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theme-minimal "> <header class="story-header interactive-header"> <div class="story-meta"> <h1 class="story-heading interactive-headline" itemprop="headline">The National Museum of African American History and Culture</h1> <div class="story-meta-footer interactive-meta-footer"> <div class="interactive-byline"> <p class="byline-dateline"><span class="byline last-byline" itemprop="author creator" itemscope="" itemtype="">By <span class="byline-author" data-byline-name="By" itemprop="name">By</span></span> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-09-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-09-15">SEPT. 15, 2016</time> </p> </div> <p class="interactive-leadin summary"> </p> </div> </div> </header> <div id="national-museum-of-african-american-history-and-culture" class="interactive-graphic"> <div id="g-graphic" class="g-graphic" data-preview-slug="2016-08-26-museum-afam"> <div id="g-header" class="g-header"> <div id="g-header-art" class="g-header-art"></div> <div class="g-header-meta"> <p class="g-kicker">The National Museum of African American History and Culture</p> <h1 class="g-headline">I, Too, Sing America</h1> <p class="g-byline">By The New York Times</p> </div> </div> <div class="g-story-meta"> <p class="g-story-producer">Produced by Alicia DeSantis and Josh Williams, Photographs by Lexey Swall, Written by Graham Bowley, Interviews by Tamara Best, Graphics by Anjali Singhvi, Video by Jonah M. Kessel</p> <p class="g-story-date">Sept. 15, 2016</p> </div> <div id="g-blocks" class="g-blocks"> <div id="g-block-1" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p"><span class="g-drop">T</span> <span class="g-upper">he Smithsonian&#x2019;s</span> National Museum of African American History and Culture opens on Sept. 24 in Washington after a long journey. Thirteen years since Congress and President George W. Bush authorized its construction, the 400,000-square-foot building stands on a five-acre site on the National Mall, close to the Washington Monument. President Obama will speak at its opening dedication.</p> <p class="g-p">Appropriately for a public museum at the heart of Washington&#x2019;s cultural landscape, the museum&#x2019;s creators did not want to build a space for a black audience alone, but for all Americans. In the spirit of <a href="">Langston Hughes&#x2019;s poem &#x201C;I, Too,&#x201D;</a> their message is a powerful declaration: The African-American story is an American story, as central to the country&#x2019;s narrative as any other, and understanding black history and culture is essential to understanding American history and culture.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-2" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Powerful objects</span> The collection includes potent artifacts, including a Ku Klux Klan hood and stereotypical representations of black Americans.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-3" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">The museum says the building&#x2019;s three-tiered shape evokes a traditional Yoruban crown. The exterior corona is made of 3,600 bronze-colored cast-aluminum panels. The distinctive architecture alternatively symbolizes hands lifted in prayer, in what the museum says is an expression of faith, hope and resilience.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-4" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="mall" data-ratio="0.5625" data-fraction="16:9" data-duration="15.8158"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.5625" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-5" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">Unusually, the museum had to start from scratch without a collection. It ran an &#x201C;Antiques Roadshow&#x201D;-style project in 15 cities that encouraged people to give heirlooms from their closets and attics, and yielded some of the 40,000 objects the museum now holds. About 3,500 artifacts will be on display in the opening exhibitions, many of them treasures donated by ordinary people. </p> <p class="g-p">Here are a few of these donors, and a look at a new museum confronted with the task of capturing both the pain and the pride of America&#x2019;s past.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-6" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large g-block-chapterbreak"> <div class="g-block-hed"> <div class="g-tag">History Galleries</div> <h3 class="g-subhed">From Slavery to Emancipation</h3> <div class="g-asset-map"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="diagram_1" data-ratio="0.625" data-fraction="8:5" data-duration="3"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.625" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">The museum decided to tell its story in part chronologically rather than thematically. This decision is written into the architecture itself, as visitors descend 70 feet below ground to begin the historical journey centuries ago with the trans-Atlantic slave trade.</p> <p class="g-p">The museum confronts head-on America&#x2019;s history of slavery and racial oppression. Yet, while memorializing suffering, the museum wants even the bleakest artifacts to have a positive message. As visitors face an auction block where slaves stood to be bought and sold, they can also imagine the strength slaves summoned to survive.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-7" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.8022813688212928" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.8022659832748853" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Iron ballast and wooden ship pulley</span> The S&#xE3;o Jos&#xE9;, a Portuguese slave ship, sank off the coast of South Africa in 1794, killing 212 of the more than 400 slaves on board. The ballast was used to counterbalance the weight of the ship&#x2019;s human cargo. During the disaster, the pulley may have been used in rescue attempts.