local util = require('navigator.util') local log = util.log local trace = util.trace local api = vim.api if vim.lsp.buf.format == nil then vim.lsp.buf.format = vim.lsp.buf.formatting end if vim.diagnostic == nil then util.error('Please update nvim to 0.6.1+') end local function fallback_keymap(key) -- when handler failed fallback to key vim.schedule(function() print('fallback to key', key) vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(key, true, true, true), 'n', true) end) end local function fallback_fn(key) return function() fallback_keymap(key) end end local double = { '╔', '═', '╗', '║', '╝', '═', '╚', '║' } local single = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' } local remap = util.binding_remap -- stylua: ignore start local key_maps = { { key = 'gr', func = require('navigator.reference').async_ref, desc = 'async_ref' }, { key = 'gr', func = require('navigator.reference').reference, desc = 'reference' }, -- reference deprecated { mode = 'i', key = '', func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, desc = 'signature_help' }, { key = '', func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, desc = 'signature_help' }, { key = 'g0', func = require('navigator.symbols').document_symbols, desc = 'document_symbols' }, { key = 'gW', func = require('navigator.workspace').workspace_symbol_live, desc = 'workspace_symbol_live' }, { key = '', func = require('navigator.definition').definition, desc = 'definition' }, { key = 'gd', func = remap(require('navigator.definition').definition, 'gd'), desc = 'definition' }, { key = 'gD', func = vim.lsp.buf.declaration, desc = 'declaration', fallback = fallback_fn('gD') }, -- fallback used -- for lsp handler { key = 'gp', func = remap(require('navigator.definition').definition_preview, 'gp'), desc = 'definition_preview' }, -- paste { key = 'gP', func = remap(require('navigator.definition').type_definition_preview, 'gP'), desc = 'type_definition_preview' }, -- paste { key = 'gt', func = require('navigator.treesitter').buf_ts, desc = 'buf_ts' }, { key = 'gT', func = require('navigator.treesitter').bufs_ts, desc = 'bufs_ts' }, { key = 'ct', func = require('navigator.ctags').ctags, desc = 'ctags' }, { key = 'ca', mode = 'n', func = require('navigator.codeAction').code_action, desc = 'code_action' }, { key = 'ca', mode = 'v', func = require('navigator.codeAction').range_code_action, desc = 'range_code_action' }, -- { key = 're', func = 'rename()' }, { key = 'rn', func = require('navigator.rename').rename, desc = 'rename' }, { key = 'gi', func = vim.lsp.buf.incoming_calls, desc = 'incoming_calls' }, { key = 'go', func = vim.lsp.buf.outgoing_calls, desc = 'outgoing_calls' }, { key = 'gi', func = vim.lsp.buf.implementation, desc = 'implementation', fallback = fallback_fn('gi') }, -- insert { key = 'D', func = vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, desc = 'type_definition' }, { key = 'gL', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_diagnostics, desc = 'show_diagnostics' }, { key = 'gG', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_buf_diagnostics, desc = 'show_buf_diagnostics' }, { key = 'dt', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').toggle_diagnostics, desc = 'toggle_diagnostics' }, { key = ']d', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').goto_next, desc = 'next diagnostics error or fallback' }, { key = '[d', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').goto_prev, desc = 'prev diagnostics error or fallback' }, { key = ']O', func = vim.diagnostic.set_loclist, desc = 'diagnostics set loclist' }, { key = ']r', func = require('navigator.treesitter').goto_next_usage, desc = 'goto_next_usage' }, { key = '[r', func = require('navigator.treesitter').goto_previous_usage, desc = 'goto_previous_usage' }, { key = '', func = vim.lsp.buf.definition, desc = 'definition', fallback = fallback_fn('')}, { key = 'g', func = vim.lsp.buf.implementation, desc = 'implementation' }, { key = 'k', func = require('navigator.dochighlight').hi_symbol, desc = 'hi_symbol' }, { key = 'wa', func = require('navigator.workspace').add_workspace_folder, desc = 'add_workspace_folder' }, { key = 'wr', func = require('navigator.workspace').remove_workspace_folder, desc = 'remove_workspace_folder' }, { key = 'ff', func = vim.lsp.buf.format, mode = 'n', desc = 'format' }, { key = 'ff', func = vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting, mode = 'v', desc = 'range format' }, { key = 'gm', func = require('navigator.formatting').range_format, mode = 'n', desc = 'range format operator e.g gmip' }, { key = 'wl', func = require('navigator.workspace').list_workspace_folders, desc = 'list_workspace_folders' }, { key = 'la', mode = 'n', func = require('navigator.codelens').run_action, desc = 'run code lens action', } -- stylua: ignore end } if _NgConfigValues.lsp.hover then table.insert(key_maps, { key = 'K', func = vim.lsp.buf.hover, desc = 'hover' }) end local key_maps_help = {} -- LuaFormatter on local M = {} local ccls_mappings = { { key = 'gi', func = require('navigator.cclshierarchy').incoming_calls, desc = 'incoming_calls', }, { key = 'go', func = require('navigator.cclshierarchy').outgoing_calls, desc = 'outgoing_calls', }, } local check_cap = function(opts) -- log(vim.lsp.get_clients({buffer = 0})) local fmt, rfmt, ccls local cap = opts.cap if cap == nil then if opts.client and opts.client.server_capabilities then cap = opts.client.server_capabilities end end if cap and cap.documentFormattingProvider then fmt = true end if cap and cap.documentRangeFormattingProvider then rfmt = true end for _, value in pairs(vim.lsp.get_clients({ buffer = 0 })) do trace(value) if value ~= nil and value.server_capabilities == nil then if value.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider then fmt = true end if value.server_capabilities.documentRangeFormattingProvider then rfmt = true end log('override ccls', value.config) if value.config.name == 'ccls' then ccls = true end end end return fmt, rfmt, ccls end local function set_cmds(_) local commands = { [[command! -nargs=* Nctags lua require("navigator.ctags").ctags()]], "command! -nargs=0 LspLog lua require'navigator.lspclient.config'.open_lsp_log()", "command! -nargs=0 LspRestart lua require'navigator.lspclient.config'.reload_lsp()", "command! -nargs=0 LspToggleFmt lua require'navigator.lspclient.mapping'.toggle_lspformat()", "command! -nargs=0 LspKeymaps lua require'navigator.lspclient.mapping'.get_keymaps_help()", "command! -nargs=0 LspSymbols lua require'navigator.symbols'.side_panel()", "command! -nargs=0 TSymbols lua require'navigator.treesitter'.side_panel()", "command! -nargs=0 NRefPanel lua require'navigator.reference'.side_panel()", "command! -nargs=* Calltree lua require'navigator.hierarchy'.calltree()", "command! -nargs=* TsAndDiag lua require'navigator.sidepanel'.treesitter_and_diag_panel()", "command! -nargs=* LspAndDiag lua require'navigator.sidepanel'.lsp_and_diag_panel()", } for _, value in pairs(commands) do vim.cmd(value) end end -- should works for both 1)attach from known lsp client or from a disabled lsp client -- executed in on_attach context local function set_mapping(lsp_attach_info) local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } vim.validate({ lsp_attach_info = { lsp_attach_info, 'table' }, }) if _NgConfigValues.debug then log('setup mapping for client', lsp_attach_info.client.name, lsp_attach_info.client.cmd) end local user_key = _NgConfigValues.keymaps or {} local bufnr = lsp_attach_info.bufnr or 0 local ks = {} local function del_keymap(mode, key, ...) local k = ks[mode] if not k then ks[mode] = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_keymap(bufnr, mode) k = ks[mode] end if vim.tbl_contains(k, key) then vim.api.nvim_buf_del_keymap(bufnr, mode, key) end end local doc_fmt, range_fmt, ccls = check_cap(lsp_attach_info) if ccls then vim.list_extend(key_maps, ccls_mappings) end if _NgConfigValues.default_mapping ~= false then for _, v in pairs(user_key) do trace('binding', v) local exists = false for _, default in pairs(key_maps) do if -- override only if func and mode are the same v.func == default.func and (v.mode or 'n') == (default.mode or 