-- todo allow config passed in local ng_util = require('navigator.util') local log = ng_util.log local trace = ng_util.trace local empty = ng_util.empty local warn = ng_util.warn local vfn = vim.fn _NG_Loaded = {} _LoadedFiletypes = {} -- packer only local highlight = require('navigator.lspclient.highlight') local has_lsp, lspconfig = pcall(require, 'lspconfig') if not has_lsp then return { setup = function() vim.notify('loading lsp config failed LSP may not working correctly', vim.log.levels.WARN) end, } end local util = lspconfig.util local config = require('navigator').config_values() local disabled_ft = { 'NvimTree', 'guihua', 'clap_input', 'clap_spinner', 'vista', 'vista_kind', 'TelescopePrompt', 'guihua_rust', 'csv', 'txt', 'defx', 'packer', 'gitcommit', 'neo-tree', 'windline', 'notify', 'nofile', 'help', '', } -- local cap = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() local on_attach = require('navigator.lspclient.attach').on_attach -- gopls["ui.completion.usePlaceholders"] = true if _NgConfigValues.mason then require('navigator.lazyloader').load('mason.nvim', 'williamboman/mason.nvim') require('navigator.lazyloader').load('mason-lspconfig.nvim', 'williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim') end local servers = require('navigator.lspclient.servers') local lsp_mason_servers = {} local has_lspinst = false local has_mason = false if config.lsp.disable_lsp == 'all' then config.lsp.disable_lsp = servers end local ng_default_cfg = { on_attach = on_attach, flags = { allow_incremental_sync = true, debounce_text_changes = 1000 }, } -- check and load based on file type local function load_cfg(ft, client, cfg, loaded, starting) local setups = require('navigator.lspclient.clients_default').defaults() log(ft, client, loaded, starting) trace(cfg) if lspconfig[client] == nil then log('not supported by nvim', client) return end local lspft = lspconfig[client].document_config.default_config.filetypes local additional_ft = setups[client] and setups[client].filetypes or {} local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local cmd = cfg.cmd log(lspft, additional_ft, _NG_Loaded) _NG_Loaded[bufnr] = _NG_Loaded[bufnr] or { cnt = 0, lsp = {} } local should_load = false if lspft ~= nil and #lspft > 0 then for _, value in ipairs(lspft) do if ft == value then should_load = true end end if should_load == false then return end trace('lsp for client', client, cfg) if cmd == nil or #cmd == 0 or vfn.executable(cmd[1]) == 0 then log('lsp not installed for client', client, cmd, "fallback") return end for k, c in pairs(loaded) do if client == k then -- loaded log(client, 'already been loaded for', ft, loaded, c) if _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt < 4 then log('doautocmd filetype') vim.defer_fn(function() vim.cmd('doautocmd FileType') _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt = _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt + 1 end, 100) return end end end local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({buffer = 0 }) for _, c in pairs(clients or {}) do log("lsp start up in progress client", client, c.name) if c.name == client then _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt = 10 table.insert(_NG_Loaded[bufnr].lsp, c.name ) _NG_Loaded[client] = true return end end if starting and (starting.cnt or 0) > 0 then log("lsp start up in progress", starting) return vim.defer_fn(function() load_cfg(ft, client, cfg, loaded, { cnt = starting.cnt - 1 }) end, 100) end if lspconfig[client] == nil then error('client ' .. client .. ' not supported') return end trace('load cfg', cfg) log('lspconfig setup') -- log(lspconfig.available_servers()) -- force reload with config -- lets have a guard here log(_NG_Loaded[bufnr]) if not _NG_Loaded[client] then log(client, 'loading for', ft, cfg) log(lspconfig[client]) lspconfig[client].setup(cfg) _NG_Loaded[client] = true table.insert(_NG_Loaded[bufnr].lsp, client) vim.defer_fn(function() log('send filetype event') vim.cmd([[doautocmd Filetype]]) _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt = _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt + 1 end, 400) else log('send filetype event') if not _NG_Loaded[bufnr] or _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt < 4 then log('doautocmd filetype') vim.defer_fn(function() vim.cmd('doautocmd FileType') _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt = _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt + 1 end, 100) end end end -- need to verify the lsp server is up end local function setup_fmt(client, enabled) if not require('navigator.util').nvim_0_8() then if enabled == false then client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting = enabled else client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting = client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting or enabled end end if enabled == false then client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false else client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider or enabled end end local function update_capabilities() trace(vim.o.ft, 'lsp startup') local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() local installed, cmp_lsp = pcall(require, 'cmp_nvim_lsp') if installed and cmp_lsp then capabilities = cmp_lsp.default_capabilities() else capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.preselectSupport = true capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.insertReplaceSupport = true capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.labelDetailsSupport = true capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.deprecatedSupport = true capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.commitCharactersSupport = true capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.tagSupport = { valueSet = { 1 } } capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.resolveSupport = { properties = { 'documentation', 'detail', 'additionalTextEdits' }, } capabilities.workspace.configuration = true end return capabilities end -- run setup for lsp clients local loaded = {} local function lsp_startup(ft, retry, user_lsp_opts) local setups = require('navigator.lspclient.clients_default').defaults() retry = retry or false local path_sep = require('navigator.util').path_sep() local capabilities = update_capabilities() for _, lspclient in ipairs(servers) do local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients() or {} for _, client in ipairs(clients) do if client ~= nil then loaded[client.name] = client.id end end -- check should load lsp if type(lspclient) == 'table' then if lspclient.name then lspclient = lspclient.name else warn('incorrect set for lspclient' .. vim.inspect(lspclient)) goto continue end end -- for lazy loading -- e.g. {lsp={tsserver=function() if tsver>'1.17' then return {xxx} else return {xxx} end}} if type(user_lsp_opts[lspclient]) == 'function' then user_lsp_opts[lspclient] = user_lsp_opts[lspclient]() trace('loading from func:', user_lsp_opts[lspclient]) elseif user_lsp_opts[lspclient] ~= nil and user_lsp_opts[lspclient].filetypes ~= nil then if not vim.tbl_contains(user_lsp_opts[lspclient].filetypes, ft) then trace('ft', ft, 'disabled for', lspclient) goto continue end end if vim.tbl_contains(config.lsp.disable_lsp or {}, lspclient) then log('disable lsp', lspclient) goto continue end local default_config = {} if lspconfig[lspclient] == nil then vim.schedule(function() vim.notify( 'lspclient' .. vim.inspect(lspclient) .. 'no longer support by lspconfig, please submit an issue', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end) log('lspclient', lspclient, 'not supported') goto continue end if lspconfig[lspclient].document_config and lspconfig[lspclient].document_config.default_config then default_config = lspconfig[lspclient].document_config.default_config else vim.schedule(function() vim.notify('missing document config for client: ' .. vim.inspect(lspclient), vim.log.levels.WARN) end) goto continue end default_config = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', default_config, ng_default_cfg) local cfg = setups[lspclient] or {} cfg = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', cfg, default_config) -- filetype disabled if not vim.tbl_contains(cfg.filetypes or {}, ft) then trace('ft', ft, 'disabled for', lspclient) goto continue end local disable_fmt = false log(lspclient) -- if user provides override values cfg.capabilities = capabilities log(lspclient, config.lsp.disable_format_cap) if vim.tbl_contains(config.lsp.disable_format_cap or {}, lspclient) then log('fileformat disabled for ', lspclient) disable_fmt = true end local enable_fmt = not disable_fmt if user_lsp_opts[lspclient] ~= nil then -- log(lsp_opts[lspclient], cfg) cfg = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', cfg, user_lsp_opts[lspclient]) -- if config.combined_attach == nil then -- setup_fmt(client, enable_fmt) -- end if config.combined_attach == 'mine' then if config.on_attach == nil then error('on attach not provided') end cfg.