local M = {} local ListView = require "guihua.listview" local TextView = require "guihua.textview" local util = require "navigator.util" local log = require"navigator.util".log local verbose = require"navigator.util".verbose local api = vim.api function M.new_preview(opts) return TextView:new({ loc = "top_center", rect = { height = opts.height, -- opts.preview_heigh or 12, -- TODO 12 width = opts.width or 100, pos_x = opts.pos_x or 0, pos_y = opts.pos_y or 4 }, -- data = display_data, relative = opts.relative, -- data = opts.items, -- either items or uri uri = opts.uri, syntax = opts.syntax, enter = opts.enter or false, range = opts.range, display_range = opts.display_range, hl_line = opts.hl_line }) end function M._preview_location(opts) -- location, width, pos_x, pos_y local uri = opts.location.uri if opts.uri == nil then log("invalid/nil uri ") return end local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) end -- local display_range = opts.location.range -- if range.start == nil then -- print("error invalid range") -- return -- end -- if range.start.line == nil then -- range.start.line = range["end"].line - 1 -- opts.lnum = range["end"].line + 1 -- log(opts) -- end -- if range["end"].line == nil then -- range["end"].line = range.start.line + 1 -- opts.lnum = range.start.line + 1 -- log(opts) -- end -- TODO: preview height -- local contents = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, range.start.line, range["end"].line, false) -- local syntax = api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "ft") if syntax == nil or #syntax < 1 then syntax = "c" end -- verbose(syntax, contents) local win_opts = { syntax = syntax, width = opts.width, height = display_range['end'].line - display_range.start.line + 1, pos_x = opts.offset_x or 0, pos_y = opts.offset_y or 10, range = opts.range, display_range = display_range, uri = uri, allow_edit = true } -- win_opts.items = contents win_opts.hl_line = opts.lnum - display_range.start.line if win_opts.hl_line < 0 then win_opts.hl_line = 1 end verbose(opts.lnum, opts.range.start.line, win_opts.hl_line) local w = M.new_preview(win_opts) return w end function M.preview_uri(opts) -- uri, width, line, col, offset_x, offset_y local line_beg = opts.lnum - 1 if line_beg >= 2 then line_beg = line_beg - 2 end local loc = {uri = opts.uri, range = {start = {line = line_beg}}} -- TODO: preview height loc.range["end"] = {line = opts.lnum + 12} opts.location = loc log("uri", opts.uri, opts.lnum, opts.location) return M._preview_location(opts) end function M.new_list_view(opts) local config = require("navigator").config_values() local items = opts.items local data = {} local wwidth = api.nvim_get_option("columns") local width = math.min(opts.width or config.width or 120, math.floor(wwidth * 0.8)) local wheight = config.height or math.floor(api.nvim_get_option("lines") * 0.8) local prompt = opts.prompt or false opts.width = width if opts.rawdata then data = items else data = require"guihua.util".prepare_for_render(items, opts) end if data and not vim.tbl_isempty(data) then -- replace -- TODO: 10 vimrc opt if #data > 10 and opts.prompt == nil then prompt = true end local height = math.min(#data, math.floor(wheight / 2)) local offset_y = height + 2 -- style shadow took 2 lines if prompt then offset_y = offset_y + 1 end return ListView:new({ loc = "top_center", prompt = prompt, relative = opts.relative, style = opts.style, api = opts.api, rect = {height = height, width = width, pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0}, ft = opts.ft or 'guihua', -- data = display_data, data = data, on_confirm = opts.on_confirm or function(pos) if pos == 0 then pos = 1 end local l = data[pos] if l.filename ~= nil then verbose("openfile ", l.filename, l.lnum, l.col) util.open_file_at(l.filename, l.lnum, l.col) end end, on_move = opts.on_move or function(pos) if pos == 0 then pos = 1 end local l = data[pos] verbose("on move", pos, l) verbose("on move", pos, l.text or l, l.uri, l.filename) -- todo fix if l.uri == nil then l.uri = "file:///" .. l.filename end return M.preview_uri({ uri = l.uri, width = width, lnum = l.lnum, col = l.col, range = l.range, offset_x = 0, offset_y = offset_y, border = "double" }) end }) end end return M -- Doc --[[ -- each item should look like this -- update if API changes { call_by = { }, col = 40, display_filename = "./curry.js", filename = "/Users/ray.xu/lsp_test/js/curry.js", lnum = 4, range = { end = { character = 46, line = 3 -- note: C index }, start = { character = 39, line = 3 } }, rpath = "js/curry.js", text = " (sum, element, index) => (sum += element * vector2[index]),", uri = "file:///Users/ray.xu/lsp_test/js/curry.js" } --]] -- on move item: --[[ call_by = { { kind = " ", node_scope = { end = { character = 1, line = 7 }, start = { character = 0, line = 0 } }, node_text = "curriedDot", type = "var" } }, col = 22, display_filename = "./curry.js", filename = "/Users/ray.xu/lsp_test/js/curry.js", lnum = 4, range = { end = { character = 26, line = 3 }, start = { character = 21, line = 3 } }, rpath = "js/curry.js", text = " 4: (sum, element, index) => (sum += element * vector   curriedDot()", uri = "file:///Users/ray.xu/lsp_test/js/curry.js" -- ]]