#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* # Name: grub.py # Purpose: This module contain many functions used for updating grub.cfg file to provide support for EFI/UEFI booting # Authors: Sundar # Licence: This file is a part of multibootusb package. You can redistribute it or modify # under the terms of GNU General Public License, v.2 or above import os import re from . import config from . import iso from . import _7zip from . import gen from .usb import bytes2human def mbusb_update_grub_cfg(): """ Function to update grub.cfg file to support UEFI/EFI systems :return: """ # Lets convert syslinux config file to grub2 accepted file format. _iso_dir = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path)) # First write custom loopback.cfg file so as to be detected by iso2grub2 function later. write_custom_gurb_cfg() # Try to generate loopback entry file from syslinux config files try: gen.log('Trying to create loopback.cfg') iso2_grub2_cfg = iso2grub2(_iso_dir) except Exception as e: print(e) gen.log(e) gen.log('Error converting syslinux cfg to grub2 cfg', error=True) iso2_grub2_cfg = False grub_cfg_path = None syslinux_menu = None # sys_cfg_path = None loopback_cfg_path = None mbus_grub_cfg_path = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', 'grub', 'grub.cfg') # iso_grub_cfg = iso.iso_file_path(config.image_path, 'grub.cfg') if iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path) is not False: iso_sys_cfg_path = os.path.join(iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path), 'syslinux.cfg') iso_iso_cfg_path = os.path.join(iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path), 'isolinux.cfg') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), iso_sys_cfg_path)): syslinux_menu = iso_sys_cfg_path.replace('\\', '/') elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), iso_iso_cfg_path)): syslinux_menu = iso_iso_cfg_path.replace('\\', '/') efi_grub_cfg = get_grub_cfg(config.image_path) boot_grub_cfg = get_grub_cfg(config.image_path, efi=False) loopback_cfg_path = iso.iso_file_path(config.image_path, 'loopback.cfg') if loopback_cfg_path is not False: grub_cfg_path = loopback_cfg_path.replace('\\', '/') elif efi_grub_cfg is not False: grub_cfg_path = efi_grub_cfg.replace('\\', '/') elif boot_grub_cfg is not False: grub_cfg_path = boot_grub_cfg.replace('\\', '/') elif iso2_grub2_cfg is not False: grub_cfg_path = iso2_grub2_cfg.replace('\\', '/') #elif bootx_64_cfg is not False: # grub_cfg_path = bootx_64_cfg.replace('\\', '/') if os.path.exists(mbus_grub_cfg_path): gen.log('Updating grub.cfg file...') if grub_custom_menu(mbus_grub_cfg_path, config.distro) is False: with open(mbus_grub_cfg_path, 'a') as f: f.write("#start " + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + "\n") if grub_cfg_path is not None: if config.distro == 'grub2only': f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {configfile ' + '/' + grub_cfg_path.replace('\\', '/') + '}' + "\n") else: f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {configfile ' + '/multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + grub_cfg_path + '}' + "\n") elif config.distro == 'f4ubcd': f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {linux /multibootusb/grub.exe --config-file=/multibootusb' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/menu.lst}'"\n") elif config.distro == 'pc-unlocker': f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {\n linux /ldntldr\n ntldr /ntldr }' + "\n") elif config.distro == 'ReactOS': f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {multiboot /loader/setupldr.sys}' + "\n") elif config.distro == 'memtest': f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {linux16 ' + '/multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/BISOLINUX/MEMTEST}' + "\n") elif syslinux_menu is not None: f.write(' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {syslinux_configfile ' + '/multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + syslinux_menu + '}' + "\n") f.write("#end " + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + "\n") # Ascertain if the entry is made.. if gen.check_text_in_file(mbus_grub_cfg_path, iso.iso_basename(config.image_path)): gen.log('Updated entry in grub.cfg...') else: gen.log('Unable to update entry in grub.cfg...') def write_custom_gurb_cfg(): from . import menus loopback_cfg_path = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), 'loopback.cfg') if config.distro == 'pc-tool': menu = menus.pc_tool_config(syslinux=False, grub=True) write_to_file(loopback_cfg_path, menu) def get_grub_cfg(iso_link, efi=True): """ Detects path to "grub.cfg" file from ISO