Merge pull request #723 from yutkat/dev

Change TOC style to markdown-toc
Yuta Katayama 1 year ago committed by GitHub
commit 5984ff44f9
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -1,160 +1,163 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Plugin Manager](#plugin-manager)
- [Completion](#completion)
- [LSP](#lsp)
- [Treesitter](#treesitter)
- [Fuzzy Finder](#fuzzy-finder)
- [Filer](#filer)
- [Appearance](#appearance)
- [Syntax / Highlight](#syntax--highlight)
- [Statusline](#statusline)
- [Bufferline](#bufferline)
- [Tabline](#tabline)
- [winbar](#winbar)
- [statuscolumn](#statuscolumn)
- [Cursor](#cursor)
- [Cursorline](#cursorline)
- [Columnline](#columnline)
- [Window Separators](#window-separators)
- [Screen position](#screen-position)
- [Wrap](#wrap)
- [Mode](#mode)
- [Mode Viewer](#mode-viewer)
- [Visual](#visual)
- [Submode](#submode)
- [Scrollbar](#scrollbar)
- [Sidebar](#sidebar)
- [Menu](#menu)
- [Minimap](#minimap)
- [Highlight current function](#highlight-current-function)
- [listchars](#listchars)
- [Background](#background)
- [Buffer, Window, Tab Management](#buffer-window-tab-management)
- [Terminal](#terminal)
- [Motion](#motion)
- [Jump](#jump)
- [Editing support](#editing-support)
- [Insert](#insert)
- [Auto Insert](#auto-insert)
- [matchparen](#matchparen)
- [Adding and subtracting](#adding-and-subtracting)
- [Convert Case](#convert-case)
- [Indent](#indent)
- [Indent Size](#indent-size)
- [Indent Shift](#indent-shift)
- [Align](#align)
- [TextObject, Operator](#textobject-operator)
- [Misc](#misc)
- [Other Standard Feature Enhancement](#other-standard-feature-enhancement)
- [Search, Replace, Select](#search-replace-select)
- [Mapping](#mapping)
- [Yank, Paste](#yank-paste)
- [Split / Join](#split--join)
- [Number](#number)
- [Mark](#mark)
- [Undo](#undo)
- [Diff](#diff)
- [Tags](#tags)
- [Fold / Conceal](#fold--conceal)
- [Calculation](#calculation)
- [Command](#command)
- [Redirect to scratch buffer](#redirect-to-scratch-buffer)
- [Shell Command](#shell-command)
- [Command Line](#command-line)
- [GUID](#guid)
- [Command Line UI](#command-line-ui)
- [Command Line](#command-line-1)
- [command line completion](#command-line-completion)
- [History](#history)
- [Spell](#spell)
- [Spellcheck](#spellcheck)
- [Vale](#vale)
- [Abbreviation](#abbreviation)
- [Quickfix / Location](#quickfix--location)
- [cd(change directory)](#cdchange-directory)
- [z](#z)
- [ftdetect(Filetype detector)](#ftdetectfiletype-detector)
- [ftplugin](#ftplugin)
- [filetype colorscheme](#filetype-colorscheme)
- [Macro](#macro)
- [Message](#message)
- [Help](#help)
- [Messsage](#messsage)
- [Save](#save)
- [Cursor Position](#cursor-position)
- [Backup](#backup)
- [Startup](#startup)
- [Boot Arguments](#boot-arguments)
- [Session](#session)
- [Mouse](#mouse)
- [Profiler](#profiler)
- [Improve startup time](#improve-startup-time)
- [Coding](#coding)
- [Reading assistant feature](#reading-assistant-feature)
- [Current Position Info](#current-position-info)
- [Comment Out](#comment-out)
- [Context Header](#context-header)
- [Indent Guide](#indent-guide)
- [Linter / Formatter](#linter--formatter)
- [Regex](#regex)
- [Code outline](#code-outline)
- [Call Hierarchy](#call-hierarchy)
- [Type Hierarchy](#type-hierarchy)
- [Snippet/Template](#snippettemplate)
- [Task Runner](#task-runner)
- [Test](#test)
- [Debug/REPL](#debugrepl)
- [Git/GitHub](#gitgithub)
- [Project](#project)
- [New features](#new-features)
- [Note Taking](#note-taking)
- [Diagram](#diagram)
- [Translate](#translate)
- [Manual](#manual)
- [Popup Info](#popup-info)
- [File Handling](#file-handling)
- [Command Palette](#command-palette)
- [Reload Configuration](#reload-configuration)
- [Package Manager](#package-manager)
- [Remote Development](#remote-development)
- [Collaborative Editing](#collaborative-editing)
- [Image](#image)
- [Notification](#notification)
- [Schedule](#schedule)
- [Key stroke](#key-stroke)
- [Concentration(Pomodoro/Zenn)](#concentrationpomodorozenn)
- [Human-readable](#human-readable)
- [bionic reading](#bionic-reading)
- [Scratchpad](#scratchpad)
- [Performance Test](#performance-test)
- [Security](#security)
- [Hex Editor](#hex-editor)
- [Mail](#mail)
- [Calendar](#calendar)
- [Presentation](#presentation)
- [EDITOR](#editor)
- [Tutorial](#tutorial)
- [Analytics](#analytics)
- [Code::Stats](#codestats)
- [Update check](#update-check)
- [Font](#font)
- [Emoji](#emoji)
- [Keyboard Layout](#keyboard-layout)
- [Util pack](#util-pack)
- [Patch](#patch)
- [Integration with other apps](#integration-with-other-apps)
- [Language specific](#language-specific)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Neovim Lua Library](#neovim-lua-library)
- [Neovim Lua Development](#neovim-lua-development)
- [Colorscheme](#colorscheme)
- [Neovim Distribution](#neovim-distribution)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [External Tools](#external-tools)
