Add docs for icons (#289)

Harrison Katz 7 months ago committed by GitHub
parent e5ba624f85
commit 4d6b1b804f
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
12 require('nvim-autopairs').setup{
12 require('nvim-autopairs').setup{
- Source code analysis and navigate tool
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ variable is:
- LSP easy setup. Support the most commonly used lsp clients setup. Dynamic lsp activation based on buffer type. This
also enables you to handle workspace with mixed types of codes (e.g. Go + javascript + yml). A better LSP default enables
* autocompletion *(e.g. nvim-cmp),
* autocompletion *(e.g. nvim-cmp),
* codelens
* lsp folding
* go implementation
* go implementation
* incoming/outgoing call and ccls call hierarchy
* range formatting
@ -275,25 +275,26 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
lsp_signature_help = true, -- if you would like to hook ray-x/lsp_signature plugin in navigator
-- setup here. if it is nil, navigator will not init signature help
signature_help_cfg = nil, -- if you would like to init ray-x/lsp_signature plugin in navigator, and pass in your own config to signature help
icons = {
icons = { -- refer to lua/navigator.lua for more icons config
-- requires nerd fonts or nvim-web-devicons
icons = true,
-- Code action
code_action_icon = "🏏", -- note: need terminal support, for those not support unicode, might crash
-- Diagnostics
diagnostic_head = '🐛',
diagnostic_head_severity_1 = "🈲",
-- refer to lua/navigator.lua for more icons setups
mason = false, -- set to true if you would like use the lsp installed by williamboman/mason
lsp = {
enable = true, -- skip lsp setup, and only use treesitter in navigator.
-- Use this if you are not using LSP servers, and only want to enable treesitter support.
-- If you only want to prevent navigator from touching your LSP server configs,
-- use `disable_lsp = "all"` instead.
enable = true, -- skip lsp setup, and only use treesitter in navigator.
-- Use this if you are not using LSP servers, and only want to enable treesitter support.
-- If you only want to prevent navigator from touching your LSP server configs,
-- use `disable_lsp = "all"` instead.
-- If disabled, make sure add require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({bufnr=bufnr, client=client}) in your
-- own on_attach
code_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
code_lens_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
document_highlight = true, -- LSP reference highlight,
document_highlight = true, -- LSP reference highlight,
-- it might already supported by you setup, e.g. LunarVim
format_on_save = true, -- {true|false} set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc)
-- table: {enable = {'lua', 'go'}, disable = {'javascript', 'typescript'}} to enable/disable specific language
@ -304,10 +305,10 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
disable_format_cap = {"sqlls", "lua_ls", "gopls"}, -- a list of lsp disable format capacity (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty {} by default
-- If you using null-ls and want null-ls format your code
-- you should disable all other lsp and allow only null-ls.
-- disable_lsp = {'pylsd', 'sqlls'}, -- prevents navigator from setting up this list of servers.
-- if you use your own LSP setup, and don't want navigator to setup
-- disable_lsp = {'pylsd', 'sqlls'}, -- prevents navigator from setting up this list of servers.
-- if you use your own LSP setup, and don't want navigator to setup
-- any LSP server for you, use `disable_lsp = "all"`.
-- you may need to add this to your own on_attach hook:
-- you may need to add this to your own on_attach hook:
-- require('navigator.lspclient.mapping').setup({bufnr=bufnr, client=client})
-- for e.g. denols and tsserver you may want to enable one lsp server at a time.
-- default value: {}
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
gopls = {gofumpt = false} -- disable gofumpt etc,
-- the lsp setup can be a function, .e.g
-- the lsp setup can be a function, .e.g
gopls = function()
local go = pcall(require, "go")
if go then
@ -677,7 +678,7 @@ There are lots of plugins provides lsp support
* setup with neodev
use {"folke/neodev.nvim",
use {"folke/neodev.nvim",
ft = 'lua',
config = function()

@ -160,27 +160,35 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
mason = false, -- set to true if you would like use the lsp installed by williamboman/mason
mason_disabled_for = {}, -- disable mason for specified lspclients
icons = {
-- requires Nerd Font or nvim-web-devicons pre-installed
icons = true, -- set to false to use system default ( if you using a terminal does not have nerd/icon)
-- Code action
-- Code Action (gutter, floating window)
code_action_icon = '🏏',
-- code lens
-- Code Lens (gutter, floating window)
code_lens_action_icon = '👓',
-- Diagnostics
diagnostic_head = '🐛',
-- Diagnostics (gutter)
diagnostic_head = '🐛', -- prefix for other diagnostic_* icons
diagnostic_err = '📛',
diagnostic_warn = '👎',
diagnostic_info = [[👩]],
diagnostic_hint = [[💁]],
-- Diagnostics (floating window)
diagnostic_head_severity_1 = '🈲',
diagnostic_head_severity_2 = '☣️',
diagnostic_head_severity_3 = '👎',
diagnostic_head_description = '👹',
diagnostic_virtual_text = '🦊',
diagnostic_file = '🚑',
-- Values
value_changed = '📝',
value_definition = '🐶🍡', -- it is easier to see than 🦕
diagnostic_head_description = '👹', -- suffix for severities
diagnostic_virtual_text = '🦊', -- floating text preview (set to empty to disable)
diagnostic_file = '🚑', -- icon in floating window, indicates the file contains diagnostics
-- Values (floating window)
value_definition = '🐶🍡', -- identifier defined
value_changed = '📝', -- identifier modified
-- Formatting for Side Panel
side_panel = {
section_separator = '󰇜',
line_num_left = '',
@ -190,21 +198,27 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
bracket_left = '',
bracket_right = '',
-- Treesitter
-- Note: many more node.type or kind may be available
match_kinds = {
var = '', -- "👹", -- Vampaire
method = 'ƒ ', -- "🍔", -- mac
['function'] = '󰡱 ', -- "🤣", -- Fun
parameter = '', -- Pi
associated = '🤝',
namespace = '🚀',
type = '󰉿',
field = '🏈',
module = '📦',
flag = '🎏',
var = '', -- variable -- "👹", -- Vampaire
const = '󱀍 ',
method = 'ƒ ', -- method -- "🍔", -- mac
-- function is a keyword so wrap in ['key'] syntax
['function'] = '󰡱 ', -- function -- "🤣", -- Fun
parameter = '', -- param/arg -- Pi
parameters = '', -- param/arg -- Pi
required_parameter = '', -- param/arg -- Pi
associated = '🤝', -- linked/related
namespace = '🚀', -- namespace
type = '󰉿', -- type definition
field = '🏈', -- field definition
module = '📦', -- module
flag = '🎏', -- flag
treesitter_defult = '🌲',
doc_symbols = '',
treesitter_defult = '🌲', -- default symbol when unknown node.type or kind
doc_symbols = '', -- document
