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synced 2024-11-18 21:28:22 +00:00
Big undertaking to support Mercury in the browser. Builds are working and all tests are passing both for web and node builds. Most code is closely shared.
2357 lines
162 KiB
2357 lines
162 KiB
'use strict';
function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var _slicedToArray = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/slicedToArray'));
var _toConsumableArray = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray'));
var fs = _interopDefault(require('fs'));
var URL = _interopDefault(require('url'));
var inquirer = _interopDefault(require('inquirer'));
var ora = _interopDefault(require('ora'));
var child_process = require('child_process');
var _Reflect$ownKeys = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/core-js/reflect/own-keys'));
var _defineProperty = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/defineProperty'));
var _extends = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/extends'));
var _typeof = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/typeof'));
var _getIterator = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator'));
var _Object$freeze = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/freeze'));
var regenerator = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/regenerator'));
var asyncToGenerator = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator'));
var cheerio = _interopDefault(require('cheerio'));
var promise = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/core-js/promise'));
var request = _interopDefault(require('request'));
var keys = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys'));
var stringDirection = _interopDefault(require('string-direction'));
var validUrl = _interopDefault(require('valid-url'));
var moment = _interopDefault(require('moment'));
var wuzzy = _interopDefault(require('wuzzy'));
var difflib = _interopDefault(require('difflib'));
var from = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/core-js/array/from'));
var ellipsize = _interopDefault(require('ellipsize'));
var _taggedTemplateLiteral = _interopDefault(require('babel-runtime/helpers/taggedTemplateLiteral'));
// Spacer images to be removed
var SPACER_RE = new RegExp('trans|transparent|spacer|blank', 'i');
// The class we will use to mark elements we want to keep
// but would normally remove
var KEEP_CLASS = 'mercury-parser-keep';
var KEEP_SELECTORS = ['iframe[src^="https://www.youtube.com"]', 'iframe[src^="http://www.youtube.com"]', 'iframe[src^="https://player.vimeo"]', 'iframe[src^="http://player.vimeo"]'];
// A list of tags to strip from the output if we encounter them.
var STRIP_OUTPUT_TAGS = ['title', 'script', 'noscript', 'link', 'style', 'hr', 'embed', 'iframe', 'object'];
// cleanAttributes
var REMOVE_ATTRS = ['style', 'align'];
var REMOVE_ATTR_SELECTORS = REMOVE_ATTRS.map(function (selector) {
return '[' + selector + ']';
var WHITELIST_ATTRS = ['src', 'srcset', 'href', 'class', 'id', 'alt'];
var WHITELIST_ATTRS_RE = new RegExp('^(' + WHITELIST_ATTRS.join('|') + ')$', 'i');
// removeEmpty
var REMOVE_EMPTY_TAGS = ['p'];
return tag + ':empty';
// cleanTags
var CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY_TAGS = ['ul', 'ol', 'table', 'div', 'button', 'form'].join(',');
// cleanHeaders
var HEADER_TAGS = ['h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'];
// A list of strings that can be considered unlikely candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. These strings are joined together
// and then tested for existence using re:test, so may contain simple,
// non-pipe style regular expression queries if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST = ['ad-break', 'adbox', 'advert', 'addthis', 'agegate', 'aux', 'blogger-labels', 'combx', 'comment', 'conversation', 'disqus', 'entry-unrelated', 'extra', 'foot',
// 'form', // This is too generic, has too many false positives
'header', 'hidden', 'loader', 'login', // Note: This can hit 'blogindex'.
'menu', 'meta', 'nav', 'outbrain', 'pager', 'pagination', 'predicta', // readwriteweb inline ad box
'presence_control_external', // lifehacker.com container full of false positives
'popup', 'printfriendly', 'related', 'remove', 'remark', 'rss', 'share', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sociable', 'sponsor', 'taboola', 'tools'];
// A list of strings that can be considered LIKELY candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. Essentially, the inverse of the
// blacklist above - if something matches both blacklist and whitelist,
// it is kept. This is useful, for example, if something has a className
// of "rss-content entry-content". It matched 'rss', so it would normally
// be removed, however, it's also the entry content, so it should be left
// alone.
// These strings are joined together and then tested for existence using
// re:test, so may contain simple, non-pipe style regular expression queries
// if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST = ['and', 'article', 'body', 'blogindex', 'column', 'content', 'entry-content-asset', 'format', // misuse of form
'hfeed', 'hentry', 'hatom', 'main', 'page', 'posts', 'shadow'];
// A list of tags which, if found inside, should cause a <div /> to NOT
// be turned into a paragraph tag. Shallow div tags without these elements
// should be turned into <p /> tags.
var DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS = ['a', 'blockquote', 'dl', 'div', 'img', 'p', 'pre', 'table'].join(',');
// A list of tags that should be ignored when trying to find the top candidate
// for a document.
// A list of selectors that specify, very clearly, either hNews or other
// very content-specific style content, like Blogger templates.
// More examples here: http://microformats.org/wiki/blog-post-formats
// A list of strings that denote a positive scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
// Readability publisher-specific guidelines
// A list of strings that denote a negative scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
// XPath to try to determine if a page is wordpress. Not always successful.
var IS_WP_SELECTOR = 'meta[name=generator][value^=WordPress]';
// Match a digit. Pretty clear.
// A list of words that, if found in link text or URLs, likely mean that
// this link is not a next page link.
// Match any phrase that looks like it could be page, or paging, or pagination
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it could mean the next
// page. Things like: next, continue, >, >>, » but not >|, »| as those can
// mean last page.
// export const NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE = new RegExp('(next|weiter|continue|>([^\|]|$)|»([^\|]|$))', 'i');
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it is an end link: things
// like "first", "last", "end", etc.
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it means the previous
// page.
// Match 2 or more consecutive <br> tags
// Match 1 BR tag.
// A list of all of the block level tags known in HTML5 and below. Taken from
// http://bit.ly/qneNIT
var BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS = ['article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'li', 'map', 'object', 'ol', 'output', 'p', 'pre', 'progress', 'section', 'table', 'tbody', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'ul', 'video'];
var BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS_RE = new RegExp('^(' + BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS.join('|') + ')$', 'i');
// The removal is implemented as a blacklist and whitelist, this test finds
// blacklisted elements that aren't whitelisted. We do this all in one
// expression-both because it's only one pass, and because this skips the
// serialization for whitelisted nodes.
var candidatesBlacklist = UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST.join('|');
var CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST = new RegExp(candidatesBlacklist, 'i');
var candidatesWhitelist = UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST.join('|');
var CANDIDATES_WHITELIST = new RegExp(candidatesWhitelist, 'i');
// ## NOTES:
// Another good candidate for refactoring/optimizing.
// Very imperative code, I don't love it. - AP
// Given cheerio object, convert consecutive <br /> tags into
// <p /> tags instead.
// :param $: A cheerio object
function brsToPs$$1($) {
var collapsing = false;
$('br').each(function (index, element) {
var $element = $(element);
var nextElement = $element.next().get(0);
if (nextElement && nextElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'br') {
collapsing = true;
} else if (collapsing) {
collapsing = false;
// $(element).replaceWith('<p />')
paragraphize(element, $, true);
return $;
// Given a node, turn it into a P if it is not already a P, and
// make sure it conforms to the constraints of a P tag (I.E. does
// not contain any other block tags.)
// If the node is a <br />, it treats the following inline siblings
// as if they were its children.
// :param node: The node to paragraphize; this is a raw node
// :param $: The cheerio object to handle dom manipulation
// :param br: Whether or not the passed node is a br
function paragraphize(node, $) {
var br = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
var $node = $(node);
if (br) {
var sibling = node.nextSibling;
var p = $('<p></p>');
// while the next node is text or not a block level element
// append it to a new p node
while (sibling && !(sibling.tagName && BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS_RE.test(sibling.tagName))) {
var nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling;
sibling = nextSibling;
return $;
return $;
function convertDivs($) {
$('div').each(function (index, div) {
var $div = $(div);
var convertable = $div.children(DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS).length === 0;
if (convertable) {
convertNodeTo$$1($div, $, 'p');
return $;
function convertSpans($) {
$('span').each(function (index, span) {
var $span = $(span);
var convertable = $span.parents('p, div').length === 0;
if (convertable) {
convertNodeTo$$1($span, $, 'p');
return $;
function convertNodeTo$$1($node, $) {
var tag = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'p';
var node = $node.get(0);
if (!node) {
return $;
var attrs = getAttrs(node) || {};
// console.log(attrs)
var attribString = _Reflect$ownKeys(attrs).map(function (key) {
return key + '=' + attrs[key];
}).join(' ');
var html = void 0;
if ($.browser) {
// In the browser, the contents of noscript tags aren't rendered, therefore
// transforms on the noscript tag (commonly used for lazy-loading) don't work
// as expected. This test case handles that
html = node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'noscript' ? $node.text() : $node.html();
} else {
html = $node.contents();
$node.replaceWith('<' + tag + ' ' + attribString + '>' + html + '</' + tag + '>');
return $;
function cleanForHeight($img, $) {
var height = parseInt($img.attr('height'), 10);
var width = parseInt($img.attr('width'), 10) || 20;
// Remove images that explicitly have very small heights or
// widths, because they are most likely shims or icons,
// which aren't very useful for reading.
if ((height || 20) < 10 || width < 10) {
} else if (height) {
// Don't ever specify a height on images, so that we can
// scale with respect to width without screwing up the
// aspect ratio.
return $;
// Cleans out images where the source string matches transparent/spacer/etc
// TODO This seems very aggressive - AP
function removeSpacers($img, $) {
if (SPACER_RE.test($img.attr('src'))) {
return $;
function stripJunkTags(article, $) {
var tags = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : [];
if (tags.length === 0) {
// Remove matching elements, but ignore
// any element with a class of mercury-parser-keep
$(tags.join(','), article).not('.' + KEEP_CLASS).remove();
// Remove the mercury-parser-keep class from result
$('.' + KEEP_CLASS, article).removeClass(KEEP_CLASS);
return $;
function removeAllButWhitelist($article) {
$article.find('*').each(function (index, node) {
var attrs = getAttrs(node);
setAttrs(node, _Reflect$ownKeys(attrs).reduce(function (acc, attr) {
if (WHITELIST_ATTRS_RE.test(attr)) {
return _extends({}, acc, _defineProperty({}, attr, attrs[attr]));
return acc;
}, {}));
return $article;
// A list of strings that can be considered unlikely candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. These strings are joined together
// and then tested for existence using re:test, so may contain simple,
// non-pipe style regular expression queries if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$1 = ['ad-break', 'adbox', 'advert', 'addthis', 'agegate', 'aux', 'blogger-labels', 'combx', 'comment', 'conversation', 'disqus', 'entry-unrelated', 'extra', 'foot', 'form', 'header', 'hidden', 'loader', 'login', // Note: This can hit 'blogindex'.
'menu', 'meta', 'nav', 'pager', 'pagination', 'predicta', // readwriteweb inline ad box
'presence_control_external', // lifehacker.com container full of false positives
'popup', 'printfriendly', 'related', 'remove', 'remark', 'rss', 'share', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sociable', 'sponsor', 'tools'];
// A list of strings that can be considered LIKELY candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. Essentially, the inverse of the
// blacklist above - if something matches both blacklist and whitelist,
// it is kept. This is useful, for example, if something has a className
// of "rss-content entry-content". It matched 'rss', so it would normally
// be removed, however, it's also the entry content, so it should be left
// alone.
// These strings are joined together and then tested for existence using
// re:test, so may contain simple, non-pipe style regular expression queries
// if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$1 = ['and', 'article', 'body', 'blogindex', 'column', 'content', 'entry-content-asset', 'format', // misuse of form
'hfeed', 'hentry', 'hatom', 'main', 'page', 'posts', 'shadow'];
// A list of tags which, if found inside, should cause a <div /> to NOT
// be turned into a paragraph tag. Shallow div tags without these elements
// should be turned into <p /> tags.
var DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS$1 = ['a', 'blockquote', 'dl', 'div', 'img', 'p', 'pre', 'table'].join(',');
// A list of tags that should be ignored when trying to find the top candidate
// for a document.
var NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS$1 = ['br', 'b', 'i', 'label', 'hr', 'area', 'base', 'basefont', 'input', 'img', 'link', 'meta'];
var NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS_RE$1 = new RegExp('^(' + NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS$1.join('|') + ')$', 'i');
// A list of selectors that specify, very clearly, either hNews or other
// very content-specific style content, like Blogger templates.
// More examples here: http://microformats.org/wiki/blog-post-formats
var HNEWS_CONTENT_SELECTORS$1 = [['.hentry', '.entry-content'], ['entry', '.entry-content'], ['.entry', '.entry_content'], ['.post', '.postbody'], ['.post', '.post_body'], ['.post', '.post-body']];
var PHOTO_HINTS$1 = ['figure', 'photo', 'image', 'caption'];
var PHOTO_HINTS_RE$1 = new RegExp(PHOTO_HINTS$1.join('|'), 'i');
// A list of strings that denote a positive scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
var POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1 = ['article', 'articlecontent', 'instapaper_body', 'blog', 'body', 'content', 'entry-content-asset', 'entry', 'hentry', 'main', 'Normal', 'page', 'pagination', 'permalink', 'post', 'story', 'text', '[-_]copy', // usatoday
// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
var POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$1 = new RegExp(POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1.join('|'), 'i');
// Readability publisher-specific guidelines
var READABILITY_ASSET$1 = new RegExp('entry-content-asset', 'i');
// A list of strings that denote a negative scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
var NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1 = ['adbox', 'advert', 'author', 'bio', 'bookmark', 'bottom', 'byline', 'clear', 'com-', 'combx', 'comment', 'comment\\B', 'contact', 'copy', 'credit', 'crumb', 'date', 'deck', 'excerpt', 'featured', // tnr.com has a featured_content which throws us off
'foot', 'footer', 'footnote', 'graf', 'head', 'info', 'infotext', // newscientist.com copyright
'instapaper_ignore', 'jump', 'linebreak', 'link', 'masthead', 'media', 'meta', 'modal', 'outbrain', // slate.com junk
'promo', 'pr_', // autoblog - press release
'related', 'respond', 'roundcontent', // lifehacker restricted content warning
'scroll', 'secondary', 'share', 'shopping', 'shoutbox', 'side', 'sidebar', 'sponsor', 'stamp', 'sub', 'summary', 'tags', 'tools', 'widget'];
// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
var NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$1 = new RegExp(NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1.join('|'), 'i');
// Match a digit. Pretty clear.
// Match 2 or more consecutive <br> tags
// Match 1 BR tag.
// A list of all of the block level tags known in HTML5 and below. Taken from
// http://bit.ly/qneNIT
// The removal is implemented as a blacklist and whitelist, this test finds
// blacklisted elements that aren't whitelisted. We do this all in one
// expression-both because it's only one pass, and because this skips the
// serialization for whitelisted nodes.
var candidatesBlacklist$1 = UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$1.join('|');
var candidatesWhitelist$1 = UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$1.join('|');
var PARAGRAPH_SCORE_TAGS$1 = new RegExp('^(p|li|span|pre)$', 'i');
var CHILD_CONTENT_TAGS$1 = new RegExp('^(td|blockquote|ol|ul|dl)$', 'i');
var BAD_TAGS$1 = new RegExp('^(address|form)$', 'i');
// Get the score of a node based on its className and id.
function getWeight(node) {
var classes = node.attr('class');
var id = node.attr('id');
var score = 0;
if (id) {
// if id exists, try to score on both positive and negative
if (POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$1.test(id)) {
score += 25;
if (NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$1.test(id)) {
score -= 25;
if (classes) {
if (score === 0) {
// if classes exist and id did not contribute to score
// try to score on both positive and negative
if (POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$1.test(classes)) {
score += 25;
if (NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$1.test(classes)) {
score -= 25;
// even if score has been set by id, add score for
// possible photo matches
// "try to keep photos if we can"
if (PHOTO_HINTS_RE$1.test(classes)) {
score += 10;
// add 25 if class matches entry-content-asset,
// a class apparently instructed for use in the
// Readability publisher guidelines
// https://www.readability.com/developers/guidelines
if (READABILITY_ASSET$1.test(classes)) {
score += 25;
return score;
// returns the score of a node based on
// the node's score attribute
// returns null if no score set
function getScore($node) {
// console.log("NODE", $node, $node.attr('score'))
return parseFloat($node.attr('score')) || null;
// return 1 for every comma in text
function scoreCommas(text) {
return (text.match(/,/g) || []).length;
var idkRe = new RegExp('^(p|pre)$', 'i');
function scoreLength(textLength) {
var tagName = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'p';
var chunks = textLength / 50;
if (chunks > 0) {
var lengthBonus = void 0;
// No idea why p or pre are being tamped down here
// but just following the source for now
// Not even sure why tagName is included here,
// since this is only being called from the context
// of scoreParagraph
if (idkRe.test(tagName)) {
lengthBonus = chunks - 2;
} else {
lengthBonus = chunks - 1.25;
return Math.min(Math.max(lengthBonus, 0), 3);
return 0;
// Score a paragraph using various methods. Things like number of
// commas, etc. Higher is better.
function scoreParagraph$$1(node) {
var score = 1;
var text = node.text().trim();
var textLength = text.length;
// If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't count it.
if (textLength < 25) {
return 0;
// Add points for any commas within this paragraph
score += scoreCommas(text);
// For every 50 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up
// to 3 points.
score += scoreLength(textLength);
// Articles can end with short paragraphs when people are being clever
// but they can also end with short paragraphs setting up lists of junk
// that we strip. This negative tweaks junk setup paragraphs just below
// the cutoff threshold.
if (text.slice(-1) === ':') {
score -= 1;
return score;
function setScore($node, $, score) {
$node.attr('score', score);
return $node;
function addScore$$1($node, $, amount) {
try {
var score = getOrInitScore$$1($node, $) + amount;
setScore($node, $, score);
} catch (e) {
// Ignoring; error occurs in scoreNode
return $node;
// Adds 1/4 of a child's score to its parent
function addToParent$$1(node, $, score) {
var parent = node.parent();
if (parent) {
addScore$$1(parent, $, score * 0.25);
return node;
// gets and returns the score if it exists
// if not, initializes a score based on
// the node's tag type
function getOrInitScore$$1($node, $) {
var weightNodes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
var score = getScore($node);
if (score) {
return score;
score = scoreNode$$1($node);
if (weightNodes) {
score += getWeight($node);
addToParent$$1($node, $, score);
return score;
// Score an individual node. Has some smarts for paragraphs, otherwise
// just scores based on tag.
function scoreNode$$1($node) {
var _$node$get = $node.get(0),
tagName = _$node$get.tagName;
// TODO: Consider ordering by most likely.