- [Service](#service)
- [Toy](#toy)
<!-- toc -->
- [Plugin Manager](#plugin-manager)
- [Completion](#completion)
- [LSP](#lsp)
- [Treesitter](#treesitter)
- [Fuzzy Finder](#fuzzy-finder)
- [Filer](#filer)
- [Appearance](#appearance)
* [Syntax / Highlight](#syntax--highlight)
* [Statusline](#statusline)
* [Bufferline](#bufferline)
* [Tabline](#tabline)
* [winbar](#winbar)
* [statuscolumn](#statuscolumn)
* [Cursor](#cursor)
* [Cursorline](#cursorline)
* [Columnline](#columnline)
* [Window Separators](#window-separators)
* [Screen position](#screen-position)
* [Wrap](#wrap)
* [Mode](#mode)
+ [Mode Viewer](#mode-viewer)
+ [Visual](#visual)
+ [Submode](#submode)
* [Scrollbar](#scrollbar)
* [Sidebar](#sidebar)
* [Menu](#menu)
* [Minimap](#minimap)
* [Highlight current function](#highlight-current-function)
* [listchars](#listchars)
* [Background](#background)
- [Buffer, Window, Tab Management](#buffer-window-tab-management)
- [Terminal](#terminal)
- [Motion](#motion)
- [Jump](#jump)
- [Editing support](#editing-support)
* [Insert](#insert)
* [Auto Insert](#auto-insert)
* [matchparen](#matchparen)
* [Adding and subtracting](#adding-and-subtracting)
* [Convert Case](#convert-case)
* [Indent](#indent)
+ [Indent Size](#indent-size)
+ [Indent Shift](#indent-shift)
* [Align](#align)
* [TextObject, Operator](#textobject-operator)
* [Misc](#misc)
- [Other Standard Feature Enhancement](#other-standard-feature-enhancement)
* [Search, Replace, Select](#search-replace-select)
* [Mapping](#mapping)
* [Yank, Paste](#yank-paste)
* [Split / Join](#split--join)
* [Number](#number)
* [Mark](#mark)
* [Undo](#undo)
* [Diff](#diff)
* [Tags](#tags)
* [Fold / Conceal](#fold--conceal)
* [Calculation](#calculation)
* [Command](#command)
+ [Redirect to scratch buffer](#redirect-to-scratch-buffer)
+ [Shell Command](#shell-command)
* [Command Line](#command-line)
+ [GUID](#guid)
* [Command Line UI](#command-line-ui)
* [Command Line](#command-line-1)
+ [command line completion](#command-line-completion)
* [History](#history)
* [Spell](#spell)
+ [Spellcheck](#spellcheck)
+ [Vale](#vale)
* [Abbreviation](#abbreviation)
* [Quickfix / Location](#quickfix--location)
* [cd(change directory)](#cdchange-directory)
+ [z](#z)
* [ftdetect(Filetype detector)](#ftdetectfiletype-detector)
* [ftplugin](#ftplugin)
+ [filetype colorscheme](#filetype-colorscheme)
* [Macro](#macro)
* [Message](#message)
* [Help](#help)
* [Messsage](#messsage)
* [Save](#save)
+ [Cursor Position](#cursor-position)
* [Backup](#backup)
* [Startup](#startup)
* [Boot Arguments](#boot-arguments)
* [Session](#session)
* [Mouse](#mouse)
* [Profiler](#profiler)
* [Improve startup time](#improve-startup-time)
- [Coding](#coding)
* [Reading assistant feature](#reading-assistant-feature)
+ [Current Position Info](#current-position-info)
* [Comment Out](#comment-out)
+ [Context Header](#context-header)
- [Indent Guide](#indent-guide)
* [Linter / Formatter](#linter--formatter)
* [Regex](#regex)
* [Code outline](#code-outline)
* [Call Hierarchy](#call-hierarchy)
* [Type Hierarchy](#type-hierarchy)
* [Snippet/Template](#snippettemplate)
* [Task Runner](#task-runner)
* [Test](#test)
* [Debug/REPL](#debugrepl)
* [Git/GitHub](#gitgithub)
* [Project](#project)
- [New features](#new-features)
* [Note Taking](#note-taking)
* [Diagram](#diagram)
* [Translate](#translate)
* [Manual](#manual)
* [Popup Info](#popup-info)
* [File Handling](#file-handling)
* [Command Palette](#command-palette)
* [Reload Configuration](#reload-configuration)
* [Package Manager](#package-manager)
* [Remote Development](#remote-development)
* [Collaborative Editing](#collaborative-editing)
* [Image](#image)
* [Notification](#notification)
* [Schedule](#schedule)
* [Key stroke](#key-stroke)
* [Concentration(Pomodoro/Zenn)](#concentrationpomodorozenn)
* [Human-readable](#human-readable)
+ [bionic reading](#bionic-reading)
* [Scratchpad](#scratchpad)
* [Performance Test](#performance-test)
* [Security](#security)
* [Hex Editor](#hex-editor)
* [Mail](#mail)
* [Calendar](#calendar)
* [Presentation](#presentation)
* [EDITOR](#editor)
* [Tutorial](#tutorial)
* [Analytics](#analytics)
+ [Code::Stats](#codestats)
* [Update check](#update-check)
* [Font](#font)
* [Emoji](#emoji)
* [Keyboard Layout](#keyboard-layout)
- [Util pack](#util-pack)
- [Patch](#patch)
- [Integration with other apps](#integration-with-other-apps)
- [Language specific](#language-specific)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Neovim Lua Library](#neovim-lua-library)
- [Neovim Lua Development](#neovim-lua-development)
- [Colorscheme](#colorscheme)
- [Neovim Distribution](#neovim-distribution)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [External Tools](#external-tools)
- [Service](#service)
- [Toy](#toy)
<!-- tocstop -->
## [Plugin Manager](./