'n') and not default.override then default.key, default.override, exists = v.key, true, true break end end if not exists then table.insert(key_maps, v) end end else -- disable default mapping key_maps = _NgConfigValues.keymaps or {} log('setting maps to ', key_maps) end local fmtkey, rfmtkey, nrfmtkey for _, value in pairs(key_maps) do if value.doc then vim.notify('doc field no longer supported in navigator mapping, use desc instead') end if type(value.func) == 'function' then -- neovim 0.7.0 opts.buffer = key_maps.buffer or value.buffer if value.desc then opts.desc = value.desc end opts.buffer = bufnr vim.keymap.set(value.mode or 'n', value.key, value.func, opts) if string.find(value.desc, 'range format') and value.mode == 'v' then rfmtkey = value.key if string.find(value.desc, 'range format') and value.mode == 'n' then nrfmtkey = value.key elseif string.find(value.desc, 'format') then fmtkey = value.key end end end end for _, val in pairs(key_maps) do local helper_msg = '' if val.desc then helper_msg = val.desc elseif type(val.func) == 'string' then helper_msg = val.func end local item = (val.mode or 'n') .. '|' .. val.key .. '|' .. helper_msg if not vim.tbl_contains(key_maps_help, item) then table.insert(key_maps_help, (val.mode or 'n') .. '|' .. val.key .. '|' .. helper_msg) end end -- if user_opts.cap.document_formatting then if doc_fmt and _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save then local fos = _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save local gn = api.nvim_create_augroup('NavAuGroupFormat', {}) local fmt = false if type(fos) == 'boolean' then fmt = fos end if type(fos) == 'table' and (fos.enable or fos.disable) then if fos.enable then -- lsp.format_on_save = {enable = {"python"}} fmt = vim.tbl_contains(fos.enable, vim.o.ft) end -- lsp.format_on_save = {disable = {"python"}} if fos.disable then fmt = not vim.tbl_contains(fos.disable, vim.o.ft) end end if type(fos) == 'function' then fmt = fos(bufnr) end local fopts = _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_options if fopts.async == nil and vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0) > 4000 then fopts.async = true end if fmt then api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufWritePre' }, { group = gn, desc = 'auto format', buffer = bufnr, callback = function() trace('format' .. vim.inspect(fopts)) vim.lsp.buf.format(fopts) end, }) end elseif fmtkey then del_keymap('n', fmtkey) end if lsp_attach_info.cap and lsp_attach_info.cap.document_range_formatting then log('formatting enabled', lsp_attach_info.cap) end if not range_fmt and rfmtkey then del_keymap('v', rfmtkey) end if not range_fmt and nrfmtkey then del_keymap('n', nrfmtkey) end log('enable format ', doc_fmt, range_fmt, _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save) end local function autocmd() local gn = api.nvim_create_augroup('NavAuGroupDocHlAu', {}) api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufWritePre' }, { group = gn, desc = 'doc highlight', callback = require('navigator.dochighlight').cmd_nohl, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'CmdlineLeave' }, { group = gn, desc = 'doc highlight nohl', callback = require('navigator.dochighlight').cmd_nohl, }) end M.toggle_lspformat = function(on) if on == nil then _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save = not _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save else _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save = on end if _NgConfigValues.lsp.format_on_save then if on == nil then vim.notify('format on save true', vim.log.levels.INFO) end vim.cmd([[set eventignore-=BufWritePre]]) else if on == nil then vim.notify('format on save false', vim.log.levels.INFO) end vim.cmd([[set eventignore+=BufWritePre]]) end end function M.setup(attach_opts) if not attach_opts or not attach_opts.client then vim.notify( 'please call require"navigator.mapping".setup({bufnr=bufnr, client=client}) inside on_attach(client,bufnr)', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end attach_opts = attach_opts or { bufnr = 0, client = {}, cap = {} } set_mapping(attach_opts) set_cmds(attach_opts) autocmd() local client = attach_opts.client or {} local cap = client.server_capabilities if cap == nil then log('no cap found for client ', client.name) return end log('lsp cap:', cap.codeActionProvider) if _NgConfigValues.lsp.call_hierarchy.enable and cap.call_hierarchy or cap.callHierarchyProvider then vim.lsp.handlers['callHierarchy/incomingCalls'] = require('navigator.hierarchy').incoming_calls_handler vim.lsp.handlers['callHierarchy/outgoingCalls'] = require('navigator.hierarchy').outgoing_calls_handler end if _NgConfigValues.lsp.definition.enable then for _, value in pairs(key_maps) do if value.func == vim.lsp.buf.definition then vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/definition'] = util.mk_handler_remap( require('navigator.definition').definition_handler, value.fallback) end if value.func == vim.lsp.buf.type_definition then vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/typeDefinition'] = util.mk_handler_remap( require('navigator.definition').definition_handler, value.fallback) end end else -- delete keymaps for _, value in pairs(key_maps) do if value.func == vim.lsp.buf.definition or value.func == vim.lsp.buf.type_definition then vim.keymap.del(value.mode or 'n', value.key, { buffer = attach_opts.bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() }) end end end vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/references'] = require('navigator.reference').reference_handler -- vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/codeAction"] = require"navigator.codeAction".code_action_handler if cap.declarationProvider then local hdlr = require('navigator.definition').declaration_handler for _, value in pairs(key_maps) do if value.func == vim.lsp.buf.declaration then vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/declaration'] = util.mk_handler_remap(hdlr, value.fallback) break end end else -- remove declaration keymap for _, value in pairs(key_maps) do if value.func == vim.lsp.buf.declaration then vim.keymap.del(value.mode or 'n', value.key, { buffer = attach_opts.bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() }) break end end end if _NgConfigValues.lsp.implementation.enable then vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/implementation'] = require('navigator.implementation').implementation_handler end -- vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/documentSymbol'] = require('navigator.symbols').document_symbol_handler if _NgConfigValues.lsp.workspace.enable then vim.lsp.handlers['workspace/symbol'] = require('navigator.symbols').workspace_symbol_handler end if _NgConfigValues.lsp.diagnostic.enable then vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/publishDiagnostics'] = require('navigator.diagnostics').diagnostic_handler end if vim.fn.empty(_NgConfigValues.signature_help_cfg) == 0 or _NgConfigValues.lsp_signature_help then log('setup signature from navigator') local hassig, sig = pcall(require, 'lsp_signature') if hassig then sig.setup(_NgConfigValues.signature_help_cfg or {}) end end api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufWritePre' }, { group = api.nvim_create_augroup('nvim_nv_event_autos', {}), buffer = attach_opts.bufnr, desc = 'diagnostic update', callback = function() require('navigator.diagnostics').setloclist(attach_opts.bufnr) end, }) local border_style = single if _NgConfigValues.border == 'double' then border_style = double end if _NgConfigValues.lsp.hover.enable then vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/hover'] = vim.lsp.with(require('navigator.hover').handler, { border = border_style, }) end if cap.documentFormattingProvider then log('formatting enabled setup hdl') vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/formatting'] = require('navigator.formatting').format_hdl end end M.get_keymaps_help = function() local ListView = require('guihua.listview') local win = ListView:new({ loc = 'top_center', border = 'none', prompt = true, enter = true, rect = { height = 24, width = 50 }, data = key_maps_help, }) return win end return M