-- retreives data form file -- and line to highlight -- Some of function copied from https://github.com/RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils local M = { log_path = vim.lsp.get_log_path() } -- local is_windows = uv.os_uname().version:match("Windows") local guihua = require('guihua.util') local nvim_0_6_1 local nvim_0_8 local vfn = vim.fn local api = vim.api M.path_sep = function() local is_win = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname:find('Windows') if is_win then return '\\' else return '/' end end local path_sep = M.path_sep() M.path_cur = function() local is_win = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname:find('Windows') if is_win then return '.\\' else return './' end end M.round = function(x) return math.max(0, math.floor(x - 0.5)) end function M.get_data_from_file(filename, startLine) local displayLine if startLine < 3 then displayLine = startLine startLine = 0 else startLine = startLine - 2 displayLine = 2 end local uri = 'file:///' .. filename local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then vfn.bufload(bufnr) end local data = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, startLine, startLine + 8, false) if data == nil or vim.tbl_isempty(data) then startLine = nil else local len = #data startLine = startLine + 1 for i = 1, len, 1 do data[i] = startLine .. ' ' .. data[i] startLine = startLine + 1 end end return { data = data, line = displayLine } end function M.io_read(filename) local f = io.open(filename, 'r') if f == nil then return nil end local content = f:read('*a') -- *a or *all reads the whole file f:close() return content end function M.rm_file(filename) return os.remove(filename) end function M.file_exists(name) local f = io.open(name, 'r') if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true end return false end M.merge = function(t1, t2) for k, v in pairs(t2) do t1[k] = v end return t1 end M.map = function(modes, key, result, options) options = M.merge({ noremap = true, silent = false, expr = false, nowait = false }, options or {}) local buffer = options.buffer options.buffer = nil if type(modes) ~= 'table' then modes = { modes } end for i = 1, #modes do if buffer then api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, modes[i], key, result, options) else api.nvim_set_keymap(modes[i], key, result, options) end end end function M.get_base(path) local len = #path for i = len, 1, -1 do if path:sub(i, i) == path_sep then local ret = path:sub(i + 1, len) return ret end end end local function getDir(path) local data = {} local len = #path if len <= 1 then return nil end local last_index = 1 for i = 2, len do local cur_char = path:sub(i, i) if cur_char == path_sep then local my_data = path:sub(last_index + 1, i - 1) table.insert(data, my_data) last_index = i end end return data end function M.get_relative_path(base_path, my_path) local base_data = getDir(base_path) if base_data == nil then return end local my_data = getDir(my_path) if my_data == nil then return end local base_len = #base_data local my_len = #my_data if base_len > my_len then return my_path end if base_data[1] ~= my_data[1] then return my_path end local cur = 0 for i = 1, base_len do if base_data[i] ~= my_data[i] then break end cur = i end local data = '' for i = cur + 1, my_len do data = data .. my_data[i] .. path_sep end data = data .. M.get_base(my_path) return data end M.log = function(...) return { ... } end M.info = function(...) return { ... } end M.trace = function(...) return { ... } end M.warn = function(...) return { ... } end M.error = function(...) print(...) end local level = 'error' function M.setup() if _NgConfigValues.debug == true then level = 'info' elseif _NgConfigValues.debug == 'trace' then level = 'trace' end local default_config = { use_console = false, use_file = true, level = level } if _NgConfigValues.debug_console_output then default_config.use_console = true default_config.use_file = false end M._log = require('guihua.log').new(default_config, true) if _NgConfigValues.debug then -- add log to you lsp.log M.trace = M._log.trace M.info = M._log.info M.warn = M._log.warn M.error = M._log.error M.log = M.info end end function M.fmt(...) M._log.fmt_info(...) end function M.split(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = '%s' end local t = {} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, '([^' .. sep .. ']+)') do table.insert(t, str) end return t end function M.quickfix_extract(line) -- check if it is a line of file pos been selected local split = M.split line = vim.trim(line) local sep = split(line, ' ') if #sep < 2 then M.log(line) return nil end sep = split(sep[1], ':') if #sep < 3 then M.log(line) return nil end local location = { uri = 'file:///' .. sep[1], range = { start = { line = sep[2] - 3 > 0 and sep[2] - 3 or 1 } }, } location.range['end'] = { line = sep[2] + 15 } return location end function M.getArgs(inputstr) local sep = '%s' local t = {} local cmd for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, '([^' .. sep .. ']+)') do if not cmd then cmd = str else table.insert(t, str) end end return cmd, t end function M.p(t) vim.notify(vim.inspect(t), vim.log.levels.INFO) end