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Auto insert](#auto-insert)
- [insert pairs](#insert-pairs)
- [endwise](#endwise)
- [Auto insert semicolon](#auto-insert-semicolon)
- [Auto convert](#auto-convert)
<!-- toc -->
- [Auto insert](#auto-insert)
- [insert pairs](#insert-pairs)
* [endwise](#endwise)
- [Auto insert semicolon](#auto-insert-semicolon)
- [Auto convert](#auto-convert)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Auto insert

@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Buffer, Window, Tab Management](#buffer-window-tab-management)
- [Buffer](#buffer)
- [Buffer Selector](#buffer-selector)
- [Other Buffer Switcher](#other-buffer-switcher)
- [Buffer Management](#buffer-management)
- [create](#create)
- [open](#open)
- [recent file](#recent-file)
- [remote open](#remote-open)
- [delete](#delete)
- [access control](#access-control)
- [Scratch Buffer](#scratch-buffer)
- [Window](#window)
- [Window Switcher](#window-switcher)
- [Window Management](#window-management)
- [swap](#swap)
- [layout](#layout)
- [resize](#resize)
- [maximize](#maximize)
- [focus](#focus)
- [animation](#animation)
- [Tab](#tab)
- [select](#select)
<!-- toc -->
- [Buffer, Window, Tab Management](#buffer-window-tab-management)
- [Buffer](#buffer)
* [Buffer Selector](#buffer-selector)
* [Other Buffer Switcher](#other-buffer-switcher)
* [Buffer Management](#buffer-management)
+ [create](#create)
+ [open](#open)
- [recent file](#recent-file)
- [remote open](#remote-open)
+ [delete](#delete)
+ [access control](#access-control)
* [Scratch Buffer](#scratch-buffer)
- [Window](#window)
* [Window Switcher](#window-switcher)
* [Window Management](#window-management)
+ [swap](#swap)
+ [layout](#layout)
+ [resize](#resize)
+ [maximize](#maximize)
+ [focus](#focus)
* [animation](#animation)
- [Tab](#tab)
* [select](#select)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Buffer, Window, Tab Management

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Bufferline](#bufferline)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Bufferline
- [akinsho/bufferline.nvim]( ![]( ![]( ![](

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Comment out](#comment-out)
- [CommentString](#commentstring)
- [Comment Header](#comment-header)
- [Todo Comment Highlight](#todo-comment-highlight)
- [Special Comment](#special-comment)
- [Annotation](#annotation)
<!-- toc -->
- [Comment out](#comment-out)
* [CommentString](#commentstring)
* [Comment Header](#comment-header)
- [Todo Comment Highlight](#todo-comment-highlight)
- [Special Comment](#special-comment)
* [Annotation](#annotation)
<!-- tocstop -->
### Comment out

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Auto Completion](#auto-completion)
- [Auto Completion Plugin](#auto-completion-plugin)
- [Made in Lua](#made-in-lua)
- [Made in Python](#made-in-python)
- [Made in Rust](#made-in-rust)
- [nvim-cmp extension](#nvim-cmp-extension)
- [nvim-cmp sources](#nvim-cmp-sources)
- [nvim-cmp comparator](#nvim-cmp-comparator)
- [Auto Completion support](#auto-completion-support)
- [AI Completion](#ai-completion)
- [Standard Completion](#standard-completion)
<!-- toc -->
- [Auto Completion](#auto-completion)
* [Auto Completion Plugin](#auto-completion-plugin)
+ [Made in Lua](#made-in-lua)
+ [Made in Python](#made-in-python)
+ [Made in Rust](#made-in-rust)
* [nvim-cmp extension](#nvim-cmp-extension)
+ [nvim-cmp sources](#nvim-cmp-sources)
+ [nvim-cmp comparator](#nvim-cmp-comparator)
* [Auto Completion support](#auto-completion-support)
- [AI Completion](#ai-completion)
- [Standard Completion](#standard-completion)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Auto Completion

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Pomodoro](#pomodoro)
- [Alarm](#alarm)
- [Do Not Disturb](#do-not-disturb)
- [Zen Mode](#zen-mode)
<!-- toc -->
- [Pomodoro](#pomodoro)
- [Alarm](#alarm)
- [Do Not Disturb](#do-not-disturb)
- [Zen Mode](#zen-mode)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Pomodoro

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Debug](#debug)
- [Debugger](#debugger)
- [nvim-dap extension](#nvim-dap-extension)
- [REPL](#repl)
- [Refactoring,Debugging](#refactoringdebugging)
- [print debug](#print-debug)
- [stack trace analyze](#stack-trace-analyze)
<!-- toc -->
- [Debug](#debug)
* [Debugger](#debugger)
+ [nvim-dap extension](#nvim-dap-extension)
* [REPL](#repl)
* [Refactoring,Debugging](#refactoringdebugging)
+ [print debug](#print-debug)
+ [stack trace analyze](#stack-trace-analyze)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Debug

@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Markdown](#markdown)
- [Markdown link](#markdown-link)
- [Markdown header](#markdown-header)
- [Markdown preview](#markdown-preview)
- [Markdown code block](#markdown-code-block)
- [Markdown evaluate code](#markdown-evaluate-code)
- [Styling](#styling)
- [Markdown checkbox](#markdown-checkbox)
- [Markdown list](#markdown-list)
- [Markdown converter](#markdown-converter)
- [PlantUML](#plantuml)
- [AsciiDoc](#asciidoc)
- [Pandoc](#pandoc)
- [Vimdoc](#vimdoc)
- [Tex](#tex)
- [BiBTex](#bibtex)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
- [Quarto](#quarto)
- [Gist](#gist)
<!-- toc -->
- [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Markdown](#markdown)
+ [Markdown link](#markdown-link)
+ [Markdown header](#markdown-header)
+ [Markdown preview](#markdown-preview)
+ [Markdown code block](#markdown-code-block)
+ [Markdown evaluate code](#markdown-evaluate-code)
+ [Styling](#styling)
+ [Markdown checkbox](#markdown-checkbox)
+ [Markdown list](#markdown-list)
+ [Markdown converter](#markdown-converter)
* [PlantUML](#plantuml)
* [AsciiDoc](#asciidoc)
* [Pandoc](#pandoc)
* [Vimdoc](#vimdoc)
* [Tex](#tex)
+ [BiBTex](#bibtex)
* [Copyright](#copyright)
* [Quarto](#quarto)
* [Gist](#gist)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Documentation

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Emoji](#emoji)
- [Emoji FuzzyFinder](#emoji-fuzzyfinder)
<!-- toc -->
- [Emoji](#emoji)
* [Emoji FuzzyFinder](#emoji-fuzzyfinder)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Emoji

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Color](#color)
- [Luarock](#luarock)
<!-- toc -->
- [Color](#color)
- [Luarock](#luarock)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Color

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Filer](#filer)
- [Simple](#simple)
- [Floating Style](#floating-style)
- [FuzzyFinder Style](#fuzzyfinder-style)
- [Emacs style](#emacs-style)
- [nnn wrapper](#nnn-wrapper)
- [ranger](#ranger)
- [Network File Manager](#network-file-manager)
* [Simple](#simple)
* [Floating Style](#floating-style)
* [FuzzyFinder Style](#fuzzyfinder-style)
* [Emacs style](#emacs-style)
* [nnn wrapper](#nnn-wrapper)
* [ranger](#ranger)
* [Network File Manager](#network-file-manager)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Filer

