nerdfont 3.0

ray-x 6 months ago
parent 354fb64b42
commit e6fcd5d7fb

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
icons = {
icons = true, -- set to false to use system default ( if you using a terminal does not have nerd/icon)
-- Code action
code_action_icon = '🏏', -- "",
code_action_icon = '🏏',
-- code lens
code_lens_action_icon = '👓',
-- Diagnostics
@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
match_kinds = {
var = '', -- "👹", -- Vampaire
method = 'ƒ ', -- "🍔", -- mac
['function'] = ' ', -- "🤣", -- Fun
['function'] = '󰡱 ', -- "🤣", -- Fun
parameter = '', -- Pi
associated = '🤝',
namespace = '🚀',
type = '',
type = '󰉿',
field = '🏈',
module = '📦',
flag = '🎏',

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ local kind_symbols = {
Constructor = '',
Field = '󰠴',
Variable = '',
Class = '',
Interface = '',
Class = '󰠱',
Interface = '',
Module = '󰕳',
Property = '',
Unit = '',
Unit = '',
Value = '󰰪',
Enum = '',
Enum = '',
Keyword = '',
Snippet = '',
Color = '',

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function M.prepare_for_render(items, opts)
if trim and opts.width > 50 and #dfn > opts.width - 20 then
local fn1 = string.sub(dfn, 1, opts.width - 50)
local fn2 = string.sub(dfn, #dfn - 10, #dfn)
display_items[last_summary_idx].display_filename = fn1 .. '' .. fn2
display_items[last_summary_idx].display_filename = fn1 .. '󰇘' .. fn2
space = ' '
-- log("trim", fn1, fn2)
@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ function M.prepare_for_render(items, opts)
lspapi_display = lspapi
item = clone(items[i])
space, trim = get_pads(opts.width, icon .. ' ' .. item.display_filename, lspapi_display .. ' 12 of 34')
space, trim =
get_pads(opts.width, icon .. ' ' .. item.display_filename, lspapi_display .. ' 12 of 34')
if trim and opts.width > 52 and #item.display_filename > opts.width - 20 then
item.display_filename = string.sub(item.display_filename, 1, opts.width - 52)
.. '󰇘'
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ function M.prepare_for_render(items, opts)
item.text = item.text:gsub('%s*[%[%(%{]*%s*$', '')
if item.call_by ~= nil and item.call_by ~= '' then
ts_report = ts_report .. '󰡱' .. item.call_by
ts_report = ts_report .. _NgConfigValues.icons.match_kinds['function'] .. item.call_by
if #ts_report > 1 then
space, trim = get_pads(win_width, item.text, ts_report)

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ most used plugins for programmer.
- aurora (colorscheme used in the screenshot)
There are three folders `js`, `go`, `py`. Those folders have some basic source code you can play with.
The init will install the plugins in ``/tmp/nvim`` folder. It will not affect your current setup.
The init will install the plugins in `/tmp/nvim` folder. It will not affect your current setup.
## Install LSP

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ require'lspconfig'.gopls.setup{}
debug = false, -- log output, set to true and log path: ~/.local/share/nvim/gh.log
icons={code_action_icon = ""},
icons={code_action_icon = ""},
width = 0.75, -- max width ratio (number of cols for the floating window) / (window width)
height = 0.3, -- max list window height, 0.3 by default
