#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* # Name: isodump3.py # Purpose: Module to list and extract iso files. # Authors: LiQiong Lee (written exclusively for multibootusb) # Licence: This file is a part of multibootusb package. You can redistribute it or modify # under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3 # Credit : I am grateful to LiQiong Lee. He not only wrote this module for multibootusb, but also extended the same # to python3 within short time after request. """ ISO9660fs Dump raw meta data of iso9660 file system. Extract directories and files. """ ## ## Extract directory or file from iso. ## Support RRIP. ## # Author : joni # version : 1.0 import sys import struct import os import re import stat from ctypes import * from . import config from . import gen BLOCK_SIZE = 2048 S_IFSOCKET = 0o140000 S_IFLINK = 0o120000 S_IFREG = 0o100000 S_IFBLK = 0o060000 S_IFCHR = 0o020000 S_IFDIR = 0o040000 S_IFIFO = 0o010000 E_SUCCESS = 0 E_FAILURE = -1 E_DEVICEFILE = -2 # can't write device file class PrimaryVolume(Structure): def __init__(self): self.sysIdentifier = "" self.volIdentifier = "" self.volSize = 0 self.volSeq = 0 self.blockSize = 0 self.ptSize = 0 self.ptLRd = 0 self.fsVer = 0 self.rootLoc = 0 self.rootTotal = 0 class Rrip(Structure): def __init__(self): self.offset = -1 self.altname = "" self.devH = 0 self.devL = 0 self.fMode = 0 class DirRecord(Structure): def __init__(self): self.lenDr = 0 self.lenEattr = 0 self.locExtent= 0 self.lenData = 0 self.dtYear = 0 self.dtMonth = 0 self.dtHour = 0 self.dtMinute = 0 self.dtSecond = 0 self.dtOffset = 0 self.fFlag = 0 self.fUnitSize= 0 self.gapSize = 0 self.volSeqNr = 0 self.lenFi = 0 self.fIdentifier = "" self.sysUseStar = 0 self.suspBuf = "" self.rrip = None class PathTabelItem(Structure): def __init__(self): self.lenDi = 0 self.lenEattr = 0 self.locExtenti = 0 self.pdirNr = 0 self.fIdentifier = "" class ISO9660: """ This class can dump iso9660 file system meta data and extract files. Support: RRIP extension. """ def __init__(self, isofile): try: f = open(isofile, 'rb') except(IOError): sys.stderr.write("can't open {0}".format(isofile)) sys.exit(-1) self.isoFile = f self.priVol = None self.rootDir = None self.rripOffset = -1 desc_nr = 0 while True: desc_nr = desc_nr + 1 try: self.isoFile.seek(BLOCK_SIZE*(15+desc_nr)) volume_dsc = self.isoFile.read(BLOCK_SIZE) flag = struct.unpack('B',volume_dsc[0:1])[0] if flag == 1: self.__readPrimaryVolume__(volume_dsc) continue if flag == 255: break except Exception as e: gen.log("Got exception when init iso file:", sys.exc_info()[0]) self.priVol = None self.rootDir = None break def __del__(self): self.isoFile.close() def __readPrimaryVolume__(self, volume_dsc): """ Dump primary volume descriptor """ global BLOCK_SIZE priVol = PrimaryVolume() priVol.sysIdentifier = volume_dsc[8:40] priVol.volIdentifier = volume_dsc[40:72] priVol.volSize = struct.unpack(' 0: entry_buf = desc_buf[self.rripOffset:] gen.log ("__rripLoop__ offset:%d"%(self.rripOffset)) else: entry_buf = desc_buf rr = Rrip() while True: ce_blk = 0 ce_len = 0 ce_off = 0 head = 0 len_entry = 0 while True: #gen.log (("\n%d, %d\n")%(len_buf, head)) head += len_entry if len_buf - head < 4: # less than one entry break entry_buf = entry_buf[len_entry:] sig1 = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[0:1])[0] sig2 = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[1:2])[0] len_entry = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[2:3])[0] ver = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[3:4])[0] #if len_entry == 0: # gen.log "Got a entry in __rripLoop__ (%c,%c) of SUSP with length:(%d),version:(%d)-->"%(sig1,sig2,len_entry, ver), if