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-8" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.304474450622187" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Cat-o&#x2019;-nine-tails</span> This type of whip was often used aboard slave ships.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-9" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.8142247510668563" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Thomas Jefferson and his slaves</span> A statue of Thomas Jefferson stands in front of a stack of bricks marked with the names of people he owned.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-10" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.8000454442172233" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.799849510910459" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Shackles and an Auction Block</span> Exhibition text for the shackles reminds visitors that, &#x201C;Like many other slaveholders, Jefferson owned his own children.&#x201D; The slave auction block came from Hagerstown, Md. It was sitting on a street corner on a small patch of grass in front of a gas station.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-11" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-full "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Embroidered pillowcase</span> Rose, a slave, gave this pillowcase to her 9-year-old daughter when the girl was sold. The girl&#x2019;s granddaughter, Ruth, later embroidered her family&#x2019;s story onto it.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-12" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.5194915254237288" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>King Cotton</span> Bales have been stacked to represent the country&#x2019;s enormous economic reliance on slavery during the early years of its expansion. The bell nearby called people to and from the fields.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-13" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Harriet Tubman&#x2019;s shawl and hymnal</span> Tubman, a former slave who escaped to freedom, helped others do so through the Underground Railroad in the 1800s. As recognition of her work, Queen Victoria gave Tubman this shawl around 1897.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-tubman-hymnal" class="g-block g-block-type-portrait g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-portrait-container"> <div class="g-portrait g-desktop-only"> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Tubman&#x2019;s Hymnal</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Charles L. Blockson, Gwynedd, Pa.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.4799697656840514" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Jessica Kourkounis for The New York Times</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;Some of my relatives escaped from southern Delaware with Harriet Tubman. It [the hymnal] came to her great-niece and it was divine intervention that she donated it to me. It was a surprise to receive a letter from her attorney after she passed. I was astounded and grateful. I never knew that I would inherit her items. People said, &#x2018;Why don&#x2019;t you sell them?&#x2019; I said, &#x2018;Why would I demean her effort and name by selling them?&#x2019; Money was the last thing from my mind. I kept them under my bed and prayed on what to do with it for three weeks and the idea came to donate the items to the new African-American museum in D.C.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span>Harriet Tubman</span> has a national park named in her honor, and this year the Treasury Department announced that she would replace President Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill.</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait g-mobile-only"> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.4799697656840514" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Jessica Kourkounis for The New York Times</p> </div> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Tubman&#x2019;s Hymnal</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Charles L. Blockson, Gwynedd, Pa.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;Some of my relatives escaped from southern Delaware with Harriet Tubman. It [the hymnal] came to her great-niece and it was divine intervention that she donated it to me. It was a surprise to receive a letter from her attorney after she passed. I was astounded and grateful. I never knew that I would inherit her items. People said, &#x2018;Why don&#x2019;t you sell them?&#x2019; I said, &#x2018;Why would I demean her effort and name by selling them?&#x2019; Money was the last thing from my mind. I kept them under my bed and prayed on what to do with it for three weeks and the idea came to donate the items to the new African-American museum in D.C.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span>Harriet Tubman</span> has a national park named in her honor, and this year the Treasury Department announced that she would replace President Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-14" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6660798122065728" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Cradle and shackles</span> The cradle was made around 1830. These shackles are from around 1845. Both are in an exhibition on slave life and work.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-15" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.8590194698569082" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Nat Turner&#x2019;s Bible</span> Turner led a slave rebellion in 1831 in Southampton County, Virginia. The rebellion halted abolitionists&#x2019; ambitions and spurred harsher laws against slaves and blacks.