// E.g., if divs are a more common tag on a page,
// Could save doing that regex test on every node – AP
if (PARAGRAPH_SCORE_TAGS$1.test(tagName)) {
return scoreParagraph$$1($node);
} else if (tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div') {
return 5;
} else if (CHILD_CONTENT_TAGS$1.test(tagName)) {
return 3;
} else if (BAD_TAGS$1.test(tagName)) {
return -3;
} else if (tagName.toLowerCase() === 'th') {
return -5;
return 0;
function convertSpans$1($node, $) {
if ($node.get(0)) {
var _$node$get = $node.get(0),
tagName = _$node$get.tagName;
if (tagName === 'span') {
// convert spans to divs
convertNodeTo$$1($node, $, 'div');
function addScoreTo($node, $, score) {
if ($node) {
convertSpans$1($node, $);
addScore$$1($node, $, score);
function scorePs($, weightNodes) {
$('p, pre').not('[score]').each(function (index, node) {
// The raw score for this paragraph, before we add any parent/child
// scores.
var $node = $(node);
$node = setScore($node, $, getOrInitScore$$1($node, $, weightNodes));
var $parent = $node.parent();
var rawScore = scoreNode$$1($node);
addScoreTo($parent, $, rawScore, weightNodes);
if ($parent) {
// Add half of the individual content score to the
// grandparent
addScoreTo($parent.parent(), $, rawScore / 2, weightNodes);
return $;
var NORMALIZE_RE = /\s{2,}/g;
function normalizeSpaces(text) {
return text.replace(NORMALIZE_RE, ' ').trim();
// Given a node type to search for, and a list of regular expressions,
// look to see if this extraction can be found in the URL. Expects
// that each expression in r_list will return group(1) as the proper
// string to be cleaned.
// Only used for date_published currently.
// An expression that looks to try to find the page digit within a URL, if
// it exists.
// Matches:
// page=1
// pg=1
// p=1
// paging=12
// pag=7
// pagination/1
// paging/88
// pa/83
// p/11
// Does not match:
// pg=102
// page:2
var PAGE_IN_HREF_RE = new RegExp('(page|paging|(p(a|g|ag)?(e|enum|ewanted|ing|ination)))?(=|/)([0-9]{1,3})', 'i');
var HAS_ALPHA_RE = /[a-z]/i;
var IS_ALPHA_RE = /^[a-z]+$/i;
var IS_DIGIT_RE = /^[0-9]+$/i;
function isGoodSegment(segment, index, firstSegmentHasLetters) {
var goodSegment = true;
// If this is purely a number, and it's the first or second
// url_segment, it's probably a page number. Remove it.
if (index < 2 && IS_DIGIT_RE.test(segment) && segment.length < 3) {
goodSegment = true;
// If this is the first url_segment and it's just "index",
// remove it
if (index === 0 && segment.toLowerCase() === 'index') {
goodSegment = false;
// If our first or second url_segment is smaller than 3 characters,
// and the first url_segment had no alphas, remove it.
if (index < 2 && segment.length < 3 && !firstSegmentHasLetters) {
goodSegment = false;
return goodSegment;
// Given a string, return True if it appears to have an ending sentence
// within it, false otherwise.
var SENTENCE_END_RE = new RegExp('.( |$)');
function hasSentenceEnd(text) {
return SENTENCE_END_RE.test(text);
// Now that we have a top_candidate, look through the siblings of
// it to see if any of them are decently scored. If they are, they
// may be split parts of the content (Like two divs, a preamble and
// a body.) Example:
// http://articles.latimes.com/2009/oct/14/business/fi-bigtvs14
function mergeSiblings($candidate, topScore, $) {
if (!$candidate.parent().length) {
return $candidate;
var siblingScoreThreshold = Math.max(10, topScore * 0.25);
var wrappingDiv = $('<div></div>');
$candidate.parent().children().each(function (index, sibling) {
var $sibling = $(sibling);
// Ignore tags like BR, HR, etc
if (NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS_RE$1.test(sibling.tagName)) {
return null;
var siblingScore = getScore($sibling);
if (siblingScore) {
if ($sibling.get(0) === $candidate.get(0)) {
} else {
var contentBonus = 0;
var density = linkDensity($sibling);
// If sibling has a very low link density,
// give it a small bonus
if (density < 0.05) {
contentBonus += 20;
// If sibling has a high link density,
// give it a penalty
if (density >= 0.5) {
contentBonus -= 20;
// If sibling node has the same class as
// candidate, give it a bonus
if ($sibling.attr('class') === $candidate.attr('class')) {
contentBonus += topScore * 0.2;
var newScore = siblingScore + contentBonus;
if (newScore >= siblingScoreThreshold) {
return wrappingDiv.append($sibling);
} else if (sibling.tagName === 'p') {
var siblingContent = $sibling.text();
var siblingContentLength = textLength(siblingContent);
if (siblingContentLength > 80 && density < 0.25) {
return wrappingDiv.append($sibling);
} else if (siblingContentLength <= 80 && density === 0 && hasSentenceEnd(siblingContent)) {
return wrappingDiv.append($sibling);
return null;
if (wrappingDiv.children().length === 1 && wrappingDiv.children().first().get(0) === $candidate.get(0)) {
return $candidate;
return wrappingDiv;
// Scoring
function removeUnlessContent($node, $, weight) {
// Explicitly save entry-content-asset tags, which are
// noted as valuable in the Publisher guidelines. For now
// this works everywhere. We may want to consider making
// this less of a sure-thing later.
if ($node.hasClass('entry-content-asset')) {
var content = normalizeSpaces($node.text());
if (scoreCommas(content) < 10) {
var pCount = $('p', $node).length;
var inputCount = $('input', $node).length;
// Looks like a form, too many inputs.
if (inputCount > pCount / 3) {
var contentLength = content.length;
var imgCount = $('img', $node).length;
// Content is too short, and there are no images, so
// this is probably junk content.
if (contentLength < 25 && imgCount === 0) {
var density = linkDensity($node);
// Too high of link density, is probably a menu or
// something similar.
// console.log(weight, density, contentLength)
if (weight < 25 && density > 0.2 && contentLength > 75) {
// Too high of a link density, despite the score being
// high.
if (weight >= 25 && density > 0.5) {
// Don't remove the node if it's a list and the
// previous sibling starts with a colon though. That
// means it's probably content.
var tagName = $node.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase();
var nodeIsList = tagName === 'ol' || tagName === 'ul';
if (nodeIsList) {
var previousNode = $node.prev();
if (previousNode && normalizeSpaces(previousNode.text()).slice(-1) === ':') {
var scriptCount = $('script', $node).length;
// Too many script tags, not enough content.
if (scriptCount > 0 && contentLength < 150) {
/* eslint-disable */
function absolutize($, rootUrl, attr, $content) {
$('[' + attr + ']', $content).each(function (_, node) {
var attrs = getAttrs(node);
var url = attrs[attr];
if (url) {
var absoluteUrl = URL.resolve(rootUrl, url);
setAttr(node, attr, absoluteUrl);
function makeLinksAbsolute$$1($content, $, url) {
['href', 'src'].forEach(function (attr) {
return absolutize($, url, attr, $content);
return $content;
function textLength(text) {
return text.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').length;
// Determines what percentage of the text
// in a node is link text
// Takes a node, returns a float
function linkDensity($node) {
var totalTextLength = textLength($node.text());
var linkText = $node.find('a').text();
var linkLength = textLength(linkText);
if (totalTextLength > 0) {
return linkLength / totalTextLength;
} else if (totalTextLength === 0 && linkLength > 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
function isGoodNode($node, maxChildren) {
// If it has a number of children, it's more likely a container
// element. Skip it.
if ($node.children().length > maxChildren) {
return false;
// If it looks to be within a comment, skip it.
if (withinComment$$1($node)) {
return false;
return true;
// strips all tags from a string of text
function stripTags(text, $) {
// Wrapping text in html element prevents errors when text
// has no html
var cleanText = $('<span>' + text + '</span>').text();
return cleanText === '' ? text : cleanText;
function withinComment$$1($node) {
var parents = $node.parents().toArray();
var commentParent = parents.find(function (parent) {
var attrs = getAttrs(parent);
var nodeClass = attrs.class,
id = attrs.id;
var classAndId = nodeClass + ' ' + id;
return classAndId.includes('comment');
return commentParent !== undefined;
// Given a node, determine if it's article-like enough to return
// param: node (a cheerio node)
// return: boolean
function getAttrs(node) {
var attribs = node.attribs,
attributes = node.attributes;
if (!attribs && attributes) {
var attrs = _Reflect$ownKeys(attributes).reduce(function (acc, index) {
var attr = attributes[index];
if (!attr.name || !attr.value) return acc;
acc[attr.name] = attr.value;
return acc;
}, {});
return attrs;
return attribs;
function setAttr(node, attr, val) {
if (node.attribs) {
node.attribs[attr] = val;
} else if (node.attributes) {
node.setAttribute(attr, val);
return node;
/* eslint-disable */
function setAttrs(node, attrs) {
if (node.attribs) {
node.attribs = attrs;
} else if (node.attributes) {
while (node.attributes.length > 0) {
}_Reflect$ownKeys(attrs).forEach(function (key) {
node.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
return node;
// DOM manipulation
function _interopDefault$1(ex){return ex&&(typeof ex==='undefined'?'undefined':_typeof(ex))==='object'&&'default'in ex?ex['default']:ex;}var _regeneratorRuntime=_interopDefault$1(regenerator);var _extends$1=_interopDefault$1(_extends);var _asyncToGenerator=_interopDefault$1(asyncToGenerator);var URL$1=_interopDefault$1(URL);var cheerio$1=_interopDefault$1(cheerio);var _Promise=_interopDefault$1(promise);var request$1=_interopDefault$1(request);var _Reflect$ownKeys$1=_interopDefault$1(_Reflect$ownKeys);var _toConsumableArray$1=_interopDefault$1(_toConsumableArray);var _defineProperty$1=_interopDefault$1(_defineProperty);var _slicedToArray$1=_interopDefault$1(_slicedToArray);var _typeof$1=_interopDefault$1(_typeof);var _getIterator$1=_interopDefault$1(_getIterator);var _Object$keys=_interopDefault$1(keys);var stringDirection$1=_interopDefault$1(stringDirection);var validUrl$1=_interopDefault$1(validUrl);var moment$1=_interopDefault$1(moment);var wuzzy$1=_interopDefault$1(wuzzy);var difflib$1=_interopDefault$1(difflib);var _Array$from=_interopDefault$1(from);var ellipsize$1=_interopDefault$1(ellipsize);var _marked=[range].map(_regeneratorRuntime.mark);function range(){var start=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==undefined?arguments[0]:1;var end=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:1;return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function range$(_context){while(1){switch(_context.prev=_context.next){case 0:if(!(start<=end)){_context.next=5;break;}_context.next=3;return start+=1;case 3:_context.next=0;break;case 5:case"end":return _context.stop();}}},_marked[0],this);}// extremely simple url validation as a first step
function validateUrl(_ref){var hostname=_ref.hostname;// If this isn't a valid url, return an error message
return!!hostname;}var Errors={badUrl:{error:true,messages:'The url parameter passed does not look like a valid URL. Please check your data and try again.'}};var REQUEST_HEADERS={'User-Agent':'Readability - http://readability.com/about/'};// The number of milliseconds to attempt to fetch a resource before timing out.
var FETCH_TIMEOUT=10000;// Content types that we do not extract content from
var BAD_CONTENT_TYPES=['audio/mpeg','image/gif','image/jpeg','image/jpg'];var BAD_CONTENT_TYPES_RE=new RegExp('^('+BAD_CONTENT_TYPES.join('|')+')$','i');// Use this setting as the maximum size an article can be
// for us to attempt parsing. Defaults to 5 MB.
var MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH=5242880;// Turn the global proxy on or off
// Proxying is not currently enabled in Python source
// so not implementing logic in port.
function get(options){// eslint-disable-line
return new _Promise(function(resolve,reject){request$1(options,function(err,response,body){if(err){reject(err);}else{resolve({body:body,response:response});}});});}// Evaluate a response to ensure it's something we should be keeping.
// This does not validate in the sense of a response being 200 level or
// not. Validation here means that we haven't found reason to bail from
// further processing of this url.
function validateResponse(response){var parseNon2xx=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:false;// Check if we got a valid status code
// This isn't great, but I'm requiring a statusMessage to be set
// before short circuiting b/c nock doesn't set it in tests
// statusMessage only not set in nock response, in which case
// I check statusCode, which is currently only 200 for OK responses
// in tests
if(response.statusMessage&&response.statusMessage!=='OK'||response.statusCode!==200){if(!response.statusCode){throw new Error('Unable to fetch content. Original exception was '+response.error);}else if(!parseNon2xx){throw new Error('Resource returned a response status code of '+response.statusCode+' and resource was instructed to reject non-2xx level status codes.');}}var _response$headers=response.headers,contentType=_response$headers['content-type'],contentLength=_response$headers['content-length'];// Check that the content is not in BAD_CONTENT_TYPES
if(BAD_CONTENT_TYPES_RE.test(contentType)){throw new Error('Content-type for this resource was '+contentType+' and is not allowed.');}// Check that the content length is below maximum
if(contentLength>MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH){throw new Error('Content for this resource was too large. Maximum content length is '+MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH+'.');}return true;}// Grabs the last two pieces of the URL and joins them back together
// This is to get the 'livejournal.com' from 'erotictrains.livejournal.com'
// Set our response attribute to the result of fetching our URL.
// TODO: This should gracefully handle timeouts and raise the
// proper exceptions on the many failure cases of HTTP.
// TODO: Ensure we are not fetching something enormous. Always return
// unicode content for HTML, with charset conversion.
var fetchResource$1=function(){var _ref2=_asyncToGenerator(_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(url,parsedUrl){var options,_ref3,response,body;return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context){while(1){switch(_context.prev=_context.next){case 0:parsedUrl=parsedUrl||URL$1.parse(encodeURI(url));options={url:parsedUrl,headers:_extends$1({},REQUEST_HEADERS),timeout:FETCH_TIMEOUT,// Don't set encoding; fixes issues
// w/gzipped responses
encoding:null,// Accept cookies
jar:true,// Accept and decode gzip
gzip:true,// Follow any redirect
followAllRedirects:true};_context.next=4;return get(options);case 4:_ref3=_context.sent;response=_ref3.response;body=_ref3.body;_context.prev=7;validateResponse(response);return _context.abrupt('return',{body:body,response:response});case 12:_context.prev=12;_context.t0=_context['catch'](7);return _context.abrupt('return',Errors.badUrl);case 15:case'end':return _context.stop();}}},_callee,this,[[7,12]]);}));function fetchResource(_x2,_x3){return _ref2.apply(this,arguments);}return fetchResource;}();function convertMetaProp($,from$$1,to){$('meta['+from$$1+']').each(function(_,node){var $node=$(node);var value=$node.attr(from$$1);$node.attr(to,value);$node.removeAttr(from$$1);});return $;}// For ease of use in extracting from meta tags,
// replace the "content" attribute on meta tags with the
// "value" attribute.