len_entry == 0: break; if sig1 == ord('S') and sig2 == ord('P'): ck1 = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[4:5])[0] ck2 = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[5:6])[0] skip = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[6:7])[0] #gen.log "-->(0x%x==0xBE,0x%x==EF,%d)" %(ck1, ck2, skip) if ck1 == 0xBE and ck2 == 0xEF: rr.offset = skip continue if sig1 == ord('C') and sig2 == ord('E'): ce_blk = struct.unpack("(%d,%d,%d)" %(ce_blk, ce_off, ce_len) continue if sig1 == ord('N') and sig2 == ord('M'): flag = struct.unpack("B", entry_buf[4:5])[0] #gen.log "-->(flag:(0x%x), name:(%s))" %(flag, entry_buf[5:len_entry]) if flag == 0x02: # FLAG_CURRENT rr.altname += "." elif flag == 0x04: # FLAG_PARENT rr.altname += ".." elif flag == 0x01 or flag ==0: # 1:FLAG_CONTINUE rr.altname += entry_buf[5:len_entry].decode() continue if sig1 == ord('P') and sig2 == ord('N'): rr.devH = struct.unpack(" 0: #gen.log " Read CE block, (%d, %d, %d)"%(ce_blk, ce_len, ce_off) self.isoFile.seek(ce_blk*BLOCK_SIZE + ce_off) entry_buf = self.isoFile.read(ce_len) len_buf = ce_len else: break # while (True) end # return rr def checkISOBootable(self): """ Struct of a classical generic MBR. 0x0000 Bootstrap Code area ----------------------------------------- 0x01BE .. Partition table 0x01EE ------------------------------------------ 0x01FE 55h Boot signature 0x01FF AAh """ self.isoFile.seek(0x01FE) h = self.isoFile.read(2) s1 = struct.unpack('B', h[0:1])[0] s2 = struct.unpack('B', h[1:2])[0] #gen.log "-->(0x%x,0x%x)" %(s1, s2) if (s1 == 0x55) and (s2 == 0xAA): result = True # "Bootable" else: result = False # "Not bootable" return result def searchDir(self, path): # /root/abc/ - ['', 'root', 'abc', ''] # /root/abc - ['', 'root', 'abc'] # / - ['', ''] dircomps = path.split('/') if dircomps[-1] == '': dircomps.pop() if dircomps == []: return if self.priVol == None: return if len(dircomps) == 1: return self.rootDir pdir_loc = self.priVol.rootLoc pdir_len = self.priVol.rootTotal i_dircomp = 1 while True: found = False dirs = self.readDirItems(pdir_loc, pdir_len) for item in dirs: if item.fIdentifier == dircomps[i_dircomp]: pdir_loc = item.locExtent pdir_len = item.lenData found = True #gen.log "found (%s)"%(dircomps[i_dircomp]) break if found: # advacne if i_dircomp < len(dircomps)-1: i_dircomp = i_dircomp + 1 else: return item else: gen.log ("can't find " + dircomps[i_dircomp]) return None def readDirrecord(self, desc_buf): """ Dump file dirctory record Return a directory record reading from a Directory Descriptors. """ dirRec = DirRecord() try: dirRec.lenDr = struct.unpack("B", desc_buf[0:1])[0] if dirRec.lenDr == 0: return None except: return None dirRec.lenEattr = struct.unpack("B", desc_buf[1:2])[0] dirRec.locExtent = struct.unpack(" dirRec.sysUseStar+4: if dirRec.locExtent == self.priVol.rootLoc: dirRec.suspBuf = desc_buf[dirRec.sysUseStar:dirRec.lenDr] suspBuf = desc_buf[dirRec.sysUseStar:dirRec.lenDr] if self.rripOffset != -1: rripNode = self.__rripLoop__(suspBuf, dirRec.lenDr-dirRec.sysUseStar) dirRec.rrip = rripNode if rripNode != None: if rripNode.altname != "": dirRec.fIdentifier = rripNode.altname dirRec.lenFi = len(rripNode.altname) #gen.log "rrip_altname: %s"%(dirRec.fIdentifier) # if rripNode end # # if self.rripOffset != -1 end # # if dirRec.lenDr > .. end # return dirRec def readDirItems(self, block_nr=None, total=None): """ Read file dirctory records Read dirctory records from 'block_nr' with a length of 'total'. Return a list containing directory records(DirRecord). """ dirs = [] total_blk = (total+BLOCK_SIZE-1)//BLOCK_SIZE i_blk = 0 while i_blk < total_blk: self.isoFile.seek((block_nr+i_blk)*BLOCK_SIZE) desc_buf = self.isoFile.read(BLOCK_SIZE) i_blk = i_blk + 1 while True: dirItem = self.readDirrecord(desc_buf) if dirItem == None: break dirs.append(dirItem) if desc_buf.