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-turner-bible" class="g-block g-block-type-portrait g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-portrait-container"> <div class="g-portrait g-desktop-only"> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Nat Turner&#x2019;s Bible</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Mark Person, Richmond, Va.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.4" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Justin T. Gellerson for The New York Times</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;It&#x2019;s been in the family since 1912 and was kept on top of a piano, then a closet, then a safe deposit box. I look at it as symbolic, as a way of reconciliation. We have a lot of turmoil in the country and the Bible is still significant. People have their beliefs and somehow that comes out on top even after all the struggles. I met with the Turner family two or three years ago and it was a very positive experience. They said &#x2018;the Bible is in the right place&#x2019; [in regards to the donation] and that solidified it. We knew in the family that it was priceless.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Mr. Person&#x2019;s ancestors had owned Nat Turner as a slave.</span> Turner is thought to have been baptized with the Bible on the Person family&#x2019;s land. (The gift is courtesy of Maurice A. Person, Noah and Brooke Porter and Wendy Creekmore Porter; Mark Person spoke on behalf of the family.)</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait g-mobile-only"> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.4" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Justin T. Gellerson for The New York Times</p> </div> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Nat Turner&#x2019;s Bible</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Mark Person, Richmond, Va.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;It&#x2019;s been in the family since 1912 and was kept on top of a piano, then a closet, then a safe deposit box. I look at it as symbolic, as a way of reconciliation. We have a lot of turmoil in the country and the Bible is still significant. People have their beliefs and somehow that comes out on top even after all the struggles. I met with the Turner family two or three years ago and it was a very positive experience. They said &#x2018;the Bible is in the right place&#x2019; [in regards to the donation] and that solidified it. We knew in the family that it was priceless.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Mr. Person&#x2019;s ancestors had owned Nat Turner as a slave.</span> Turner is thought to have been baptized with the Bible on the Person family&#x2019;s land. (The gift is courtesy of Maurice A. Person, Noah and Brooke Porter and Wendy Creekmore Porter; Mark Person spoke on behalf of the family.)</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-16" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.800414364640884" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7997930677703052" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Frederick Douglass&#x2019;s cane and Abraham Lincoln&#x2019;s inkwell</span> Lincoln may have used this inkwell to write parts of the Emancipation Proclamation.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-17" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.3939221811985232" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Statue of Clara Brown</span> After Brown was freed from slavery, she moved to Colorado, where she became an important community leader, helping other former slaves to settle there. The slave cabin to the right, from about 1853, had been on Edisto Island in South Carolina.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-18" class="g-block g-block-type-ad g-block-width-full "> </div> <div id="g-block-19" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large g-block-chapterbreak"> <div class="g-block-hed"> <div class="g-tag">History Galleries</div> <h3 class="g-subhed">From Segregation to Today</h3> <div class="g-asset-map"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="diagram_2" data-ratio="0.625" data-fraction="8:5" data-duration="3"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.625" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">The museum will display the original coffin of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old savagely killed in Mississippi in 1955; Ku Klux Klan hoods; and a piece of rope used in a lynching. </p> <p class="g-p">The museum tells a history that continues to evolve. It documents the presidency of Barack Obama, but artifacts reflecting events like Black Lives Matter protests underscore persistent inequality and police brutality. </p> <p class="g-p">Visitors will be able to leave their own thoughts at public video booths. After such powerful displays, they can also sit in a space called the Contemplative Court to come to terms with what they have witnessed.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-20" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Red Kleagle Ku Klux Klan Robe</span> The kleagle is a Klan officer whose role is often to recruit members. The robe was used in the years after World War I, during the second rise of the Ku Klux Klan.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-21" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.2873263888888889" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>The Lynched</span> The names of more than 2,200 people known to have been lynched between 1882 and 1930 line the walls of this gallery.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-22" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>&#x201C;Whites Only&#x201D; Door and Rosa Parks&#x2019;s dress</span> Rosa Parks was making this dress at home on the day she was arrested in 1955. The door is from a restaurant in San Antonio.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-23" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Bucket used by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.