// In addition, normalize 'property' attributes to 'name' for ease of
// querying later. See, e.g., og or twitter meta tags.
function normalizeMetaTags($){$=convertMetaProp($,'content','value');$=convertMetaProp($,'property','name');return $;}// Spacer images to be removed
var SPACER_RE$1=new RegExp('trans|transparent|spacer|blank','i');// The class we will use to mark elements we want to keep
// but would normally remove
var KEEP_CLASS$1='mercury-parser-keep';var KEEP_SELECTORS$1=['iframe[src^="https://www.youtube.com"]','iframe[src^="http://www.youtube.com"]','iframe[src^="https://player.vimeo"]','iframe[src^="http://player.vimeo"]'];// A list of tags to strip from the output if we encounter them.
var STRIP_OUTPUT_TAGS$1=['title','script','noscript','link','style','hr','embed','iframe','object'];// cleanAttributes
var REMOVE_ATTRS$1=['style','align'];var REMOVE_ATTR_SELECTORS$1=REMOVE_ATTRS$1.map(function(selector){return'['+selector+']';});var REMOVE_ATTR_LIST$1=REMOVE_ATTRS$1.join(',');var WHITELIST_ATTRS$1=['src','srcset','href','class','id','alt'];var WHITELIST_ATTRS_RE$1=new RegExp('^('+WHITELIST_ATTRS$1.join('|')+')$','i');// removeEmpty
var REMOVE_EMPTY_TAGS$1=['p'];var REMOVE_EMPTY_SELECTORS$1=REMOVE_EMPTY_TAGS$1.map(function(tag){return tag+':empty';}).join(',');// cleanTags
var CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY_TAGS$1=['ul','ol','table','div','button','form'].join(',');// cleanHeaders
var HEADER_TAGS$1=['h2','h3','h4','h5','h6'];var HEADER_TAG_LIST$1=HEADER_TAGS$1.join(',');// // CONTENT FETCHING CONSTANTS ////
// A list of strings that can be considered unlikely candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. These strings are joined together
// and then tested for existence using re:test, so may contain simple,
// non-pipe style regular expression queries if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$2=['ad-break','adbox','advert','addthis','agegate','aux','blogger-labels','combx','comment','conversation','disqus','entry-unrelated','extra','foot',// 'form', // This is too generic, has too many false positives
'header','hidden','loader','login',// Note: This can hit 'blogindex'.
'menu','meta','nav','outbrain','pager','pagination','predicta',// readwriteweb inline ad box
'presence_control_external',// lifehacker.com container full of false positives
'popup','printfriendly','related','remove','remark','rss','share','shoutbox','sidebar','sociable','sponsor','taboola','tools'];// A list of strings that can be considered LIKELY candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. Essentially, the inverse of the
// blacklist above - if something matches both blacklist and whitelist,
// it is kept. This is useful, for example, if something has a className
// of "rss-content entry-content". It matched 'rss', so it would normally
// be removed, however, it's also the entry content, so it should be left
// alone.
// These strings are joined together and then tested for existence using
// re:test, so may contain simple, non-pipe style regular expression queries
// if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$2=['and','article','body','blogindex','column','content','entry-content-asset','format',// misuse of form
'hfeed','hentry','hatom','main','page','posts','shadow'];// A list of tags which, if found inside, should cause a <div /> to NOT
// be turned into a paragraph tag. Shallow div tags without these elements
// should be turned into <p /> tags.
var DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS$2=['a','blockquote','dl','div','img','p','pre','table'].join(',');// A list of tags that should be ignored when trying to find the top candidate
// for a document.
// A list of selectors that specify, very clearly, either hNews or other
// very content-specific style content, like Blogger templates.
// More examples here: http://microformats.org/wiki/blog-post-formats
// A list of strings that denote a positive scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
var POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS$2=['article','articlecontent','instapaper_body','blog','body','content','entry-content-asset','entry','hentry','main','Normal','page','pagination','permalink','post','story','text','[-_]copy',// usatoday
'\\Bcopy'];// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
var POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$2=new RegExp(POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS$2.join('|'),'i');// Readability publisher-specific guidelines
// A list of strings that denote a negative scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
var NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS$2=['adbox','advert','author','bio','bookmark','bottom','byline','clear','com-','combx','comment','comment\\B','contact','copy','credit','crumb','date','deck','excerpt','featured',// tnr.com has a featured_content which throws us off
'foot','footer','footnote','graf','head','info','infotext',// newscientist.com copyright
'instapaper_ignore','jump','linebreak','link','masthead','media','meta','modal','outbrain',// slate.com junk
'promo','pr_',// autoblog - press release
'related','respond','roundcontent',// lifehacker restricted content warning
'scroll','secondary','share','shopping','shoutbox','side','sidebar','sponsor','stamp','sub','summary','tags','tools','widget'];// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
var NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$2=new RegExp(NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS$2.join('|'),'i');// XPath to try to determine if a page is wordpress. Not always successful.
var IS_WP_SELECTOR$1='meta[name=generator][value^=WordPress]';// Match a digit. Pretty clear.
// A list of words that, if found in link text or URLs, likely mean that
// this link is not a next page link.
// Match any phrase that looks like it could be page, or paging, or pagination
var PAGE_RE$1=new RegExp('pag(e|ing|inat)','i');// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it could mean the next
// page. Things like: next, continue, >, >>, » but not >|, »| as those can
// mean last page.
// export const NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE = new RegExp('(next|weiter|continue|>([^\|]|$)|»([^\|]|$))', 'i');
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it is an end link: things
// like "first", "last", "end", etc.
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it means the previous
// page.
// Match 2 or more consecutive <br> tags
// Match 1 BR tag.
// A list of all of the block level tags known in HTML5 and below. Taken from
// http://bit.ly/qneNIT
var BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS$2=['article','aside','blockquote','body','br','button','canvas','caption','col','colgroup','dd','div','dl','dt','embed','fieldset','figcaption','figure','footer','form','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','header','hgroup','hr','li','map','object','ol','output','p','pre','progress','section','table','tbody','textarea','tfoot','th','thead','tr','ul','video'];var BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS_RE$2=new RegExp('^('+BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS$2.join('|')+')$','i');// The removal is implemented as a blacklist and whitelist, this test finds
// blacklisted elements that aren't whitelisted. We do this all in one
// expression-both because it's only one pass, and because this skips the
// serialization for whitelisted nodes.
var candidatesBlacklist$2=UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$2.join('|');var CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$2=new RegExp(candidatesBlacklist$2,'i');var candidatesWhitelist$2=UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$2.join('|');var CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$2=new RegExp(candidatesWhitelist$2,'i');function stripUnlikelyCandidates$1($){// Loop through the provided document and remove any non-link nodes
// that are unlikely candidates for article content.
// Links are ignored because there are very often links to content
// that are identified as non-body-content, but may be inside
// article-like content.
// :param $: a cheerio object to strip nodes from
// :return $: the cleaned cheerio object
$('*').not('a').each(function(index,node){var $node=$(node);var classes=$node.attr('class');var id=$node.attr('id');if(!id&&!classes)return;var classAndId=(classes||'')+' '+(id||'');if(CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$2.test(classAndId)){return;}else if(CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$2.test(classAndId)){$node.remove();}});return $;}// ## NOTES:
// Another good candidate for refactoring/optimizing.
// Very imperative code, I don't love it. - AP
// Given cheerio object, convert consecutive <br /> tags into
// <p /> tags instead.
// :param $: A cheerio object
function brsToPs$$1($){var collapsing=false;$('br').each(function(index,element){var $element=$(element);var nextElement=$element.next().get(0);if(nextElement&&nextElement.tagName.toLowerCase()==='br'){collapsing=true;$element.remove();}else if(collapsing){collapsing=false;// $(element).replaceWith('<p />')
paragraphize$1(element,$,true);}});return $;}// Given a node, turn it into a P if it is not already a P, and
// make sure it conforms to the constraints of a P tag (I.E. does
// not contain any other block tags.)
// If the node is a <br />, it treats the following inline siblings
// as if they were its children.
// :param node: The node to paragraphize; this is a raw node
// :param $: The cheerio object to handle dom manipulation
// :param br: Whether or not the passed node is a br
function paragraphize$1(node,$){var br=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:false;var $node=$(node);if(br){var sibling=node.nextSibling;var p=$('<p></p>');// while the next node is text or not a block level element
// append it to a new p node
while(sibling&&!(sibling.tagName&&BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS_RE$2.test(sibling.tagName))){var nextSibling=sibling.nextSibling;$(sibling).appendTo(p);sibling=nextSibling;}$node.replaceWith(p);$node.remove();return $;}return $;}function convertDivs$1($){$('div').each(function(index,div){var $div=$(div);var convertable=$div.children(DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS$2).length===0;if(convertable){convertNodeTo$$1($div,$,'p');}});return $;}function convertSpans$2($){$('span').each(function(index,span){var $span=$(span);var convertable=$span.parents('p, div').length===0;if(convertable){convertNodeTo$$1($span,$,'p');}});return $;}// Loop through the provided doc, and convert any p-like elements to
// actual paragraph tags.
// Things fitting this criteria:
// * Multiple consecutive <br /> tags.
// * <div /> tags without block level elements inside of them
// * <span /> tags who are not children of <p /> or <div /> tags.
// :param $: A cheerio object to search
// :return cheerio object with new p elements
// (By-reference mutation, though. Returned just for convenience.)
function convertToParagraphs$$1($){$=brsToPs$$1($);$=convertDivs$1($);$=convertSpans$2($);return $;}function convertNodeTo$$1($node,$){var tag=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:'p';var node=$node.get(0);if(!node){return $;}var attrs=getAttrs$1(node)||{};var attribString=_Reflect$ownKeys$1(attrs).map(function(key){return key+'='+attrs[key];}).join(' ');var html=void 0;if($.browser){// In the browser, the contents of noscript tags aren't rendered, therefore
// transforms on the noscript tag (commonly used for lazy-loading) don't work
// as expected. This test case handles that
html=node.tagName.toLowerCase()==='noscript'?$node.text():$node.html();}else{html=$node.contents();}$node.replaceWith('<'+tag+' '+attribString+'>'+html+'</'+tag+'>');return $;}function cleanForHeight$1($img,$){var height=parseInt($img.attr('height'),10);var width=parseInt($img.attr('width'),10)||20;// Remove images that explicitly have very small heights or
// widths, because they are most likely shims or icons,
// which aren't very useful for reading.
if((height||20)<10||width<10){$img.remove();}else if(height){// Don't ever specify a height on images, so that we can
// scale with respect to width without screwing up the
// aspect ratio.
$img.removeAttr('height');}return $;}// Cleans out images where the source string matches transparent/spacer/etc
// TODO This seems very aggressive - AP
function removeSpacers$1($img,$){if(SPACER_RE$1.test($img.attr('src'))){$img.remove();}return $;}function cleanImages$1($article,$){$article.find('img').each(function(index,img){var $img=$(img);cleanForHeight$1($img,$);removeSpacers$1($img,$);});return $;}function markToKeep$1(article,$,url){var tags=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==undefined?arguments[3]:[];if(tags.length===0){tags=KEEP_SELECTORS$1;}if(url){var _URL$parse=URL$1.parse(url),protocol=_URL$parse.protocol,hostname=_URL$parse.hostname;tags=[].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(tags),['iframe[src^="'+protocol+'//'+hostname+'"]']);}$(tags.join(','),article).addClass(KEEP_CLASS$1);return $;}function stripJunkTags$1(article,$){var tags=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:[];if(tags.length===0){tags=STRIP_OUTPUT_TAGS$1;}// Remove matching elements, but ignore
// any element with a class of mercury-parser-keep
$(tags.join(','),article).not('.'+KEEP_CLASS$1).remove();// Remove the mercury-parser-keep class from result
$('.'+KEEP_CLASS$1,article).removeClass(KEEP_CLASS$1);return $;}// H1 tags are typically the article title, which should be extracted
// by the title extractor instead. If there's less than 3 of them (<3),
// strip them. Otherwise, turn 'em into H2s.
function cleanHOnes$$1(article,$){var $hOnes=$('h1',article);if($hOnes.length<3){$hOnes.each(function(index,node){return $(node).remove();});}else{$hOnes.each(function(index,node){convertNodeTo$$1($(node),$,'h2');});}return $;}function removeAllButWhitelist$1($article){$article.find('*').each(function(index,node){var attrs=getAttrs$1(node);setAttrs$1(node,_Reflect$ownKeys$1(attrs).reduce(function(acc,attr){if(WHITELIST_ATTRS_RE$1.test(attr)){return _extends$1({},acc,_defineProperty$1({},attr,attrs[attr]));}return acc;},{}));});return $article;}// function removeAttrs(article, $) {
// REMOVE_ATTRS.forEach((attr) => {
// $(`[${attr}]`, article).removeAttr(attr);
// });
// }
// Remove attributes like style or align
function cleanAttributes$$1($article){// Grabbing the parent because at this point
// $article will be wrapped in a div which will
// have a score set on it.
return removeAllButWhitelist$1($article.parent().length?$article.parent():$article);}function removeEmpty$1($article,$){$article.find('p').each(function(index,p){var $p=$(p);if($p.find('iframe, img').length===0&&$p.text().trim()==='')$p.remove();});return $;}// // CONTENT FETCHING CONSTANTS ////
// A list of strings that can be considered unlikely candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. These strings are joined together
// and then tested for existence using re:test, so may contain simple,
// non-pipe style regular expression queries if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$1$1=['ad-break','adbox','advert','addthis','agegate','aux','blogger-labels','combx','comment','conversation','disqus','entry-unrelated','extra','foot','form','header','hidden','loader','login',// Note: This can hit 'blogindex'.
'menu','meta','nav','pager','pagination','predicta',// readwriteweb inline ad box
'presence_control_external',// lifehacker.com container full of false positives
'popup','printfriendly','related','remove','remark','rss','share','shoutbox','sidebar','sociable','sponsor','tools'];// A list of strings that can be considered LIKELY candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. Essentially, the inverse of the
// blacklist above - if something matches both blacklist and whitelist,
// it is kept. This is useful, for example, if something has a className
// of "rss-content entry-content". It matched 'rss', so it would normally
// be removed, however, it's also the entry content, so it should be left
// alone.
// These strings are joined together and then tested for existence using
// re:test, so may contain simple, non-pipe style regular expression queries
// if necessary.
var UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$1$1=['and','article','body','blogindex','column','content','entry-content-asset','format',// misuse of form
'hfeed','hentry','hatom','main','page','posts','shadow'];// A list of tags which, if found inside, should cause a <div /> to NOT
// be turned into a paragraph tag. Shallow div tags without these elements
// should be turned into <p /> tags.
var DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS$1$1=['a','blockquote','dl','div','img','p','pre','table'].join(',');// A list of tags that should be ignored when trying to find the top candidate
// for a document.
var NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS$1$1=['br','b','i','label','hr','area','base','basefont','input','img','link','meta'];var NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS_RE$1$1=new RegExp('^('+NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS$1$1.join('|')+')$','i');// A list of selectors that specify, very clearly, either hNews or other
// very content-specific style content, like Blogger templates.
// More examples here: http://microformats.org/wiki/blog-post-formats
var HNEWS_CONTENT_SELECTORS$1$1=[['.hentry','.entry-content'],['entry','.entry-content'],['.entry','.entry_content'],['.post','.postbody'],['.post','.post_body'],['.post','.post-body']];var PHOTO_HINTS$1$1=['figure','photo','image','caption'];var PHOTO_HINTS_RE$1$1=new RegExp(PHOTO_HINTS$1$1.join('|'),'i');// A list of strings that denote a positive scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
var POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1$1=['article','articlecontent','instapaper_body','blog','body','content','entry-content-asset','entry','hentry','main','Normal','page','pagination','permalink','post','story','text','[-_]copy',// usatoday
'\\Bcopy'];// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
var POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$1$1=new RegExp(POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1$1.join('|'),'i');// Readability publisher-specific guidelines
var READABILITY_ASSET$1$1=new RegExp('entry-content-asset','i');// A list of strings that denote a negative scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
var NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1$1=['adbox','advert','author','bio','bookmark','bottom','byline','clear','com-','combx','comment','comment\\B','contact','copy','credit','crumb','date','deck','excerpt','featured',// tnr.com has a featured_content which throws us off
'foot','footer','footnote','graf','head','info','infotext',// newscientist.com copyright
'instapaper_ignore','jump','linebreak','link','masthead','media','meta','modal','outbrain',// slate.com junk
'promo','pr_',// autoblog - press release
'related','respond','roundcontent',// lifehacker restricted content warning
'scroll','secondary','share','shopping','shoutbox','side','sidebar','sponsor','stamp','sub','summary','tags','tools','widget'];// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
var NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$1$1=new RegExp(NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS$1$1.join('|'),'i');// Match a digit. Pretty clear.
