use std::path::PathBuf; use std::{fs, io}; use serde::Deserialize; pub const STYLESHEET: &'static str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/style.css")); pub const TEMPLATE_PAGE: &'static str = include_str!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/templates/page.hbs")); pub const ASSET_FAVICON: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/assets/favicon.ico")); mod cli; #[derive(Deserialize, Default)] struct Metadata { title: Option, } fn format_code(lang: &str, src: &str) -> Result> { use syntect::parsing::{SyntaxSet, SyntaxReference}; use syntect::highlighting::{ThemeSet}; use syntect::html::highlighted_html_for_string; let ss = SyntaxSet::load_defaults_newlines(); let ts = ThemeSet::load_defaults(); let theme = &ts.themes["base16-eighties.dark"]; let syntax: Option<&SyntaxReference> = if lang.len() > 0 { let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_token(lang); if syntax.is_none() { eprintln!("warning: language `{}` not recognized, formatting code block as plain text!", lang); } syntax } else { None }; let syntax = syntax.unwrap_or(ss.find_syntax_plain_text()); let html = highlighted_html_for_string(src, &ss, &syntax, &theme); Ok(html) } fn extract_metadata(src: &str) -> Result<(Option, String), Box> { if src.starts_with("---\n") { let slice = &src[4..]; let end = slice.find("---\n"); if end.is_none() { return Ok((None, src.to_owned())); } let end = end.unwrap(); let metadata = &slice[..end]; let contents = &slice[end+4..]; let metadata: Metadata = toml::from_str(metadata)?; Ok((Some(metadata), contents.to_owned())) } else if src.starts_with("---\r\n") { let slice = &src[5..]; let end = slice.find("---\r\n"); if end.is_none() { return Ok((None, src.to_owned())); } let end = end.unwrap(); let metadata = &slice[..end]; let contents = &slice[end+5..]; let metadata: Metadata = toml::from_str(metadata)?; Ok((Some(metadata), contents.to_owned())) } else { Ok((None, src.to_owned())) } } fn format_markdown(src: &str) -> Result> { use comrak::{Arena, parse_document, format_html, ComrakOptions}; use comrak::nodes::{AstNode, NodeValue}; let options: ComrakOptions = ComrakOptions { hardbreaks: false, smart: true, github_pre_lang: true, default_info_string: Some("none".to_owned()), unsafe_: true, ext_strikethrough: true, ext_tagfilter: false, ext_table: true, ext_autolink: true, ext_tasklist: true, ext_superscript: true, ext_header_ids: Some("header".to_owned()), ext_footnotes: true, ext_description_lists: true, ..ComrakOptions::default() }; let arena = Arena::new(); let root = parse_document( &arena, src, &options); fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F) -> Result<(), Box> where F : Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>) -> Result<(), Box> { f(node)?; for c in node.children() { iter_nodes(c, f)?; } Ok(()) } iter_nodes(root, &|node| { let value = &mut; if let NodeValue::CodeBlock(ref block) = value { let lang = String::from_utf8("code lang is utf-8"); let source = String::from_utf8(block.literal.clone()).expect("source code is utf-8"); let highlighted: String = format_code(&lang, &source)?; let highlighted: Vec = Vec::from(highlighted.into_bytes()); *value = NodeValue::HtmlBlock(comrak::nodes::NodeHtmlBlock { literal: highlighted, block_type: 0, }); } Ok(()) })?; let mut output: Vec = Vec::with_capacity((src.len() as f64 * 1.2) as usize); format_html(root, &options, &mut output).expect("can format HTML"); let output = String::from_utf8(output).expect("valid utf-8 generated HTML"); Ok(output) } fn format_page(metadata: Option, content: &str, output: W) -> Result<(), Box> { use handlebars::Handlebars; // create the handlebars registry let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new(); // register the template. The template string will be verified and compiled. handlebars.register_template_string("page", TEMPLATE_PAGE).expect("page is valid template"); // generate our context use std::collections::BTreeMap; let mut data = BTreeMap::new(); data.insert("content", content); let metadata = metadata.unwrap_or_default(); let title = metadata.title.unwrap_or_default(); data.insert("title", &title); // and render handlebars.render_to_write("page", &data, output)?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let matches = cli::build_cli().get_matches(); if let Some(_submatches) = matches.subcommand_matches("init") { unimplemented!() } else if let Some(submatches) = matches.subcommand_matches("build") { let prefix = if let Some(directory) = submatches.value_of("directory") { PathBuf::from(directory) } else { PathBuf::from(".") }; let src = prefix.join("src"); let dest = prefix.join("book"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&dest)?; // compile markdown for entry in src.read_dir()? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); if let Some("md") = path.extension().map(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str).flatten() { let name = path.file_stem().map(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str).flatten(); if name.is_none() { continue; } let name = name.unwrap(); let out = dest.join(format!("{}.html", name)); let outfile = fs::File::create(&out)?; let outfile = io::BufWriter::new(outfile); let contents = fs::read_to_string(&path)?; let (meta, contents) = extract_metadata(&contents)?; let contents = format_markdown(&contents)?; format_page(meta, &contents, outfile)?; println!("Rendered `{}` into `{}`", path.display(), out.display()); } } // save the assets fs::write(dest.join("style.css"), STYLESHEET)?; println!("Wrote {}", dest.join("style.css").display()); fs::write(dest.join("favicon.ico"), ASSET_FAVICON)?; println!("Wrote {}", dest.join("favicon.ico").display()); println!("Done!"); Ok(()) } else { cli::build_cli().print_long_help()?; Ok(()) } }