-- NOTE: this file is a modified version of fold.lua from nvim-treesitter local log = require('navigator.util').log local trace = require('navigator.util').trace local api = vim.api local tsutils = require('nvim-treesitter.ts_utils') local query = require('nvim-treesitter.query') local parsers = require('nvim-treesitter.parsers') local get_node_at_line = require('navigator.treesitter').get_node_at_line local M = {} -- TODO: per-buffer fold table? M.current_buf_folds = {} function M.on_attach() M.setup_fold() -- M.update_folds() end local prefix = _NgConfigValues.icons.fold.prefix local sep = _NgConfigValues.icons.fold.separator local function custom_fold_text() local line = vim.fn.getline(vim.v.foldstart) local line_count = vim.v.foldend - vim.v.foldstart + 1 -- log("" .. line .. " // " .. line_count .. " lines") local ss, se = line:find('^%s*') local spaces = line:sub(ss, se) local tabspace = string.rep(' ', vim.o.tabstop) spaces = spaces:gsub('\t', tabspace) line = line:gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') -- trim leading and trailing whitespace return spaces .. prefix .. line .. ': ' .. line_count .. ' lines' end function NG_custom_fold_text() if vim.treesitter.foldtext then local line_syntax = vim.treesitter.foldtext() if type(line_syntax) ~= 'table' or #line_syntax < 1 then return line_syntax end local line_count = vim.v.foldend - vim.v.foldstart + 1 if prefix ~= '' then local spaces = line_syntax[1] local s = spaces[1] local first_char = s:sub(1, 1) if first_char == '\t' then local tabspace = string.rep(' ', vim.o.tabstop) s = s:gsub('\t', tabspace) end s = s:gsub('^ ', prefix) if s ~= spaces[1] then spaces[1] = s spaces[2] = { '@keyword' } end end local sep2 = ' ' .. string.rep(sep, 3) table.insert(line_syntax, { sep2, { '@comment' } }) table.insert(line_syntax, { ' ' .. tostring(line_count), { '@number' } }) table.insert(line_syntax, { ' lines', { '@comment' } }) table.insert(line_syntax, { sep, { '@comment' } }) return line_syntax end return custom_fold_text() end vim.opt.foldtext = NG_custom_fold_text() vim.opt.viewoptions:remove('options') function M.setup_fold() api.nvim_command('augroup FoldingCommand') api.nvim_command('autocmd! * ') api.nvim_command('augroup end') vim.opt.foldtext = 'v:lua.NG_custom_fold_text()' vim.opt.viewoptions:remove('options') vim.opt.fillchars = { foldclose = "", foldopen = "", vert = "│", fold = " ", diff = "░", msgsep = "‾", foldsep = "│" } local current_window = api.nvim_get_current_win() if not parsers.has_parser() then api.nvim_win_set_option(current_window, 'foldmethod', 'indent') log('fallback to indent folding') return end log('setup treesitter folding') api.nvim_win_set_option(current_window, 'foldmethod', 'expr') api.nvim_win_set_option(current_window, 'foldexpr', 'folding#ngfoldexpr()') end local function get_fold_level(levels, lnum) local prev_l = levels[lnum] local prev_ln if prev_l:find('>') then prev_ln = tonumber(prev_l:sub(2)) else prev_ln = tonumber(prev_l) end return prev_ln end -- This is cached on buf tick to avoid computing that multiple times -- Especially not for every line in the file when `zx` is hit local folds_levels = tsutils.memoize_by_buf_tick(function(bufnr) local max_fold_level = api.nvim_win_get_option(0, 'foldnestmax') local trim_level = function(level) if level > max_fold_level then return max_fold_level end return level end local parser = parsers.get_parser(bufnr) if not parser then log('treesitter parser not loaded') return {} end local matches = query.get_capture_matches_recursively(bufnr, function(lang) if query.has_folds(lang) then return '@fold', 'folds' elseif query.has_locals(lang) then return '@scope', 'locals' end end) -- start..stop is an inclusive range local start_counts = {} local stop_counts = {} local prev_start = -1 local prev_stop = -1 local min_fold_lines = api.nvim_win_get_option(0, 'foldminlines') for _, node in ipairs(matches) do local start, _, stop, stop_col = node.node:range() if stop_col == 0 then stop = stop - 1 end local fold_length = stop - start + 1 local should_fold = fold_length > min_fold_lines -- Fold only multiline nodes that are not exactly the same