// Match 2 or more consecutive <br> tags
// Match 1 BR tag.
// A list of all of the block level tags known in HTML5 and below. Taken from
// http://bit.ly/qneNIT
// The removal is implemented as a blacklist and whitelist, this test finds
// blacklisted elements that aren't whitelisted. We do this all in one
// expression-both because it's only one pass, and because this skips the
// serialization for whitelisted nodes.
var candidatesBlacklist$1$1=UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST$1$1.join('|');var candidatesWhitelist$1$1=UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST$1$1.join('|');var PARAGRAPH_SCORE_TAGS$1$1=new RegExp('^(p|li|span|pre)$','i');var CHILD_CONTENT_TAGS$1$1=new RegExp('^(td|blockquote|ol|ul|dl)$','i');var BAD_TAGS$1$1=new RegExp('^(address|form)$','i');// Get the score of a node based on its className and id.
function getWeight$1(node){var classes=node.attr('class');var id=node.attr('id');var score=0;if(id){// if id exists, try to score on both positive and negative
if(POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$1$1.test(id)){score+=25;}if(NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$1$1.test(id)){score-=25;}}if(classes){if(score===0){// if classes exist and id did not contribute to score
// try to score on both positive and negative
if(POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$1$1.test(classes)){score+=25;}if(NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$1$1.test(classes)){score-=25;}}// even if score has been set by id, add score for
// possible photo matches
// "try to keep photos if we can"
if(PHOTO_HINTS_RE$1$1.test(classes)){score+=10;}// add 25 if class matches entry-content-asset,
// a class apparently instructed for use in the
// Readability publisher guidelines
// https://www.readability.com/developers/guidelines
if(READABILITY_ASSET$1$1.test(classes)){score+=25;}}return score;}// returns the score of a node based on
// the node's score attribute
// returns null if no score set
function getScore$1($node){// console.log("NODE", $node, $node.attr('score'))
return parseFloat($node.attr('score'))||null;}// return 1 for every comma in text
function scoreCommas$1(text){return(text.match(/,/g)||[]).length;}var idkRe$1=new RegExp('^(p|pre)$','i');function scoreLength$1(textLength){var tagName=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:'p';var chunks=textLength/50;if(chunks>0){var lengthBonus=void 0;// No idea why p or pre are being tamped down here
// but just following the source for now
// Not even sure why tagName is included here,
// since this is only being called from the context
// of scoreParagraph
if(idkRe$1.test(tagName)){lengthBonus=chunks-2;}else{lengthBonus=chunks-1.25;}return Math.min(Math.max(lengthBonus,0),3);}return 0;}// Score a paragraph using various methods. Things like number of
// commas, etc. Higher is better.
function scoreParagraph$$1(node){var score=1;var text=node.text().trim();var textLength=text.length;// If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't count it.
if(textLength<25){return 0;}// Add points for any commas within this paragraph
score+=scoreCommas$1(text);// For every 50 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up
// to 3 points.
score+=scoreLength$1(textLength);// Articles can end with short paragraphs when people are being clever
// but they can also end with short paragraphs setting up lists of junk
// that we strip. This negative tweaks junk setup paragraphs just below
// the cutoff threshold.
if(text.slice(-1)===':'){score-=1;}return score;}function setScore$1($node,$,score){$node.attr('score',score);return $node;}function addScore$$1($node,$,amount){try{var score=getOrInitScore$$1($node,$)+amount;setScore$1($node,$,score);}catch(e){// Ignoring; error occurs in scoreNode
}return $node;}// Adds 1/4 of a child's score to its parent
function addToParent$$1(node,$,score){var parent=node.parent();if(parent){addScore$$1(parent,$,score*0.25);}return node;}// gets and returns the score if it exists
// if not, initializes a score based on
// the node's tag type
function getOrInitScore$$1($node,$){var weightNodes=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:true;var score=getScore$1($node);if(score){return score;}score=scoreNode$$1($node);if(weightNodes){score+=getWeight$1($node);}addToParent$$1($node,$,score);return score;}// Score an individual node. Has some smarts for paragraphs, otherwise
// just scores based on tag.
function scoreNode$$1($node){var _$node$get=$node.get(0),tagName=_$node$get.tagName;// TODO: Consider ordering by most likely.
// E.g., if divs are a more common tag on a page,
// Could save doing that regex test on every node – AP
if(PARAGRAPH_SCORE_TAGS$1$1.test(tagName)){return scoreParagraph$$1($node);}else if(tagName.toLowerCase()==='div'){return 5;}else if(CHILD_CONTENT_TAGS$1$1.test(tagName)){return 3;}else if(BAD_TAGS$1$1.test(tagName)){return-3;}else if(tagName.toLowerCase()==='th'){return-5;}return 0;}function convertSpans$1$1($node,$){if($node.get(0)){var _$node$get=$node.get(0),tagName=_$node$get.tagName;if(tagName==='span'){// convert spans to divs
convertNodeTo$$1($node,$,'div');}}}function addScoreTo$1($node,$,score){if($node){convertSpans$1$1($node,$);addScore$$1($node,$,score);}}function scorePs$1($,weightNodes){$('p, pre').not('[score]').each(function(index,node){// The raw score for this paragraph, before we add any parent/child
// scores.
var $node=$(node);$node=setScore$1($node,$,getOrInitScore$$1($node,$,weightNodes));var $parent=$node.parent();var rawScore=scoreNode$$1($node);addScoreTo$1($parent,$,rawScore,weightNodes);if($parent){// Add half of the individual content score to the
// grandparent
addScoreTo$1($parent.parent(),$,rawScore/2,weightNodes);}});return $;}// score content. Parents get the full value of their children's
// content score, grandparents half
function scoreContent$$1($){var weightNodes=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:true;// First, look for special hNews based selectors and give them a big
// boost, if they exist
HNEWS_CONTENT_SELECTORS$1$1.forEach(function(_ref){var _ref2=_slicedToArray$1(_ref,2),parentSelector=_ref2[0],childSelector=_ref2[1];$(parentSelector+' '+childSelector).each(function(index,node){addScore$$1($(node).parent(parentSelector),$,80);});});// Doubling this again
// Previous solution caused a bug
// in which parents weren't retaining
// scores. This is not ideal, and
// should be fixed.
scorePs$1($,weightNodes);scorePs$1($,weightNodes);return $;}var NORMALIZE_RE$1=/\s{2,}/g;function normalizeSpaces$1(text){return text.replace(NORMALIZE_RE$1,' ').trim();}// Given a node type to search for, and a list of regular expressions,
// look to see if this extraction can be found in the URL. Expects
// that each expression in r_list will return group(1) as the proper
// string to be cleaned.
// Only used for date_published currently.
function extractFromUrl$1(url,regexList){var matchRe=regexList.find(function(re){return re.test(url);});// const matchRe = null
if(matchRe){return matchRe.exec(url)[1];}return null;}// An expression that looks to try to find the page digit within a URL, if
// it exists.
// Matches:
// page=1
// pg=1
// p=1
// paging=12
// pag=7
// pagination/1
// paging/88
// pa/83
// p/11
// Does not match:
// pg=102
// page:2
var PAGE_IN_HREF_RE$1=new RegExp('(page|paging|(p(a|g|ag)?(e|enum|ewanted|ing|ination)))?(=|/)([0-9]{1,3})','i');var HAS_ALPHA_RE$1=/[a-z]/i;var IS_ALPHA_RE$1=/^[a-z]+$/i;var IS_DIGIT_RE$1=/^[0-9]+$/i;function pageNumFromUrl$1(url){var matches=url.match(PAGE_IN_HREF_RE$1);if(!matches)return null;var pageNum=parseInt(matches[6],10);// Return pageNum < 100, otherwise
// return null
return pageNum<100?pageNum:null;}function removeAnchor$1(url){return url.split('#')[0].replace(/\/$/,'');}function isGoodSegment$1(segment,index,firstSegmentHasLetters){var goodSegment=true;// If this is purely a number, and it's the first or second
// url_segment, it's probably a page number. Remove it.
if(index<2&&IS_DIGIT_RE$1.test(segment)&&segment.length<3){goodSegment=true;}// If this is the first url_segment and it's just "index",
// remove it
if(index===0&&segment.toLowerCase()==='index'){goodSegment=false;}// If our first or second url_segment is smaller than 3 characters,
// and the first url_segment had no alphas, remove it.
if(index<2&&segment.length<3&&!firstSegmentHasLetters){goodSegment=false;}return goodSegment;}// Take a URL, and return the article base of said URL. That is, no
// pagination data exists in it. Useful for comparing to other links
// that might have pagination data within them.
function articleBaseUrl$1(url,parsed){var parsedUrl=parsed||URL$1.parse(url);var protocol=parsedUrl.protocol,host=parsedUrl.host,path=parsedUrl.path;var firstSegmentHasLetters=false;var cleanedSegments=path.split('/').reverse().reduce(function(acc,rawSegment,index){var segment=rawSegment;// Split off and save anything that looks like a file type.
if(segment.includes('.')){var _segment$split=segment.split('.'),_segment$split2=_slicedToArray$1(_segment$split,2),possibleSegment=_segment$split2[0],fileExt=_segment$split2[1];if(IS_ALPHA_RE$1.test(fileExt)){segment=possibleSegment;}}// If our first or second segment has anything looking like a page
// number, remove it.
if(PAGE_IN_HREF_RE$1.test(segment)&&index<2){segment=segment.replace(PAGE_IN_HREF_RE$1,'');}// If we're on the first segment, check to see if we have any
// characters in it. The first segment is actually the last bit of
// the URL, and this will be helpful to determine if we're on a URL
// segment that looks like "/2/" for example.
if(index===0){firstSegmentHasLetters=HAS_ALPHA_RE$1.test(segment);}// If it's not marked for deletion, push it to cleaned_segments.
if(isGoodSegment$1(segment,index,firstSegmentHasLetters)){acc.push(segment);}return acc;},[]);return protocol+'//'+host+cleanedSegments.reverse().join('/');}// Given a string, return True if it appears to have an ending sentence
// within it, false otherwise.
var SENTENCE_END_RE$1=new RegExp('.( |$)');function hasSentenceEnd$1(text){return SENTENCE_END_RE$1.test(text);}function excerptContent$1(content){var words=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:10;return content.trim().split(/\s+/).slice(0,words).join(' ');}// Now that we have a top_candidate, look through the siblings of
// it to see if any of them are decently scored. If they are, they
// may be split parts of the content (Like two divs, a preamble and
// a body.) Example:
// http://articles.latimes.com/2009/oct/14/business/fi-bigtvs14
function mergeSiblings$1($candidate,topScore,$){if(!$candidate.parent().length){return $candidate;}var siblingScoreThreshold=Math.max(10,topScore*0.25);var wrappingDiv=$('<div></div>');$candidate.parent().children().each(function(index,sibling){var $sibling=$(sibling);// Ignore tags like BR, HR, etc
if(NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS_RE$1$1.test(sibling.tagName)){return null;}var siblingScore=getScore$1($sibling);if(siblingScore){if($sibling.get(0)===$candidate.get(0)){wrappingDiv.append($sibling);}else{var contentBonus=0;var density=linkDensity$1($sibling);// If sibling has a very low link density,
// give it a small bonus
if(density<0.05){contentBonus+=20;}// If sibling has a high link density,
// give it a penalty
if(density>=0.5){contentBonus-=20;}// If sibling node has the same class as
// candidate, give it a bonus
if($sibling.attr('class')===$candidate.attr('class')){contentBonus+=topScore*0.2;}var newScore=siblingScore+contentBonus;if(newScore>=siblingScoreThreshold){return wrappingDiv.append($sibling);}else if(sibling.tagName==='p'){var siblingContent=$sibling.text();var siblingContentLength=textLength$1(siblingContent);if(siblingContentLength>80&&density<0.25){return wrappingDiv.append($sibling);}else if(siblingContentLength<=80&&density===0&&hasSentenceEnd$1(siblingContent)){return wrappingDiv.append($sibling);}}}}return null;});if(wrappingDiv.children().length===1&&wrappingDiv.children().first().get(0)===$candidate.get(0)){return $candidate;}return wrappingDiv;}// After we've calculated scores, loop through all of the possible
// candidate nodes we found and find the one with the highest score.
function findTopCandidate$$1($){var $candidate=void 0;var topScore=0;$('[score]').each(function(index,node){// Ignore tags like BR, HR, etc
if(NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS_RE$1$1.test(node.tagName)){return;}var $node=$(node);var score=getScore$1($node);if(score>topScore){topScore=score;$candidate=$node;}});// If we don't have a candidate, return the body
// or whatever the first element is
if(!$candidate){return $('body')||$('*').first();}$candidate=mergeSiblings$1($candidate,topScore,$);return $candidate;}// Scoring
function removeUnlessContent$1($node,$,weight){// Explicitly save entry-content-asset tags, which are
// noted as valuable in the Publisher guidelines. For now
// this works everywhere. We may want to consider making
// this less of a sure-thing later.
if($node.hasClass('entry-content-asset')){return;}var content=normalizeSpaces$1($node.text());if(scoreCommas$1(content)<10){var pCount=$('p',$node).length;var inputCount=$('input',$node).length;// Looks like a form, too many inputs.
if(inputCount>pCount/3){$node.remove();return;}var contentLength=content.length;var imgCount=$('img',$node).length;// Content is too short, and there are no images, so
// this is probably junk content.
if(contentLength<25&&imgCount===0){$node.remove();return;}var density=linkDensity$1($node);// Too high of link density, is probably a menu or
// something similar.
// console.log(weight, density, contentLength)
if(weight<25&&density>0.2&&contentLength>75){$node.remove();return;}// Too high of a link density, despite the score being
// high.
if(weight>=25&&density>0.5){// Don't remove the node if it's a list and the
// previous sibling starts with a colon though. That
// means it's probably content.
var tagName=$node.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase();var nodeIsList=tagName==='ol'||tagName==='ul';if(nodeIsList){var previousNode=$node.prev();if(previousNode&&normalizeSpaces$1(previousNode.text()).slice(-1)===':'){return;}}$node.remove();return;}var scriptCount=$('script',$node).length;// Too many script tags, not enough content.
if(scriptCount>0&&contentLength<150){$node.remove();return;}}}// Given an article, clean it of some superfluous content specified by
// tags. Things like forms, ads, etc.
// Tags is an array of tag name's to search through. (like div, form,
// etc)
// Return this same doc.
function cleanTags$$1($article,$){$(CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY_TAGS$1,$article).each(function(index,node){var $node=$(node);var weight=getScore$1($node);if(!weight){weight=getOrInitScore$$1($node,$);setScore$1($node,$,weight);}// drop node if its weight is < 0
if(weight<0){$node.remove();}else{// deteremine if node seems like content
removeUnlessContent$1($node,$,weight);}});return $;}function cleanHeaders$1($article,$){var title=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:'';$(HEADER_TAG_LIST$1,$article).each(function(index,header){var $header=$(header);// Remove any headers that appear before all other p tags in the
// document. This probably means that it was part of the title, a
// subtitle or something else extraneous like a datestamp or byline,
// all of which should be handled by other metadata handling.
if($($header,$article).prevAll('p').length===0){return $header.remove();}// Remove any headers that match the title exactly.
if(normalizeSpaces$1($(header).text())===title){return $header.remove();}// If this header has a negative weight, it's probably junk.
