mirror of
synced 2024-11-11 07:10:59 +00:00
206 lines
6.4 KiB
206 lines
6.4 KiB
local gui = require "navigator.gui"
local M = {}
local log = require"navigator.util".log
local mk_handler = require"navigator.util".mk_handler
local lsphelper = require "navigator.lspwrapper"
local locations_to_items = lsphelper.locations_to_items
local clone = require"guihua.util".clone
local symbol_kind = require"navigator.lspclient.lspkind".symbol_kind
local symbols_to_items = lsphelper.symbols_to_items
-- function M.document_symbols(opts)
-- assert(#vim.lsp.buf_get_clients() > 0, "Must have a client running")
-- opts = opts or {}
-- local params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()
-- params.context = {includeDeclaration = true}
-- params.query = ""
-- local results_lsp = vim.lsp.buf_request_sync(0, "textDocument/documentSymbol", params, opts.timeout or 3000)
-- local locations = {}
-- log(results_lsp)
-- for _, server_results in pairs(results_lsp) do
-- if server_results.result then
-- vim.list_extend(locations, vim.lsp.util.symbols_to_items(server_results.result) or {})
-- end
-- end
-- local lines = {}
-- for _, loc in ipairs(locations) do
-- table.insert(lines, string.format("%s:%s:%s", loc.filename, loc.lnum, loc.text))
-- end
-- if #lines > 0 then
-- gui.new_list_view({data = lines})
-- else
-- print("symbols not found")
-- end
-- end
function M.workspace_symbols(opts)
opts = opts or {}
assert(#vim.lsp.buf_get_clients() > 0, "Must have a client running")
local lspopts = {
loc = "top_center",
prompt = true,
-- rawdata = true,
api = " "
vim.list_extend(lspopts, opts)
local params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()
params.context = {includeDeclaration = true}
params.query = opts.prompt or ""
local results_lsp = vim.lsp.buf_request_sync(0, "workspace/symbol", params,
lspopts.timeout or 15000)
if not results_lsp or vim.tbl_isempty(results_lsp) then
print(bufnr, "symbol not found for buf")
-- result_lsp
local result = {}
for i = 1, #results_lsp do
if results_lsp[i] ~= nil and results_lsp[i].result ~= nil and #results_lsp[i].result > 0 then
result = results_lsp[i].result
local items = symbols_to_items(result)
-- log(#items, items[1])
local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "ft")
if #items > 0 then
lspopts.items = items
lspopts.ft = ft
print("symbols not found")
M.document_symbol_handler = mk_handler(function(err, result, ctx)
if err then
print("failed to get document symbol", ctx)
if not result or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
print("symbol not found for buf", ctx)
-- log(result)
local locations = {}
local fname = vim.fn.expand("%:p:f")
local uri = vim.uri_from_fname(fname)
-- vim.list_extend(locations, vim.lsp.util.symbols_to_items(result) or {})
for i = 1, #result do
local item = {}
item.kind = result[i].kind
local kind = symbol_kind(item.kind)
item.name = result[i].name
item.range = result[i].range
item.uri = uri
item.selectionRange = result[i].selectionRange
item.detail = result[i].detail or ""
if item.detail == "()" then
item.detail = "func"
item.lnum = result[i].range.start.line + 1
item.text = "[" .. kind .. "]" .. item.name .. " " .. item.detail
item.filename = fname
table.insert(locations, item)
if result[i].children ~= nil then
for _, c in pairs(result[i].children) do
local child = {}
child.kind = c.kind
child.name = c.name
child.range = c.range
local ckind = symbol_kind(child.kind)
child.selectionRange = c.selectionRange
child.filename = fname
child.uri = uri
child.lnum = c.range.start.line + 1
child.detail = c.detail or ""
child.text = " [" .. ckind .. "] " .. child.name .. " " .. child.detail
table.insert(locations, child)
local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "ft")
-- trace(locations)
-- local items = locations_to_items(locations)
gui.new_list_view({items = locations, prompt = true, rawdata = true, ft = ft, api = " "})
-- if locations == nil or vim.tbl_isempty(locations) then
-- print "References not found"
-- return
-- end
-- local items = locations_to_items(locations)
-- gui.new_list_view({items = items})
-- local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
-- local items = vim.lsp.util.symbols_to_items(result, bufnr)
-- local data = {}
-- for i, item in pairs(action.items) do
-- data[i] = item.text
-- if filename ~= item.filename then
-- local cwd = vim.loop.cwd() .. "/"
-- local add = util.get_relative_path(cwd, item.filename)
-- data[i] = data[i] .. " - " .. add
-- end
-- item.text = nil
-- end
-- opts.data = data
M.workspace_symbol_handler = mk_handler(function(err, result, ctx, cfg)
if err then
print("failed to get workspace symbol", ctx)
if not result or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
print("symbol not found for buf", ctx)
local items = symbols_to_items(result)
-- local locations = {}
-- for i = 1, #result do
-- local item = result[i].location or {}
-- item.kind = result[i].kind
-- item.containerName = result[i].containerName or ""
-- item.name = result[i].name
-- item.text = result[i].name
-- if #item.containerName > 0 then
-- item.text = item.text:gsub(item.containerName, "", 1)
-- end
-- table.insert(locations, item)
-- end
-- local items = locations_to_items(locations)
local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(ctx.bufnr, "ft")
gui.new_list_view({items = items, prompt = true, ft = ft, rowdata = true, api = " "})
-- if locations == nil or vim.tbl_isempty(locations) then
-- print "References not found"
-- return
-- end
-- local items = locations_to_items(locations)
-- gui.new_list_view({items = items})
-- local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
-- local items = vim.lsp.util.symbols_to_items(result, bufnr)
-- local data = {}
-- for i, item in pairs(action.items) do
-- data[i] = item.text
-- if filename ~= item.filename then
-- local cwd = vim.loop.cwd() .. "/"
-- local add = util.get_relative_path(cwd, item.filename)
-- data[i] = data[i] .. " - " .. add
-- end
-- item.text = nil
-- end
-- opts.data = data
return M