file. Default is to get from EFI directory. :return: path of "grub.cfg" file as string. """ if os.path.exists(iso_link): grub_path = False iso_file_list = _7zip.list_iso(iso_link) if any("grub" in s.lower() for s in iso_file_list): for f in iso_file_list: f_basename = os.path.basename(f).lower() if f_basename.startswith('grub') and f_basename.endswith('.cfg'): #if 'grub.cfg' in f.lower(): if efi is True: if 'efi' in f.lower(): grub_path = f.replace('\\', '/') gen.log('Found ' + grub_path) break elif 'boot' in f.lower(): grub_path = f.replace('\\', '/') gen.log('Found ' + grub_path) break else: grub_path = f.replace('\\', '/') gen.log('Found ' + grub_path) break return grub_path def grub_custom_menu(mbus_grub_cfg_path, distro): iso_size_mb = bytes2human(iso.iso_size(config.image_path)) gen.log('size of the ISO is ' + str(iso_size_mb)) if distro in ['sgrubd2', 'raw_iso']: grub_raw_iso(mbus_grub_cfg_path) # with open(mbus_grub_cfg_path, 'a') as f: # f.write("#start " + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + "\n") # f.write(grub_raw_iso()) # f.write("#end " + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + "\n") # # # elif iso_size_mb < 750.0: # grub_raw_iso(mbus_grub_cfg_path) else: return False def grub_raw_iso(mbus_grub_cfg_path): """ Generic menu entry for booting ISO files directly using memdisk. Should have enough memory to load to RAM :return: """ menu_entry = ' search --set -f /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + iso.iso_name(config.image_path) + '\n' \ ' menuentry ' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + ' {\n' \ ' linux16 /multibootusb/memdisk iso raw vmalloc=750M\n' \ ' initrd16 /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + iso.iso_name(config.image_path) + '\n' \ '}\n' with open(mbus_grub_cfg_path, 'a') as f: f.write("#start " + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + "\n") f.write(menu_entry) f.write("#end " + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + "\n") return menu_entry def string_in_file(_file, search_text): """ Search if string exist in a file. :param _file: Path to file :param search_text: String to be searched :return: True if string is found """ if search_text in open(_file).read().lower(): return True def write_to_file(file_path, _strings): try: if not os.path.exists(file_path): open(file_path, 'a').close() with open(file_path, 'a') as f: f.write(_strings + '\n') except: gen.log('Error writing to loopback.cfg file..') def extract_kernel_line(search_text, match_line, isolinux_dir): """ Function to check if kernel/linux line present in isolinux.cfg file is valid. If valid, then convert them in to grub accepted format :param search_text: Type of text is to be searched. Typically kernel or linux :param match_line: Line containing kernel ot linux from isolinux supported .cfg files :param isolinux_dir: Path to isolinux directory of an ISO :return: Valid grub2 accepted kernel/linux line after conversion. If nothing found return ''. """ kernel_line = '' # Remove '=' from linux/kernel parameter if (search_text + '=') in match_line: kernel_path = match_line.replace((search_text + '='), '').strip() search_text = search_text.replace('=', '') else: kernel_path = match_line.replace(search_text, '', 1).strip() # Check if kernel/linux exist using absolute path (kernel_path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, kernel_path)): kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip() # Check if path to kernel/linux exist in isolinux directory and return absolute path elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), isolinux_dir, kernel_path)): kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' /multibootusb/' + \ iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + isolinux_dir + '/' + kernel_path.strip() # Check if multiple kernel/linux exist and convert it to grub accepted line # Found such entries in manjaro and slitaz elif ',/' in kernel_path: kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip() kernel_line = kernel_line.replace(',/', ' /') # Same as above but I found this only in dban elif 'z,' in kernel_path: kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip() kernel_line = kernel_line.replace('z,', ' /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/') else: kernel_line = '' return kernel_line.