// Get rid of it.
if(getWeight$1($(header))<0){return $header.remove();}return $header;});return $;}// Rewrite the tag name to div if it's a top level node like body or
// html to avoid later complications with multiple body tags.
function rewriteTopLevel$$1(article,$){// I'm not using context here because
// it's problematic when converting the
// top-level/root node - AP
$=convertNodeTo$$1($('html'),$,'div');$=convertNodeTo$$1($('body'),$,'div');return $;}/* eslint-disable */function absolutize$1($,rootUrl,attr,$content){$('['+attr+']',$content).each(function(_,node){var attrs=getAttrs$1(node);var url=attrs[attr];if(url){var absoluteUrl=URL$1.resolve(rootUrl,url);setAttr$1(node,attr,absoluteUrl);}});}function makeLinksAbsolute$$1($content,$,url){['href','src'].forEach(function(attr){return absolutize$1($,url,attr,$content);});return $content;}function textLength$1(text){return text.trim().replace(/\s+/g,' ').length;}// Determines what percentage of the text
// in a node is link text
// Takes a node, returns a float
function linkDensity$1($node){var totalTextLength=textLength$1($node.text());var linkText=$node.find('a').text();var linkLength=textLength$1(linkText);if(totalTextLength>0){return linkLength/totalTextLength;}else if(totalTextLength===0&&linkLength>0){return 1;}return 0;}// Given a node type to search for, and a list of meta tag names to
// search for, find a meta tag associated.
function extractFromMeta$$1($,metaNames,cachedNames){var cleanTags$$1=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==undefined?arguments[3]:true;var foundNames=metaNames.filter(function(name){return cachedNames.indexOf(name)!==-1;});var _iteratorNormalCompletion=true;var _didIteratorError=false;var _iteratorError=undefined;try{var _loop=function _loop(){var name=_step.value;var type='name';var value='value';var nodes=$('meta['+type+'="'+name+'"]');// Get the unique value of every matching node, in case there
// are two meta tags with the same name and value.
// Remove empty values.
var values=nodes.map(function(index,node){return $(node).attr(value);}).toArray().filter(function(text){return text!=='';});// If we have more than one value for the same name, we have a
// conflict and can't trust any of them. Skip this name. If we have
// zero, that means our meta tags had no values. Skip this name
// also.
if(values.length===1){var metaValue=void 0;// Meta values that contain HTML should be stripped, as they
// weren't subject to cleaning previously.
if(cleanTags$$1){metaValue=stripTags$1(values[0],$);}else{metaValue=values[0];}return{v:metaValue};}};for(var _iterator=_getIterator$1(foundNames),_step;!(_iteratorNormalCompletion=(_step=_iterator.next()).done);_iteratorNormalCompletion=true){var _ret=_loop();if((typeof _ret==='undefined'?'undefined':_typeof$1(_ret))==="object")return _ret.v;}// If nothing is found, return null
}catch(err){_didIteratorError=true;_iteratorError=err;}finally{try{if(!_iteratorNormalCompletion&&_iterator.return){_iterator.return();}}finally{if(_didIteratorError){throw _iteratorError;}}}return null;}function isGoodNode$1($node,maxChildren){// If it has a number of children, it's more likely a container
// element. Skip it.
if($node.children().length>maxChildren){return false;}// If it looks to be within a comment, skip it.
if(withinComment$$1($node)){return false;}return true;}// Given a a list of selectors find content that may
// be extractable from the document. This is for flat
// meta-information, like author, title, date published, etc.
function extractFromSelectors$$1($,selectors){var maxChildren=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:1;var textOnly=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==undefined?arguments[3]:true;var _iteratorNormalCompletion=true;var _didIteratorError=false;var _iteratorError=undefined;try{for(var _iterator=_getIterator$1(selectors),_step;!(_iteratorNormalCompletion=(_step=_iterator.next()).done);_iteratorNormalCompletion=true){var selector=_step.value;var nodes=$(selector);// If we didn't get exactly one of this selector, this may be
// a list of articles or comments. Skip it.
if(nodes.length===1){var $node=$(nodes[0]);if(isGoodNode$1($node,maxChildren)){var content=void 0;if(textOnly){content=$node.text();}else{content=$node.html();}if(content){return content;}}}}}catch(err){_didIteratorError=true;_iteratorError=err;}finally{try{if(!_iteratorNormalCompletion&&_iterator.return){_iterator.return();}}finally{if(_didIteratorError){throw _iteratorError;}}}return null;}// strips all tags from a string of text
function stripTags$1(text,$){// Wrapping text in html element prevents errors when text
// has no html
var cleanText=$('<span>'+text+'</span>').text();return cleanText===''?text:cleanText;}function withinComment$$1($node){var parents=$node.parents().toArray();var commentParent=parents.find(function(parent){var attrs=getAttrs$1(parent);var nodeClass=attrs.class,id=attrs.id;var classAndId=nodeClass+' '+id;return classAndId.includes('comment');});return commentParent!==undefined;}// Given a node, determine if it's article-like enough to return
// param: node (a cheerio node)
// return: boolean
function nodeIsSufficient$1($node){return $node.text().trim().length>=100;}function isWordpress$1($){return $(IS_WP_SELECTOR$1).length>0;}function getAttrs$1(node){var attribs=node.attribs,attributes=node.attributes;if(!attribs&&attributes){var attrs=_Reflect$ownKeys$1(attributes).reduce(function(acc,index){var attr=attributes[index];acc[attr.name]=attr.value;return acc;},{});return attrs;}return attribs;}function setAttr$1(node,attr,val){if(node.attribs){node.attribs[attr]=val;}else if(node.attributes){node.setAttribute(attr,val);}return node;}/* eslint-disable */function setAttrs$1(node,attrs){if(node.attribs){node.attribs=attrs;}else if(node.attributes){while(node.attributes.length>0){node.removeAttribute(node.attributes[0].name);}_Reflect$ownKeys$1(attrs).forEach(function(key){node.setAttribute(key,attrs[key]);});}return node;}// DOM manipulation
var IS_LINK=new RegExp('https?://','i');var IS_IMAGE=new RegExp('.(png|gif|jpe?g)','i');var TAGS_TO_REMOVE=['script','style','form'].join(',');// Convert all instances of images with potentially
// lazy loaded images into normal images.
// Many sites will have img tags with no source, or an image tag with a src
// attribute that a is a placeholer. We need to be able to properly fill in
// the src attribute so the images are no longer lazy loaded.
function convertLazyLoadedImages($){$('img').each(function(_,img){var attrs=getAttrs$1(img);_Reflect$ownKeys$1(attrs).forEach(function(attr){var value=attrs[attr];if(attr!=='src'&&IS_LINK.test(value)&&IS_IMAGE.test(value)){$(img).attr('src',value);}});});return $;}function isComment(index,node){return node.type==='comment';}function cleanComments($){$('*').first().contents().filter(isComment).remove();return $;}function clean($){$(TAGS_TO_REMOVE).remove();$=cleanComments($);return $;}var Resource={// Create a Resource.
// :param url: The URL for the document we should retrieve.
// :param response: If set, use as the response rather than
// attempting to fetch it ourselves. Expects a
// string.
create:function create(url,preparedResponse,parsedUrl){var _this=this;return _asyncToGenerator(_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(){var result,validResponse;return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context){while(1){switch(_context.prev=_context.next){case 0:result=void 0;if(!preparedResponse){_context.next=6;break;}validResponse={statusMessage:'OK',statusCode:200,headers:{'content-type':'text/html','content-length':500}};result={body:preparedResponse,response:validResponse};_context.next=9;break;case 6:_context.next=8;return fetchResource$1(url,parsedUrl);case 8:result=_context.sent;case 9:if(!result.error){_context.next=11;break;}return _context.abrupt('return',result);case 11:return _context.abrupt('return',_this.generateDoc(result));case 12:case'end':return _context.stop();}}},_callee,_this);}))();},generateDoc:function generateDoc(_ref){var content=_ref.body,response=_ref.response;var contentType=response.headers['content-type'];// TODO: Implement is_text function from
// https://github.com/ReadabilityHoldings/readability/blob/8dc89613241d04741ebd42fa9fa7df1b1d746303/readability/utils/text.py#L57
if(!contentType.includes('html')&&!contentType.includes('text')){throw new Error('Content does not appear to be text.');}var $=cheerio$1.load(content,{normalizeWhitespace:true});if($('*').first().children().length===0){throw new Error('No children, likely a bad parse.');}$=normalizeMetaTags($);$=convertLazyLoadedImages($);$=clean($);return $;}};var merge=function merge(extractor,domains){return domains.reduce(function(acc,domain){acc[domain]=extractor;return acc;},{});};function mergeSupportedDomains(extractor){return extractor.supportedDomains?merge(extractor,[extractor.domain].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(extractor.supportedDomains))):merge(extractor,[extractor.domain]);}var BloggerExtractor={domain:'blogspot.com',content:{// Blogger is insane and does not load its content
// initially in the page, but it's all there
// in noscript
selectors:['.post-content noscript'],// Selectors to remove from the extracted content
clean:[],// Convert the noscript tag to a div
transforms:{noscript:'div'}},author:{selectors:['.post-author-name']},title:{selectors:['.post h2.title']},date_published:{selectors:['span.publishdate']}};var NYMagExtractor={domain:'nymag.com',content:{// Order by most likely. Extractor will stop on first occurrence
selectors:['div.article-content','section.body','article.article'],// Selectors to remove from the extracted content
clean:['.ad','.single-related-story'],// Object of tranformations to make on matched elements
// Each key is the selector, each value is the tag to
// transform to.
// If a function is given, it should return a string
// to convert to or nothing (in which case it will not perform
// the transformation.
transforms:{// Convert h1s to h2s
h1:'h2',// Convert lazy-loaded noscript images to figures
noscript:function noscript($node,$){if($.browser){var $children=$($node.text());if($children.length===1&&$children.get(0)!==undefined&&$children.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase()==='img'){return'figure';}}else{var _$children=$node.children();if(_$children.length===1&&_$children.get(0).tagName==='img'){return'figure';}}return null;}}},title:{selectors:['h1.lede-feature-title','h1.headline-primary','h1']},author:{selectors:['.by-authors','.lede-feature-author']},dek:{selectors:['.lede-feature-teaser']},date_published:{selectors:[['time.article-timestamp[datetime]','datetime'],'time.article-timestamp']}};var WikipediaExtractor={domain:'wikipedia.org',content:{selectors:['#mw-content-text'],defaultCleaner:false,// transform top infobox to an image with caption
transforms:{'.infobox img':function infoboxImg($node){var $parent=$node.parents('.infobox');// Only prepend the first image in .infobox
if($parent.children('img').length===0){$parent.prepend($node);}},'.infobox caption':'figcaption','.infobox':'figure'},// Selectors to remove from the extracted content
clean:['.mw-editsection','figure tr, figure td, figure tbody','#toc','.navbox']},author:'Wikipedia Contributors',title:{selectors:['h2.title']},date_published:{selectors:['#footer-info-lastmod']}};var TwitterExtractor={domain:'twitter.com',content:{transforms:{// We're transforming essentially the whole page here.
// Twitter doesn't have nice selectors, so our initial
// selector grabs the whole page, then we're re-writing
// it to fit our needs before we clean it up.
'.permalink[role=main]':function permalinkRoleMain($node,$){var tweets=$node.find('.tweet');var $tweetContainer=$('<div id="TWEETS_GO_HERE"></div>');$tweetContainer.append(tweets);$node.replaceWith($tweetContainer);},// Twitter wraps @ with s, which
// renders as a strikethrough
s:'span'},selectors:['.permalink[role=main]'],defaultCleaner:false,clean:['.stream-item-footer','button','.tweet-details-fixer']},author:{selectors:['.tweet.permalink-tweet .username']},date_published:{selectors:[['.permalink-tweet ._timestamp[data-time-ms]','data-time-ms']]}};var NYTimesExtractor={domain:'www.nytimes.com',title:{selectors:['.g-headline','h1.headline']},author:{selectors:[['meta[name="author"]','value'],'.g-byline','.byline']},content:{selectors:['div.g-blocks','article#story'],defaultCleaner:false,transforms:{'img.g-lazy':function imgGLazy($node){var src=$node.attr('src');// const widths = $node.attr('data-widths')
// .slice(1)
// .slice(0, -1)
// .split(',');
// if (widths.length) {
// width = widths.slice(-1);
// } else {
// width = '900';
// }
var width=640;src=src.replace('{{size}}',width);$node.attr('src',src);}},clean:['.ad','header#story-header','.story-body-1 .lede.video','.visually-hidden','#newsletter-promo','.promo','.comments-button','.hidden']},date_published:null,lead_image_url:null,dek:null,next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
var TheAtlanticExtractor={domain:'www.theatlantic.com',title:{selectors:['h1.hed']},author:{selectors:['article#article .article-cover-extra .metadata .byline a']},content:{selectors:['.article-body'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['time[itemProp="datePublished"]','datetime']]},lead_image_url:null,dek:null,next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var NewYorkerExtractor={domain:'www.newyorker.com',title:{selectors:['h1.title']},author:{selectors:['.contributors']},content:{selectors:['div#articleBody','div.articleBody'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['meta[name="article:published_time"]','value']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var WiredExtractor={domain:'www.wired.com',title:{selectors:['h1.post-title']},author:{selectors:['a[rel="author"]']},content:{selectors:['article.content'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:['.visually-hidden']},date_published:{selectors:[['meta[itemprop="datePublished"]','value']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var MSNExtractor={domain:'www.msn.com',title:{selectors:['h1']},author:{selectors:['span.authorname-txt']},content:{selectors:['div.richtext'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:['span.caption']},date_published:{selectors:['span.time']},lead_image_url:{selectors:[]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var YahooExtractor={domain:'www.yahoo.com',title:{selectors:['header.canvas-header']},author:{selectors:['span.provider-name']},content:{selectors:[// enter content selectors
'.content-canvas'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:['.figure-caption']},date_published:{selectors:[['time.date[datetime]','datetime']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var BuzzfeedExtractor={domain:'www.buzzfeed.com',title:{selectors:['h1[id="post-title"]']},author:{selectors:['a[data-action="user/username"]','byline__author']},content:{selectors:['#buzz_sub_buzz'],defaultCleaner:false,// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:{h2:'b'},// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:['.instapaper_ignore','.suplist_list_hide .buzz_superlist_item .buzz_superlist_number_inline','.share-box']},date_published:{selectors:['.buzz-datetime']},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var WikiaExtractor={domain:'fandom.wikia.com',title:{selectors:['h1.entry-title']},author:{selectors:['.author vcard','.fn']},content:{selectors:['.grid-content','.entry-content'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['meta[name="article:published_time"]','value']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var LittleThingsExtractor={domain:'www.littlethings.com',title:{selectors:['h1.post-title']},author:{selectors:[['meta[name="author"]','value']]},content:{selectors:[// enter content selectors
'.mainContentIntro','.content-wrapper'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var PoliticoExtractor={domain:'www.politico.com',title:{selectors:[// enter title selectors
['meta[name="og:title"]','value']]},author:{selectors:['.story-main-content .byline .vcard']},content:{selectors:[// enter content selectors
'.story-main-content','.content-group','.story-core','.story-text'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:[],// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:['figcaption']},date_published:{selectors:[['.story-main-content .timestamp time[datetime]','datetime']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[// enter lead_image_url selectors
['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="description"]','value']]},next_page_url:null,excerpt:null};var DeadspinExtractor={domain:'deadspin.com',supportedDomains:['jezebel.com','lifehacker.com','kotaku.com','gizmodo.com','jalopnik.com','kinja.com'],title:{selectors:['h1.headline']},author:{selectors:['.author']},content:{selectors:['.post-content','.entry-content'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:{'iframe.lazyload[data-recommend-id^="youtube://"]':function iframeLazyloadDataRecommendIdYoutube($node){var youtubeId=$node.attr('id').split('youtube-')[1];$node.attr('src','https://www.youtube.com/embed/'+youtubeId);}},// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['time.updated[datetime]','datetime']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]},next_page_url:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]},excerpt:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]}};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var BroadwayWorldExtractor={domain:'www.broadwayworld.com',title:{selectors:['h1.article-title']},author:{selectors:['span[itemprop=author]']},content:{selectors:['div[itemprop=articlebody]'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:{},// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['meta[itemprop=datePublished]','value']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:description"]','value']]},next_page_url:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]},excerpt:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]}};// Rename CustomExtractor
// to fit your publication
// (e.g., NYTimesExtractor)
var ApartmentTherapyExtractor={domain:'www.apartmenttherapy.com',title:{selectors:['h1.headline']},author:{selectors:['.PostByline__name']},content:{selectors:['div.post__content'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:{'div[data-render-react-id="images/LazyPicture"]':function divDataRenderReactIdImagesLazyPicture($node,$){var data=JSON.parse($node.attr('data-props'));var src=data.sources[0].src;var $img=$('<img />').attr('src',src);$node.replaceWith($img);}},// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['.PostByline__timestamp[datetime]','datetime']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[['meta[name=description]','value']]},next_page_url:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]},excerpt:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]}};var MediumExtractor={domain:'medium.com',supportedDomains:['trackchanges.postlight.com'],title:{selectors:['h1']},author:{selectors:[['meta[name="author"]','value']]},content:{selectors:['.section-content'],// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms:{// Re-write lazy-loaded youtube videos
iframe:function iframe($node){var ytRe=/https:\/\/i.embed.ly\/.+url=https:\/\/i\.ytimg\.com\/vi\/(\w+)\//;var thumb=decodeURIComponent($node.attr('data-thumbnail'));if(ytRe.test(thumb)){var _thumb$match=thumb.match(ytRe),_thumb$match2=_slicedToArray$1(_thumb$match,2),_=_thumb$match2[0],youtubeId=_thumb$match2[1];// eslint-disable-line
$node.attr('src','https://www.youtube.com/embed/'+youtubeId);var $parent=$node.parents('figure');$parent.prepend($node.clone());$node.remove();}}},// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result
clean:[]},date_published:{selectors:[['time[datetime]','datetime']]},lead_image_url:{selectors:[['meta[name="og:image"]','value']]},dek:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]},next_page_url:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]},excerpt:{selectors:[// enter selectors
]}};var CustomExtractors=_Object$freeze({BloggerExtractor:BloggerExtractor,NYMagExtractor:NYMagExtractor,WikipediaExtractor:WikipediaExtractor,TwitterExtractor:TwitterExtractor,NYTimesExtractor:NYTimesExtractor,TheAtlanticExtractor:TheAtlanticExtractor,NewYorkerExtractor:NewYorkerExtractor,WiredExtractor:WiredExtractor,MSNExtractor:MSNExtractor,YahooExtractor:YahooExtractor,BuzzfeedExtractor:BuzzfeedExtractor,WikiaExtractor:WikiaExtractor,LittleThingsExtractor:LittleThingsExtractor,PoliticoExtractor:PoliticoExtractor,DeadspinExtractor:DeadspinExtractor,BroadwayWorldExtractor:BroadwayWorldExtractor,ApartmentTherapyExtractor:ApartmentTherapyExtractor,MediumExtractor:MediumExtractor});var Extractors=_Object$keys(CustomExtractors).reduce(function(acc,key){var extractor=CustomExtractors[key];return _extends$1({},acc,mergeSupportedDomains(extractor));},{});// CLEAN AUTHOR CONSTANTS
var CLEAN_AUTHOR_RE=/^\s*(posted |written )?by\s*:?\s*(.*)/i;// author = re.sub(r'^\s*(posted |written )?by\s*:?\s*(.*)(?i)',
var TEXT_LINK_RE=new RegExp('http(s)?://','i');// An ordered list of meta tag names that denote likely article deks.