function M.printError(msg) vim.cmd('echohl ErrorMsg') vim.cmd(string.format([[echomsg '%s']], msg)) vim.cmd('echohl None') end function M.reload() vim.lsp.stop_client(vim.lsp.get_active_clients()) vim.cmd([[edit]]) end function M.open_log() local path = vim.lsp.get_log_path() vim.cmd('edit ' .. path) end function table.pack(...) return { n = select('#', ...), ... } end function M.show(...) local string = '' local args = table.pack(...) for i = 1, args.n do string = string .. tostring(args[i]) .. '\t' end return string .. '\n' end function M.split2(s, sep) local fields = {} sep = sep or ' ' local pattern = string.format('([^%s]+)', sep) _ = string.gsub(s, pattern, function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end) return fields end function M.trim_and_pad(txt) local len = #txt if len <= 1 then return end local tab_en = txt[1] == '\t' or false txt = vim.trim(txt) if tab_en then if len - txt > 2 then return ' ' .. txt end if len - txt > 0 then return ' ' .. txt end end local rep = math.min(12, len - #txt) return string.rep(' ', rep / 4) .. txt end M.open_file = function(filename) api.nvim_command(string.format('e! %s', filename)) end M.open_file_at = guihua.open_file_at -- function M.exists(var) -- for k, _ in pairs(_G) do -- if k == var then -- return true -- end -- end -- end local exclude_ft = { 'scrollbar', 'help', 'NvimTree' } function M.exclude(fname) for i = 1, #exclude_ft do if string.find(fname, exclude_ft[i]) then return true end end return false end --- virtual text -- name space search local nss local bufs function M.set_virt_eol(bufnr, lnum, chunks, priority, id) if nss == nil then nss = api.nvim_create_namespace('navigator_search') end bufnr = bufnr == 0 and api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr bufs[bufnr] = true -- id may be nil return api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, nss, lnum, -1, { id = id, virt_text = chunks, priority = priority }) end function M.clear_buf(bufnr) if not bufnr then return end bufnr = bufnr == 0 and api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr if bufs[bufnr] then if api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, nss, 0, -1) -- nvim_buf_del_extmark end bufs[bufnr] = nil end end function M.clear_all_buf() for bufnr in pairs(bufs) do M.clear_buf(bufnr) end bufs = {} end function M.get_current_winid() return api.nvim_get_current_win() end function M.nvim_0_6_1() if nvim_0_6_1 ~= nil then return nvim_0_6_1 end nvim_0_6_1 = vfn.has('nvim-0.6.1') == 1 if nvim_0_6_1 == false then M.warn('Please use navigator 0.3 version for neovim version < 0.6.1') end return nvim_0_6_1 end function M.nvim_0_8() if nvim_0_8 ~= nil then return nvim_0_8 end nvim_0_8 = vfn.has('nvim-0.8') == 1 if nvim_0_8 == false then M.log('Please use navigator 0.4 version for neovim version < 0.8') end return nvim_0_8 end function M.mk_handler(fn) return function(...) return fn(...) end end function M.partial(func, arg) return function(...) return func(arg, ...) end end function M.partial2(func, arg1, arg2) return function(...) return func(arg1, arg2, ...) end end function M.partial3(func, arg1, arg2, arg3) return function(...) return func(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...) end end function M.partial4(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) return function(...) return func(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...) end end function M.empty(t) if t == nil then return true end if type(t) ~= 'table' then return false end return next(t) == nil end function M.encoding(client) if client == nil then client = 1 end if type(client) == 'number' then client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client) or {} end local oe = client.offset_encoding if oe == nil then return 'utf-8' end if type(oe) == 'table' then return oe[1] end return oe end -- alternatively: use vim.notify("namespace does not exist or is anonymous", vim.log.levels.ERROR) function M.warn(msg) vim.notify('WRN: ' .. msg, vim.lsp.log_levels.WARN) end function M.error(msg) vim.notify('ERR: ' .. msg, vim.lsp.log_levels.EROR) end function M.info(msg) vim.notify('INF: ' .. msg, vim.lsp.log_levels.INFO) end function M.dedup(locations) local m = 10 if m > #locations then m = #locations end local dict = {} local del = {} for i = 1, m, 1 do local value = locations[i] local range = value.range or value.originSelectionRange or value.targetRange if not range then break end local key = (range.uri or value.targetUri or '') .. ':' .. tostring(range.start.line) .. ':' .. tostring(range.start.character) .. ':' .. tostring(range['end'].line) .. ':' .. tostring(range['end'].character) if dict[key] == nil then dict[key] = i else local j = dict[key] if not locations[j].definition then table.insert(del, i) else table.insert(del, j) end end end for i = #del, 1, -1 do table.remove(locations, del[i]) end return locations end function M.range_inside(outer, inner) if outer == nil or inner == nil then return false end if outer.start == nil or outer['end'] == nil or inner.start == nil or inner['end'] == nil then return false end return outer.start.line <= inner.start.line and outer['end'].line >= inner['end'].line end return M