as previously met folds -- Checking against just the previously found fold is sufficient if nodes -- are returned in preorder or postorder when traversing tree if should_fold and not (start == prev_start and stop == prev_stop) then start_counts[start] = (start_counts[start] or 0) + 1 stop_counts[stop] = (stop_counts[stop] or 0) + 1 prev_start = start prev_stop = stop end end trace(start_counts) trace(stop_counts) local levels = {} local current_level = 0 -- We now have the list of fold opening and closing, fill the gaps and mark where fold start local pre_node for lnum = 0, api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) do local node, _ = get_node_at_line(lnum + 1) local comment = node:type() == 'comment' local next_node, _ = get_node_at_line(lnum + 1) local next_comment = node and node:type() == 'comment' local last_trimmed_level = trim_level(current_level) current_level = current_level + (start_counts[lnum] or 0) local trimmed_level = trim_level(current_level) local current_level2 = current_level - (stop_counts[lnum] or 0) local next_trimmed_level = trim_level(current_level2) trace(lnum, node:type(), node, last_trimmed_level, trimmed_level, next_trimmed_level) if comment then trace('comment node', trimmed_level) -- if trimmed_level == 0 then -- trimmed_level = 1 -- end levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(trimmed_level + 2) if pre_node and pre_node:type() ~= 'comment' then levels[lnum + 1] = '>' .. tostring(trimmed_level + 2) end if next_node and next_node:type() ~= 'comment' then levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(trimmed_level + 1) end else -- Determine if it's the start/end of a fold -- NB: vim's fold-expr interface does not have a mechanism to indicate that -- two (or more) folds start at this line, so it cannot distinguish between -- ( \n ( \n )) \n (( \n ) \n ) -- versus -- ( \n ( \n ) \n ( \n ) \n ) -- If it did have such a mechansim, (trimmed_level - last_trimmed_level) -- would be the correct number of starts to pass on. if trimmed_level - last_trimmed_level > 0 then if levels[lnum + 1] ~= '>' .. tostring(trimmed_level) then levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(trimmed_level) -- hack do not fold current line as it is first in fold range end levels[lnum + 2] = '>' .. tostring(trimmed_level + 1) -- dirty hack fold start from next line trace('fold start') elseif trimmed_level - next_trimmed_level > 0 then -- last line in fold range -- Ending marks tend to confuse vim more than it helps, particularly when -- the fold level changes by at least 2; we can uncomment this if -- vim's behavior gets fixed. trace('fold end') if levels[lnum + 1] then trace('already set reset as fold is ending', levels[lnum + 1]) levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(trimmed_level + 1) else local prev_ln = get_fold_level(levels, lnum) - 1 if prev_ln == 0 then prev_ln = 1 end levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(prev_ln) end -- levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(trimmed_level + 1) -- else current_level = current_level - 1 else trace('same') if pre_node and pre_node:type() == 'comment' then local prev_ln = get_fold_level(levels, lnum) - 1 levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(prev_ln) else local n = math.max(trimmed_level, 1) if lnum > 1 then if levels[lnum + 1] then trace('already set', levels[lnum + 1]) else local prev_l = levels[lnum] if prev_l:find('>') then levels[lnum + 1] = prev_l:sub(2) else levels[lnum + 1] = prev_l end end else levels[lnum + 1] = tostring(n) end end end trace(levels) end pre_node = node end trace(levels) return levels end) function M.get_fold_indic(lnum) if not parsers.has_parser() or not lnum then return '0' end local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local shown = false for i = 1, vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') do for _, value in pairs(vim.fn.tabpagebuflist(i)) do if value == buf then shown = true end end end if not shown then return '0' end local levels = folds_levels(buf) or {} -- trace(lnum, levels[lnum]) -- TODO: comment it out in master return levels[lnum] or '0' end return M