// From most distinct to least distinct.
// NOTE: There are currently no meta tags that seem to provide the right
// content consistenty enough. Two options were:
// - og:description
// - dc.description
// However, these tags often have SEO-specific junk in them that's not
// header-worthy like a dek is. Excerpt material at best.
// An ordered list of Selectors to find likely article deks. From
// most explicit to least explicit.
// Should be more restrictive than not, as a failed dek can be pretty
// detrimental to the aesthetics of an article.
var MS_DATE_STRING=/^\d{13}$/i;var SEC_DATE_STRING=/^\d{10}$/i;var CLEAN_DATE_STRING_RE=/^\s*published\s*:?\s*(.*)/i;var TIME_MERIDIAN_SPACE_RE=/(.*\d)(am|pm)(.*)/i;var TIME_MERIDIAN_DOTS_RE=/\.m\./i;var months=['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'];var allMonths=months.join('|');var timestamp1='[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2,2}( ?[ap].?m.?)?';var timestamp2='[0-9]{1,2}[/-][0-9]{1,2}[/-][0-9]{2,4}';var SPLIT_DATE_STRING=new RegExp('('+timestamp1+')|('+timestamp2+')|([0-9]{1,4})|('+allMonths+')','ig');// CLEAN TITLE CONSTANTS
// A regular expression that will match separating characters on a
// title, that usually denote breadcrumbs or something similar.
var TITLE_SPLITTERS_RE=/(: | - | \| )/g;var DOMAIN_ENDINGS_RE=new RegExp('.com$|.net$|.org$|.co.uk$','g');// Take an author string (like 'By David Smith ') and clean it to
// just the name(s): 'David Smith'.
function cleanAuthor(author){return author.replace(CLEAN_AUTHOR_RE,'$2').trim();}function clean$1(leadImageUrl){leadImageUrl=leadImageUrl.trim();if(validUrl$1.isWebUri(leadImageUrl)){return leadImageUrl;}return null;}// Take a dek HTML fragment, and return the cleaned version of it.
// Return None if the dek wasn't good enough.
function cleanDek(dek,_ref){var $=_ref.$,excerpt=_ref.excerpt;// Sanity check that we didn't get too short or long of a dek.
if(dek.length>1000||dek.length<5)return null;// Check that dek isn't the same as excerpt
if(excerpt&&excerptContent$1(excerpt,10)===excerptContent$1(dek,10))return null;var dekText=stripTags$1(dek,$);// Plain text links shouldn't exist in the dek. If we have some, it's
// not a good dek - bail.
if(TEXT_LINK_RE.test(dekText))return null;return dekText.trim();}// Is there a compelling reason to use moment here?
// Mostly only being used for the isValid() method,
// but could just check for 'Invalid Date' string.
function cleanDateString(dateString){return(dateString.match(SPLIT_DATE_STRING)||[]).join(' ').replace(TIME_MERIDIAN_DOTS_RE,'m').replace(TIME_MERIDIAN_SPACE_RE,'$1 $2 $3').replace(CLEAN_DATE_STRING_RE,'$1').trim();}// Take a date published string, and hopefully return a date out of
// it. Return none if we fail.
function cleanDatePublished(dateString){// If string is in milliseconds or seconds, convert to int
if(MS_DATE_STRING.test(dateString)||SEC_DATE_STRING.test(dateString)){dateString=parseInt(dateString,10);}var date=moment$1(new Date(dateString));if(!date.isValid()){dateString=cleanDateString(dateString);date=moment$1(new Date(dateString));}return date.isValid()?date.toISOString():null;}// Clean our article content, returning a new, cleaned node.
function extractCleanNode(article,_ref){var $=_ref.$,_ref$cleanConditional=_ref.cleanConditionally,cleanConditionally=_ref$cleanConditional===undefined?true:_ref$cleanConditional,_ref$title=_ref.title,title=_ref$title===undefined?'':_ref$title,_ref$url=_ref.url,url=_ref$url===undefined?'':_ref$url,_ref$defaultCleaner=_ref.defaultCleaner,defaultCleaner=_ref$defaultCleaner===undefined?true:_ref$defaultCleaner;// Rewrite the tag name to div if it's a top level node like body or
// html to avoid later complications with multiple body tags.
rewriteTopLevel$$1(article,$);// Drop small images and spacer images
// Only do this is defaultCleaner is set to true;
// this can sometimes be too aggressive.
if(defaultCleaner)cleanImages$1(article,$);// Mark elements to keep that would normally be removed.
// E.g., stripJunkTags will remove iframes, so we're going to mark
// YouTube/Vimeo videos as elements we want to keep.
markToKeep$1(article,$,url);// Drop certain tags like <title>, etc
// This is -mostly- for cleanliness, not security.
stripJunkTags$1(article,$);// H1 tags are typically the article title, which should be extracted
// by the title extractor instead. If there's less than 3 of them (<3),
// strip them. Otherwise, turn 'em into H2s.
cleanHOnes$$1(article,$);// Clean headers
cleanHeaders$1(article,$,title);// Make links absolute
makeLinksAbsolute$$1(article,$,url);// We used to clean UL's and OL's here, but it was leading to
// too many in-article lists being removed. Consider a better
// way to detect menus particularly and remove them.
// Also optionally running, since it can be overly aggressive.
if(defaultCleaner)cleanTags$$1(article,$,cleanConditionally);// Remove empty paragraph nodes
removeEmpty$1(article,$);// Remove unnecessary attributes
cleanAttributes$$1(article,$);return article;}function cleanTitle$$1(title,_ref){var url=_ref.url,$=_ref.$;// If title has |, :, or - in it, see if
// we can clean it up.
if(TITLE_SPLITTERS_RE.test(title)){title=resolveSplitTitle(title,url);}// Final sanity check that we didn't get a crazy title.
// if (title.length > 150 || title.length < 15) {
if(title.length>150){// If we did, return h1 from the document if it exists
var h1=$('h1');if(h1.length===1){title=h1.text();}}// strip any html tags in the title text
return stripTags$1(title,$).trim();}function extractBreadcrumbTitle(splitTitle,text){// This must be a very breadcrumbed title, like:
// The Best Gadgets on Earth : Bits : Blogs : NYTimes.com
// NYTimes - Blogs - Bits - The Best Gadgets on Earth
if(splitTitle.length>=6){var _ret=function(){// Look to see if we can find a breadcrumb splitter that happens
// more than once. If we can, we'll be able to better pull out
// the title.
var termCounts=splitTitle.reduce(function(acc,titleText){acc[titleText]=acc[titleText]?acc[titleText]+1:1;return acc;},{});var _Reflect$ownKeys$redu=_Reflect$ownKeys$1(termCounts).reduce(function(acc,key){if(acc[1]<termCounts[key]){return[key,termCounts[key]];}return acc;},[0,0]),_Reflect$ownKeys$redu2=_slicedToArray$1(_Reflect$ownKeys$redu,2),maxTerm=_Reflect$ownKeys$redu2[0],termCount=_Reflect$ownKeys$redu2[1];// We found a splitter that was used more than once, so it
// is probably the breadcrumber. Split our title on that instead.
// Note: max_term should be <= 4 characters, so that " >> "
// will match, but nothing longer than that.
if(termCount>=2&&maxTerm.length<=4){splitTitle=text.split(maxTerm);}var splitEnds=[splitTitle[0],splitTitle.slice(-1)];var longestEnd=splitEnds.reduce(function(acc,end){return acc.length>end.length?acc:end;},'');if(longestEnd.length>10){return{v:longestEnd};}return{v:text};}();if((typeof _ret==='undefined'?'undefined':_typeof$1(_ret))==="object")return _ret.v;}return null;}function cleanDomainFromTitle(splitTitle,url){// Search the ends of the title, looking for bits that fuzzy match
// the URL too closely. If one is found, discard it and return the
// rest.
// Strip out the big TLDs - it just makes the matching a bit more
// accurate. Not the end of the world if it doesn't strip right.
var _URL$parse=URL$1.parse(url),host=_URL$parse.host;var nakedDomain=host.replace(DOMAIN_ENDINGS_RE,'');var startSlug=splitTitle[0].toLowerCase().replace(' ','');var startSlugRatio=wuzzy$1.levenshtein(startSlug,nakedDomain);if(startSlugRatio>0.4&&startSlug.length>5){return splitTitle.slice(2).join('');}var endSlug=splitTitle.slice(-1)[0].toLowerCase().replace(' ','');var endSlugRatio=wuzzy$1.levenshtein(endSlug,nakedDomain);if(endSlugRatio>0.4&&endSlug.length>=5){return splitTitle.slice(0,-2).join('');}return null;}// Given a title with separators in it (colons, dashes, etc),
// resolve whether any of the segments should be removed.
function resolveSplitTitle(title){var url=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:'';// Splits while preserving splitters, like:
// ['The New New York', ' - ', 'The Washington Post']
var splitTitle=title.split(TITLE_SPLITTERS_RE);if(splitTitle.length===1){return title;}var newTitle=extractBreadcrumbTitle(splitTitle,title);if(newTitle)return newTitle;newTitle=cleanDomainFromTitle(splitTitle,url);if(newTitle)return newTitle;// Fuzzy ratio didn't find anything, so this title is probably legit.
// Just return it all.
return title;}var Cleaners={author:cleanAuthor,lead_image_url:clean$1,dek:cleanDek,date_published:cleanDatePublished,content:extractCleanNode,title:cleanTitle$$1};// Using a variety of scoring techniques, extract the content most
// likely to be article text.
// If strip_unlikely_candidates is True, remove any elements that
// match certain criteria first. (Like, does this element have a
// classname of "comment")
// If weight_nodes is True, use classNames and IDs to determine the
// worthiness of nodes.
// Returns a cheerio object $
function extractBestNode($,opts){// clone the node so we can get back to our
// initial parsed state if needed
// TODO Do I need this? – AP
// let $root = $.root().clone()
if(opts.stripUnlikelyCandidates){$=stripUnlikelyCandidates$1($);}$=convertToParagraphs$$1($);$=scoreContent$$1($,opts.weightNodes);var $topCandidate=findTopCandidate$$1($);return $topCandidate;}var GenericContentExtractor={defaultOpts:{stripUnlikelyCandidates:true,weightNodes:true,cleanConditionally:true},// Extract the content for this resource - initially, pass in our
// most restrictive opts which will return the highest quality
// content. On each failure, retry with slightly more lax opts.
// :param return_type: string. If "node", should return the content
// as a cheerio node rather than as an HTML string.
// Opts:
// stripUnlikelyCandidates: Remove any elements that match
// non-article-like criteria first.(Like, does this element
// have a classname of "comment")
// weightNodes: Modify an elements score based on whether it has
// certain classNames or IDs. Examples: Subtract if a node has
// a className of 'comment', Add if a node has an ID of
// 'entry-content'.
// cleanConditionally: Clean the node to return of some
// superfluous content. Things like forms, ads, etc.
extract:function extract(_ref,opts){var $=_ref.$,html=_ref.html,title=_ref.title,url=_ref.url,cheerio$$1=_ref.cheerio;opts=_extends$1({},this.defaultOpts,opts);$=$||cheerio$$1.load(html);// Cascade through our extraction-specific opts in an ordered fashion,
// turning them off as we try to extract content.
var node=this.getContentNode($,title,url,opts);if(nodeIsSufficient$1(node)){return this.cleanAndReturnNode(node,$);}// We didn't succeed on first pass, one by one disable our
// extraction opts and try again.
var _iteratorNormalCompletion=true;var _didIteratorError=false;var _iteratorError=undefined;try{for(var _iterator=_getIterator$1(_Reflect$ownKeys$1(opts).filter(function(k){return opts[k]===true;})),_step;!(_iteratorNormalCompletion=(_step=_iterator.next()).done);_iteratorNormalCompletion=true){var key=_step.value;opts[key]=false;$=cheerio$$1.load(html);node=this.getContentNode($,title,url,opts);if(nodeIsSufficient$1(node)){break;}}}catch(err){_didIteratorError=true;_iteratorError=err;}finally{try{if(!_iteratorNormalCompletion&&_iterator.return){_iterator.return();}}finally{if(_didIteratorError){throw _iteratorError;}}}return this.cleanAndReturnNode(node,$);},// Get node given current options
getContentNode:function getContentNode($,title,url,opts){return extractCleanNode(extractBestNode($,opts),{$:$,cleanConditionally:opts.cleanConditionally,title:title,url:url});},// Once we got here, either we're at our last-resort node, or
// we broke early. Make sure we at least have -something- before we
// move forward.
cleanAndReturnNode:function cleanAndReturnNode(node,$){if(!node){return null;}return normalizeSpaces$1($.html(node));// if return_type == "html":
// return normalize_spaces(node_to_html(node))
// else:
// return node
}};// TODO: It would be great if we could merge the meta and selector lists into
// a list of objects, because we could then rank them better. For example,
// .hentry .entry-title is far better suited than <meta title>.
// An ordered list of meta tag names that denote likely article titles. All
// attributes should be lowercase for faster case-insensitive matching. From
// most distinct to least distinct.
var STRONG_TITLE_META_TAGS=['tweetmeme-title','dc.title','rbtitle','headline','title'];// og:title is weak because it typically contains context that we don't like,
// for example the source site's name. Gotta get that brand into facebook!
var WEAK_TITLE_META_TAGS=['og:title'];// An ordered list of XPath Selectors to find likely article titles. From
// most explicit to least explicit.
// Note - this does not use classes like CSS. This checks to see if the string
// exists in the className, which is not as accurate as .className (which
// splits on spaces/endlines), but for our purposes it's close enough. The
// speed tradeoff is worth the accuracy hit.
var STRONG_TITLE_SELECTORS=['.hentry .entry-title','h1#articleHeader','h1.articleHeader','h1.article','.instapaper_title','#meebo-title'];var WEAK_TITLE_SELECTORS=['article h1','#entry-title','.entry-title','#entryTitle','#entrytitle','.entryTitle','.entrytitle','#articleTitle','.articleTitle','post post-title','h1.title','h2.article','h1','html head title','title'];var GenericTitleExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,url=_ref.url,metaCache=_ref.metaCache;// First, check to see if we have a matching meta tag that we can make
// use of that is strongly associated with the headline.
var title=void 0;title=extractFromMeta$$1($,STRONG_TITLE_META_TAGS,metaCache);if(title)return cleanTitle$$1(title,{url:url,$:$});// Second, look through our content selectors for the most likely
// article title that is strongly associated with the headline.
title=extractFromSelectors$$1($,STRONG_TITLE_SELECTORS);if(title)return cleanTitle$$1(title,{url:url,$:$});// Third, check for weaker meta tags that may match.
title=extractFromMeta$$1($,WEAK_TITLE_META_TAGS,metaCache);if(title)return cleanTitle$$1(title,{url:url,$:$});// Last, look for weaker selector tags that may match.
title=extractFromSelectors$$1($,WEAK_TITLE_SELECTORS);if(title)return cleanTitle$$1(title,{url:url,$:$});// If no matches, return an empty string
return'';}};// An ordered list of meta tag names that denote likely article authors. All
// attributes should be lowercase for faster case-insensitive matching. From
// most distinct to least distinct.
