You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

47 lines
1.4 KiB

export const MaTtiasBeExtractor = {
domain: '',
title: {
selectors: [['meta[name="twitter:title"]', 'value']],
author: {
selectors: [['meta[name="author"]', 'value']],
date_published: {
selectors: [['meta[name="article:published_time"]', 'value']],
content: {
selectors: [['.content']],
// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms: {
h2: $node => {
// The "id" attribute values would result in low scores and the element being
// removed.
$node.attr('id', null);
// h1 elements will be demoted to h2, so demote h2 elements to h3.
return 'h3';
h1: $node => {
// The "id" attribute values would result in low scores and the element being
// removed.
$node.attr('id', null);
// A subsequent h2 will be removed if there is not a paragraph before it, so
// add a paragraph here. It will be removed anyway because it is empty.
ul: $node => {
// Articles contain lists of links which look like, but are not, navigation
// elements. Adding this class attribute avoids them being incorrectly removed.
$node.attr('class', 'entry-content-asset');