</span> Dr. King soaked his feet in this bucket after his five-day march in 1965 from Selma to Montgomery, Ala.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-24" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-full "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7230927835051546" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Emmett Till Room</span> This document appears near the entrance to the Emmett Till room, which will include his coffin.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-25" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5345362277981394" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Angola prison tower</span> Louisiana State Penitentiary, called Angola, occupies a former plantation. The prison is now among the largest in the country, and the museum notes, &#x201C;most of the inmates are African-Americans serving life sentences.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-26" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6815693430656934" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Segregated rail car</span> A car from the Southern Railway shows the different accommodations for white and black passengers &#x2014; who paid the same fare.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-27" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-3"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7001553599171414" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7137404580152672" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7004461440407903" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>A protest sign about Trayvon Martin, a Hurricane Katrina door, and a detail from a President Obama display</span> Some of the objects selected to represent the 2000s. Martin, an unarmed teenager, was fatally shot in 2012 by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the killing.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-28" class="g-block g-block-type-ad g-block-width-full "> </div> <div id="g-block-29" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large g-block-chapterbreak"> <div class="g-block-hed"> <div class="g-tag">Upper Galleries</div> <h3 class="g-subhed">Community and Culture</h3> <div class="g-asset-map"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="diagram_3" data-ratio="0.625" data-fraction="8:5" data-duration="3"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.625" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">Above ground, the museum departs from the chronological narrative to examine African-American achievements in fields like music, art, sports and the military.</p> <p class="g-p">Visitors can tour these brighter third-floor and fourth-floor themed Culture and Community galleries without venturing into the harsher history sections below.</p> <p class="g-p">Some exhibitions depict the diverse experiences of African-Americans in regions across the nation, from the birth of hip-hop in the Bronx, for example, to life in the South Carolina rice fields. Though here, too, the exhibitions refer to the oppression and discrimination that African-Americans experienced and highlight their fight to overcome segregation and bring about social change.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-30" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-full "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7398843930635838" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>A view of the Washington Monument</span> From a gallery devoted to African-Americans&#x2019; military service, visitors can see the Washington Monument on the Mall, and Arlington National Cemetery.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-31" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>John Brown&#x2019;s Pike and a Croix de Guerre</span> In 1859, John Brown led a raid on Harpers Ferry, W.Va., as part of an effort to dismantle slavery. The pike is one of about 1,000 that Brown had made to arm the slaves he hoped would join him. The Croix de Guerre is a French military honor given for exemplary acts of bravery.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-guerre-medal" class="g-block g-block-type-portrait g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-portrait-container"> <div class="g-portrait g-desktop-only"> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Croix de Guerre medal</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Gina McVey, Oak Grove, Calif.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Max Whittaker for The New York Times</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;In 2010, I took my car to the dealership to get it fixed and there was a man sitting next to me in military uniform and we started talking. I happened to mention that my grandfather fought in World War I and was awarded the Croix de Guerre medal. He said, &#x2018;Do you know what you have?&#x2019; I said, &#x2018;A medal.&#x2019; He said, &#x2018;You have history.&#x2019; It had been sitting in my parents&#x2019; home, in a steel box in an armoire, since 1968, when my grandfather died. I immediately looked it up and found out he was part of the Harlem Hellfighters. I went home, my mom pulled out the information, and I just sat there in tears. I looked at the Croix de Guerre, the Purple Heart and thought, &#x2018;Oh my God, I had this all this time, and didn&#x2019;t know anything about it.&#x2019;&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Ms. McVey&#x2019;s grandfather</span> was a member of the Harlem Hellfighters, an infantry unit of black soldiers that fought for several months as part of the French Army during World War I.</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait g-mobile-only"> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Max Whittaker for The New York Times</p> </div> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Croix de Guerre medal</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Gina McVey, Oak Grove, Calif.