#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Name: install.py # Purpose: Script to install multibootusb from source on different linux distros. This also pulls in dependencies. # Authors: Sundar # Licence: This file is a part of multibootusb package. You can redistribute it or modify # under the terms of GNU General Public License, v.2 or above import os import sys import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import subprocess if not os.getuid() == 0: print("You must run this file with admin privilege.") print("Try sudo ./install.py") sys.exit(0) class Install(): def mbusb(self): try: from PyQt5 import QtGui if subprocess.call("python3 setup.py install --record ./.install_files.txt", shell=True) == 0: print("Installation finished.") print("Find multibootusb under system menu or run from terminal using the following command...") print("\nmultibootusb\n") print("You can uninstall multibootusb at any time using follwing command (with root/sudo previlage)") print("\n./uninstall.sh\n") except: print("Installing missing package.") if self.supported_pac_manager() is not True: print("Unsupported package manager.") print("Please install parted, util-linux and python3-pyqt5/PyQt5, mtools and python3-dbus\n" "Whatever the package name is applicable to your distro and rerun this script.") sys.exit(0) elif self.internet_on() is False: print("Unable to connect to internet.") print("Please install parted, util-linux and python3-pyqt5/PyQt5, pkexec, mtools and python3-dbus \n" "Whatever the package name is applicable to your distro and rerun this script.") sys.exit(0) elif self.internet_on() is True: if self.install_dependency_package() is not True: print("Error installing dependency packages.") else: if subprocess.call("python3 setup.py install --record ./.install_files.txt", shell=True) == 0: print("Installation finished.") print("Find multibootusb under system menu or run from terminal using the following command...") print("\nmultibootusb\n") print("You can uninstall multibootusb at any time using follwing command (with root/sudo previlage)") print("\nsudo ./uninstall.sh\n") def internet_on(self): try: ret = urllib.request.urlopen('https://www.google.com', timeout=1) print("Interconnection exist.") result = True except urllib.error.URLError: print("Interconnection does not exist.") result = False return result def supported_pac_manager(self): pac_managers = ["pacman", "yum", "apt-get", "zypper", "urpmi"] result = "0" for pac_man in pac_managers: if subprocess.call("which " + pac_man, shell=True) == 0: result = "1" return True if not result == "1": return False def install_dependency_package(self): if subprocess.call("which pacman", shell=True) == 0: subprocess.call("pacman -Sy --noconfirm", shell=True) if subprocess.call("pacman -S --needed --noconfirm p7zip python-pyqt5 mtools python3-six parted util-linux python-dbus") == 0: # Thank you Neitsab for "--needed" argument. result = True elif subprocess.call("which yum", shell=True) == 0: subprocess.call("yum check-update", shell=True) if subprocess.call("dnf install mtools python3-PyQt5 util-linux python3-six parted p7zip p7zip-plugins python3-pyudev python3-dbus -y", shell=True) == 0: result = True elif subprocess.call("which apt-get", shell=True) == 0: subprocess.call("apt-get -q update", shell=True) if subprocess.call("apt-get -q -y install python3-pyqt5 p7zip-full parted util-linux python3-pyudev mtools python3-dbus", shell=True) == 0: result = True elif subprocess.call("which zypper", shell=True) == 0: subprocess.call("zypper refresh", shell=True) if subprocess.call("zypper install -y mtools python3-qt5 p7zip python3-pyudev python3-six util-linux parted", shell=True) == 0: result = True elif subprocess.call("which urpmi", shell=True) == 0: subprocess.call("urpmi.update -a", shell=True) if subprocess.call("urpmi install -auto mtools util-linux p7zip python3-pyudev python3-six parted python3-qt5", shell=True) == 0: result = True if result is not True: return False else: result install = Install() install.mbusb()