### the zone apex:
### bit. IN NS
### This requires that you be able to assign the ncdns instance a hostname.
### If SelfName is left blank (the default), ncdns will generate an internal
### psuedo-hostname under the zone, which will resolve to the value of SelfIP.
### The default value of SelfIP is the bogus IP of "", which will
### work acceptably in some cases (e.g. with Unbound).
### DNSSEC (Optional)
### -----------------
### The following options concern DNSSEC and are optional.
### Leaving them all blank will disable DNSSEC.
### Path to the file containing the KSK public key.
### Path to the file containing the KSK private key.
### Path to the file containing the ZSK public key.
### Path to the file containing the ZSK private key.
### HTTP server (Optional)
### ----------------------
### Use of the HTTP server is optional.
### Set this to enable the HTTP server. If you leave this blank, the HTTP
### server will not be enabled.
### The template directory is usually detected automatically. If it cannot be found
### automatically, you must set the full path to it here manually. Paths will be
### interpreted relative to the configuration file.