#!/usr/bin/env bash export HOME=~ set -eu # Adapted from Electrum-NMC. bitcoin_cli="namecoin-cli -rpcuser=doggman -rpcpassword=donkey -rpcport=18554 -regtest" function new_blocks() { $bitcoin_cli generatetoaddress "$1" "$($bitcoin_cli getnewaddress)" > /dev/null } function assert_equal() { err_msg="$3" if [[ "$1" != "$2" ]]; then echo "'$1' != '$2'" echo "$err_msg" return 1 fi } function assert_raises_error() { cmd=$1 required_err=$2 if observed_err=$($cmd 2>&1) ; then echo "Failed to raise error '$required_err'" return 1 fi if [[ "$observed_err" != *"$required_err"* ]]; then echo "$observed_err" echo "Raised wrong error instead of '$required_err'" return 1 fi } echo "Expire any existing names from previous functional test runs" new_blocks 35 echo "Pre-register testls.bit" $bitcoin_cli name_new 'd/testls' echo "Wait for pre-registration to mature" new_blocks 12 echo "Register testls.bit" $bitcoin_cli name_firstupdate 'd/testls' echo "Wait for registration to confirm" new_blocks 1 echo "Update testls.bit" $bitcoin_cli name_update 'd/testls' '{"ip":"","map":{"*":{"tls":[[2,1,0,"MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADvxHcjwDYMNfUSTtSIn3VbBC1sOzh/1Fv5T0UzEuLWIE="]]},"sub1":{"map":{"sub2":{"map":{"sub3":{"ip":""}}}}},"_tor":{"txt":"dhflg7a7etr77hwt4eerwoovhg7b5bivt2jem4366dt4psgnl5diyiyd.onion"}}}' echo "Wait for update to confirm" new_blocks 1 echo "Query testls.bit via Core" $bitcoin_cli name_show 'd/testls' echo "Query testls.bit IPv4 Authoritative via dig" dig_output=$(dig -p 5391 @ A testls.bit) echo "$dig_output" echo "Checking response correctness" echo "$dig_output" | grep "" echo "Query testls.bit TLS Authoritative via dig" dig_output=$(dig -p 5391 @ TLSA "*.testls.bit") echo "$dig_output" echo "Checking response correctness" tlsa_hex="$(echo 'MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADvxHcjwDYMNfUSTtSIn3VbBC1sOzh/1Fv5T0UzEuLWIE=' | base64 --decode | xxd -u -ps -c 500)" echo "$dig_output" | sed 's/ //g' | grep "$tlsa_hex"