update deprecated messages

ray-x 2 years ago
parent 0e37896db1
commit db29bb1051

@ -699,15 +699,16 @@ Here is an example [init_lsp_installer.lua](https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.l
There are lots of plugins provides lsp support
* go.nvim allow you either hook gopls from go.nvim or from navigator and it can export the lsp setup from go.nvim.
* rust-tools and clangd allow you to setup on_attach from config server
* [neodev](https://github.com/folke/neodev.nvim) Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development. Navigator can
extend lua setup with neodev.
* [neodev](https://github.com/folke/neodev.nvim) Dev setup for lua development. Navigator help you setup neodev
Here is an example to setup rust with rust-tools
lsp = {
disable_lsp = { "rust_analyzer", "clangd" }, -- will not run rust_analyzer setup from navigator
['neodev'] = { runtime_path=true } -- any non default neodev setups
['neodev'] = { runtime_path=true } -- any non default neodev setups, if not empty, navigator will call neodev.setup
-- with those configures

@ -50,25 +50,11 @@ local on_attach = require('navigator.lspclient.attach').on_attach
-- gopls["ui.completion.usePlaceholders"] = true
-- lua setup
local library = {}
local luadevcfg = {
library = {
vimruntime = true, -- runtime path
types = true, -- full signature, docs and completion of vim.api, vim.treesitter, vim.lsp and others
plugins = { 'nvim-treesitter', 'plenary.nvim' },
lspconfig = {
-- cmd = {sumneko_binary},
on_attach = on_attach,
local luadev = {}
local user_luadev = _NgConfigValues.lsp['neodev']
if next(user_luadev) then
luadev = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', luadev, user_luadev)
if _NgConfigValues.lsp['lua-dev'] ~= nil then
vim.notify('lua-dev is deprecated, please use neodev instead', vim.lsp.log_levels.WARN)
require('navigator.lazyloader').load('neodev.nvim', 'folke/neodev.nvim')
if _NgConfigValues.mason then
