# Navigator - Source code analysis and navigate tool - Easy code navigation, view diagnostic errors, see relationships of functions, variables - A plugin combines the power of LSP and 🌲🏡 Treesitter together. Not only provids a better highlight but also help you analyse symbol context effectively. - ctags fuzzy search & build ctags symbols [![a short intro of navigator](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/147378905-51eede5f-e36d-48f4-9799-ae562949babe.jpeg)](https://youtu.be/P1kd7Y8AatE) Here are some examples: ## Example: Javascript closure The following screenshot shows javascript call tree 🌲 of variable `browser` insides a closure. This feature is similar to incoming & outgoing calls from LSP. It is designed for the symbol analysis. ![navigator](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/126022829-291a7a2e-4d24-4fde-8293-5ae61562e67d.jpg) Explanation: - The first line of floating windows shows there are 3 references for the symbol _browser_ in closure.js - The first reference of browser is an assignment, an emoji 📝 indicates the value is changed in this line. In many cases, we search for references to find out when the value changed. - The second reference of `browser` is inside function `displayName` and `displayName` sit inside `makeFunc`, So you will see `displayName{} <- makeFunc{}` - The third similar to the second, as var browser is on the right side of '=', the value not changed in this line and emoji is not shown. ## Example: C++ definition C++ example: search reference and definition ![cpp_ref](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/119215215-8bd7a080-bb0f-11eb-82fc-8cdf1955e6e7.jpg) You may find a 🦕 dinosaur(d) on the line of `Rectangle rect,` which means there is a definition (d for def) of rect in this line. `<- f main()` means the definition is inside function main(). ## Golang struct type Struct type references in multiple Go ﳑ files ![go_reference](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/119123823-54b3b180-ba73-11eb-8790-097601e10f6a.gif) This feature can provide you info in which function/class/method the variable was referenced. It is handy for a large project where class/function definition is too long to fit into the preview window. Also provides a bird's eye view of where the variable is: - Referenced - Modified - Defined - Called ## Features - LSP easy setup. Support the most commonly used lsp clients setup. Dynamic lsp activation based on buffer type. This also enables you to handle workspace with mixed types of codes (e.g. Go + javascript + yml). A better default setup is included for LSP clients. - Out of box experience. 10 lines of minimum vimrc can turn your neovim into a full-featured LSP & Treesitter powered IDE - UI with floating windows, navigator provides a visual way to manage and navigate through symbols, diagnostic errors, reference etc. It covers all features(handler) provided by LSP from commonly used search reference, to less commonly used search for interface implementation. - Code Action GUI - Luv async thread and tasks - Edit your code in preview window - Async request with lsp.buf_request for reference search - Treesitter symbol search. It is handy for large files (Some of LSP e.g. sumneko_lua, there is a 100kb file size limitation?). Also as LSP trying to hide details behind, Treesitter allows you to access all AST semantics. - FZY search with either native C (if gcc installed) or Lua-JIT - LSP multiple symbols highlight/marker and hop between document references - Preview definination/references - Better navigation for diagnostic errors, Navigate through all files/buffers that contain errors/warnings - Grouping references/implementation/incoming/outgoing based on file names. - Treesitter based variable/function context analysis. It is 10x times faster compared to purely rely on LSP. In most of the case, it takes treesitter less than 4 ms to read and render all nodes for a file of 1,000 LOC. - The first plugin, IMO, allows you to search in all treesitter symbols in the workspace. - Nerdfont, emoji for LSP and treesitter kind - Optimize display (remove trailing bracket/space), display the caller of reference, de-duplicate lsp results (e.g reference in the same line). Using treesitter for file preview highlighter etc - ccls call hierarchy (Non-standard `ccls/call` API) supports - Syntax folding based on treesitter or LSP_fold folding algorithm. (It behaves