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;In 2010, I took my car to the dealership to get it fixed and there was a man sitting next to me in military uniform and we started talking. I happened to mention that my grandfather fought in World War I and was awarded the Croix de Guerre medal. He said, &#x2018;Do you know what you have?&#x2019; I said, &#x2018;A medal.&#x2019; He said, &#x2018;You have history.&#x2019; It had been sitting in my parents&#x2019; home, in a steel box in an armoire, since 1968, when my grandfather died. I immediately looked it up and found out he was part of the Harlem Hellfighters. I went home, my mom pulled out the information, and I just sat there in tears. I looked at the Croix de Guerre, the Purple Heart and thought, &#x2018;Oh my God, I had this all this time, and didn&#x2019;t know anything about it.&#x2019;&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Ms. McVey&#x2019;s grandfather</span> was a member of the Harlem Hellfighters, an infantry unit of black soldiers that fought for several months as part of the French Army during World War I.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-32" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7407407407407407" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.7408500590318772" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>James Baldwin&#x2019;s passport and Muhammad Ali&#x2019;s boxing gloves</span> The museum celebrates the achievements of Baldwin, the acclaimed novelist, and Ali, the three-time world heavyweight champion.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-33" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="sports" data-ratio="0.5625" data-fraction="16:9" data-duration="20.02"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Athletic Achievement</span> Even in the lighter areas of the exhibition, such as the sports displays, the museum draws a connection to civil rights.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-34" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.499867829764737" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>The Black Power Salute</span> Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised black-gloved fists when the United States national anthem was played during their medal ceremony at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-35" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Carl Lewis&#x2019;s Olympic medals, Jesse Owens&#x2019;s cleats</span> Owens wore the cleats at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where he won four gold medals.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-36" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Jackie Robinson&#x2019;s bat and jersey, Althea Gibson&#x2019;s racket</span> Like Robinson, Althea Gibson broke barriers in sports, becoming the first African-American woman to win a Wimbledon tennis championship.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-gibson-racquet" class="g-block g-block-type-portrait g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-portrait-container"> <div class="g-portrait g-desktop-only"> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Althea Gibson&#x2019;s tennis racket</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Don Felder, South Orange, N.J.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.4997590361445783" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Bryan Anselm for The New York Times</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;I was at her mom&#x2019;s house visiting with family members who were still residing at the house. They had some pieces I was interested in and I told them I wanted to give them to the museum. I was elated that I was able to obtain some things, so that we could keep her legacy alive. The more I could find, the better story we could tell of Althea Gibson, of who she was, what she did. They [the Smithsonian] came to my office in South Orange, New Jersey, with gloves and they went through photographs, letters, her writings that I had, the tennis racquet and immediately walked over to a FedEx shipping store near my office and shipped what they could. Althea was an incredible bowler, golfer, tennis player. She was an all-around athlete.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Mr. Felder</span> is Gibson&#x2019;s second cousin. In 1971, Gibson was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait g-mobile-only"> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.4997590361445783" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Bryan Anselm for The New York Times</p> </div> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Althea Gibson&#x2019;s tennis racket</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Don Felder, South Orange, N.J.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;I was at her mom&#x2019;s house visiting with family members who were still residing at the house. They had some pieces I was interested in and I told them I wanted to give them to the museum. I was elated that I was able to obtain some things, so that we could keep her legacy alive. The more I could find, the better story we could tell of Althea Gibson, of who she was, what she did. They [the Smithsonian] came to my office in South Orange, New Jersey, with gloves and they went through photographs, letters, her writings that I had, the tennis racquet and immediately walked over to a FedEx shipping store near my office and shipped what they could. Althea was an incredible bowler, golfer, tennis player. She was an all-around athlete.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Mr. Felder</span> is Gibson&#x2019;s second cousin. In 1971, Gibson was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-37" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="entertainment" data-ratio="0.5625" data-fraction="16:9" data-duration="13.880533"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>From the Jeffersons to Will Smith</span> One culture exhibition is devoted to African-Americans&#x2019; influence on film, television, theater and dance.