// Note: "author" is too often the -developer- of the page, so it is not
// added here.
var AUTHOR_META_TAGS=['byl','clmst','dc.author','dcsext.author','dc.creator','rbauthors','authors'];var AUTHOR_MAX_LENGTH=300;// An ordered list of XPath Selectors to find likely article authors. From
// most explicit to least explicit.
// Note - this does not use classes like CSS. This checks to see if the string
// exists in the className, which is not as accurate as .className (which
// splits on spaces/endlines), but for our purposes it's close enough. The
// speed tradeoff is worth the accuracy hit.
var AUTHOR_SELECTORS=['.entry .entry-author','.author.vcard .fn','.author .vcard .fn','.byline.vcard .fn','.byline .vcard .fn','.byline .by .author','.byline .by','.byline .author','.post-author.vcard','.post-author .vcard','a[rel=author]','#by_author','.by_author','#entryAuthor','.entryAuthor','.byline a[href*=author]','#author .authorname','.author .authorname','#author','.author','.articleauthor','.ArticleAuthor','.byline'];// An ordered list of Selectors to find likely article authors, with
// regular expression for content.
var bylineRe=/^[\n\s]*By/i;var BYLINE_SELECTORS_RE=[['#byline',bylineRe],['.byline',bylineRe]];var GenericAuthorExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,metaCache=_ref.metaCache;var author=void 0;// First, check to see if we have a matching
// meta tag that we can make use of.
author=extractFromMeta$$1($,AUTHOR_META_TAGS,metaCache);if(author&&author.length<AUTHOR_MAX_LENGTH){return cleanAuthor(author);}// Second, look through our selectors looking for potential authors.
author=extractFromSelectors$$1($,AUTHOR_SELECTORS,2);if(author&&author.length<AUTHOR_MAX_LENGTH){return cleanAuthor(author);}// Last, use our looser regular-expression based selectors for
// potential authors.
var _iteratorNormalCompletion=true;var _didIteratorError=false;var _iteratorError=undefined;try{for(var _iterator=_getIterator$1(BYLINE_SELECTORS_RE),_step;!(_iteratorNormalCompletion=(_step=_iterator.next()).done);_iteratorNormalCompletion=true){var _ref4=_step.value;var _ref3=_slicedToArray$1(_ref4,2);var selector=_ref3[0];var regex=_ref3[1];var node=$(selector);if(node.length===1){var text=node.text();if(regex.test(text)){return cleanAuthor(text);}}}}catch(err){_didIteratorError=true;_iteratorError=err;}finally{try{if(!_iteratorNormalCompletion&&_iterator.return){_iterator.return();}}finally{if(_didIteratorError){throw _iteratorError;}}}return null;}};// An ordered list of meta tag names that denote
// likely date published dates. All attributes
// should be lowercase for faster case-insensitive matching.
// From most distinct to least distinct.
var DATE_PUBLISHED_META_TAGS=['article:published_time','displaydate','dc.date','dc.date.issued','rbpubdate','publish_date','pub_date','pagedate','pubdate','revision_date','doc_date','date_created','content_create_date','lastmodified','created','date'];// An ordered list of XPath Selectors to find
// likely date published dates. From most explicit
// to least explicit.
var DATE_PUBLISHED_SELECTORS=['.hentry .dtstamp.published','.hentry .published','.hentry .dtstamp.updated','.hentry .updated','.single .published','.meta .published','.meta .postDate','.entry-date','.byline .date','.postmetadata .date','.article_datetime','.date-header','.story-date','.dateStamp','#story .datetime','.dateline','.pubdate'];// An ordered list of compiled regular expressions to find likely date
// published dates from the URL. These should always have the first
// reference be a date string that is parseable by dateutil.parser.parse
var abbrevMonthsStr='(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)';var DATE_PUBLISHED_URL_RES=[// /2012/01/27/ but not /2012/01/293
new RegExp('/(20\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{2})/','i'),// 20120127 or 20120127T but not 2012012733 or 8201201733
// /[^0-9](20\d{2}[01]\d[0-3]\d)([^0-9]|$)/i,
// 2012-01-27
new RegExp('(20\\d{2}-[01]\\d-[0-3]\\d)','i'),// /2012/jan/27/
new RegExp('/(20\\d{2}/'+abbrevMonthsStr+'/[0-3]\\d)/','i')];var GenericDatePublishedExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,url=_ref.url,metaCache=_ref.metaCache;var datePublished=void 0;// First, check to see if we have a matching meta tag
// that we can make use of.
// Don't try cleaning tags from this string
datePublished=extractFromMeta$$1($,DATE_PUBLISHED_META_TAGS,metaCache,false);if(datePublished)return cleanDatePublished(datePublished);// Second, look through our selectors looking for potential
// date_published's.
datePublished=extractFromSelectors$$1($,DATE_PUBLISHED_SELECTORS);if(datePublished)return cleanDatePublished(datePublished);// Lastly, look to see if a dately string exists in the URL
datePublished=extractFromUrl$1(url,DATE_PUBLISHED_URL_RES);if(datePublished)return cleanDatePublished(datePublished);return null;}};// import {
// } from './constants';
// import { cleanDek } from 'cleaners';
// import {
// extractFromMeta,
// extractFromSelectors,
// } from 'utils/dom';
// Currently there is only one selector for
// deks. We should simply return null here
// until we have a more robust generic option.
// Below is the original source for this, for reference.
var GenericDekExtractor={// extract({ $, content, metaCache }) {
extract:function extract(){return null;}};// def extract_dek(self):
// # First, check to see if we have a matching meta tag that we can make
// # use of.
// dek = self.extract_from_meta('dek', constants.DEK_META_TAGS)
// if not dek:
// # Second, look through our CSS/XPath selectors. This may return
// # an HTML fragment.
// dek = self.extract_from_selectors('dek',
// constants.DEK_SELECTORS,
// text_only=False)
// if dek:
// # Make sure our dek isn't in the first few thousand characters
// # of the content, otherwise it's just the start of the article
// # and not a true dek.
// content = self.extract_content()
// content_chunk = normalize_spaces(strip_tags(content[:2000]))
// dek_chunk = normalize_spaces(dek[:100]) # Already has no tags.
// # 80% or greater similarity means the dek was very similar to some
// # of the starting content, so we skip it.
// if fuzz.partial_ratio(content_chunk, dek_chunk) < 80:
// return dek
// return None
// An ordered list of meta tag names that denote likely article leading images.
// All attributes should be lowercase for faster case-insensitive matching.
// From most distinct to least distinct.
var LEAD_IMAGE_URL_META_TAGS=['og:image','twitter:image','image_src'];var LEAD_IMAGE_URL_SELECTORS=['link[rel=image_src]'];var POSITIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS=['upload','wp-content','large','photo','wp-image'];var POSITIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE=new RegExp(POSITIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS.join('|'),'i');var NEGATIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS=['spacer','sprite','blank','throbber','gradient','tile','bg','background','icon','social','header','hdr','advert','spinner','loader','loading','default','rating','share','facebook','twitter','theme','promo','ads','wp-includes'];var NEGATIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE=new RegExp(NEGATIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS.join('|'),'i');var GIF_RE=/\.gif(\?.*)?$/i;var JPG_RE=/\.jpe?g(\?.*)?$/i;function getSig($node){return($node.attr('class')||'')+' '+($node.attr('id')||'');}// Scores image urls based on a variety of heuristics.
function scoreImageUrl(url){url=url.trim();var score=0;if(POSITIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE.test(url)){score+=20;}if(NEGATIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE.test(url)){score-=20;}// TODO: We might want to consider removing this as
// gifs are much more common/popular than they once were
if(GIF_RE.test(url)){score-=10;}if(JPG_RE.test(url)){score+=10;}// PNGs are neutral.
return score;}// Alt attribute usually means non-presentational image.
function scoreAttr($img){if($img.attr('alt')){return 5;}return 0;}// Look through our parent and grandparent for figure-like
// container elements, give a bonus if we find them
function scoreByParents($img){var score=0;var $figParent=$img.parents('figure').first();if($figParent.length===1){score+=25;}var $parent=$img.parent();var $gParent=void 0;if($parent.length===1){$gParent=$parent.parent();}[$parent,$gParent].forEach(function($node){if(PHOTO_HINTS_RE$1$1.test(getSig($node))){score+=15;}});return score;}// Look at our immediate sibling and see if it looks like it's a
// caption. Bonus if so.
function scoreBySibling($img){var score=0;var $sibling=$img.next();var sibling=$sibling.get(0);if(sibling&&sibling.tagName==='figcaption'){score+=25;}if(PHOTO_HINTS_RE$1$1.test(getSig($sibling))){score+=15;}return score;}function scoreByDimensions($img){var score=0;var width=parseFloat($img.attr('width'));var height=parseFloat($img.attr('height'));var src=$img.attr('src');// Penalty for skinny images
if(width&&width<=50){score-=50;}// Penalty for short images
if(height&&height<=50){score-=50;}if(width&&height&&!src.includes('sprite')){var area=width*height;if(area<5000){// Smaller than 50 x 100
score-=100;}else{score+=Math.round(area/1000);}}return score;}function scoreByPosition($imgs,index){return $imgs.length/2-index;}// Given a resource, try to find the lead image URL from within
// it. Like content and next page extraction, uses a scoring system
// to determine what the most likely image may be. Short circuits
// on really probable things like og:image meta tags.
// Potential signals to still take advantage of:
// * domain
// * weird aspect ratio
var GenericLeadImageUrlExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,content=_ref.content,metaCache=_ref.metaCache,html=_ref.html;var cleanUrl=void 0;if(!$.browser&&$('head').length===0){$('*').first().prepend(html);}// Check to see if we have a matching meta tag that we can make use of.
// Moving this higher because common practice is now to use large
// images on things like Open Graph or Twitter cards.
// images usually have for things like Open Graph.
var imageUrl=extractFromMeta$$1($,LEAD_IMAGE_URL_META_TAGS,metaCache,false);if(imageUrl){cleanUrl=clean$1(imageUrl);if(cleanUrl)return cleanUrl;}// Next, try to find the "best" image via the content.
// We'd rather not have to fetch each image and check dimensions,
// so try to do some analysis and determine them instead.
var $content=$(content);var imgs=$('img',$content).toArray();var imgScores={};imgs.forEach(function(img,index){var $img=$(img);var src=$img.attr('src');if(!src)return;var score=scoreImageUrl(src);score+=scoreAttr($img);score+=scoreByParents($img);score+=scoreBySibling($img);score+=scoreByDimensions($img);score+=scoreByPosition(imgs,index);imgScores[src]=score;});var _Reflect$ownKeys$redu=_Reflect$ownKeys$1(imgScores).reduce(function(acc,key){return imgScores[key]>acc[1]?[key,imgScores[key]]:acc;},[null,0]),_Reflect$ownKeys$redu2=_slicedToArray$1(_Reflect$ownKeys$redu,2),topUrl=_Reflect$ownKeys$redu2[0],topScore=_Reflect$ownKeys$redu2[1];if(topScore>0){cleanUrl=clean$1(topUrl);if(cleanUrl)return cleanUrl;}// If nothing else worked, check to see if there are any really
// probable nodes in the doc, like <link rel="image_src" />.
var _iteratorNormalCompletion=true;var _didIteratorError=false;var _iteratorError=undefined;try{for(var _iterator=_getIterator$1(LEAD_IMAGE_URL_SELECTORS),_step;!(_iteratorNormalCompletion=(_step=_iterator.next()).done);_iteratorNormalCompletion=true){var selector=_step.value;var $node=$(selector).first();var src=$node.attr('src');if(src){cleanUrl=clean$1(src);if(cleanUrl)return cleanUrl;}var href=$node.attr('href');if(href){cleanUrl=clean$1(href);if(cleanUrl)return cleanUrl;}var value=$node.attr('value');if(value){cleanUrl=clean$1(value);if(cleanUrl)return cleanUrl;}}}catch(err){_didIteratorError=true;_iteratorError=err;}finally{try{if(!_iteratorNormalCompletion&&_iterator.return){_iterator.return();}}finally{if(_didIteratorError){throw _iteratorError;}}}return null;}};// def extract(self):
// """
// # First, try to find the "best" image via the content.
// # We'd rather not have to fetch each image and check dimensions,
// # so try to do some analysis and determine them instead.
// content = self.extractor.extract_content(return_type="node")
// imgs = content.xpath('.//img')
// img_scores = defaultdict(int)
// logger.debug('Scoring %d images from content', len(imgs))
// for (i, img) in enumerate(imgs):
// img_score = 0
// if not 'src' in img.attrib:
// logger.debug('No src attribute found')
// continue
// try:
// parsed_img = urlparse(img.attrib['src'])
// img_path = parsed_img.path.lower()
// except ValueError:
// logger.debug('ValueError getting img path.')
// continue
// logger.debug('Image path is %s', img_path)
// if constants.POSITIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE.match(img_path):
// logger.debug('Positive URL hints match. Adding 20.')
// img_score += 20
// if constants.NEGATIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE.match(img_path):
// logger.debug('Negative URL hints match. Subtracting 20.')
// img_score -= 20
// # Gifs are more often structure than photos
// if img_path.endswith('gif'):
// logger.debug('gif found. Subtracting 10.')
// img_score -= 10
// # JPGs are more often photographs
// if img_path.endswith('jpg'):
// logger.debug('jpg found. Adding 10.')
// img_score += 10
// # PNGs are neutral.
// # Alt attribute usually means non-presentational image.
// if 'alt' in img.attrib and len(img.attrib['alt']) > 5:
// logger.debug('alt attribute found. Adding 5.')
// img_score += 5
// # Look through our parent and grandparent for figure-like
// # container elements, give a bonus if we find them
// parents = [img.getparent()]
// if parents[0] is not None and parents[0].getparent() is not None:
// parents.append(parents[0].getparent())
// for p in parents:
// if p.tag == 'figure':
// logger.debug('Parent with <figure> tag found. Adding 25.')
// img_score += 25
// p_sig = ' '.join([p.get('id', ''), p.get('class', '')])
// if constants.PHOTO_HINTS_RE.search(p_sig):
// logger.debug('Photo hints regex match. Adding 15.')
// img_score += 15
// # Look at our immediate sibling and see if it looks like it's a
// # caption. Bonus if so.
// sibling = img.getnext()
// if sibling is not None:
// if sibling.tag == 'figcaption':
// img_score += 25
// sib_sig = ' '.join([sibling.get('id', ''),
// sibling.get('class', '')]).lower()
// if 'caption' in sib_sig:
// img_score += 15
// # Pull out width/height if they were set.
// img_width = None
// img_height = None
// if 'width' in img.attrib:
// try:
// img_width = float(img.get('width'))
// except ValueError:
// pass
// if 'height' in img.attrib:
// try:
// img_height = float(img.get('height'))
// except ValueError:
// pass
// # Penalty for skinny images
// if img_width and img_width <= 50:
// logger.debug('Skinny image found. Subtracting 50.')
// img_score -= 50
// # Penalty for short images
// if img_height and img_height <= 50:
// # Wide, short images are more common than narrow, tall ones
// logger.debug('Short image found. Subtracting 25.')
// img_score -= 25
// if img_width and img_height and not 'sprite' in img_path:
// area = img_width * img_height
// if area < 5000: # Smaller than 50x100
// logger.debug('Image with small area found. Subtracting 100.')
// img_score -= 100
// else:
// img_score += round(area/1000.0)
// # If the image is higher on the page than other images,
// # it gets a bonus. Penalty if lower.
// logger.debug('Adding page placement bonus of %d.', len(imgs)/2 - i)
// img_score += len(imgs)/2 - i
// # Use the raw src here because we munged img_path for case
// # insensitivity
// logger.debug('Final score is %d.', img_score)
// img_scores[img.attrib['src']] += img_score
// top_score = 0
// top_url = None
// for (url, score) in img_scores.items():
// if score > top_score:
// top_url = url
// top_score = score
// if top_score > 0:
// logger.debug('Using top score image from content. Score was %d', top_score)
// return top_url
// # If nothing else worked, check to see if there are any really
// # probable nodes in the doc, like <link rel="image_src" />.
