#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Name: qemu.py # Purpose: Module to boot ISO and USB disks using QEMU. # Depends: QEMU must be installed under Linux for availing this feature. For windows, QEMU package is shipped # along with executable file # Authors: Sundar # Licence: This file is a part of multibootusb package. You can redistribute it or modify # under the terms of GNU General Public License, v.2 or above import os import subprocess import platform from .admin import adminCmd from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from .gui.ui_multibootusb import Ui_Dialog from .gen import * class Qemu(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ ISO and USB booting using QEMU. """ def on_Qemu_Browse_iso_Click(self): """ Browse and choose an ISO. :return: """ self.ui.lineEdit_2.clear() qemu = self.check_qemu_exist() if not qemu is None: qemu_iso_link = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Select an iso...', "", "ISO Files (*.iso)")[0] else: log("QEMU does not exist.\nPlease install qemu package to avail this feature.") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'No QEMU...', 'Please install qemu package to avail this feature.') qemu_iso_link = None if not qemu_iso_link is None: self.ui.lineEdit_2.insert(qemu_iso_link) else: log ("File not selected.") def on_Qemu_Boot_iso_Click(self): """ Main function to boot a selected ISO. :return: """ if not self.ui.lineEdit_2.text(): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'No ISO...', 'No ISO selected.\n\nPlease choose an iso and click Boot ISO.') else: qemu = self.check_qemu_exist() qemu_iso_link = str(self.ui.lineEdit_2.text()) if qemu is None: log("QEMU does not exist.\nPlease install qemu package to avail this feature.") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'No QEMU...', 'Please install qemu to avail this feature.') else: ram = self.qemu_iso_ram() if not ram is None: self.ui.lineEdit_2.clear() if platform.system() == "Windows": try: log("Executing ==> " + qemu + " -cdrom " + str(qemu_iso_link) + " -boot d -m " + ram) subprocess.Popen(qemu + " -cdrom " + str(qemu_iso_link) + " -boot d -m " + ram, shell=True) except: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Error...', 'Unable to start QEMU.') else: log(qemu + ' -m ' + ram + ' -cdrom ' + str(qemu_iso_link) + ' -boot d') try: log("Executing ==> " + qemu + " -cdrom " + str(qemu_iso_link) + " -boot d -m " + ram) subprocess.Popen(qemu + " -cdrom " + str(qemu_iso_link) + " -boot d -m " + ram, shell=True) except: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Error...', 'Error booting ISO\n' 'Unable to start QEMU.') else: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'No ram...', 'No ram selected.\n\nPlease choose any ram value and click Boot ISO.') def on_Qemu_Boot_usb_Click(self, usb_disk): """ Main function to boot a selected USB disk. :param usb_disk: Path to usb disk. :return: """ qemu = self.check_qemu_exist() if qemu is None: log("QEMU does not exist.\nPlease install qemu package to avail this feature.") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'No QEMU...', 'Please install qemu to avail this feature.') else: ram = self.qemu_usb_ram() if ram is None: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'No ram...', 'No ram selected.\n\nPlease choose any ram value and click Boot USB.') else: if platform.system() == "Windows": disk_number = self.get_physical_disk_number(usb_disk) parent_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(resource_path(os.path.join("data", "tools", "qemu"))) try: log("Executing ==> " + qemu + " -L . -boot c -m " + ram + " -hda //./PhysicalDrive" + disk_number) subprocess.Popen("qemu-system-x86_64.exe -L . -boot c -m " + ram + " -hda //./PhysicalDrive" + disk_number, shell=True) except: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Error...', 'Error booting USB\n' 'Unable to start QEMU.') os.chdir(parent_dir) elif platform.system() == "Linux": try: qemu_cmd = qemu + ' -hda ' + usb_disk[:-1] + ' -m ' + ram + ' -vga std' log('Executing ==> ' + qemu_cmd) # adminCmd([qemu, '-hda', usb_disk[:-1], '-m', ram, '-vga std'], gui=True) subprocess.Popen(qemu_cmd, shell=True) # adminCmd(qemu_cmd, gui=True) except: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Error...', 'Error booting USB\n\nUnable to start QEMU.') def qemu_iso_ram(self): """ Choose a ram size for ISO booting. :return: Ram size as string. """ if self.ui.ram_iso_256.isChecked(): return str(256) elif self.ui.ram_iso_512.isChecked(): return str(512) elif self.ui.ram_iso_768.isChecked(): return str(768) elif self.ui.ram_iso_1024.isChecked(): return str(1024) elif self.ui.ram_iso_2048.isChecked(): return str(2047) else: return None def qemu_usb_ram(self): """ Choose a ram size for USB booting. :return: Ram size as string. """ if self.ui.ram_usb_256.isChecked(): return str(256) if self.ui.ram_usb_512.isChecked(): return str(512) if self.ui.ram_usb_768.isChecked(): return str(768) if self.ui.ram_usb_1024.isChecked(): return str(1024) if self.ui.ram_usb_2048.isChecked(): return str(2047) else: return None def check_qemu_exist(self): """ Check if QEMU is available on host system. :return: path to QEMU program or None otherwise. """ if platform.system() == "Linux": if subprocess.call('which qemu-system-x86_64', shell=True) == 0: log("qemu-system-x86_64 exists...") qemu = "qemu-system-x86_64" elif subprocess.call('which qemu', shell=True) == 0: log("qemu exists") qemu = "qemu" else: qemu = None if qemu: return qemu else: return None elif platform.system() == "Windows": log(resource_path(os.path.join("data", "tools", "qemu", "qemu-system-x86_64.exe"))) return resource_path(os.path.join("data", "tools", "qemu", "qemu-system-x86_64.exe")) def get_physical_disk_number(self, usb_disk): """ Get the physical disk number as detected ny Windows. :param usb_disk: USB disk (Like F:) :return: Disk number. """ import wmi c = wmi.WMI () for physical_disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive (): for partition in physical_disk.associators ("Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"): for logical_disk in partition.associators ("Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"): if logical_disk.Caption == usb_disk: """ log physical_disk.Caption log partition.Caption log logical_disk.Caption """ log("Physical Device Number is " + partition.Caption[6:-14]) return str(partition.Caption[6:-14])