__len__() > dirItem.lenDr: desc_buf = desc_buf[dirItem.lenDr:] else: break return dirs def readPathtableL(self): """ Read path table of L typde """ if self.priVol == None: return block_nr = self.priVol.ptLRd total = self.priVol.ptSize path_table = [] self.isoFile.seek(block_nr*BLOCK_SIZE) ptbuf = self.isoFile.read((BLOCK_SIZE * ((total+BLOCK_SIZE-1)//BLOCK_SIZE))) i = 0 r_size = 0 while True : i = i+1 t = PathTabelItem() t.lenDi = struct.unpack('B', ptbuf[0:1])[0] t.lenEattr = struct.unpack('B', ptbuf[1:2])[0] t.locExtent = struct.unpack('= total: break ptbuf = ptbuf[9+t.lenDi-1+len_pd:] # while True return path_table # @path -- path within iso file system. # @output -- what local path you want write to. # @pattern -- regular expression. # @r -- recursion flag, write the whole sub-directories or not. # @all_type -- which file type should be writed. # False: Write regular type files only. # True: Wirte all types files (regular, device file, link, socket, etc) def writeDir(self, path, output, pattern="", r=True, all_type=False): """ Extract a directory Return 0 means success otherwise failure. """ d = self.searchDir(path) if d != None: if output.endswith("/"): output = output[0:-1] # Try to make target directory. if not os.path.exists(output): try: os.makedirs(output) except(OSError): sys.stderr.write("can't make dirs({0})\n".format(output)) return E_FAILURE pp = None if pattern != "": p = r'{0}'.format(pattern) pp = re.compile(p) #gen.log "writeDir: flag(%x)"%(d.fFlag) if d.fFlag & 0x02 == 0x02: # Check if a clean directory. #try: # if len(os.listdir(output)) > 0: # sys.stderr.write("The target directory is not empty\n") # return E_FAILURE #except(OSError): # sys.stderr.write("can't access dirs({0})\n".format(p)) # return E_FAILURE self.writeDir_r(output, d, pp, r, all_type) return E_SUCCESS else: return self.writeFile(d, output+path, all_type) else: return E_FAILURE def writeDir_r(self, det_dir, dire, pp, r, all_type): #gen.log "writeDir_r:(%s)"%(det_dir) dirs = self.readDirItems(dire.locExtent, dire.lenData) for d in dirs: if not d.fIdentifier in [".", ".."]: if (pp != None) and (pp.search(d.fIdentifier) == None): match = False else: match = True #gen.log "mathing %s, %s, (%x)"%(match, d.fIdentifier, d.fFlag) p = det_dir + "/" + d.fIdentifier if d.fFlag & 0x02 == 0x02: if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p, 0o777) if r: if match: self.writeDir_r(p, d, None, r, all_type) # Don't need to match subdirectory. else: self.writeDir_r(p, d, pp, r, all_type) elif match: self.writeFile(d, p, all_type) # if not d.fIdentifier end # # for d in dirs end # def writeFile(self, dirRec, detFile, all_type): """ Write a file to detFile Return 0 means success otherwise failure. """ global file_out if detFile == "" or dirRec == None: sys.stderr.write("can't write file\n") return E_FAILURE #gen.log "write file (%s)"%(detFile) config.status_text = detFile dirname = os.path.dirname(detFile) if not os.path.exists(dirname): try: os.makedirs(dirname, 0o777) except(OSError): sys.stderr.write("can't makedirs\n") return E_FAILURE if all_type == True: # device file if dirRec.rrip != None and (dirRec.rrip.devH != 0 or dirRec.rrip.devL != 0): #fFlag == 0 high = dirRec.rrip.devH low = dirRec.rrip.devL if high == 0: device = os.makedev(os.major(low), os.minor(low)) else: device = os.makedev(high, os.minor(low)) try: mode = dirRec.rrip.fMode & 0o770000 if mode == S_IFCHR: os.mknod(detFile, 0o777|stat.S_IFCHR, device) elif mode == S_IFBLK: os.mknod(detFile, 