#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail shopt -s nullglob globstar PROJECT=$1 CHANNEL=$2 OS=$3 ARCH=$4 SHOULD_BUILD=$5 echo "Checking VM specs..." cat /etc/*-release df -h lscpu free -m echo "Verifying Cirrus YML determinism..." mv .cirrus.yml .cirrus.yml.bak ./tools/cirrus_gen_yml.sh 2>/dev/null diff .cirrus.yml .cirrus.yml.bak echo "Installing rbm deps..." # jq is used by bump script, everything else is used by rbm APT_DEPS="libyaml-libyaml-perl libtemplate-perl libdatetime-perl libio-handle-util-perl libio-all-perl libio-captureoutput-perl libjson-perl libpath-tiny-perl libstring-shellquote-perl libsort-versions-perl libdigest-sha-perl libdata-uuid-perl libdata-dump-perl libfile-copy-recursive-perl libfile-slurp-perl git uidmap rsync jq" apt-get install -y $APT_DEPS || (sleep 15s && apt-get install -y $APT_DEPS) echo "Pulling rbm..." make submodule-update echo "Configuring rbm..." # Print logs to Cirrus. cat rbm.local.conf.example | sed "s/#build_log: '-'/build_log: '-'/g" > rbm.local.conf # Configure "make clean" cat tools/rbm.local.conf.onetarget | sed "s/CHANNEL/$CHANNEL/g" | sed "s/ncdns-all/ncdns-$OS-$ARCH/g" >> rbm.local.conf echo "Patching rbm..." ./tools/patch-tor-to-namecoin.sh echo "Mapping subid's..." ./tools/add-root-subids.py if [[ "$BUMP_DEPS" -eq 1 ]]; then ./tools/namecoin-bump-versions.sh exit 0 fi if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Localizing caches..." cp -a ./out_global/* ./out/ || true cp -a ./out_cache1_global/* ./out/ || true cp -a ./out_cache2_global/* ./out/ || true cp -a ./out_cache3_global/* ./out/ || true fi echo "Restoring caches..." cp -a ./out_cache1/* ./out/ || true cp -a ./out_cache2/* ./out/ || true cp -a ./out_cache3/* ./out/ || true echo "Initial output cache contents:" find ./out/ -printf "%p %k KiB\n" echo "Unpacking interrupted cache..." ./tools/cirrus_unpack_interrupted.sh || true echo "Unpacking git cache..." ./tools/cirrus_unpack_git.sh || true if [[ "$PROJECT" == "release" ]]; then echo "release project is never cached." else if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Checking if project is cached..." OUTDIR="$(./rbm/rbm showconf $PROJECT output_dir --target $CHANNEL --target ncdns-$OS-$ARCH)" OUTFILE="$(./rbm/rbm showconf $PROJECT filename --target $CHANNEL --target ncdns-$OS-$ARCH)" if [[ -e "$OUTDIR/$OUTFILE" ]]; then echo "Project cache hit, skipping build." SHOULD_BUILD=0 else echo "Project cache miss, proceeding with build." fi else if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Cleaning old outputs..." ./tools/clean-old fi fi fi # VM has 12 GB of free RAM. Assuming each of the 4 logical cores takes 1 GB # during build, that leaves us with 8 GB of unutilized RAM. Alas, I'm not sure # that's enough, so this isn't enabled right now. #echo "Mounting tmpfs..." #mount -t tmpfs -o size=8G,nr_inodes=40k,mode=1777 tmpfs ./tmp #df -h if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$SIGN_BUILD" == "1" ]]; then echo "Configuring signing key..." export RBM_SIGN_BUILD=1 export RBM_GPG_OPTS="--local-user jeremy@namecoin.org" # Avoid leaking private key to console set +x echo "$SIGN_KEY" | gpg --import set -x else echo "Signing is disabled." fi echo "Building project..." # If rbm fails, we consider it a success as long as it saved a checkpoint. ./rbm/rbm build "$PROJECT" --target "$CHANNEL" --target ncdns-"$OS"-"$ARCH" || [ ! -z "$(ls -A ./tmp/interrupted_dirs/)" ] else #echo "This is a cache-only task, skipping build." echo "Skipping build." echo "Clearing interrupted cache..." rm -rf ./tmp/interrupted_dirs/* || true fi # The cache has a size limit, so we need to clean useless data from it. The # container-images are very large and seem to be fairly harmless to remove. # Maybe later if we have more pressure to shrink, we could remove the # debootstrap-images too. echo "Cleaning containers..." rm -rfv out/container-image echo "Final output cache contents:" find ./out/ -printf "%p %k KiB\n" echo "Splitting caches..." rsync -avu --delete ./out/encaya ./out/gocrosssign ./out/gosafetlsa ./out/q ./out_cache1/ || true rsync -avu --delete ./out/macosx-toolchain ./out_cache2/ || true rsync -avu --delete ./out/plain-binaries ./out_cache3/ || true rm -rf ./out/encaya ./out/gocrosssign ./out/gosafetlsa ./out/q || true rm -rf ./out/macosx-toolchain || true rm -rf ./out/plain-binaries || true if [[ "$PROJECT" == "release" ]]; then echo "Globalizing caches..." rm -rf ./out_global ./out_cache1_global ./out_cache2_global ./out_cache3_global mv ./out ./out_global mv ./out_cache1 ./out_cache1_global mv ./out_cache2 ./out_cache2_global mv ./out_cache3 ./out_cache3_global mkdir ./out ./out_cache1 ./out_cache2 ./out_cache3 touch ./out/.dummy ./out_cache1/.dummy ./out_cache2/.dummy ./out_cache3/.dummy fi echo "Packing git cache..." ./tools/cirrus_pack_git.sh || true echo "Packing interrupted cache..." ./tools/cirrus_pack_interrupted.sh || true