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Version - 8.5.0
* Added Solus OS
* Added Ka OS
* Added PC Unlocker
8 years ago
* Added Acronis True Image
* Fixed bug - Same drives appearing multiple times under imager tab
* Fixed HBCD boot issue
* Fix crash when using ISO Imager option to write ISO files (fix by bagage)
* Small improvement in detecting USB disks under Linux (by gktrk)
* Auto mount USB drives if not mounted under Linux
Version - 8.4.0
* Bug fix in selection of persistence size
* Fixed crashing of application when selecting extended drive
* Introduction of log file (/tmp/multibootusb.log on linux and C:\Program Files (x86)\multibootusb\multibootusb.log under Windows)
* Added F Secure Rescue CD
* Added Tail
* Support for latest wifislax
* Fix for ROSA boot issue
* Various other minor bug fixes
Version - 8.3.0
* Added React OS
* Added option to list all drived, including fixed
* Modified USB detection code under Windows
* Fixed all reported bugs
* No more exit confirmation if no process is pending
* Information about the requirement of admin privilege
Version - 8.2.0
* Added Fedora persistence (must not use NTFS filesystem)
* Added Sergei Strelec
* Fixed the knoppix booting issue
* Unhardcode icon file type in GNU/Linux laucher, so that theming can be added
* Fixed the bug which crashed multibootusb when distro contain non utf charecters
* Added support for Alt Linux
Version - 8.1.0
* Fix for debain package bug which does not pull in dependency packages
* In cluded 7zip for extracting ISO files (including UDF)
* Fix for windows installer
* Added Comodo Rescue Disk ISO
* Fix for kaspersky rescue disk
* Generic fix for distros using isolinux version 3
* A new installer/setup executable for windows
* Fix for random crash when trying to detect syslinux version
Version - 8.0.0
* This version is written in python 3
* GUI toolkit moved to pyqt5
* Upgraded to support python 3 (Thanks to LiQiong Lee)
* Option to choose the desired persistence size using slide
* Introduces command line option (install and uninstall distros as of now and will be extended later)
* Progress can be monitered when running from terminal
* Multibootusb should be started with admin/ root privilage under Linux
* Fixed the bug which causing USB disk to set read only
* Fixed 'Undef symbol FAIL: __syslinux_debug_enabled' error for gparted, clonezilla and some other (Thsnks to yurikhan for pointing to right direction)
* Fixed the bug which crashes multibootusb when non-ascii charecters are present in the ISO link
* Fixed the bug which prevent multibootusb not to install syslinux
* Now debain installer can be installed
* Updated dependency packages stddeb, pyinstaller and pyudev to latest version
* Fixed hiren's boot cd bug (but user has to avoid "'" in the path)
* Updated script to include all missing dependencies
* pkexec is required now undaining Linux for obtaining admin permission
* Fixed dban not supported error
* Fixed AVG rescue disk not supported error
* Added Offline Windows Password and registry editor (latest version)
* Added F4UBCD iso
* Fixed the crash when mountpath contain space
* Dropped udisk version 1 for obtaining details of USB disks
* Now the GUI responds smoothly when using ISO Imager option (dd)
* Fixed superficial duplicate devices on Refresh USB under ISO Imager tab
* Corrected some typo errors
* version bumped to 8.0.0 as it is a major upgrade
* Added support for bl-Hydrogen Linux
* Many other improvements and bug fixes...
Version - 7.5.0
* Introducing "ISO Imager". Now you can write ISO images directly to USB and it is cross platform too.
* util-linux is required now under Linux.
* Most of the reported bugs has been fixed.
* Inclusion of 64 bit syslinux (except version 5 as I could not find any) under Linux.
* Added alphine Linux and memtest
* Included missing, and dd directory to source package.
Version - 7.4.0
* Portion of the code has been rewritten.
* Added support for ext2/3/4 and Btrf filesystem.
* Corrected wrong naming of persistence files.
* Bug fix for PartedMagic update script.
* Few typo has been corrected.
* Included doc strings.
* Now install and uninstall script is written in python.
* Upgraded the debian build script (stdeb) to latest version.
* Lot of other minor bug fixes.
* GUI is slightly larger now.
* Generic way to remove files outside multibootusb directory.
* Various improvements to build script.
Version - 7.3.0
* Rewrite of the source code. It is easier to read source code now.
* UDisks2 has been added for detecting and getting USB details under Linux.
* Patch for ubuntu 14.10 and above which uses isolinux version 6.
* Added persistence for ubuntu and its derivatives. Maximum persistence can be up to 4GB.
* No USB label error has been solved. It now works with USB drives even without names.
* Corrected wait time to 30 sec.
* Updating GUI is now handled by QThread
* Added following distros:-
- Trinity Rescue Kit
- DBan
* Check for QEMU installation before doing any QEMU related operations.
* Feedback after installing syslinux (under syslinux tab).
* psutil dependency has been dropped.
Version - 7.2.0
* Updated syslinux version from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3
* Added background image for syslinux.
* Increased timeout time to 30 sec.
* Added following distros:-
- CentOS minimal.
- Ubuntu Server.
* Patch from kbytesys to fix systemrescueCD menu items and other string manupulations.
* Fix for few other bugs.
Version - 7.1.0
* ISO extraction is much faster than previous releases.
* Included pyudev for better detection of USB drives under Linux.
* Included for installing multibootusb under Linux.
* Included for installing directly from source.
* Improved USB detection under Linux.
* Lot of important bug fix and minor improvements.
Version - 7.0.0
* 7Zip is no more used for extracting ISO files. Thanks to contibution by LiQiong Lee for script.
* Improved ISO extraction speed on certain distros.
* Added solydx, antix and fixed puppy bug.
* ISO integrity check is much faster than previos releases.
* QEMU feature is back on both Linux and Windows.
* Fixed OpenSuse uninstall issue.
* Check if any running process while exiting.
* Added PCLinuxOS.
* Various other major and minor improvements to all scripts.
* Changed version numbering to three digit.
Version -7.0 Beta2
* Now multibootusb installs correct version of syslinux shipped with distro.
* Various optimization for installation of syslinux.
* Extensive test has been done to make sure to fix bugs.
* Able to uninstall distros properly under windows.
* Greater attention is given to ensure that correct version of syslinux is installed in distro directory.
* Various code optimization.
* Copying iso files under windows is faster now.
* Added follwing distros:-
- Wifislax
- PcLinuxOS
- Salix live/install
- Slackel live/install
- Zenwalk live/install
* Few other distros which I dont remember
* Size of windows executable has been reduced (using upx)
* Added refresh usb button. So that restarting of application is not required to detect USB.
* Added new lable space to indicate progress of the process.
* Various other smaller improvements.
Version -7.0 Beta
* Code base is now in python 2.7
* Code is hosted at github so that anybody can view the progress of the development.
* Various bugs present in the older version (6.4.1) has been fixed
* Stand alone for windows and Linux.
* PyQt choosen as GUI toolkit.
* Official website is up and running at and you are viewing it now :-)
* New logo.
* Single code base for Linux and windows
* other improvements which i dont remember exactly :-)