local util = require('navigator.util') local log = util.log local trace = util.trace local code_action = {} -- local gui = require('navigator.gui') local config = require('navigator').config_values() local api = vim.api local sign_name = 'NavigatorLightBulb' --- `codeAction/resolve` -- from neovim buf.lua, change vim.ui.select to gui local diagnostic = vim.diagnostic or vim.lsp.diagnostic -- https://github.com/glepnir/lspsaga.nvim/blob/main/lua/lspsaga/codeaction.lua -- lspsaga has a clever design to inject code action indicator local sign_group = 'nvcodeaction' local get_namespace = function() return api.nvim_create_namespace(sign_group) end local get_current_winid = function() return api.nvim_get_current_win() end local function _update_virtual_text(line, actions) local namespace = get_namespace() pcall(api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace, 0, namespace, 0, -1) if line then trace(line, actions) local icon_with_indent = ' ' .. config.icons.code_action_icon local title = actions[1].title pcall(api.nvim_buf_set_extmark, 0, namespace, line, -1, { virt_text = { { icon_with_indent .. title, 'LspDiagnosticsSignHint' } }, virt_text_pos = 'overlay', hl_mode = 'combine', }) end end local function _update_sign(line) if vim.tbl_isempty(vim.fn.sign_getdefined(sign_name)) then vim.fn.sign_define(sign_name, { text = config.icons.code_action_icon, texthl = 'LspDiagnosticsSignHint', }) end local winid = get_current_winid() if code_action[winid] == nil then code_action[winid] = {} end -- only show code action on the current line, remove all others if code_action[winid].lightbulb_line and code_action[winid].lightbulb_line > 0 then vim.fn.sign_unplace(sign_group, { id = code_action[winid].lightbulb_line, buffer = '%' }) log('sign removed', line) end if line then -- log("updatasign", line, sign_group, sign_name) local id = vim.fn.sign_place( line, sign_group, sign_name, '%', { lnum = line + 1, priority = config.lsp.code_action.sign_priority } ) code_action[winid].lightbulb_line = id log('sign updated', id) end end -- local need_check_diagnostic = {["go"] = true, ["python"] = true} local need_check_diagnostic = { ['python'] = true } function code_action:render_action_virtual_text(line, diagnostics) return function(err, actions, context) trace(actions, context) if context and context.client_id then local cname = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ id = context.client_id })[1].name if cname == 'null-ls' and _NgConfigValues.lsp.disable_nulls_codeaction_sign then return end end -- if nul-ls enabled, some of the lsp may not send valid code action, if actions == nil or type(actions) ~= 'table' or vim.tbl_isempty(actions) then -- no actions cleanup if config.lsp.code_action.virtual_text then _update_virtual_text(nil) end if config.lsp.code_action.sign then _update_sign(nil) end else trace(err, line, diagnostics, actions, context) if config.lsp.code_action.sign then if need_check_diagnostic[vim.bo.filetype] then if next(diagnostics) == nil then -- no diagnostic, no code action sign.. _update_sign(nil) else _update_sign(line) end else _update_sign(line) end end if config.lsp.code_action.virtual_text then if need_check_diagnostic[vim.bo.filetype] then if next(diagnostics) == nil then _update_virtual_text(nil) else _update_virtual_text(line, actions) end else _update_virtual_text(line, actions) end end end end end local special_buffers = { ['lspsagafinder'] = true, ['NvimTree'] = true, ['vista'] = true, ['guihua'] = true, ['lspinfo'] = true, ['markdown'] = true, ['text'] = true, } -- local action_call_back = function (_,_) -- return Action:action_callback() -- end local action_virtual_call_back = function(line, diagnostics) return code_action:render_action_virtual_text(line, diagnostics) end local code_action_req = function(_call_back_fn, diagnostics) local context = { diagnostics = diagnostics } local params = vim.lsp.util.make_range_params() params.context = context local line = params.range.start.line local callback = _call_back_fn(line, diagnostics) vim.lsp.buf_request(0, 'textDocument/codeAction', params, callback) end local function sort_select(action_tuples, opts, on_user_choice) -- table.sort(action_tuples, function(a, b) -- return a[1] > b[1] -- end) require('guihua.gui').select(action_tuples, opts, on_user_choice) end code_action.code_action = function() local original_select = vim.ui.select vim.ui.select = sort_select log('codeaction') vim.lsp.buf.code_action() vim.defer_fn(function() vim.ui.select = original_select end, 1000) end code_action.range_code_action = function(startpos, endpos) local context = {} context.diagnostics = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_line_diagnostics() local params = util.make_given_range_params(startpos, endpos) params.context = context local original_select = vim.ui.select vim.ui.select = require('guihua.gui').select vim.lsp.buf.range_code_action(context, startpos, endpos) vim.defer_fn(function() vim.ui.select = original_select end, 1000) end code_action.code_action_prompt = function() if special_buffers[vim.bo.filetype] then log('skip buffer', vim.bo.filetype) return end local diagnostics if diagnostic.get_line_diagnostics then -- old version diagnostics = diagnostic.get_line_diagnostics() else local lnum = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1] - 1 diagnostics = diagnostic.get(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(), { lnum = lnum }) end local winid = get_current_winid() code_action[winid] = code_action[winid] or {} code_action[winid].lightbulb_line = code_action[winid].lightbulb_line or 0 code_action_req(action_virtual_call_back, diagnostics) end return code_action