local log = require('navigator.util').log local lsp = vim.lsp local api = vim.api local M = {} -- TODO: per-buffer fold table? M.current_buf_folds = {} -- Informative table keeping track of language servers that implement textDocument/foldingRange. -- Not used at runtime (capability is resolved dynamically) M.servers_supporting_folding = { pylsp = true, pyright = false, lua_ls = true, texlab = true, clangd = false, gopls = true, julials = false, } M.active_folding_clients = {} function M.on_attach() M.setup_plugin() M.update_folds() end function M.setup_plugin() local cmd_group = api.nvim_create_augroup('NGFoldGroup', {}) api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter', 'BufWritePost' }, { group = cmd_group, pattern = '*', callback = function() require('navigator.foldlsp').update_folds() end, }) local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({buffer = 0}) for _, client in pairs(clients) do local client_id = client['id'] if M.active_folding_clients[client_id] == nil then local server_supports_folding = client['server_capabilities']['foldingRangeProvider'] or false -- if not server_supports_folding then -- api.nvim_command(string.format('echom "lsp-folding: %s does not provide folding requests"', -- client['name'])) -- end M.active_folding_clients[client_id] = server_supports_folding end end end function M.update_folds() local current_window = api.nvim_get_current_win() local in_diff_mode = api.nvim_win_get_option(current_window, 'diff') if in_diff_mode then -- In diff mode, use diff folding. api.nvim_win_set_option(current_window, 'foldmethod', 'diff') else local clients = lsp.get_active_clients({buffer = 0}) for client_id, client in pairs(clients) do if M.active_folding_clients[client_id] then -- XXX: better to pass callback in this method or add it directly in the config? -- client.config.callbacks['textDocument/foldingRange'] = M.fold_handler local current_bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local params = { uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(current_bufnr) } client.request('textDocument/foldingRange', { textDocument = params }, M.fold_handler, current_bufnr) end end end end function M.debug_folds() for _, table in ipairs(M.current_buf_folds) do local start_line = table['startLine'] local end_line = table['endLine'] log('startline', start_line, 'endline', end_line) end end M.fold_handler = function(err, result, ctx, _) -- params: err, method, result, client_id, bufnr -- XXX: handle err? if err or result == nil or #result == 0 then vim.notify(string.format('%s %s ', tostring(err), vim.inspect(ctx)), vim.lsp.log_levels.WARN) return end M.debug_folds() local current_bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() -- Discard the folding result if buffer focus has changed since the request was -- done. if current_bufnr == ctx.bufnr then for _, fold in ipairs(result) do fold['startLine'] = M.adjust_foldstart(fold['startLine']) fold['endLine'] = M.adjust_foldend(fold['endLine']) end table.sort(result, function(a, b) return a['startLine'] < b['startLine'] end) M.current_buf_folds = result local current_window = api.nvim_get_current_win() api.nvim_win_set_option(current_window, 'foldmethod', 'expr') api.nvim_win_set_option(current_window, 'foldexpr', 'foldlsp#foldexpr()') end end function M.adjust_foldstart(line_no) return line_no + 1 end function M.adjust_foldend(line_no) local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local filetype = api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'filetype') if filetype == 'lua' then return line_no + 2 else return line_no + 1 end end function M.get_fold_indic(lnum) local fold_level = 0 local is_foldstart = false local is_foldend = false for _, table in ipairs(M.current_buf_folds) do local start_line = table['startLine'] local end_line = table['endLine'] -- can exit early b/c folds get pre-orderered manually if lnum < start_line then break end if lnum >= start_line and lnum <= end_line then fold_level = fold_level + 1 if lnum == start_line then is_foldstart = true end if lnum == end_line then is_foldend = true end end end if is_foldend and is_foldstart then -- If line marks both start and end of folds (like ``else`` statement), -- merge the two folds into one by returning the current foldlevel -- without any marker. return fold_level elseif is_foldstart then return string.format('>%d', fold_level) elseif is_foldend then return string.format('<%d', fold_level) else return fold_level end end return M