package namecoin // btcjson had to be modified a bit to get correct error reporting. import ( extratypes "" "" "" "expvar" "fmt" "sync/atomic" ) var cQueryCalls = expvar.NewInt("ncdns.namecoin.numQueryCalls") var cSyncCalls = expvar.NewInt("ncdns.namecoin.numSyncCalls") var cFilterCalls = expvar.NewInt("ncdns.namecoin.numFilterCalls") var cScanCalls = expvar.NewInt("ncdns.namecoin.numScanCalls") var cCurHeightCalls = expvar.NewInt("ncdns.namecoin.numCurHeightCalls") // Used for generating IDs for JSON-RPC requests. var idCounter int32 func newID() int32 { return atomic.AddInt32(&idCounter, 1) } // Used to query a Namecoin JSON-RPC interface. Initialize the struct with a // username, password, and address (hostname:port). type Conn struct { Username string Password string // If set, this is called to obtain the username and password instead of // using the Username and Password fields. GetAuth func() (username, password string, err error) Server string } func (nc *Conn) getAuth() (username string, password string, err error) { if nc.GetAuth == nil { return nc.Username, nc.Password, nil } return nc.GetAuth() } func (nc *Conn) rpcSend(cmd btcjson.Cmd) (btcjson.Reply, error) { username, password, err := nc.getAuth() if err != nil { return btcjson.Reply{}, err } return btcjson.RpcSend(username, password, nc.Server, cmd) } // Query the Namecoin daemon for a Namecoin domain (e.g. d/example). // If the domain exists, returns the value stored in Namecoin, which should be JSON. // Note that this will return domain data even if the domain is expired. func (nc *Conn) Query(name string) (v string, err error) { cQueryCalls.Add(1) cmd, err := extratypes.NewNameShowCmd(newID(), name) if err != nil { //log.Info("NC NEWCMD ", err) return "", err } r, err := nc.rpcSend(cmd) if err != nil { return "", err } if r.Error != nil { //log.Info("RPC error: ", r.Error) if r.Error.Code == -4 { return "", merr.ErrNoSuchDomain } return "", r.Error } if r.Result == nil { //log.Info("NC NILRESULT") return "", fmt.Errorf("got nil result") } if nsr, ok := r.Result.(*extratypes.NameShowReply); ok { //log.Info("NC OK") return nsr.Value, nil } //log.Info("NC BADREPLY") return "", fmt.Errorf("bad reply") } var ErrSyncNoSuchBlock = fmt.Errorf("no block exists with given hash") const rpcInvalidAddressOrKey = -5 func (nc *Conn) Sync(hash string, count int, wait bool) ([]extratypes.NameSyncEvent, error) { cSyncCalls.Add(1) cmd, err := extratypes.NewNameSyncCmd(newID(), hash, count, wait) if err != nil { return nil, err } r, err := nc.rpcSend(cmd) if err != nil { return nil, err } if r.Error != nil { if r.Error.Code == rpcInvalidAddressOrKey { return nil, ErrSyncNoSuchBlock } return nil, r.Error } if r.Result == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("got nil result") } if nsr, ok := r.Result.(extratypes.NameSyncReply); ok { return []extratypes.NameSyncEvent(nsr), nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad reply") } func (nc *Conn) CurHeight() (int, error) { cCurHeightCalls.Add(1) cmd, err := btcjson.NewGetInfoCmd(newID()) if err != nil { return 0, err } r, err := nc.rpcSend(cmd) if err != nil { return 0, err } if r.Error != nil { return 0, r.Error } if r.Result == nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("got nil result") } if rep, ok := r.Result.(*btcjson.InfoResult); ok { return int(rep.Blocks), nil } return 0, fmt.Errorf("bad reply") } func (nc *Conn) Filter(regexp string, maxage, from, count int) (names []extratypes.NameFilterItem, err error) { cFilterCalls.Add(1) cmd, err := extratypes.NewNameFilterCmd(newID(), regexp, maxage, from, count) if err != nil { return nil, err } r, err := nc.rpcSend(cmd) if err != nil { return nil, err } if r.Error != nil { return nil, r.Error } if r.Result == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("got nil result") } if nsr, ok := r.Result.(extratypes.NameFilterReply); ok { return []extratypes.NameFilterItem(nsr), nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad reply") } func (nc *Conn) Scan(from string, count int) (names []extratypes.NameFilterItem, err error) { cScanCalls.Add(1) cmd, err := extratypes.NewNameScanCmd(newID(), from, count) if err != nil { return nil, err } r, err := nc.rpcSend(cmd) if err != nil { return nil, err } if r.Error != nil { return nil, r.Error } if r.Result == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("got nil result") } if nsr, ok := r.Result.(extratypes.NameFilterReply); ok { return []extratypes.NameFilterItem(nsr), nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad reply") } // © 2014 Hugo Landau GPLv3 or later