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) config.on_attach(client, bufnr) setup_fmt(client, enable_fmt) require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({ client = client, bufnr = bufnr, cap = capabilities, }) end end if config.combined_attach == 'their' then cfg.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) on_attach(client, bufnr) config.on_attach(client, bufnr) setup_fmt(client, enable_fmt) require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({ client = client, bufnr = bufnr, cap = capabilities, }) end end if config.combined_attach == 'both' then cfg.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) setup_fmt(client, enable_fmt) if config.on_attach and type(config.on_attach) == 'function' then config.on_attach(client, bufnr) end if setups[lspclient] and setups[lspclient].on_attach then setups[lspclient].on_attach(client, bufnr) else on_attach(client, bufnr) end require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({ client = client, bufnr = bufnr, cap = capabilities, }) end end cfg.on_init = function(client) if client and client.config and client.config.settings then client.notify( 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration', { settings = client.config.settings }, vim.log.levels.WARN ) end end else cfg.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) on_attach(client, bufnr) setup_fmt(client, enable_fmt) end end log('loading', lspclient, 'name', lspconfig[lspclient].name, 'has lspinst', has_lspinst) -- start up lsp local function mason_disabled_for(client) local mdisabled = _NgConfigValues.mason_disabled_for if #mdisabled > 0 then for _, disabled_client in ipairs(mdisabled) do if disabled_client == client then return true end end end return false end if _NgConfigValues.mason then has_mason, _ = pcall(require, 'mason-lspconfig') if has_mason then local srvs=require'mason-lspconfig'.get_installed_servers() if #srvs > 0 then lsp_mason_servers = srvs end end end log("lsp mason:", lsp_mason_servers) if has_mason and not mason_disabled_for(lspconfig[lspclient].name) then local mason_servers = require'mason-lspconfig'.get_installed_servers() if not vim.tbl_contains(mason_servers, lspconfig[lspclient].name) then log('mason server not installed', lspconfig[lspclient].name) -- return end local pkg_name = require "mason-lspconfig.mappings.server".lspconfig_to_package[lspconfig[lspclient].name] local pkg if pkg_name then pkg = require "mason-registry".get_package(pkg_name) else log('failed to get name', lspconfig[lspclient].name, pkg_name) end log('lsp mason server config ' .. lspconfig[lspclient].name, pkg) if pkg then local path = pkg:get_install_path() if not path then -- for some reason lspinstaller does not install the binary, check default PATH log('lsp mason does not install the lsp in its path, fallback') return load_cfg(ft, lspclient, cfg, loaded) end local cmd cmd = table.concat({vfn.stdpath('data'), 'mason', 'bin', pkg.name}, path_sep) if vfn.executable(cmd) == 0 then log('failed to find cmd', cmd, "fallback") load_cfg(ft, lspclient, cfg, loaded) goto continue end end end if vfn.executable(cfg.cmd[1]) == 0 then log('lsp server not installed in path ' .. lspclient .. vim.inspect(cfg.cmd), vim.log.levels.WARN) end if _NG_Loaded[lspclient] then log('client loaded ?', lspclient, _NG_Loaded[lspclient]) end local starting = {} if _NG_Loaded[lspclient] == true then starting = { cnt = 1 } end load_cfg(ft, lspclient, cfg, loaded, starting) -- load_cfg(ft, lspclient, {}, loaded) ::continue:: end if not _NG_Loaded['null_ls'] then local nulls_cfg = user_lsp_opts['null_ls'] if nulls_cfg then local cfg = {} cfg = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', cfg, nulls_cfg) vim.defer_fn(function() lspconfig['null-ls'].setup(cfg) -- adjust null_ls startup timing end, 1000) log('null-ls loading') _NG_Loaded['null-ls'] = true setups['null-ls'] = cfg end end if not _NG_Loaded['efm'] then local efm_cfg = user_lsp_opts['efm'] if efm_cfg then local cfg = {} cfg = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', cfg, efm_cfg) cfg.