local M = {} local util = require('navigator.util') local log = util.log local health = vim.health if not vim.health then health = require('health') end local nvim_09 = vim.fn.has('nvim-0.9') == 1 local start = nvim_09 and health.start or health.report_start local ok = nvim_09 and health.ok or health.report_ok local error = nvim_09 and health.error or health.report_error local warn = nvim_09 and health.warn or health.report_warn local info = nvim_09 and health.info or health.report_info local vfn = vim.fn local function plugin_check() start('navigator Plugin Check') local plugins = { 'lspconfig', 'nvim-treesitter', 'guihua', } local any_warn = false local ts_installed = false for _, plugin in ipairs(plugins) do if pcall(require, plugin) then ok(string.format('%s: plugin is installed', plugin)) if plugin == 'nvim-treesitter' then ts_installed = true end else any_warn = true warn(string.format('%s: not installed/loaded', plugin)) end end if any_warn then warn('Not all plugin installed') else ok('All plugin installed') end end function M.check() if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.9') == 0 then warn('Suggested neovim version 0.9 or higher') end plugin_check() end return M