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-38" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Jimi Hendrix&#x2019;s vest, Marian Anderson&#x2019;s jacket and skirt</span> Anderson, the acclaimed classical singer, wore the outfit to <a href="">perform at the Lincoln Memorial</a> on Easter Sunday, 1939, after being barred from the Constitution Hall in Washington because of her race.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-anderson-jacket" class="g-block g-block-type-portrait g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-portrait-container"> <div class="g-portrait g-desktop-only"> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Marian Anderson&#x2019;s jacket and skirt</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Ginette DePreist, Portland, Ore.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.528132033008252" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Ruth Fremson/The New York Times</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;I know that she was scared to death. That&#x2019;s one thing that she kept telling us. Here is this young woman coming from Europe full of hope and sees that she is the object of racial division and found herself <a href="">in front of 75,000 people on a Sunday morning.</a> By nature, Aunt Marian was very soft-spoken. She really wanted throughout her career to be known as the woman with the golden voice more than the woman who started this movement, and so I don&#x2019;t think she was very comfortable in that role.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Ms. DePreist&#x2019;s husband,</span> James, was Anderson&#x2019;s nephew. Anderson, the first African-American soloist to perform at the Metropolitan Opera, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a Grammy lifetime achievement award.</p> </div> <div class="g-portrait g-mobile-only"> <div class="g-portrait-topphoto"> <div class="g-portrait-image"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.528132033008252" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-credit">Ruth Fremson/The New York Times</p> </div> <h4 class="g-portrait-hed">Marian Anderson&#x2019;s jacket and skirt</h4> <h5 class="g-portrait-artifactnumber">Donated by Ginette DePreist, Portland, Ore.</h5> <div class="g-portrait-text-container"> <div class="g-portrait-text"> <p class="g-p">&#x201C;I know that she was scared to death. That&#x2019;s one thing that she kept telling us. Here is this young woman coming from Europe full of hope and sees that she is the object of racial division and found herself <a href="">in front of 75,000 people on a Sunday morning.</a> By nature, Aunt Marian was very soft-spoken. She really wanted throughout her career to be known as the woman with the golden voice more than the woman who started this movement, and so I don&#x2019;t think she was very comfortable in that role.&#x201D;</p> </div> </div> <p class="g-portrait-person"><span class="g-upper">Ms. DePreist&#x2019;s husband,</span> James, was Anderson&#x2019;s nephew. Anderson, the first African-American soloist to perform at the Metropolitan Opera, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a Grammy lifetime achievement award.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-39" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-2"> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> <div class="g-asset g-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="1.5" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> <p class="g-caption"><span>Louis Armstrong&#x2019;s trumpet and Lead Belly&#x2019;s guitar</span> The guitar is displayed alongside Lead Belly&#x2019;s prison pardon. Lead Belly, the folk and blues musician, was released from prison in 1925 after writing a song to the Texas governor.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-40" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">From the building&#x2019;s upper levels, visitors can view the Washington Monument, Arlington National Cemetery, the White House and the National Mall &#x2014; a symbolic reminder, officials say, that the museum is a lens on the broader American experience.</p> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-41" class="g-block g-block-type-media g-block-width-full "> <div class="g-assets-container"> <div class="g-assets g-assets-count-1"> <div class="g-asset g-video"> <div class="g-vhs" data-slug="outro" data-ratio="0.5625" data-fraction="16:9" data-duration="18.018"></div> <div class="g-fallback-image"> <img class="g-lazy" src="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-pattern="{{size}}.jpg" data-pattern-retina="{{size}}_x2.jpg" data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" data-widths="[320,640,900,1254,2000,2600]"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="g-block-additional-credits" class="g-block g-block-type-text g-block-width-large "> <div class="g-text"> <p class="g-p">Additional editing and production by Jon Huang, Laura O&#x2019;Neill and Jeremy White. Sources: Freelon Adjaye Bond/ SmithGroup JJR.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="related-coverage" class="related-coverage nocontent robots-nocontent"> <div class="nocontent robots-nocontent"> <header> <h2 class="section-heading"> More on </h2> </header> <ul class="menu layout-horizontal theme-story"> <li> <article class="story theme-summary "> <a href=""> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img src="" alt="Review: The Smithsonian African American Museum Is Here at Last. And It Uplifts and Upsets."> </div> <h2 class="story-heading">Review: The Smithsonian African American Museum Is Here at Last. 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