use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use askama::Template; use std::{fs, io}; use comrak::ComrakOptions; use crate::extensions::create_plantuml_svg; mod filters; use super::models::chapter::Chapter; use super::models::frontmatter::FrontMatter; lazy_static! { static ref COMRAK_OPTIONS: ComrakOptions = ComrakOptions { hardbreaks: false, smart: true, github_pre_lang: false, default_info_string: None, unsafe_: true, ext_strikethrough: true, ext_tagfilter: false, ext_table: true, ext_autolink: true, ext_tasklist: true, ext_superscript: true, ext_header_ids: Some("header".to_owned()), ext_footnotes: true, ext_description_lists: true, ..ComrakOptions::default() }; static ref ESCAPE_BACKSLASH_REGEX: regex::Regex = regex::Regex::new(r"\\[^_\#\$%\&\{\}]").expect("valid regex"); } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "book.tex", escape = "none")] struct BookTemplate<'a, 'b, 'c> { front: &'a FrontMatter, description: &'b str, chapters: Vec<&'c Chapter>, } fn escape_text(text: &str) -> String { let text = text .replace(r"_", r"\_") .replace(r"#", r"\#") .replace(r"$", r"\$") .replace(r"%", r"\%") .replace(r"&", r"\&") .replace(r"{", r"\{") .replace(r"}", r"\}"); let text = ESCAPE_BACKSLASH_REGEX.replace_all(&text, r"\textbackslash{}"); text .replace(r"^", r"\textasciicircum{}") .replace(r"~", r"\textasciitilde{}") } fn format_text<'a>(node: &'a comrak::nodes::AstNode<'a>, output: &mut String) { use comrak::nodes::NodeValue; match & { NodeValue::Text(text) => { if let Ok(text) = std::str::from_utf8(text) { output.push_str(&escape_text(text)); } }, NodeValue::Code(text) => { if let Ok(text) = std::str::from_utf8(text) { output.push_str("\\texttt{"); output.push_str(&escape_text(text)); output.push_str("}"); } }, NodeValue::Emph => { output.push_str("\\emph{"); for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Strong => { output.push_str("\\textbf{"); for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Strikethrough => { output.push_str("\\sout{"); for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Superscript => { output.push_str("\\textsuperscript{"); for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, _ => for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); }, } } fn format_node<'a, P: AsRef>(section_offset: u32, dest_path: P, node: &'a comrak::nodes::AstNode<'a>, output: &mut String) { use comrak::nodes::NodeValue; match & { NodeValue::Document => for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); }, NodeValue::BlockQuote => { output.push_str("\\begin{quote}\n"); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("\\end{quote}\n"); }, NodeValue::List(node_list) => { match node_list.list_type { comrak::nodes::ListType::Bullet => output.push_str("\\begin{itemize}\n"), comrak::nodes::ListType::Ordered => output.push_str("\\begin{enumerate}\n"), } for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } match node_list.list_type { comrak::nodes::ListType::Bullet => output.push_str("\\end{itemize}\n"), comrak::nodes::ListType::Ordered => output.push_str("\\end{enumerate}\n"), } }, NodeValue::Item(_) => { output.push_str("\\item "); let mut item: String = String::default(); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, &mut item); } output.push_str(item.trim()); output.push_str("\n"); }, NodeValue::DescriptionList => { output.push_str("\\begin{description}\n"); let mut items: String = String::default(); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, &mut items); } output.push_str(&items.replace("\n\n\n", "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n")); output.push_str("\\end{description}\n"); }, NodeValue::DescriptionItem(_) => for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); }, NodeValue::DescriptionTerm => { output.push_str("\\item ["); let mut term: String = String::default(); for child in node.children() { format_text(child, &mut term); } output.push_str(term.trim()); output.push_str("] \\hfill \\\\ "); }, NodeValue::DescriptionDetails => { for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("\n"); }, NodeValue::CodeBlock(node_code_block) => { let lang = std::str::from_utf8(&"valid utf-8"); let source = std::str::from_utf8(&node_code_block.literal).expect("valid utf-8"); if lang.to_lowercase() == "plantuml" { let digest = md5::compute(source.as_bytes()); let output_path = dest_path.as_ref().join(format!("{:x?}.svg", digest)); let svg = match create_plantuml_svg(&source) { Ok(svg) => svg, Err(e) => { log::error!("failed to create SVG: {:?}", e); return; } }; if let Err(e) = std::fs::write(&output_path, svg) { log::error!("failed to write SVG to file `{}`: {:?}", output_path.display(), e); return; } output.push_str("\\begin{figure}[H]\n"); output.push_str("\\centering\n"); output.push_str("\\includesvg{"); output.push_str(&format!("{:x?