You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

372 lines
12 KiB

// ██████╗ █████╗ ███████╗███████╗██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗
// ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝
// ██████╔╝███████║███████╗███████╗██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ███╗
// ██╔═══╝ ██╔══██║╚════██║╚════██║██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║
// ██║ ██║ ██║███████║███████║██║██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝
// ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝
mod passing {
use reqwest::blocking::Client;
4 years ago
use reqwest::Url;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use monolith::css;
use monolith::opts::Options;
use monolith::url::EMPTY_IMAGE_DATA_URL;
fn empty_input() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("data:,").unwrap();
let options = Options::default();
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, "", &options, 0),
fn trim_if_empty() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let options = Options::default();
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, "\t \t ", &options, 0,),
fn style_exclude_unquoted_images() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.no_images = true;
options.silent = true;
const STYLE: &str = "/* border: none;*/\
background-image: url(; \
list-style: url(/assets/images/bullet.svg);\
width:99.998%; \
margin-top: -20px; \
line-height: -1; \
height: calc(100vh - 10pt)";
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &STYLE, &options, 0,),
"/* border: none;*/\
background-image: url(\"{empty_image}\"); \
list-style: url(\"{empty_image}\");\
width:99.998%; \
margin-top: -20px; \
line-height: -1; \
height: calc(100vh - 10pt)",
empty_image = EMPTY_IMAGE_DATA_URL
fn style_exclude_single_quoted_images() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("data:,").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.no_images = true;
options.silent = true;
const STYLE: &str = "/* border: none;*/\
background-image: url(''); \
list-style: url('/assets/images/bullet.svg');\
width:99.998%; \
margin-top: -20px; \
line-height: -1; \
height: calc(100vh - 10pt)";
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &STYLE, &options, 0),
"/* border: none;*/\
background-image: url(\"{empty_image}\"); \
list-style: url(\"{empty_image}\");\
width:99.998%; \
margin-top: -20px; \
line-height: -1; \
height: calc(100vh - 10pt)",
empty_image = EMPTY_IMAGE_DATA_URL
fn style_block() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("file:///").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
#id.class-name:not(:nth-child(3n+0)) {\n \
// border: none;\n \
background-image: url(\"\");\n\
html > body {}";
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0),
fn attribute_selectors() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
[data-value] {
/* Attribute exists */
4 years ago
[data-value=\"foo\"] {
/* Attribute has this exact value */
4 years ago
[data-value*=\"foo\"] {
/* Attribute value contains this value somewhere in it */
4 years ago
[data-value~=\"foo\"] {
/* Attribute has this value in a space-separated list somewhere */
4 years ago
[data-value^=\"foo\"] {
/* Attribute value starts with this */
4 years ago
[data-value|=\"foo\"] {
/* Attribute value starts with this in a dash-separated list */
4 years ago
[data-value$=\"foo\"] {
/* Attribute value ends with this */
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0),
fn import_string() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
@charset 'UTF-8';\n\
@import 'data:text/css,html{background-color:%23000}';\n\
@import url('data:text/css,html{color:%23fff}')\n\
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),
4 years ago
@charset \"UTF-8\";\n\
@import \"data:text/css;base64,aHRtbHtiYWNrZ3JvdW5kLWNvbG9yOiMwMDB9\";\n\
@import url(\"data:text/css;base64,aHRtbHtjb2xvcjojZmZmfQ==\")\n\
fn hash_urls() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
body {\n \
behavior: url(#default#something);\n\
.scissorHalf {\n \
offset-path: url(#somePath);\n\
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),
fn transform_percentages_and_degrees() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
div {\n \
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(-45deg);\n\
transform: translate(50%, 50%) rotate(45deg);\n\
transform: translate(+50%, +50%) rotate(+45deg);\n\
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),
fn unusual_indents() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
.is\\:good:hover {\n \
color: green\n\
#\\~\\!\\@\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\+\\=\\,\\.\\/\\\\\\'\\\"\\;\\:\\?\\>\\<\\[\\]\\{\\}\\|\\`\\# {\n \
color: black\n\
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),
fn exclude_fonts() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
4 years ago
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("https://doesntmatter.local/").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.no_fonts = true;
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
@font-face {\n \
font-family: 'My Font';\n \
src: url(my_font.woff);\n\
#identifier {\n \
font-family: 'My Font' Arial\n\
@font-face {\n \
font-family: 'My Font';\n \
src: url(my_font.woff);\n\
div {\n \
font-family: 'My Font' Verdana\n\
const CSS_OUT: &str = " \
#identifier {\n \
4 years ago
font-family: \"My Font\" Arial\n\
\n \
div {\n \
4 years ago
font-family: \"My Font\" Verdana\n\
4 years ago
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),
fn content() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("data:,").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
#language a[href=\"#translations\"]:before {\n\
content: url(data:,) \"\\A\";\n\
white-space: pre }\n\
const CSS_OUT: &str = "\
#language a[href=\"#translations\"]:before {\n\
content: url(\"data:text/plain;base64,\") \"\\a \";\n\
4 years ago
white-space: pre }\n\
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),
fn ie_css_hack() {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
let client = Client::new();
let document_url: Url = Url::parse("data:,").unwrap();
let mut options = Options::default();
options.silent = true;
const CSS: &str = "\
div#p>svg>foreignObject>section:not(\\9) {\n\
width: 300px;\n\
width: 500px\\9;\n\
const CSS_OUT: &str = "\
div#p>svg>foreignObject>section:not(\\9) {\n\
width: 300px;\n\
width: 500px\t;\n\
css::embed_css(cache, &client, &document_url, &CSS, &options, 0,),