similar to vs-code); dedicated comment folding. - Treesitter symbols sidebar, LSP document symbole sidebar. Both with preview and folding - Calltree: Display and expand Lsp incoming/outgoing calls hierarchy-tree with sidebar - Fully support LSP CodeAction, CodeLens, CodeLens action. Help you improve code quality. - LRU cache for treesitter nodes - Lazy loader friendly - Multigrid support (different font and detachable) - Side panel (sidebar) and floating windows ## Why a new plugin I'd like to go beyond what the system is offering. ### Similar projects / special mentions - [nvim-lsputils](https://github.com/RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils) - [nvim-fzy](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-fzy.git) - [fuzzy](https://github.com/amirrezaask/fuzzy.nvim) - [lspsaga](https://github.com/glepnir/lspsaga.nvim) - [fzf-lsp lsp with fzf as gui backend](https://github.com/gfanto/fzf-lsp.nvim) - [nvim-treesitter-textobjects](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects) - [inc-rename.nvim](https://github.com/smjonas/inc-rename.nvim) ## Install Require nvim-0.6.1 or above, nightly (0.8) prefered You can remove your lspconfig setup and use this plugin. The plugin depends on lspconfig and [guihua.lua](https://github.com/ray-x/guihua.lua), which provides GUI and fzy support(migrate from [romgrk's project](romgrk/fzy-lua-native)). ```vim Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' } Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua' ``` Note: Highly recommend: 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' Packer ```lua use({ 'ray-x/navigator.lua', requires = { { 'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make' }, { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' }, }, }) ``` ## Setup Easy setup **BOTH** lspconfig and navigator with one liner. Navigator covers around 20 most used LSP setup. ```lua lua require'navigator'.setup() ``` ## Sample vimrc turning your neovim into a full-featured IDE ```vim call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' } Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua' " Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' and other plugins you commenly use... " optional, if you need treesitter symbol support Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} call plug#end() " No need for require('lspconfig'), navigator will configure it for you lua <gr | show reference and context | | i | \ | signature help | | n | \ | signature help | | n | gW | workspace symbol | | n | gD | declaration | | n | gd | definition | | n | g0 | document symbol | | n | \ | go to definition (if multiple show listview) | | n | gp | definition preview (show Preview) | | n | \ | definition | | n | g\ | implementation | | n | \gt | treesitter document symbol | | n | \gT | treesitter symbol for all open buffers | | n | \ ct | ctags symbol search | | n | \ cg | ctags symbol generate | | n | K | hover doc | | n | \ca | code action (when you see 🏏 ) | | n | \la | code lens action (when you see a codelens indicator) | | v | \ca | range code action (when you see 🏏 ) | | n | \rn | rename with floating window | | n | \re | rename (lsp default) | | n | \gi | hierarchy incoming calls | | n | \go | hierarchy outgoing calls | | n | gi | implementation | | n | \ D | type definition | | n | gL | show line diagnostic | | n | gG | show diagnostic for all buffers | | n | ]d | next diagnostic | | n | [d | previous diagnostic | | n | \ dt | diagnostic toggle(enable/disable) | | n | ]r | next treesitter reference/usage | | n | [r | previous treesitter reference/usage | | n | \ wa | add workspace folder | | n | \ wr | remove workspace folder | | n | \ wl | print workspace folder | | n | \k | toggle reference highlight | | i/n | \ | previous item in list | | i/n | \ | next item in list | | i/n | number 1~9 | move to ith row/item in the list | | i/n | \ | previous item in list | | i/n | \ | next item in list | | n | \j | move cursor to preview (windows move to bottom view point) | | n | \k | move cursor to list (windows move to up view point) | | i/n | \ | open preview file in nvim/Apply action | | n | \ | open preview file in nvim with vsplit | | n | \ | open preview file in nvim with split | | n | \ | open preview file in nvim/Apply action | | n | \ | close listview of floating window | | i/n | \ | close listview of floating window | | n | \ | close listview and send results