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Fold](#fold)
- [Conceal](#conceal)
<!-- toc -->
- [Fold](#fold)
- [Conceal](#conceal)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Fold

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [FuzzyFinder](#fuzzyfinder)
- [Telescope Extensions](#telescope-extensions)
- [Sorter](#sorter)
- [Utils](#utils)
- [Grep](#grep)
- [Integration for another plugin](#integration-for-another-plugin)
+ [Telescope Extensions](#telescope-extensions)
- [Sorter](#sorter)
- [Utils](#utils)
- [Grep](#grep)
- [Integration for another plugin](#integration-for-another-plugin)
<!-- tocstop -->
# FuzzyFinder

@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Git](#git)
- [lazygit](#lazygit)
- [git clone](#git-clone)
- [git status](#git-status)
- [git add](#git-add)
- [git commit](#git-commit)
- [prefix](#prefix)
- [co authored](#co-authored)
- [git blame](#git-blame)
- [git log](#git-log)
- [git lens](#git-lens)
- [git diff](#git-diff)
- [git rebase](#git-rebase)
- [git conflict](#git-conflict)
- [git open](#git-open)
- [gitignore](#gitignore)
- [git hook](#git-hook)
- [git info](#git-info)
- [search](#search)
* [lazygit](#lazygit)
* [git clone](#git-clone)
* [git status](#git-status)
* [git add](#git-add)
* [git commit](#git-commit)
+ [prefix](#prefix)
+ [co authored](#co-authored)
* [git blame](#git-blame)
* [git log](#git-log)
* [git lens](#git-lens)
* [git diff](#git-diff)
* [git rebase](#git-rebase)
* [git conflict](#git-conflict)
* [git open](#git-open)
* [gitignore](#gitignore)
* [git hook](#git-hook)
* [git info](#git-info)
* [search](#search)
- [GitHub](#github)
- [Features like gh](#features-like-gh)
- [GitHub tweaks](#github-tweaks)
- [Pull Request](#pull-request)
- [Link](#link)
- [Image](#image)
- [](#grepapp)
* [Features like gh](#features-like-gh)
* [GitHub tweaks](#github-tweaks)
* [Pull Request](#pull-request)
* [Link](#link)
+ [Image](#image)
+ [](#grepapp)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Git

@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Typescript](#typescript)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [Go](#go)
- [C++](#c)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
- [F#](#f)
- [Lua](#lua)
- [MacOS](#macos)
- [VS Code](#vs-code)
* [Typescript](#typescript)
* [Rust](#rust)
* [Go](#go)
* [C++](#c)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [F](#f)
* [Lua](#lua)
* [MacOS](#macos)
* [VS Code](#vs-code)
- [GUI library](#gui-library)
- [Font size](#font-size)
* [Font size](#font-size)
<!-- tocstop -->
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@
- [jebberjeb/javafx-neovimpane]( ![]( ![]( ![](
## F #
## F
- [yatli/fvim]( ![]( ![]( ![](

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Image](#image)
- [Image Viewer](#image-viewer)
- [Image Paste](#image-paste)
- [Image Uploader](#image-uploader)
- [Screenshot](#screenshot)
- [Code Image](#code-image)
- [Ascii](#ascii)
<!-- toc -->
- [Image](#image)
* [Image Viewer](#image-viewer)
* [Image Paste](#image-paste)
* [Image Uploader](#image-uploader)
* [Screenshot](#screenshot)
+ [Code Image](#code-image)
* [Ascii](#ascii)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Image

