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ray-x 87bfe35a02 Add signature help and current active parameter highlighting 3 years ago
lua Add signature help and current active parameter highlighting 3 years ago
plugin init commit 3 years ago
LICENSE Add signature help and current active parameter highlighting 3 years ago


Easy code navigation through LSP and 🌲🏡Treesitter symbols, diagnostic errors.


  • LSP easy setup. Support some of the most commonly used lsp client setup
  • Unorthodox UI with floating windows
  • Async request with lsp.buf_request for reference search
  • Treesitter symbol search. It is handy for large file (Do you know some of LSP e.g. sumneko_lua, there is a 100kb limition?)
  • fzy search with Lua-JIT
  • Better navigation for diagnostic errors, Navigate through files that contain errors/warnings
  • Group references/implementation/incomming/outgoing based on file names.
  • Nerdfont, emoji for LSP and Treesitter kind

Why a new plugin

After installed a handful of lsp plugins, I still got ~800 loc for lsp and treesitter and still increasing because I need to tune the lsp plugins to fit my requirements. Navigator.lua help user setup lspconfig with only a few lines of codes. This plugin provide a visual way to manage and navigate through symobls, errors etc. It also the first plugin, IMO, that allows you to search in all treesitter symbols in the workspace.

Similar projects / special mentions:


You can remove your lspconfig setup and use this plugin. The plugin depends on guihua.lua, which provides GUI and fzy support.

Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' }
Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua'


use {'ray-x/navigator.lua', requires = {'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make'}}


lua require'navigator'.setup()

Sample vimrc

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' }
Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua'

" optional if you need treesitter symbol support
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}

call plug#end()

lua <<EOF
local nvim_lsp = require('lspconfig')

Generally speaking, you could remove most part of your lspconfig.lua and use the hooks in navigator.lua


  • lspconfig
  • guihua.lua (provides floating window, FZY)
  • Optional:
    • treesitter (list treesitter symbols)
    • lsp-signature
    • vim-illuminate

The plugin can be loaded lazily (packer opt = true ), And it will check if optional plugins existance and load those plugins only if they existed.


Please refer to lua/navigator/lspclient/mapping.lua on key mappings. Should be able to work out-of-box.

  • Use <c-e> or :q! to kill the floating window
  • <up/down> (or <c-n>, <c-p>) to move
  • <c-o> to open location or apply code actions


In navigator.lua there is a default configration. You can override the values by pass you own values


-- The attach will be call at end of navigator on_attach()
require'navigator'.setup({on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require 'illuminate'.on_attach(client)})


colorscheme: aurora



Document Symbol

document symbol

Workspace Symbol

workspace symbol


Diagnostic in single bufer


Show diagnostic in all buffers

diagnostic multi files



Fzy search in reference


Code actions

code actions

Fill struct with gopls code actions fill struct

Code preview with highlight

code preview

Treesitter symbol

Treetsitter symbols in all buffers treesitter

Signature help

Improved signature help with current parameter highlighted


Call hierarchy (incomming/outgoing)


Light bulb when codeAction avalible


Predefined LSP symbol nerdfont/emoji



  • Early phase, bugs expected, PR and suggestions are welcome
  • Async (some of the requests is slow on large codebases and might be good to use co-rountine)
  • More clients. I use go, python, js/ts, java, c/cpp, lua most of the time. Do not test other languages (e.g dart, swift etc)
  • Configuration options