0o777|stat.S_IFBLK, device) except(OSError): sys.stderr.write("can't mknode, maybe no permission\n") return E_DEVICEFILE return E_SUCCESS loc = dirRec.locExtent length = dirRec.lenData self.isoFile.seek(BLOCK_SIZE * loc) #gen.log "file length(%d)"%(length) r_size = BLOCK_SIZE*1024*50 #100M cache try: f_output = open(detFile, 'wb', r_size) except(IOError): sys.stderr.write("can't open{0} for write\n".format(detFile)) return E_FAILURE while True: if length == 0: break elif length <= r_size: r_size = length length = 0 else: length = length - r_size buf = self.isoFile.read(r_size) f_output.write(buf) f_output.flush() # while True end. f_output.close() return E_SUCCESS def readDir(self, dir_path, r=True): file_list = [] d = self.searchDir(dir_path) if d != None: if (d.fFlag & 0x02) == 0x02: #gen.log "readDir (%x, %x)"%(d.locExtent, d.lenData) if dir_path.endswith("/"): dir_path = dir_path[0:-1] self.readDir_r(file_list, dir_path, d, r) # if (d.fFlag & 0x02) == 0x02: # # if d != None: return file_list def readDir_r(self, file_list, dir_path, dire, r): if (dire.fFlag & 0x02) != 0x02: return dirs = self.readDirItems(dire.locExtent, dire.lenData) for d in dirs: if not d.fIdentifier in [".", ".."]: p = dir_path + "/" + d.fIdentifier file_list.append(p) if r: self.readDir_r(file_list, p, d, r) # if not d.fIdentifier # # for d in dirs: # def checkIntegrity(self): if self.priVol == None: # no primary volume return False if self.priVol.ptSize == 0: # empty ? return True path_table = self.readPathtableL() if path_table == []: # pathtable record is broken. return False # find last file item to check for dr in reversed(path_table): #gen.log dr.fIdentifier dirs = self.readDirItems(dr.locExtent, BLOCK_SIZE) if len(dirs) > 2: dot = dirs[0] dirs2 = self.readDirItems(dot.locExtent, dot.lenData) # get the whole items. for dr2 in reversed(dirs2): # search last file item. if dr2.fFlag == 0: #gen.log "get last file(%s)"%(dr2.fIdentifier) try: #self.isoFile.seek(BLOCK_SIZE * dr2.locExtent+dr2.lenData) lastfile_end = BLOCK_SIZE * dr2.locExtent + dr2.lenData self.isoFile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) iso_end = self.isoFile.tell() #gen.log ("%d-->%d")%(lastfile_end, iso_end) if iso_end >= lastfile_end: return True else: return False except(IOError): #gen.log "exception when seek. iso is broken" return False elif len(dirs) < 2: # Dir record is broken. At least, should have two entries. return False return True ########################################################################### def dump_dir_record(dirs): """ Dump all the file dirctory records contained in desc_buf """ gen.log("Dump file/deirectory record") gen.log("===========================", end="\n") if dirs != None: for f in dirs: gen.log("length of directory record:(0x%x), length of extend attribute:(%d), \ location of record:(%d)BLOCK->(0x%x), data length(%d) size of file unit:(%d), \ interleave gap size:(%d), file flag:(0x%x),name length:(%d) identify:(%s)\n" \ %(f.lenDr, f.lenEattr, f.locExtent, f.locExtent*BLOCK_SIZE,f.lenData, \ f.fUnitSize, f.gapSize, f.fFlag, f.lenFi, f.fIdentifier)) def dump_pathtable_L(path_table): """ Dump path table of L typde """ gen.log("Dump path table") gen.log("================", end="\n") #path_table = readPathtableL() i = 0 for t in path_table: i = i + 1 if t.lenDi == 1: if t.fIdentifier in [0, 1]: gen.log("is a root directory(%d)" %(is_root)) gen.log("%d->length of identify:(%d), length of extend attribute:(%d), \ local:(%d)->(0x%x), parent dir number:(%d), identify:(%s)\n" \ %(i, t.lenDi, t.lenEattr, t.locExtent, t.locExtent*BLOCK_SIZE, t.pdirNr, t.fIdentifier)) def dump_primary_volume(privol=None): """ Dump primary volume descriptor """ if privol == None: gen.log("Can't dump, maybe iso is broken") return gen.log("===== Dump primary volume descriptor ==") gen.log("System Identifier:(%s)" %(privol.sysIdentifier.decode())) gen.log("Volume Identifier:(%s)" %privol.volIdentifier.decode()) gen.log("Volume Space size:(0x%x)BLOCKS(2kB)" %privol.volSize) gen.log("Volume sequence number:(%d)" %(privol.volSeq)) gen.log("logic block size:(0x%x)" %(privol.blockSize)) gen.log("Volume path talbe L's BLOCK number is :(0x%x-->0x%x), size(%d)" %(privol.ptLRd, privol.ptLRd*BLOCK_SIZE, privol.ptSize)) # gen.log "Abstract File Identifier: (%s)" %(volume_dsc[739:776]) # gen.log "Bibliographic File Identifier: (%s)" %(volume_dsc[776:813]) gen.log("pathtable locate (%d)" %(privol.ptLRd)) gen.log("File Structure Version:(%d)" %(privol.fsVer)) gen.log("Root directory is at (%d)block, have(0x%x)bytes" %(privol.rootLoc, privol.rootTotal)) # dump_dir_record(None, 23, 1) def dump_boot_record(volume_dsc): """ Dump boot record """ gen.log("===== Dump boot record ==") std_identifier = volume_dsc[1:6] gen.log("Standard Identifier:(%s)" %std_identifier) vol_ver = struct.unpack('B', volume_dsc[6]) gen.log("Volume descriptor version:(%d)" %vol_ver) bootsys_identifier = volume_dsc[7:39] gen.log("boot system identifier(%s)" %bootsys_identifier) boot_identifier = volume_dsc[39:71] gen.log("boot identifier(%s)" %boot_identifier) def usage(): """ Prompt user how to use """ gen.log(""" Usage: isodump dump-what [options] iso-file [dump-what] ----------- boot - Dump boot record. primary-volume - Dump primary volume. pathtable - Dump path table. dir-record [block number] [length] - Dump a raw data of a Directory Record iso:/dir [-r] [-o output] [-p pattern] - Dump a dirctory or file to [output] -r recursively visit directory. -p spcify a Regular expression pattern for re.search(pattern,). isodump xx.iso - Dump the root directory isodump pathtable xx.iso - Dump the path table record. isodump iso:/ -r xx.iso -- Dump the root directory of xx.iso recursively. isodump iso:/ -r -o /tmp/iso xx.iso -- Extract the iso to /tmp/iso/. isodump iso:/boot -o /tmp/iso/boot xx.iso -- Extract the /boot directory of xx.iso to /tmp/iso/boot. isodump iso:/boot/grup.cfg -o /tmp/grub.cfg xx.iso -- Extract the file "grup.cfg" to "/tmp/grub.cfg" isodump iso:/boot -r -o /tmp/iso -p "*.cfg" xx.iso -- Extract any files or directories under /boot maching "*.cfg" to /tmp/iso/. """) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == '__main__': argv = sys.argv if len(argv) < 3: usage() iso9660fs = ISO9660(argv[-1]) integrity = iso9660fs.checkIntegrity() if integrity == False: gen.log("iso file is broken") sys.exit(-1) dump_what = argv[1] if dump_what == "primary-volume": dump_primary_volume(iso9660fs.priVol) elif dump_what == "pathtable": path_table = iso9660fs.readPathtableL() dump_pathtable_L(path_table) if dump_what == "dir-record": if len(argv) == 5: gen.log("dump dir-record (%s, %s)"%(argv[2], argv[3])) dirs = iso9660fs.readDirItems(int(argv[2]), int(argv[3])) dump_dir_record(dirs) else: usage() elif dump_what.startswith("iso:"): o_path = "" r = False o = False p = False pattern = "" for arg in argv[2:-1]: if arg == "-r": r = True o = False p = False elif arg == "-o": o = True p = False elif arg == "-p": o = False p = True elif o == True: o_path = arg o = False elif p == True: pattern = arg p = False isodir = dump_what[4:] if o_path == "": gen.log("dump_dir(%s)"%(isodir)) filelist = iso9660fs.readDir(isodir, r) if filelist == []: gen.log("can't read any file from (%s)"%(isodir)) else: for f in filelist: gen.log(f) else: gen.log("writeDir(%s)->(%s) with pattern(%s)"%(isodir, o_path, pattern)) sys.exit(iso9660fs.writeDir(isodir, o_path, pattern, r, True))