@ -1,99 +1,103 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Integration with other apps](#integration-with-other-apps)
- [Browser Integration](#browser-integration)
- [live preview](#live-preview)
- [search](#search)
- [Other Editor](#other-editor)
- [VS Code](#vs-code)
- [Xcode](#xcode)
- [Desktop Integration](#desktop-integration)
- [Development environment](#development-environment)
- [tmux](#tmux)
- [Zellij](#zellij)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [dotenv](#dotenv)
- [Chamber](#chamber)
- [Sphinx](#sphinx)
- [Swagger](#swagger)
- [endpoints.json](#endpointsjson)
- [BQN](#bqn)
- [Skeleton](#skeleton)
- [Shell](#shell)
- [zsh](#zsh)
- [fish](#fish)
- [Terminal](#terminal)
- [Kitty](#kitty)
- [Windows Terminal](#windows-terminal)
- [CLI](#cli)
- [make](#make)
- [Bazel](#bazel)
- [ripgrep](#ripgrep)
- [perf](#perf)
- [dotnet](#dotnet)
- [rsync](#rsync)
- [ctags](#ctags)
- [](#cheatsh)
- [papis](#papis)
- [Zeal](#zeal)
- [Snyk Code](#snyk-code)
- [k8s (Kubernetes)](#k8s-kubernetes)
- [Cloud](#cloud)
- [Terraform](#terraform)
- [Ansible](#ansible)
- [Kustomize](#kustomize)
- [AWS](#aws)
- [S3](#s3)
- [Azure](#azure)
- [Salesforce](#salesforce)
- [dbt](#dbt)
- [sdfcli](#sdfcli)
- [Web](#web)
- [](#matrixorg)
- [Discord](#discord)
- [Slack](#slack)
- [Mastodon](#mastodon)
- [Notion](#notion)
- [Jira](#jira)
- [Google Docs](#google-docs)
- [Twitch](#twitch)
- [Spotify](#spotify)
- [StackOverflow](#stackoverflow)
- [OpenAI](#openai)
- [Otter](#otter)
- [GitLab](#gitlab)
- [Trello](#trello)
- [compiler-explorer](#compiler-explorer)
- [](#prefixcc)
- [haste](#haste)
- [TabNews](#tabnews)
- [OS](#os)
- [Linux](#linux)
- [gnome](#gnome)
- [darkman](#darkman)
- [fribidi](#fribidi)
- [Windows](#windows)
- [Everything](#everything)
- [AutoHotKey](#autohotkey)
- [Mac](#mac)
- [iOS](#ios)
- [Password Manager](#password-manager)
- [IME](#ime)
- [Fcitx](#fcitx)
- [SKK](#skk)
- [Battery](#battery)
- [Audio](#audio)
- [SuperCollider](#supercollider)
- [LilyPond](#lilypond)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [Robot](#robot)
- [ROS](#ros)
- [LEGO](#lego)
- [Keyboard](#keyboard)
- [Embedded Software](#embedded-software)
- [Arduino](#arduino)
- [FlipperZero](#flipperzero)
<!-- toc -->
- [Integration with other apps](#integration-with-other-apps)
* [Browser Integration](#browser-integration)
+ [live preview](#live-preview)
+ [search](#search)
* [Other Editor](#other-editor)
+ [VS Code](#vs-code)
+ [Xcode](#xcode)
* [Desktop Integration](#desktop-integration)
* [Development environment](#development-environment)
+ [tmux](#tmux)
+ [Zellij](#zellij)
+ [Docker](#docker)
+ [dotenv](#dotenv)
+ [Chamber](#chamber)
+ [Sphinx](#sphinx)
+ [Swagger](#swagger)
+ [endpoints.json](#endpointsjson)
+ [BQN](#bqn)
+ [Skeleton](#skeleton)
* [Shell](#shell)
+ [zsh](#zsh)
+ [fish](#fish)
* [Terminal](#terminal)
+ [Kitty](#kitty)
+ [Windows Terminal](#windows-terminal)
* [CLI](#cli)
+ [make](#make)
+ [Bazel](#bazel)
+ [ripgrep](#ripgrep)
+ [perf](#perf)
+ [dotnet](#dotnet)
+ [rsync](#rsync)
+ [ctags](#ctags)
+ [](#cheatsh)
+ [papis](#papis)
+ [Zeal](#zeal)
+ [Snyk Code](#snyk-code)
+ [k8s (Kubernetes)](#k8s-kubernetes)
* [Cloud](#cloud)
+ [Terraform](#terraform)
+ [Ansible](#ansible)
+ [Kustomize](#kustomize)
+ [AWS](#aws)
- [S3](#s3)
+ [Azure](#azure)
+ [Salesforce](#salesforce)
+ [dbt](#dbt)
+ [sdfcli](#sdfcli)
* [Web](#web)
+ [](#matrixorg)
+ [Discord](#discord)
+ [Slack](#slack)
+ [Mastodon](#mastodon)
+ [Notion](#notion)
+ [Jira](#jira)
+ [Google Docs](#google-docs)
+ [Twitch](#twitch)
+ [Spotify](#spotify)
+ [StackOverflow](#stackoverflow)
+ [OpenAI](#openai)
+ [Otter](#otter)
+ [GitLab](#gitlab)
+ [Meilisearch](#meilisearch)
+ [Trello](#trello)
+ [compiler-explorer](#compiler-explorer)
+ [](#prefixcc)
+ [haste](#haste)
+ [TabNews](#tabnews)
* [OS](#os)
+ [Linux](#linux)
- [gnome](#gnome)
- [darkman](#darkman)
- [fribidi](#fribidi)
* [Windows](#windows)
+ [Everything](#everything)
+ [AutoHotKey](#autohotkey)
* [Mac](#mac)
* [iOS](#ios)
* [Password Manager](#password-manager)
* [IME](#ime)
+ [Fcitx](#fcitx)
+ [SKK](#skk)
* [Battery](#battery)
* [Audio](#audio)
+ [SuperCollider](#supercollider)
+ [LilyPond](#lilypond)
* [Hardware](#hardware)
+ [Robot](#robot)
- [ROS](#ros)
- [LEGO](#lego)
+ [Keyboard](#keyboard)
+ [Embedded Software](#embedded-software)
- [Arduino](#arduino)
- [FlipperZero](#flipperzero)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Integration with other apps

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Jump](#jump)
- [Jump number](#jump-number)
- [Go to File](#go-to-file)
- [jumplist](#jumplist)
- [Edit History](#edit-history)
- [Cursor Position History](#cursor-position-history)
<!-- toc -->
- [Jump](#jump)
- [Jump number](#jump-number)
- [Go to File](#go-to-file)
* [jumplist](#jumplist)
* [Edit History](#edit-history)
* [Cursor Position History](#cursor-position-history)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Jump

