#!/bin/bash travis_retry go get github.com/tcnksm/ghr github.com/mitchellh/gox gopkg.in/alecthomas/gometalinter.v2 github.com/miekg/exdns/q github.com/namecoin/dns-prop279 go test -v ./... RESULT=$? echo Done tests with exit code $RESULT if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then return $RESULT fi # Static analysis gometalinter.v2 --install # aligncheck is disabled because of these comments: # * https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/3lahav/aligncheck_helps_to_find_inefficiently_packed/cv4u4lg/ # * https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/3lahav/aligncheck_helps_to_find_inefficiently_packed/cv5wnom/ # test is disabled because we already do tests earlier in the script. # The --exclude line disables warnings on the portion of x509 that is copied # verbatim from the Go standard library. echo "" echo "gometalinter critical (should be no warnings):" gometalinter.v2 --enable-all \ --disable=aligncheck \ --disable=deadcode \ --disable=dupl \ --disable=errcheck \ --disable=gas \ --disable=gocyclo \ --disable=goimports \ --disable=golint \ --disable=ineffassign \ --disable=lll \ --disable=staticcheck \ --disable=test \ --disable=unconvert \ --disable=unparam \ --disable=unused \ --concurrency=3 \ --deadline=10m \ --exclude='^x509/([a-wy-z]|x509.go|x509_[a-rt-z])' \ ./... STATICRESULT1=$? echo "" echo "gometalinter non-critical (warnings expected):" gometalinter.v2 --enable-all \ --disable=aligncheck \ --disable=test \ --concurrency=3 \ --deadline=10m \ --exclude='^x509/([a-wy-z]|x509.go|x509_[a-rt-z])' \ ./... STATICRESULT2=$? # Test cross-compilation. The binaries produced are also used for release # upload in after_success if this is a release tag. echo Cross-compiling releases... mkdir -p "$GOPATH/releasing/idist" "$GOPATH/releasing/dist" GOX_PARA=3 REPOS="github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/... github.com/miekg/exdns/q github.com/namecoin/dns-prop279/..." # cgo crosscompile gox -parallel=$GOX_PARA -cgo -osarch 'linux/386 linux/amd64' -output "$GOPATH/releasing/idist/ncdns-$TRAVIS_TAG-{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}/bin/{{.Dir}}" $REPOS RESULT1=$? # non-cgo crosscompile gox -parallel=$GOX_PARA -osarch 'darwin/386 darwin/amd64 linux/arm linux/arm64 linux/ppc64 linux/ppc64le freebsd/386 freebsd/amd64 freebsd/arm openbsd/386 openbsd/amd64 netbsd/386 netbsd/amd64 dragonfly/amd64 solaris/amd64 windows/386 windows/amd64' -output "$GOPATH/releasing/idist/ncdns-$TRAVIS_TAG-{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}/bin/{{.Dir}}" $REPOS RESULT2=$? echo cgo crosscompile exited with code $RESULT1 echo non-cgo crosscompile exited with code $RESULT2 echo critical gometalinter exited with code $STATICRESULT1 echo non-critical gometalinter exited with code $STATICRESULT2 if [ "$RESULT1" != "0" ]; then return $RESULT1 fi if [ "$RESULT2" != "0" ]; then return $RESULT2 fi if [ "$STATICRESULT1" != "0" ]; then return $STATICRESULT1 fi