}.svg", digest)); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\end{figure}\n"); return; } else if lang.to_lowercase() == "katex" { output.push_str("\\begin{equation}\n"); output.push_str(source); output.push_str("\\end{equation}\n"); return; } let lang = if lang.trim().is_empty() { "text" } else { lang }; output.push_str("\\begin{absolutelynopagebreak}\n\\begin{minted}[breaklines,baselinestretch=1.2,bgcolor=light-grey,fontsize=\\footnotesize,]{"); output.push_str(&escape_text(lang)); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str(source); output.push_str("\\end{minted}\n\\end{absolutelynopagebreak}\n\n"); }, NodeValue::HtmlBlock(node_html_block) => { log::warn!("can't handle html block, rendering it as syntax..."); let source = std::str::from_utf8(&node_html_block.literal).expect("valid utf-8"); output.push_str("\\begin{minted}[breaklines]{text}\n"); output.push_str(source); output.push_str("\\end{minted}\n\n"); }, NodeValue::Paragraph => { for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("\n\n"); }, NodeValue::Heading(node_heading) => { match node_heading.level + section_offset { 1 => output.push_str("\\section{"), 2 => output.push_str("\\subsection{"), 3 => output.push_str("\\subsubsection{"), 4 => output.push_str("\\paragraph{"), 5 => output.push_str("\\subparagraph{"), _ => output.push_str("\\textbf{"), } for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); } output.push_str("}\n\n"); }, NodeValue::ThematicBreak => { output.push_str("\\hline\n"); }, NodeValue::FootnoteDefinition(label) => { let label = std::str::from_utf8(&label).expect("valid utf-8"); log::debug!("footnote definition: {}", label); output.push_str("\\footnotetext["); output.push_str(&escape_text(label)); output.push_str("]{"); let mut definition: String = String::default(); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, &mut definition); } output.push_str(definition.trim()); output.push_str("}\n"); }, NodeValue::Table(table_alignments) => { use comrak::nodes::TableAlignment; let spec: String = table_alignments.iter().map(|a| match a { TableAlignment::None => "l", TableAlignment::Center => "c", TableAlignment::Left => "l", TableAlignment::Right => "r", }).collect::>().join(" "); output.push_str("\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{"); output.push_str(&spec); output.push_str("}\n"); let mut rows: String = String::default(); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, &mut rows); } output.push_str(rows.trim()); output.push_str("\\end{tabular}\n\\end{center}\n\n"); }, NodeValue::TableRow(header) => { let row: String = node.children().map(|child| { let mut column: String = String::default(); format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, &mut column); column }) .collect::>() .join(" & "); output.push_str(row.trim()); output.push_str(r" \\"); if *header { output.push_str("\n\\hline\n"); } else { output.push_str("\n"); } }, NodeValue::TableCell => for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); }, NodeValue::Text(text) => { if let Ok(text) = std::str::from_utf8(text) { output.push_str(&escape_text(text)); } }, NodeValue::TaskItem(checked) => { let mut item: String = String::default(); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, &mut item); } if *checked { output.push_str(r"$\text{\rlap{$\checkmark$}}\square$ "); } else { output.push_str(r"$\square$ "); } output.push_str(item.trim()); }, NodeValue::SoftBreak => { output.push_str("\n"); }, NodeValue::LineBreak => { output.push_str("\\newline"); }, NodeValue::Code(text) => { if let Ok(text) = std::str::from_utf8(text) { output.push_str("\\texttt{"); output.push_str(&escape_text(text)); output.push_str("}"); } }, NodeValue::HtmlInline(text) => { let source = std::str::from_utf8(&text).expect("valid utf-8"); if source == "" { output.push_str(r"\keys{"); } else if source == "" { output.push_str(r"}"); } else { log::warn!("can't handle inline html `{}`, rendering it as syntax...", source); output.push_str("\\mintinline{html}{"); output.push_str(&escape_text(source)); output.push_str("}"); } }, NodeValue::Emph => { output.push_str("\\emph{"); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Strong => { output.push_str("\\textbf{"); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Strikethrough => { output.push_str("\\sout{"); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Superscript => { output.push_str("\\textsuperscript{"); for child in node.children() { format_node(section_offset, dest_path.as_ref(), child, output); } output.push_str("}"); }, NodeValue::Link(node_link) => { let url = std::str::from_utf8(&node_link.url).expect("valid utf-8"); output.push_str("\\href{"); output.push_str(&escape_text(url)); output.push_str("}{"); for child in node.children() { format_text(child, output); } output.push_str("}\\footnote{\\url{"); output.push_str(&escape_text(url)); output.push_str("}}"); }, NodeValue::Image(node_link) => { let url = std::str::from_utf8(&node_link.url).expect("valid utf-8"); let title = std::str::from_utf8(&node_link.title).expect("valid utf-8"); if url.starts_with("http://") || url.starts_with("https://") { // TODO: download images? //log::warn!