@ -1,86 +1,89 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Language specific](#language-specific)
- [Programing Language / Framework](#programing-language--framework)
- [Javascript/Typescript](#javascripttypescript)
* [Programing Language / Framework](#programing-language--framework)
+ [Javascript/Typescript](#javascripttypescript)
- [Formatter](#formatter)
- [Test](#test)
- [npm](#npm)
- [HTML](#html)
+ [HTML](#html)
- [conceal](#conceal)
- [live server](#live-server)
- [CSS](#css)
+ [CSS](#css)
- [tailwind](#tailwind)
- [Bulma](#bulma)
- [HTTP](#http)
- [REST](#rest)
- [Protocol buffer](#protocol-buffer)
- [Hurl](#hurl)
- [Graphql](#graphql)
- [React](#react)
- [Deno](#deno)
- [Bun](#bun)
- [mjml](#mjml)
- [Python](#python)
- [test](#test-1)
+ [HTTP](#http)
+ [REST](#rest)
+ [Protocol buffer](#protocol-buffer)
+ [Hurl](#hurl)
+ [Graphql](#graphql)
+ [React](#react)
+ [Deno](#deno)
+ [Bun](#bun)
+ [mjml](#mjml)
+ [Python](#python)
- [test](#test)
- [REPL](#repl)
- [build manager](#build-manager)
- [venv](#venv)
- [Jupyter](#jupyter)
- [Scrapy](#scrapy)
- [Ruby](#ruby)
+ [Ruby](#ruby)
- [Rails](#rails)
- [Nix](#nix)
- [PHP](#php)
+ [Nix](#nix)
+ [PHP](#php)
- [Laravel](#laravel)
- [Lua](#lua)
- [Luau](#luau)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [Go](#go)
+ [Lua](#lua)
+ [Luau](#luau)
+ [Rust](#rust)
+ [Go](#go)
- [gofmt](#gofmt)
- [Test](#test-2)
- [C/C++](#cc)
- [Test](#test-1)
+ [C/C++](#cc)
- [Cmake](#cmake)
- [Zig](#zig)
- [C #](#c-)
- [Java](#java)
- [Scala](#scala)
- [Dart, Flutter](#dart-flutter)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
- [Elixir](#elixir)
- [Haskell](#haskell)
- [Lisp](#lisp)
- [Shellscript(bash)](#shellscriptbash)
- [Nushell](#nushell)
- [F #](#f-)
- [Cairo](#cairo)
- [Agda](#agda)
- [Monkey](#monkey)
- [GNU APL](#gnu-apl)
- [Godot](#godot)
- [Moonscript](#moonscript)
- [Cell](#cell)
- [sylt](#sylt)
- [Cyber](#cyber)
- [Tcl/Tk](#tcltk)
- [Prolog](#prolog)
- [Brainfuck](#brainfuck)
- [Configuration File](#configuration-file)
- [JSON](#json)
- [YAML](#yaml)
- [dotbox](#dotbox)
- [CSV](#csv)
- [OpenAPI](#openapi)
- [Database](#database)
+ [Zig](#zig)
+ [C](#c)
+ [Java](#java)
+ [Scala](#scala)
+ [Dart, Flutter](#dart-flutter)
+ [Clojure](#clojure)
+ [Elixir](#elixir)
+ [Haskell](#haskell)
+ [Lisp](#lisp)
+ [Shellscript(bash)](#shellscriptbash)
+ [Nushell](#nushell)
+ [F](#f)
+ [Cairo](#cairo)
+ [Agda](#agda)
+ [Monkey](#monkey)
+ [GNU APL](#gnu-apl)
+ [Godot](#godot)
+ [Moonscript](#moonscript)
+ [Cell](#cell)
+ [sylt](#sylt)
+ [Cyber](#cyber)
+ [Tcl/Tk](#tcltk)
+ [Prolog](#prolog)
+ [Brainfuck](#brainfuck)
* [Configuration File](#configuration-file)
+ [JSON](#json)
+ [YAML](#yaml)
+ [dotbox](#dotbox)
+ [CSV](#csv)
+ [OpenAPI](#openapi)
+ [Database](#database)
- [SQL](#sql)
- [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
- [MongoDB](#mongodb)
- [Jenkins](#jenkins)
- [Drools Rule Language](#drools-rule-language)
+ [Jenkins](#jenkins)
+ [Drools Rule Language](#drools-rule-language)
- [Competitive programming](#competitive-programming)
- [Technical interviews](#technical-interviews)
- [LeetCode](#leetcode)
* [LeetCode](#leetcode)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Language specific
@ -333,7 +336,7 @@
- [CadeMichael/zig.nvim]( ![]( ![]( ![](
- [bfredl/nvim-zigclient]( ![]( ![]( ![](
### C #
### C
- [Hoffs/omnisharp-extended-lsp.nvim]( ![]( ![]( ![](
@ -390,7 +393,7 @@
- [LhKipp/nvim-nu]( ![]( ![]( ![](
### F #
### F
- [noralambda/fsproj-edit.nvim]( ![]( ![]( ![](

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Formatting config](#formatting-config)
- [Formatter](#formatter)
- [Trim Whitespace](#trim-whitespace)
- [Lint](#lint)
<!-- toc -->
- [Formatting config](#formatting-config)
- [Formatter](#formatter)
* [Trim Whitespace](#trim-whitespace)
- [Lint](#lint)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Formatting config

@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [LSP](#lsp)
- [LSP Installer](#lsp-installer)
- [LSP Feature Extension UI](#lsp-feature-extension-ui)
- [Diagnostics](#diagnostics)
- [Definition, Reference](#definition-reference)
- [Code action](#code-action)
- [Hint](#hint)
- [Hover Doc](#hover-doc)
- [Formatting](#formatting)
- [Rename](#rename)
- [Semantic Token](#semantic-token)
- [LSP Progress](#lsp-progress)
- [Local LSP Config](#local-lsp-config)
- [Disable/Enable](#disableenable)
- [Pre-configuration](#pre-configuration)
- [Backwards Compatibility](#backwards-compatibility)
<!-- toc -->
- [LSP](#lsp)
* [LSP Installer](#lsp-installer)
* [LSP Feature Extension UI](#lsp-feature-extension-ui)
+ [Diagnostics](#diagnostics)
+ [Definition, Reference](#definition-reference)
+ [Code action](#code-action)
+ [Hint](#hint)
+ [Hover Doc](#hover-doc)
+ [Formatting](#formatting)
+ [Rename](#rename)
+ [Semantic Token](#semantic-token)
* [LSP Progress](#lsp-progress)
* [Local LSP Config](#local-lsp-config)
- [Disable/Enable](#disableenable)
- [Pre-configuration](#pre-configuration)
- [Backwards Compatibility](#backwards-compatibility)
<!-- tocstop -->
## LSP

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Keymap](#keymap)
- [Bracket](#bracket)
- [Mapping search](#mapping-search)
- [Prefix Key Binding](#prefix-key-binding)
- [Mapping toggle](#mapping-toggle)
* [Bracket](#bracket)
* [Mapping search](#mapping-search)
* [Prefix Key Binding](#prefix-key-binding)
* [Mapping toggle](#mapping-toggle)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Keymap

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Mark](#mark)
- [sign](#sign)
- [Jump](#jump)
- [floating marker(easymotion style)](#floating-markereasymotion-style)
- [bookmark](#bookmark)
- [etc](#etc)
<!-- toc -->
- [Mark](#mark)
* [sign](#sign)
* [Jump](#jump)
* [floating marker(easymotion style)](#floating-markereasymotion-style)
* [bookmark](#bookmark)
* [etc](#etc)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Mark

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Motion](#motion)
- [j/k](#jk)
- [Scrolling](#scrolling)
- [Smooth scroll](#smooth-scroll)
- [Label Jump (Easymotion style)](#label-jump-easymotion-style)
- [Horizontal Move](#horizontal-move)
- [Show jump word](#show-jump-word)
- [Vertical Move](#vertical-move)
- [Word Motion](#word-motion)
- [Line Move](#line-move)
- [Paragraph](#paragraph)
<!-- toc -->
- [Motion](#motion)
* [j/k](#jk)
+ [Scrolling](#scrolling)
* [Smooth scroll](#smooth-scroll)
* [Label Jump (Easymotion style)](#label-jump-easymotion-style)
* [Horizontal Move](#horizontal-move)
+ [Show jump word](#show-jump-word)
* [Vertical Move](#vertical-move)
* [Word Motion](#word-motion)
* [Line Move](#line-move)
* [Paragraph](#paragraph)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Motion