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) if efm_cfg.on_attach then efm_cfg.on_attach(client, bufnr) end on_attach(client, bufnr) end lspconfig.efm.setup(cfg) log('efm loading') _NG_Loaded['efm'] = true setups['efm'] = cfg end end if not retry or ft == nil then return end end -- append lsps to servers local function add_servers(lsps) vim.validate({ lsps = { lsps, 't' } }) vim.list_extend(servers, lsps) end local function get_cfg(client) local ng_cfg = ng_default_cfg if setups[client] ~= nil then local ng_setup = vim.deepcopy(setups[client]) ng_setup.cmd = nil return ng_setup else return ng_cfg end end local function ft_disabled(ft) for i = 1, #disabled_ft do if ft == disabled_ft[i] then return true end end end local ft_map = { js = 'javascript', ts = 'typescript', jsx = 'javascriptreact', tsx = 'typescriptreact', mod = 'gomod', cxx = 'cpp', chh = 'cpp', hs = 'haskell', pl = 'perl', rs = 'rust', rb = 'ruby', py = 'python', } local function setup(user_opts) user_opts = user_opts or {} local bufnr = user_opts.bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'ft') if vim.fn.empty(ft) == 1 then local ext = vfn.expand('%:e') local lang = ft_map[ext] or ext or '' log('nil filetype, callback',vim.fn.expand('%'), vim.fn.expand('%') ,lang) if vim.fn.empty(lang) == 0 then log('set filetype', ft, ext) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'filetype', lang) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'syntax', 'on') ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'ft') if vim.fn.empty(ft) == 1 then log('still failed to idnetify filetype, try again') vim.cmd(':e') end end log('no filetype, no ext return') ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'ft') log('get filetype', ft) end local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) if uri == 'file://' or uri == 'file:///' then log('skip loading for ft ', ft, uri) return end if _LoadedFiletypes[ft .. tostring(bufnr)] == true then log('navigator was loaded for ft', ft, bufnr) return end if ft_disabled(ft) then trace('navigator disabled for ft or it is loaded', ft) return end if _NgConfigValues.lsp.servers then add_servers(_NgConfigValues.lsp.servers) _NgConfigValues.lsp.servers = nil end trace(debug.traceback()) local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({buffer = bufnr}) for key, client in pairs(clients) do if client.name ~= 'null_ls' and client.name ~= 'efm' then if vim.tbl_contains(client.filetypes or {}, vim.bo.ft) then log('client already loaded', client.name) end end end user_opts = vim.tbl_extend('keep', user_opts, config) -- incase setup was triggered from autocmd log('running lsp setup', ft, bufnr) local retry = true log('loading for ft ', ft, uri) highlight.diagnositc_config_sign() highlight.add_highlight() local lsp_opts = user_opts.lsp or {} if vim.bo.filetype == 'lua' then local slua = lsp_opts.lua_ls if slua and not slua.cmd then if slua.sumneko_root_path and slua.sumneko_binary then lsp_opts.lua_ls.cmd = { slua.sumneko_binary, '-E', slua.sumneko_root_path .. '/main.lua', } else lsp_opts.lua_ls.cmd = { 'lua-language-server' } end end end lsp_startup(ft, retry, lsp_opts) end local function on_filetype() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) local ft = vim.bo.filetype if ft == nil then return end if uri == 'file://' or uri == 'file:///' then trace('skip loading for ft ', ft, uri) return end _NG_Loaded[bufnr] = _NG_Loaded[bufnr] or {cnt = 1, lsp = {}} log (_NG_Loaded) local loaded if _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt > 1 then log('navigator was loaded for ft', ft, bufnr) -- check if lsp is loaded local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({buffer = bufnr}) for key, client in pairs(clients) do if client.name ~= 'null_ls' and client.name ~= 'efm' then loaded = _NG_Loaded[bufnr].lsp[client.name] end end if not loaded then -- trigger filetype so that lsp can be loaded vim.cmd('setlocal filetype=' .. ft) end return end -- on_filetype should only be trigger only once for each bufnr _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt = _NG_Loaded[bufnr].cnt + 1 -- do not hook and trigger filetype event multiple times -- as setup will send filetype event as well log(uri) local wids = vfn.win_findbuf(bufnr) if empty(wids) then log('buf not shown return') end setup({ bufnr = bufnr }) end return { setup = setup, get_cfg = get_cfg, add_servers = add_servers, on_filetype = on_filetype, disabled_ft = disabled_ft, ft_disabled = ft_disabled, }