to quickfix | | i/n | \ | previous page in listview | | i/n | \ | next page in listview | | i/n | \ | save the modification to preview window to file | ### Colors/Highlight You can override default highlight GuihuaListDark (listview) and GuihuaTextViewDark (code view) and GuihuaListHl (select item) e.g. ```vim hi default GuihuaTextViewDark guifg=#e0d8f4 guibg=#332e55 hi default GuihuaListDark guifg=#e0d8f4 guibg=#103234 hi default GuihuaListHl guifg=#e0d8f4 guibg=#404254 ``` There are other Lsp highlight been used in this plugin, e.g LspReferenceRead/Text/Write are used for document highlight, LspDiagnosticsXXX are used for diagnostic. Please check highlight.lua and dochighlight.lua for more info. ## Dependency - lspconfig - guihua.lua (provides floating window, FZY) - Optional: - treesitter (list treesitter symbols, object analysis) - lsp-signature (better signature help) The plugin can be loaded lazily (packer `opt = true` ), And it will check if optional plugins existance and load those plugins only if they existed. The terminal will need to be able to output nerdfont and emoji correctly. I am using Kitty with nerdfont (Victor Mono). ## Integrate with mason (williamboman/mason.nvim) If you are using mason and would like to use the lsp servers installed by mason. Please set ```lua mason = true -- mason user ``` In the config. Also please setup the lsp server from installer setup with `server:setup{opts}` for mason ```lua use("williamboman/mason.nvim") use({ "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", config = function() require("mason").setup() require("mason-lspconfig").setup({}) end, }) use({ "ray-x/navigator.lua", requires = { { "ray-x/guihua.lua", run = "cd lua/fzy && make" }, { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" }, { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }, }, config = function() require("navigator").setup({ mason = true, }) end, }) ``` Another way to setup mason is disable navigator lsp setup and using mason setup handlers, pylsp for example ```lua use("williamboman/mason.nvim") use({ "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", config = function() require("mason").setup() require("mason-lspconfig").setup_handlers({ ["pylsp"] = function() require("lspconfig").pylsp.setup({ on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require("navigator.lspclient.mapping").setup({ client = client, bufnr = bufnr }) -- setup navigator keymaps here, require("navigator.dochighlight").documentHighlight(bufnr) require("navigator.codeAction").code_action_prompt(bufnr) end, }) end, }) require("mason-lspconfig").setup({}) end, }) use({ "navigator.lua", requires = { { "ray-x/guihua.lua", run = "cd lua/fzy && make" }, { "nvim-lspconfig" }, { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }, }, config = function() require("navigator").setup({ mason = true, lsp = { disable_lsp = { "pylsp" } }, -- disable pylsp setup from navigator }) end, }) ``` Alternatively, Navigator can be used to startup the server installed by mason. as it will override the navigator setup To start LSP installed by mason, please use following setups ```lua require'navigator'.setup({ -- mason = false -- default value is false lsp = { tsserver = { cmd = {'your tsserver installed by mason'} } -- e.g. tsserver = { cmd = {'/home/username/.local/share/nvim/mason/packages/typescript-language-server/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsserver'} } } }) ``` example cmd setup (mac) for pyright : ```lua require'navigator'.setup({ -- mason = false -- default value is false lsp = { tsserver = { cmd = { "/Users/username/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver", "--stdio" } -- or mason: cmd = { "/Users/username/.local/share/nvim/mason/packages/pyright/node_modules/pyright/index.js", "--stdio"} } } } ``` ### Integration with other lsp plugins (e.g. rust-tools, go.nvim, clangd extension) There are lots of plugins provides lsp support * go.nvim allow you either hook gopls from go.nvim or from navigator and it can export the lsp setup from go.nvim. * rust-tools and clangd allow you to setup on_attach from config server * [neodev](https://github.com/folke/neodev.nvim) Dev setup for lua development. Navigator help you setup neodev * setup with neodev ```lua use {"folke/neodev.nvim", ft = 'lua', config = function() require'neodev'.setup{} end } use {"ray-x/navigator.lua", config=function() require'navigator'.setup{} end } ``` * Here is an example to setup rust with rust-tools ```lua require('rust-tools').setup({ server = { on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({client=client, bufnr=bufnr}) -- setup navigator keymaps here, require("navigator.dochighlight").documentHighlight(bufnr) require('navigator.codeAction').code_action_prompt(bufnr) -- otherwise, you can define your own commands to call navigator functions end, } }) require("clangd_extensions").setup { server = { on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({client=client, bufnr=bufnr}) -- setup navigator keymaps here, require("navigator.dochighlight").documentHighlight(bufnr) require('navigator.codeAction').code_action_prompt(bufnr) -- otherwise, you can define your own commands to call navigator functions end, } } ``` ## Usage Please refer to lua/navigator/lspclient/mapping.lua on key mappings. Should be able to work out-of-box. - Use \ or `:q!` to kill the floating window - (or \, \) to move - \ or \ to open location or apply code actions. Note: \ might be bound in insert mode by other plugins ## Configuration In `navigator.lua` there is a default configuration. You can override the values by passing your own values e.g ```lua -- The attach will be call at end of navigator on_attach() require'navigator'.setup({on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require 'illuminate'.on_attach(client)}) ``` ## Highlighting I am using: - LspReferenceRead, LspReferenceText and LspReferenceWrite are used for `autocmd CursorHold lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()` That is where you saw the current symbol been highlighted. - GuihuaListDark and GuihuaTextViewDark is used for floating listvew and TextView. They are be based on current background (Normal) and PmenuSel - In future, I will use NormalFloat for floating view. But ATM, most of colorscheme does not define NormalFloat You can override the above highlight to fit your current colorscheme ## commands | command | function | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | LspToggleFmt | toggle lsp auto format | | LspKeymaps | show LSP releated keymaps | | Nctags {args} | show ctags symbols, args: -g regen ctags | | LspRestart | reload lsp | | LspToggleFmt | toggle lsp format | | LspSymbols | document symbol in side panel | | NRefPanel | show symbol reference in side panel | | TSymobls | treesitter symbol in side panel | | Calltree {args} | lsp call hierarchy call tree, args: -i (incomming default), -o (outgoing) | ## Screenshots colorscheme: [aurora](https://github.com/ray-x/aurora) ### Reference Pls check the first part of README ### Definition preview Using treesitter and LSP to view the symbol definition ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/139771978-bbc970a5-be9f-42cf-8942-3477485bd89c.png) ### Sidebar, folding, outline Treesitter outline and Diagnostics image image Calltree (Expandable LSP call hierarchy) image ### GUI and multigrid support You can load a different font size for floating win ![multigrid2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/139196378-bf69ade9-c916-42a9-a91f-cccb39b9c4eb.jpg) ### Document Symbol and navigate through the list ![doc_symbol_and_navigate](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/148642747-1870b1a4-67c2-4a0d-8a41-d462ecdc663e.gif) The key binding to navigate in the list. - up and down key - `` for page up and down - number key 1~9 go to the ith item. - If there are loads of results, would be good to use fzy search prompt to filter out the result you are interested. ### Workspace Symbol ![workspace symbol](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/workspace_symbol.gif?raw=true) ### highlight document symbol and jump between reference ![multiple_symbol_hi3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/120067627-f9f80680-c0bf-11eb-9216-18e5c8547f59.gif) ## Current symbol highlight and jump backward/forward between symbols Document highlight provided by LSP. Jump between symbols with treesitter (with `]r` and `[r`) ![doc jump](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/doc_hl_jump.gif?raw=true) ### Diagnostic Visual studio code style show errors minimap in scroll bar area (Check setup for `diagnostic_scrollbar_sign`) ![diagnostic_scroll_bar](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/128736430-e365523d-810c-4c16-a3b4-c74969f45f0b.jpg) Diagnostic in single bufer ![diagnostic](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/diag.jpg?raw=true) Show diagnostic in all buffers ![diagnostic multi files](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/diagnostic_multiplefiles.jpg?raw=true) ### Edit in preview window You can in place edit your code in floating window (Note: This feature only avalible in `find reference` and `find diagnostic`, You can not add/remove lines in floating window) ### Implementation ![implementation](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/118735346-967e0580-b883-11eb-8c1e-88c5810f7e05.jpg?raw=true) ### Fzy search in reference ![fzy_reference](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/fzy_reference.jpg?raw=true) ### Code actions ![code actions](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/codeaction.jpg?raw=true) ### Symbol rename #### Fill struct with gopls ![code actions fill struct](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/fill_struct.gif?raw=true) ### Code preview with highlight ![treesitter_preview](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/118900852-4bccbe00-b955-11eb-82f6-0747b1b64e7c.jpg) ### Treesitter symbol Treetsitter symbols in all buffers ![treesitter](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/118734953-cc6eba00-b882-11eb-9db8-0a052630d57e.jpg?raw=true) ### Signature help Improved signature help with current parameter highlighted ![signature](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/signature_with_highlight.jpg?raw=true) ![show_signature](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/show_signnature.gif?raw=true "show_signature") ### Call hierarchy (incomming/outgoing calls) ![incomming_calls](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/142348079-49b71486-4f16-4f10-95c9-483aad11c262.jpg) ### Light bulb if codeAction available ![lightbulb](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/lightbulb.jpg?raw=true) ### Codelens Codelens for gopls/golang. Garbage collection analyse: ![codelens](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/132428956-7835bf30-2ed5-4871-b2d7-7fbad22f63e8.jpg) Codelens for C++/ccls. Symbol reference ![codelens_cpp_ccls](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/132429134-abc6547e-79cc-44a4-b7a9-23550b895e51.jpg) ### Predefined LSP symbol nerdfont/emoji ![nerdfont](https://github.com/ray-x/files/blob/master/img/navigator/icon_nerd.jpg?raw=true) ### VS-code style folding with treesitter Folding is using a hacked version of treesitter folding. (option: ts_fold) #### folding function ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/148491596-6cd6c507-c157-4536-b8c4-dc969436763a.png) #### folding comments Multiline comments can be folded as it is treated as a block ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/148491845-5ffb18ea-f05d-4229-aec3-aa635b3de814.png) ## Debugging the plugin One simple way to gather debug info and understand what is wrong is to output the debug logs ```lua require'navigator'.setup({ debug = false, -- log output, set to true and log path: ~/.local/share/nvim/gh.log }) ``` ```lua -- a example of adding logs in the plugin local log = require"navigator.util".log local definition_hdlr = util.mk_handler(function(err, locations, ctx, _) -- output your log log('[definition] log for locations', locations, "and ctx", ctx) if err ~= nil then return end end ``` ## Break changes and known issues [known issues I am working on](https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.lua/issues/1) ## Todo - The project is in the early phase, bugs expected, PRs and suggestions are welcome - Async (some of the requests is slow on large codebases and might be good to use co-rountine) - More clients. I use go, python, js/ts, java, c/cpp, lua most of the time. Did not test other languages (e.g dart, swift etc) - Configuration options ## Errors and Bug Reporting - Please double check your setup and check if minium setup works or not - It should works for 0.6.1, neovim 0.8.x prefered. - Check console output - Check `LspInfo` and treesitter status with `checkhealth` - Turn on log and attach the log to your issue if possible you can remove any personal/company info in the log - Submit Issue with minium vimrc. Please check playground/init.lua as a vimrc template. !!!Please DONOT use a packer vimrc. That installs everything to default folder!!! Also check this repo [navigator bug report](https://github.com/fky2015/navigator.nvim-bug-report)