local M = {} _NgConfigValues = { debug = false, -- log output not implemented width = 0.62, -- valeu of cols height = 0.38, -- listview height preview_height = 0.38, preview_lines = 40, -- total lines in preview screen preview_lines_before = 5, -- lines before the highlight line default_mapping = true, keymaps = {}, -- e.g keymaps={{key = "GR", func = "references()"}, } this replace gr default mapping external = nil, -- true: enable for goneovim multigrid otherwise false border = "single", -- border style, can be one of 'none', 'single', 'double', "shadow" combined_attach = "both", -- both: use both customized attach and navigator default attach, mine: only use my attach defined in vimrc on_attach = nil, -- function(client, bufnr) -- -- your on_attach will be called at end of navigator on_attach -- end, ts_fold = false, -- code_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true}, -- code_lens_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true}, treesitter_analysis = true, -- treesitter variable context transparency = 50, -- 0 ~ 100 blur the main window, 100: fully transparent, 0: opaque, set to nil to disable it signature_help_cfg = nil, -- if you would like to init lsp_signature plugin in navigator, pass in signature help -- setup here. if it is nil, navigator will not init signature help lsp = { code_action = { enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true, virtual_text_icon = true }, code_lens_action = { enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true, virtual_text_icon = true }, format_on_save = true, -- set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc) disable_format_cap = {}, -- a list of lsp disable file format (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty by default disable_lsp = nil, -- a list of lsp server disabled for your project, e.g. denols and tsserver you may code_lens = false, -- only want to enable one lsp server disply_diagnostic_qf = true, -- always show quickfix if there are diagnostic errors diagnostic_load_files = false, -- lsp diagnostic errors list may contains uri that not opened yet set to true -- to load those files diagnostic_virtual_text = true, -- show virtual for diagnostic message diagnostic_update_in_insert = false, -- update diagnostic message in insert mode diagnostic_scrollbar_sign = {'▃', '▆', '█'}, -- set to nil to disable, set to {'╍', 'ﮆ'} to enable diagnostic status in scroll bar area tsserver = { -- filetypes = {'typescript'} -- disable javascript etc, -- set to {} to disable the lspclient for all filetype }, sumneko_lua = { -- sumneko_root_path = sumneko_root_path, -- sumneko_binary = sumneko_binary, -- cmd = {'lua-language-server'} } }, lspinstall = false, -- set to true if you would like use the lsp installed by lspinstall icons = { icons = true, -- set to false to use system default ( if you using a terminal does not have nerd/icon) -- Code action code_action_icon = "🏏", -- "", -- code lens code_lens_action_icon = "👓", -- Diagnostics diagnostic_head = '🐛', diagnostic_err = "📛", diagnostic_warn = "👎", diagnostic_info = [[👩]], diagnostic_hint = [[💁]], diagnostic_head_severity_1 = "🈲", diagnostic_head_severity_2 = "☣️", diagnostic_head_severity_3 = "👎", diagnostic_head_description = "👹", diagnostic_virtual_text = "🦊", diagnostic_file = "🚑", -- Values value_changed = "📝", value_definition = "🦕", -- Treesitter match_kinds = { var = " ", -- "👹", -- Vampaire method = "ƒ ", -- "🍔", -- mac ["function"] = " ", -- "🤣", -- Fun parameter = " ", -- Pi associated = "🤝", namespace = "🚀", type = " ", field = "🏈" }, treesitter_defult = "🌲" } } vim.cmd("command! -nargs=0 LspLog lua require'navigator.lspclient.config'.open_lsp_log()") vim.cmd("command! -nargs=0 LspRestart lua require'navigator.lspclient.config'.reload_lsp()") vim.cmd("command! -nargs=0 LspToggleFmt lua require'navigator.lspclient.mapping'.toggle_lspformat()") M.deprecated = function(cfg) local warn = require'navigator.util'.warn if cfg.code_action_prompt then warn("code_action_prompt moved to lsp.code_action") end if cfg.code_lens_action_prompt then warn("code_lens_action_prompt moved to lsp.code_lens_action") end if cfg.lsp ~= nil and cfg.lsp.disable_format_ft ~= nil and cfg.lsp.disable_format_ft ~= {} then warn('disable_format_ft renamed to disable_format_cap') end end local extend_config = function(opts) opts = opts or {} if next(opts) == nil then return end for key, value in pairs(opts) do -- if _NgConfigValues[key] == nil then -- error(string.format("[] Key %s not valid", key)) -- return -- end if type(_NgConfigValues[key]) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(value) do -- level 3 if type(_NgConfigValues[key][k]) == "table" then for k2, v2 in pairs(v) do _NgConfigValues[key][k][k2] = v2 end else _NgConfigValues[key][k] = v end end else _NgConfigValues[key] = value end end if _NgConfigValues.sumneko_root_path or _NgConfigValues.sumneko_binary then vim.notify("Please put sumneko setup in lsp['sumneko_lua']", vim.log.levels.WARN) end M.deprecated(opts) end M.config_values = function() return _NgConfigValues end M.setup = function(cfg) extend_config(cfg) vim.cmd([[autocmd FileType * lua require'navigator.lspclient.clients'.setup()]]) -- BufWinEnter BufNewFile,BufRead ? -- local log = require"navigator.util".log -- log(debug.traceback()) -- log(cfg, _NgConfigValues) -- print("loading navigator") require('navigator.lazyloader').init() require('navigator.lspclient.clients').setup(_NgConfigValues) -- require("navigator.lspclient.mapping").setup(_NgConfigValues) require("navigator.reference") require("navigator.definition") require("navigator.hierarchy") require("navigator.implementation") -- log("navigator loader") -- vim.cmd("autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.go setlocal noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4") if not _NgConfigValues.loaded then _NgConfigValues.loaded = true end if _NgConfigValues.ts_fold == true then require('navigator.foldts').on_attach() end end return M