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') def iso2grub2(iso_dir): """ Function to convert syslinux configuration to grub2 accepted configuration format. Features implemented are similar to that of grub2 'loopback.cfg'. This 'loopback.cfg' file can be later on caled directly from grub2. The main advantage of this function is to generate the 'loopback.cfg' file automatically without manual involvement. :param iso_dir: Path to distro install directory for looping through '.cfg' files. :param file_out: Path to 'loopback.cfg' file. By default it is set to root of distro install directory. :return: """ grub_file_path = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), 'loopback.cfg') gen.log('loopback.cfg file is set to ' + grub_file_path) iso_bin_dir = iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path) # Loop though the distro installed directory for finding config files for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(iso_dir): for f in filenames: # We will strict to only files ending with '.cfg' extension. This is the file extension isolinux or syslinux # recommends for writing configurations if f.endswith((".cfg", ".CFG")): cfg_file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, f) # We will omit the grub directory if 'grub' not in cfg_file_path: # we will use only files containing strings which can be converted to grub2 cfg style if string_in_file(cfg_file_path, 'menu label') or string_in_file(cfg_file_path, 'label'): with open(cfg_file_path, "r", errors='ignore') as cfg_file_str: data = cfg_file_str.read() # Make sure that lines with menu label, kernel and append are available for processing ext_text = re.finditer('(menu label|label)(.*?)(?=(menu label|label))', data, re.I|re.DOTALL) if ext_text: for m in ext_text: menuentry = '' # kernel = '' kernel_line = '' boot_options = '' initrd_line = '' # initrd = '' # Extract line containing 'menu label' and convert to menu entry of grub2 if 'menu label' in m.group().lower(): menu_line = re.search('menu label(.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group() menuentry = 'menuentry ' + gen.quote(re.sub(r'menu label', '', menu_line, re.I, ).strip()) # Ensure that we do not have caps menu label in the menuentry menuentry = menuentry.replace('MENU LABEL', '') elif 'label ' in m.group().lower(): # Probably config does not use 'menu label' line. Just line containing 'label' # and convert to menu entry of grub2 menu_line = re.search('^label(.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group() menuentry = 'menuentry ' + gen.quote(re.sub(r'label', '', menu_line, re.I, ).strip()) # Ensure that we do not have caps label in the menuentry menuentry = menuentry.replace('LABEL', '') # Extract kernel line and change to linux line of grub2 if 'kernel' in m.group().lower() or 'linux' in m.group().lower(): kernel_text = re.findall('((kernel|linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I) match_count = len(re.findall('((kernel|linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)) if match_count is 1: kernel_line = extract_kernel_line(kernel_text[0][1], kernel_text[0][0], iso_bin_dir) elif match_count > 2: for _lines in kernel_text: kernel_line = extract_kernel_line(_lines[0][1], _lines[0][0], iso_bin_dir) if kernel_line == '': continue else: break if 'initrd' in m.group().lower(): initrd_text = re.findall('((initrd)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I) match_count = len(re.findall('((initrd)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)) if match_count is 1: initrd_line = extract_kernel_line(initrd_text[0][1], initrd_text[0][0], iso_bin_dir) elif match_count > 2: for _lines in initrd_text: initrd_line = extract_kernel_line(_lines[0][1], _lines[0][0], iso_bin_dir) if initrd_line == '': continue else: break if 'append' in m.group().lower(): append_line = re.search('append (.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group() boot_options = re.sub(r'((initrd[= ])(.*?)[ ])', '', append_line, re.I, flags=re.DOTALL) boot_options = re.sub(r'append', '', boot_options, re.I).strip() boot_options = boot_options.replace('APPEND', '') if kernel_line.strip(): linux = kernel_line.strip() + ' ' + boot_options.strip().strip() else: linux = '' if menuentry.strip() and linux.strip() and initrd_line.strip(): write_to_file(grub_file_path, menuentry + '{') write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + linux) write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + initrd_line) write_to_file(grub_file_path, '}\n') elif menuentry.strip() and linux.strip(): write_to_file(grub_file_path, menuentry + '{') write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + linux) write_to_file(grub_file_path, '}\n') if os.path.exists(grub_file_path): gen.log( 'loopback.cfg file is successfully created.\nYou must send this file for debugging if something goes wrong.') return 'loopback.cfg' else: gen.log('Failed to convert syslinux config file to loopback.cfg') return False