@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Lua Development](#lua-development)
- [Plugin Template](#plugin-template)
- [LSP](#lsp)
- [Lint](#lint)
- [Formatter](#formatter)
- [GitHub Actions](#github-actions)
- [Neovim Lua Development](#neovim-lua-development)
- [Neovim Lua REPL](#neovim-lua-repl)
- [Development Tools](#development-tools)
- [Log](#log)
- [Print](#print)
- [Debug](#debug)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Help](#help)
- [runtimepath](#runtimepath)
- [Fennel](#fennel)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [FFI](#ffi)
- [Colorscheme Creation](#colorscheme-creation)
- [Color Creation](#color-creation)
- [Color Export](#color-export)
- [Profiler](#profiler)
- [CI](#ci)
- [Actions](#actions)
<!-- toc -->
- [Lua Development](#lua-development)
* [Plugin Template](#plugin-template)
* [LSP](#lsp)
* [Lint](#lint)
* [Formatter](#formatter)
* [GitHub Actions](#github-actions)
- [Neovim Lua Development](#neovim-lua-development)
- [Neovim Lua REPL](#neovim-lua-repl)
- [Development Tools](#development-tools)
- [Log](#log)
- [Print](#print)
- [Debug](#debug)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Help](#help)
- [runtimepath](#runtimepath)
- [Fennel](#fennel)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [FFI](#ffi)
- [Colorscheme Creation](#colorscheme-creation)
- [Color Creation](#color-creation)
- [Color Export](#color-export)
- [Profiler](#profiler)
- [CI](#ci)
* [Actions](#actions)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Lua Development

@ -1,39 +1,42 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Table](#table)
- [Class](#class)
- [Log](#log)
- [async](#async)
- [Coroutine](#coroutine)
- [File](#file)
- [UI](#ui)
- [Notification](#notification)
- [](#vimuiselectvimuiinput)
- [Popup](#popup)
- [Animation](#animation)
- [FuzzyFinder](#fuzzyfinder)
- [Spinner](#spinner)
- [Error handling](#error-handling)
- [Assert](#assert)
- [Time](#time)
- [Net](#net)
- [Curl](#curl)
- [REST](#rest)
- [GRPC](#grpc)
- [WebSocket](#websocket)
- [JSON](#json)
- [Require](#require)
- [Hook](#hook)
- [Mode](#mode)
- [Keymap](#keymap)
- [autocmd](#autocmd)
- [Icon](#icon)
- [Unicode](#unicode)
- [Mathematics](#mathematics)
- [Treesitter](#treesitter)
- [Enhanced Standard Features](#enhanced-standard-features)
- [Util wrapper](#util-wrapper)
<!-- toc -->
- [Table](#table)
- [Class](#class)
- [Log](#log)
- [async](#async)
- [Coroutine](#coroutine)
- [File](#file)
- [UI](#ui)
* [Notification](#notification)
* [](#vimuiselectvimuiinput)
* [Popup](#popup)
* [Animation](#animation)
* [FuzzyFinder](#fuzzyfinder)
* [Spinner](#spinner)
- [Error handling](#error-handling)
- [Assert](#assert)
- [Time](#time)
- [Net](#net)
* [Curl](#curl)
* [REST](#rest)
* [GRPC](#grpc)
* [WebSocket](#websocket)
- [JSON](#json)
- [Require](#require)
- [Hook](#hook)
- [Mode](#mode)
- [Keymap](#keymap)
- [autocmd](#autocmd)
- [Icon](#icon)
- [Unicode](#unicode)
- [Mathematics](#mathematics)
- [Treesitter](#treesitter)
- [Enhanced Standard Features](#enhanced-standard-features)
- [Util wrapper](#util-wrapper)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Table

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Note Taking](#note-taking)
- [Org mode](#org-mode)
- [Zettelkasten](#zettelkasten)
- [Markdown](#markdown)
- [ToDo](#todo)
- [Obsidian](#obsidian)
- [Google Keep](#google-keep)
- [Dendron](#dendron)
- [BibleGateway](#biblegateway)
- [Wiki](#wiki)
- [VimWiki](#vimwiki)
- [Scratch Buffer](#scratch-buffer)
- [inline note](#inline-note)
- [etc](#etc)
* [Org mode](#org-mode)
* [Zettelkasten](#zettelkasten)
* [Markdown](#markdown)
* [ToDo](#todo)
* [Obsidian](#obsidian)
* [Google Keep](#google-keep)
* [Dendron](#dendron)
* [BibleGateway](#biblegateway)
* [Wiki](#wiki)
* [VimWiki](#vimwiki)
* [Scratch Buffer](#scratch-buffer)
* [inline note](#inline-note)
* [etc](#etc)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Note Taking

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Package Manager](#package-manager)
- [LSP, DAP, linter, formatter](#lsp-dap-linter-formatter)
- [Luarock](#luarock)
<!-- toc -->
- [Package Manager](#package-manager)
* [LSP, DAP, linter, formatter](#lsp-dap-linter-formatter)
+ [formatter](#formatter)
* [Luarock](#luarock)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Package Manager

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Plugin Manager](#plugin-manager)
- [Add runtime path (vim-plug like)](#add-runtime-path-vim-plug-like)
- [Use builtin package feature](#use-builtin-package-feature)
- [Update checker](#update-checker)
<!-- toc -->
- [Plugin Manager](#plugin-manager)
* [Add runtime path (vim-plug like)](#add-runtime-path-vim-plug-like)
* [Use builtin package feature](#use-builtin-package-feature)
* [Update checker](#update-checker)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Plugin Manager

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Project](#project)
- [Project Switcher](#project-switcher)
- [Project Root Detector](#project-root-detector)
- [Project Local Config](#project-local-config)
- [Config switcher](#config-switcher)
<!-- toc -->
- [Project](#project)
* [Project Switcher](#project-switcher)
* [Project Root Detector](#project-root-detector)
* [Project Local Config](#project-local-config)
* [Config switcher](#config-switcher)
<!-- tocstop -->
### Project