("skipping image `{}` as we can't download images yet!", url); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let mut res = match client.get(url).send() { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => { log::error!("failed to download image `{}`, reqwest error: {:?}", url, e); return; } }; if !res.status().is_success() { log::warn!("failed to download image at url `{}`: error {}: {:?}", url, res.status().as_u16(), res.text()); return; } let image_type = match res.headers().get("Content-Type").map(reqwest::header::HeaderValue::to_str) { Some(Ok("image/jpeg")) => Some("jpg"), Some(Ok("image/png")) => Some("png"), Some(Ok("application/pdf")) => Some("pdf"), Some(Ok("application/postscript")) => Some("eps"), _ => None, }; let image_type = match image_type { Some(t) => t, None => { log::warn!("unhandled content-type for url `{}`: {:?}, skipping", url, res.headers().get("Content-Type")); return; } }; // get the md5 of the URL to save as the filename let filename = md5::compute(url.as_bytes()); let filename = format!("{:x?}.{}", filename, image_type); let dest = PathBuf::from(dest_path.as_ref()).join(&filename); log::info!("saving `{}` to `{}`...", url, dest.display()); let f = match fs::File::create(&dest) { Ok(f) => f, Err(e) => { log::error!("failed to create file `{}`: {:?}", dest.display(), e); return; } }; let mut wtr = io::BufWriter::new(f); if let Err(e) = res.copy_to(&mut wtr) { log::error!("failed to download `{}` into `{}`: {:?}", url, dest.display(), e); return; } // and finally, now that we've downloaded the image, emit our code output.push_str("\\begin{figure}[H]\n"); output.push_str("\\centering\n"); output.push_str("\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth{\\textwidth}]{"); output.push_str(&filename); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\caption{"); output.push_str(title); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\end{figure}\n"); } else { // TODO: make sure the file exists? output.push_str("\\begin{figure}[h]\n"); output.push_str("\\centering\n"); output.push_str("\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth{\\textwidth}]{"); output.push_str(url); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\caption{"); output.push_str(title); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\end{figure}\n"); } }, NodeValue::FootnoteReference(label) => { let label = std::str::from_utf8(&label).expect("valid utf-8"); log::debug!("footnote reference: {}", label); output.push_str("\\footnotemark["); output.push_str(&escape_text(label)); output.push_str("]"); }, } } fn format_markdown>(section_offset: u32, dest_path: P, src: &str) -> Result> { let arena = comrak::Arena::new(); let root = comrak::parse_document( &arena, src, &COMRAK_OPTIONS); let mut latex: String = String::with_capacity(src.len()); format_node(section_offset, dest_path, &root, &mut latex); Ok(latex) } pub fn build, POut: AsRef>(src: PIn, dest: POut) -> Result<(), Box> { let src = PathBuf::from(src.as_ref()); let dest = PathBuf::from(dest.as_ref()); if let Some(parent) = dest.parent() { if !parent.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(&parent)?; log::info!("created directory `{}`...", parent.display()); } } let dest_path = dest.parent().unwrap_or(Path::new(".")).to_owned(); // load the book let mut book = super::load_book(&src)?; // then convert all the markdown book.description = format_markdown(0, &dest_path, &book.description)?; for chapter in book.chapters.iter_mut() { chapter.contents = format_markdown(0, &dest_path, &chapter.contents)?; for section in chapter.sections.iter_mut() { section.contents = format_markdown(1, &dest_path, §ion.contents)?; } } // and render to a template let latexbook = BookTemplate { front: &book.front, description: &book.description, chapters: book.chapters.iter().collect(), }; let rendered = latexbook.render()?; fs::write(dest, rendered)?; // copy the assets for entry in ignore::Walk::new(&src) { let entry = entry?; if let Some(t) = entry.file_type() { if t.is_file() { if let Some("md") = entry.path().extension().map(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str).flatten() { // ignore markdown files } else { // we found an asset to copy! let dest_path: PathBuf = dest_path.join(entry.path().iter().skip(1).map(PathBuf::from).collect::()); if let Some(parent) = dest_path.parent() { if !parent.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(parent)?; log::info!("created directory `{}`...", parent.display()); } } fs::copy(entry.path(), &dest_path)?; log::info!("Copied `{}` to `{}`...", entry.path().display(), dest_path.display()); } } } } Ok(()) }