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Quickfix](#quickfix)
- [Location](#location)
<!-- toc -->
- [Quickfix](#quickfix)
- [Location](#location)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Quickfix

@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Search](#search)
- [Line search](#line-search)
- [n/N Improvement](#nn-improvement)
- [Search count](#search-count)
- [Comment search](#comment-search)
- [Search highlight](#search-highlight)
- [Visual search](#visual-search)
* [Line search](#line-search)
* [n/N Improvement](#nn-improvement)
* [Search count](#search-count)
* [Comment search](#comment-search)
* [Search highlight](#search-highlight)
* [Visual search](#visual-search)
- [Replace](#replace)
- [Grep](#grep)
- [Select](#select)
- [narrowing](#narrowing)
- [Multi Cursor](#multi-cursor)
- [Incremental selection](#incremental-selection)
* [narrowing](#narrowing)
* [Multi Cursor](#multi-cursor)
* [Incremental selection](#incremental-selection)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Search

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Online Help](#online-help)
- [Embed Neovim](#embed-neovim)
<!-- toc -->
- [Online Help](#online-help)
- [Embed Neovim](#embed-neovim)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Online Help

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Session](#session)
- [Session Selector](#session-selector)
- [Cursor Position](#cursor-position)
* [Session Selector](#session-selector)
* [Cursor Position](#cursor-position)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Session

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Snippet](#snippet)
- [Snippet definitions](#snippet-definitions)
- [Snippet converter](#snippet-converter)
- [Snippet view](#snippet-view)
- [Emmet](#emmet)
- [Template](#template)
<!-- toc -->
- [Snippet](#snippet)
* [Snippet definitions](#snippet-definitions)
* [Snippet converter](#snippet-converter)
* [Snippet view](#snippet-view)
- [Emmet](#emmet)
- [Template](#template)
<!-- tocstop -->
### Snippet

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Statusline](#statusline)
- [Simple](#simple)
- [Special Features](#special-features)
- [Statusline component](#statusline-component)
+ [Simple](#simple)
+ [Special Features](#special-features)
* [Statusline component](#statusline-component)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Statusline

@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Highlight](#highlight)
- [Syntax](#syntax)
- [Colorizer](#colorizer)
- [ANSI Colorize](#ansi-colorize)
- [Colorscheme switcher](#colorscheme-switcher)
- [Color name](#color-name)
- [Long line highlight](#long-line-highlight)
- [Current word highlight](#current-word-highlight)
- [Multiple word highlight](#multiple-word-highlight)
- [Jump highlight](#jump-highlight)
<!-- toc -->
- [Highlight](#highlight)
- [Syntax](#syntax)
* [Colorizer](#colorizer)
* [ANSI Colorize](#ansi-colorize)
* [Colorscheme switcher](#colorscheme-switcher)
* [Color name](#color-name)
* [Long line highlight](#long-line-highlight)
* [Current word highlight](#current-word-highlight)
* [Multiple word highlight](#multiple-word-highlight)
* [Jump highlight](#jump-highlight)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Highlight

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Task Runner](#task-runner)
- [Config file style](#config-file-style)
- [JSON](#json)
- [YAML](#yaml)
- [Lua](#lua)
- [Shell](#shell)
- [Command style](#command-style)
- [Auto detect style](#auto-detect-style)
- [CLI](#cli)
- [Partial execution](#partial-execution)
- [Monitor](#monitor)
* [Config file style](#config-file-style)
+ [JSON](#json)
+ [YAML](#yaml)
+ [Lua](#lua)
+ [Shell](#shell)
* [Command style](#command-style)
* [Auto detect style](#auto-detect-style)
* [CLI](#cli)
* [Partial execution](#partial-execution)
* [Monitor](#monitor)
<!-- tocstop -->
# Task Runner

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Terminal](#terminal)
- [Terminal Enhancement](#terminal-enhancement)
- [Open](#open)
- [Edit](#edit)
- [External terminal](#external-terminal)
- [Terminal Selector](#terminal-selector)
- [Neovim in Neovim](#neovim-in-neovim)
<!-- toc -->
- [Terminal](#terminal)
* [Terminal Enhancement](#terminal-enhancement)
* [Open](#open)
* [Edit](#edit)
* [External terminal](#external-terminal)
* [Terminal Selector](#terminal-selector)
* [Neovim in Neovim](#neovim-in-neovim)
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## Terminal

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Test](#test)
- [Neotest adapter](#neotest-adapter)
- [Test Coverage](#test-coverage)
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- [Test](#test)
* [Neotest adapter](#neotest-adapter)
- [Test Coverage](#test-coverage)
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## Test

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Textobject](#textobject)
- [Unit](#unit)
- [Swap](#swap)
- [Move](#move)
- [Surround](#surround)
- [Operator](#operator)
<!-- toc -->
- [Textobject](#textobject)
* [Unit](#unit)
* [Swap](#swap)
* [Move](#move)
* [Surround](#surround)
- [Operator](#operator)
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## Textobject

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Toy](#toy)
- [Joke](#joke)
- [Pet](#pet)
- [Image](#image)
- [Video](#video)
- [Game](#game)
* [Joke](#joke)
* [Pet](#pet)
* [Image](#image)
* [Video](#video)
* [Game](#game)
- [Typing](#typing)
- [Gesture](#gesture)
- [Weather](#weather)
- [Stock price](#stock-price)
- [Study](#study)
- [Music](#music)
- [Recording](#recording)
- [Screen server](#screen-server)
* [Gesture](#gesture)
* [Weather](#weather)
* [Stock price](#stock-price)
* [Study](#study)
* [Music](#music)
+ [Recording](#recording)
* [Screen server](#screen-server)
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# Toy

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Treesitter](#treesitter)
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- [Treesitter](#treesitter)
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## Treesitter

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
<!-- toc -->
- [Yank](#yank)
- [Register Selector](#register-selector)
- [OSC52](#osc52)
* [Register Selector](#register-selector)
* [OSC52](#osc52)
- [Paste](#paste)
- [Wise paste](#wise-paste)
- [Cyclic paste](#cyclic-paste)
* [Wise paste](#wise-paste)
* [Cyclic paste](#cyclic-paste)
* [Mac](#mac)
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# Yank