// logger.debug('Trying to find lead image in probable nodes')
// for selector in constants.LEAD_IMAGE_URL_SELECTORS:
// nodes = self.resource.extract_by_selector(selector)
// for node in nodes:
// clean_value = None
// if node.attrib.get('src'):
// clean_value = self.clean(node.attrib['src'])
// if not clean_value and node.attrib.get('href'):
// clean_value = self.clean(node.attrib['href'])
// if not clean_value and node.attrib.get('value'):
// clean_value = self.clean(node.attrib['value'])
// if clean_value:
// logger.debug('Found lead image in probable nodes.')
// logger.debug('Node was: %s', node)
// return clean_value
// return None
function scoreSimilarity(score,articleUrl,href){// Do this last and only if we have a real candidate, because it's
// potentially expensive computationally. Compare the link to this
// URL using difflib to get the % similarity of these URLs. On a
// sliding scale, subtract points from this link based on
// similarity.
if(score>0){var similarity=new difflib$1.SequenceMatcher(null,articleUrl,href).ratio();// Subtract .1 from diff_percent when calculating modifier,
// which means that if it's less than 10% different, we give a
// bonus instead. Ex:
// 3% different = +17.5 points
// 10% different = 0 points
// 20% different = -25 points
var diffPercent=1.0-similarity;var diffModifier=-(250*(diffPercent-0.2));return score+diffModifier;}return 0;}function scoreLinkText(linkText,pageNum){// If the link text can be parsed as a number, give it a minor
// bonus, with a slight bias towards lower numbered pages. This is
// so that pages that might not have 'next' in their text can still
// get scored, and sorted properly by score.
var score=0;if(IS_DIGIT_RE$1.test(linkText.trim())){var linkTextAsNum=parseInt(linkText,10);// If it's the first page, we already got it on the first call.
// Give it a negative score. Otherwise, up to page 10, give a
// small bonus.
if(linkTextAsNum<2){score=-30;}else{score=Math.max(0,10-linkTextAsNum);}// If it appears that the current page number is greater than
// this links page number, it's a very bad sign. Give it a big
// penalty.
if(pageNum&&pageNum>=linkTextAsNum){score-=50;}}return score;}function scorePageInLink(pageNum,isWp){// page in the link = bonus. Intentionally ignore wordpress because
// their ?p=123 link style gets caught by this even though it means
// separate documents entirely.
if(pageNum&&!isWp){return 50;}return 0;}var DIGIT_RE$2=/\d/;// A list of words that, if found in link text or URLs, likely mean that
// this link is not a next page link.
var EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS$1=['print','archive','comment','discuss','e-mail','email','share','reply','all','login','sign','single','adx','entry-unrelated'];var EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS_RE$1=new RegExp(EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS$1.join('|'),'i');// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it could mean the next
// page. Things like: next, continue, >, >>, » but not >|, »| as those can
// mean last page.
var NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE$1=new RegExp('(next|weiter|continue|>([^|]|$)|»([^|]|$))','i');// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it is an end link: things
// like "first", "last", "end", etc.
var CAP_LINK_TEXT_RE$1=new RegExp('(first|last|end)','i');// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it means the previous
// page.
var PREV_LINK_TEXT_RE$1=new RegExp('(prev|earl|old|new|<|«)','i');// Match any phrase that looks like it could be page, or paging, or pagination
function scoreExtraneousLinks(href){// If the URL itself contains extraneous values, give a penalty.
if(EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS_RE$1.test(href)){return-25;}return 0;}function makeSig$1($link){return($link.attr('class')||'')+' '+($link.attr('id')||'');}function scoreByParents$1($link){// If a parent node contains paging-like classname or id, give a
// bonus. Additionally, if a parent_node contains bad content
// (like 'sponsor'), give a penalty.
var $parent=$link.parent();var positiveMatch=false;var negativeMatch=false;var score=0;_Array$from(range(0,4)).forEach(function(){if($parent.length===0){return;}var parentData=makeSig$1($parent,' ');// If we have 'page' or 'paging' in our data, that's a good
// sign. Add a bonus.
if(!positiveMatch&&PAGE_RE$1.test(parentData)){positiveMatch=true;score+=25;}// If we have 'comment' or something in our data, and
// we don't have something like 'content' as well, that's
// a bad sign. Give a penalty.
if(!negativeMatch&&NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE$2.test(parentData)&&EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS_RE$1.test(parentData)){if(!POSITIVE_SCORE_RE$2.test(parentData)){negativeMatch=true;score-=25;}}$parent=$parent.parent();});return score;}function scorePrevLink(linkData){// If the link has something like "previous", its definitely
// an old link, skip it.
if(PREV_LINK_TEXT_RE$1.test(linkData)){return-200;}return 0;}function shouldScore(href,articleUrl,baseUrl,parsedUrl,linkText,previousUrls){// skip if we've already fetched this url
if(previousUrls.find(function(url){return href===url;})!==undefined){return false;}// If we've already parsed this URL, or the URL matches the base
// URL, or is empty, skip it.
if(!href||href===articleUrl||href===baseUrl){return false;}var hostname=parsedUrl.hostname;var _URL$parse=URL$1.parse(href),linkHost=_URL$parse.hostname;// Domain mismatch.
if(linkHost!==hostname){return false;}// If href doesn't contain a digit after removing the base URL,
// it's certainly not the next page.
var fragment=href.replace(baseUrl,'');if(!DIGIT_RE$2.test(fragment)){return false;}// This link has extraneous content (like "comment") in its link
// text, so we skip it.
if(EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS_RE$1.test(linkText)){return false;}// Next page link text is never long, skip if it is too long.
if(linkText.length>25){return false;}return true;}function scoreBaseUrl(href,baseRegex){// If the baseUrl isn't part of this URL, penalize this
// link. It could still be the link, but the odds are lower.
// Example:
// http://www.actionscript.org/resources/articles/745/1/JavaScript-and-VBScript-Injection-in-ActionScript-3/Page1.html
if(!baseRegex.test(href)){return-25;}return 0;}function scoreNextLinkText(linkData){// Things like "next", ">>", etc.
if(NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE$1.test(linkData)){return 50;}return 0;}function scoreCapLinks(linkData){// Cap links are links like "last", etc.
if(CAP_LINK_TEXT_RE$1.test(linkData)){// If we found a link like "last", but we've already seen that
// this link is also "next", it's fine. If it's not been
// previously marked as "next", then it's probably bad.
// Penalize.
if(NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE$1.test(linkData)){return-65;}}return 0;}function makeBaseRegex(baseUrl){return new RegExp('^'+baseUrl,'i');}function makeSig($link,linkText){return(linkText||$link.text())+' '+($link.attr('class')||'')+' '+($link.attr('id')||'');}function scoreLinks(_ref){var links=_ref.links,articleUrl=_ref.articleUrl,baseUrl=_ref.baseUrl,parsedUrl=_ref.parsedUrl,$=_ref.$,_ref$previousUrls=_ref.previousUrls,previousUrls=_ref$previousUrls===undefined?[]:_ref$previousUrls;parsedUrl=parsedUrl||URL$1.parse(articleUrl);var baseRegex=makeBaseRegex(baseUrl);var isWp=isWordpress$1($);// Loop through all links, looking for hints that they may be next-page
// links. Things like having "page" in their textContent, className or
// id, or being a child of a node with a page-y className or id.
// After we do that, assign each page a score, and pick the one that
// looks most like the next page link, as long as its score is strong
// enough to have decent confidence.
var scoredPages=links.reduce(function(possiblePages,link){// Remove any anchor data since we don't do a good job
// standardizing URLs (it's hard), we're going to do
// some checking with and without a trailing slash
var attrs=getAttrs$1(link);var href=removeAnchor$1(attrs.href);var $link=$(link);var linkText=$link.text();if(!shouldScore(href,articleUrl,baseUrl,parsedUrl,linkText,previousUrls)){return possiblePages;}// ## PASSED THE FIRST-PASS TESTS. Start scoring. ##
if(!possiblePages[href]){possiblePages[href]={score:0,linkText:linkText,href:href};}else{possiblePages[href].linkText=possiblePages[href].linkText+'|'+linkText;}var possiblePage=possiblePages[href];var linkData=makeSig($link,linkText);var pageNum=pageNumFromUrl$1(href);var score=scoreBaseUrl(href,baseRegex);score+=scoreNextLinkText(linkData);score+=scoreCapLinks(linkData);score+=scorePrevLink(linkData);score+=scoreByParents$1($link);score+=scoreExtraneousLinks(href);score+=scorePageInLink(pageNum,isWp);score+=scoreLinkText(linkText,pageNum);score+=scoreSimilarity(score,articleUrl,href);possiblePage.score=score;return possiblePages;},{});return _Reflect$ownKeys$1(scoredPages).length===0?null:scoredPages;}/* eslint-disable */// Looks for and returns next page url
// for multi-page articles
var GenericNextPageUrlExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,url=_ref.url,parsedUrl=_ref.parsedUrl,_ref$previousUrls=_ref.previousUrls,previousUrls=_ref$previousUrls===undefined?[]:_ref$previousUrls;parsedUrl=parsedUrl||URL$1.parse(url);var articleUrl=removeAnchor$1(url);var baseUrl=articleBaseUrl$1(url,parsedUrl);var links=$('a[href]').toArray();var scoredLinks=scoreLinks({links:links,articleUrl:articleUrl,baseUrl:baseUrl,parsedUrl:parsedUrl,$:$,previousUrls:previousUrls});// If no links were scored, return null
if(!scoredLinks)return null;// now that we've scored all possible pages,
// find the biggest one.
var topPage=_Reflect$ownKeys$1(scoredLinks).reduce(function(acc,link){var scoredLink=scoredLinks[link];return scoredLink.score>acc.score?scoredLink:acc;},{score:-100});// If the score is less than 50, we're not confident enough to use it,
// so we fail.
if(topPage.score>=50){return topPage.href;}return null;}};var CANONICAL_META_SELECTORS=['og:url'];function parseDomain(url){var parsedUrl=URL$1.parse(url);var hostname=parsedUrl.hostname;return hostname;}function result(url){return{url:url,domain:parseDomain(url)};}var GenericUrlExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,url=_ref.url,metaCache=_ref.metaCache;var $canonical=$('link[rel=canonical]');if($canonical.length!==0){var href=$canonical.attr('href');if(href){return result(href);}}var metaUrl=extractFromMeta$$1($,CANONICAL_META_SELECTORS,metaCache);if(metaUrl){return result(metaUrl);}return result(url);}};var EXCERPT_META_SELECTORS=['og:description','twitter:description'];function clean$2(content,$){var maxLength=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:200;content=content.replace(/[\s\n]+/g,' ').trim();return ellipsize$1(content,maxLength,{ellipse:'…'});}var GenericExcerptExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var $=_ref.$,content=_ref.content,metaCache=_ref.metaCache;var excerpt=extractFromMeta$$1($,EXCERPT_META_SELECTORS,metaCache);if(excerpt){return clean$2(stripTags$1(excerpt,$));}// Fall back to excerpting from the extracted content
var maxLength=200;var shortContent=content.slice(0,maxLength*5);return clean$2($(shortContent).text(),$,maxLength);}};var GenericWordCountExtractor={extract:function extract(_ref){var content=_ref.content;var $=cheerio$1.load(content);var $content=$('div').first();var text=normalizeSpaces$1($content.text());return text.split(/\s/).length;}};var GenericExtractor={// This extractor is the default for all domains
domain:'*',title:GenericTitleExtractor.extract,date_published:GenericDatePublishedExtractor.extract,author:GenericAuthorExtractor.extract,content:GenericContentExtractor.extract.bind(GenericContentExtractor),lead_image_url:GenericLeadImageUrlExtractor.extract,dek:GenericDekExtractor.extract,next_page_url:GenericNextPageUrlExtractor.extract,url_and_domain:GenericUrlExtractor.extract,excerpt:GenericExcerptExtractor.extract,word_count:GenericWordCountExtractor.extract,direction:function direction(_ref){var title=_ref.title;return stringDirection$1.getDirection(title);},extract:function extract(options){var html=options.html,cheerio$$1=options.cheerio,$=options.$;if(html&&!$){var loaded=cheerio$$1.load(html);options.$=loaded;}var title=this.title(options);var date_published=this.date_published(options);var author=this.author(options);var content=this.content(_extends$1({},options,{title:title}));var lead_image_url=this.lead_image_url(_extends$1({},options,{content:content}));var dek=this.dek(_extends$1({},options,{content:content}));var next_page_url=this.next_page_url(options);var excerpt=this.excerpt(_extends$1({},options,{content:content}));var word_count=this.word_count(_extends$1({},options,{content:content}));var direction=this.direction({title:title});var _url_and_domain=this.url_and_domain(options),url=_url_and_domain.url,domain=_url_and_domain.domain;return{title:title,author:author,date_published:date_published||null,dek:dek,lead_image_url:lead_image_url,content:content,next_page_url:next_page_url,url:url,domain:domain,excerpt:excerpt,word_count:word_count,direction:direction};}};function getExtractor(url,parsedUrl){parsedUrl=parsedUrl||URL$1.parse(url);var _parsedUrl=parsedUrl,hostname=_parsedUrl.hostname;var baseDomain=hostname.split('.').slice(-2).join('.');return Extractors[hostname]||Extractors[baseDomain]||GenericExtractor;}/* eslint-disable */// Remove elements by an array of selectors
function cleanBySelectors($content,$,_ref){var clean=_ref.clean;if(!clean)return $content;$(clean.join(','),$content).remove();return $content;}// Transform matching elements
function transformElements($content,$,_ref2){var transforms=_ref2.transforms;if(!transforms)return $content;_Reflect$ownKeys$1(transforms).forEach(function(key){var $matches=$(key,$content);var value=transforms[key];// If value is a string, convert directly
if(typeof value==='string'){$matches.each(function(index,node){convertNodeTo$$1($(node),$,transforms[key]);});}else if(typeof value==='function'){// If value is function, apply function to node
$matches.each(function(index,node){var result=value($(node),$);// If function returns a string, convert node to that value
if(typeof result==='string'){convertNodeTo$$1($(node),$,result);}});}});return $content;}function findMatchingSelector($,selectors){return selectors.find(function(selector){if(Array.isArray(selector)){var _selector=_slicedToArray$1(selector,2),s=_selector[0],attr=_selector[1];return $(s).length===1&&$(s).attr(attr)&&$(s).attr(attr).trim()!=='';}// debugger
return $(selector).length===1&&$(selector).text().trim()!=='';});}function select(opts){var $=opts.$,type=opts.type,extractionOpts=opts.extractionOpts,_opts$extractHtml=opts.extractHtml,extractHtml=_opts$extractHtml===undefined?false:_opts$extractHtml;// Skip if there's not extraction for this type
if(!extractionOpts)return null;// If a string is hardcoded for a type (e.g., Wikipedia
// contributors), return the string
if(typeof extractionOpts==='string')return extractionOpts;var selectors=extractionOpts.selectors,_extractionOpts$defau=extractionOpts.defaultCleaner,defaultCleaner=_extractionOpts$defau===undefined?true:_extractionOpts$defau;var matchingSelector=findMatchingSelector($,selectors);if(!matchingSelector)return null;// Declaring result; will contain either
// text or html, which will be cleaned
// by the appropriate cleaner type
// If the selector type requests html as its return type
// transform and clean the element with provided selectors
if(extractHtml){var $content=$(matchingSelector);// Wrap in div so transformation can take place on root element
$content.wrap($('<div></div>'));$content=$content.parent();$content=transformElements($content,$,extractionOpts);$content=cleanBySelectors($content,$,extractionOpts);$content=Cleaners[type]($content,_extends$1({},opts,{defaultCleaner:defaultCleaner}));return $.html($content);}var result=void 0;// if selector is an array (e.g., ['img', 'src']),
// extract the attr
if(Array.isArray(matchingSelector)){var _matchingSelector=_slicedToArray$1(matchingSelector,2),selector=_matchingSelector[0],attr=_matchingSelector[1];result=$(selector).attr(attr).trim();}else{result=$(matchingSelector).text().trim();}// Allow custom extractor to skip default cleaner
// for this type; defaults to true
if(defaultCleaner){return Cleaners[type](result,opts);}return result;}function extractResult(opts){var type=opts.type,extractor=opts.extractor,_opts$fallback=opts.fallback,fallback=_opts$fallback===undefined?true:_opts$fallback;var result=select(_extends$1({},opts,{extractionOpts:extractor[type]}));// If custom parser succeeds, return the result
if(result){return result;}// If nothing matches the selector, and fallback is enabled,
// run the Generic extraction
if(fallback)return GenericExtractor[type](opts);return null;}var RootExtractor={extract:function extract(){var extractor=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==undefined?arguments[0]:GenericExtractor;var opts=arguments[1];var _opts=opts,contentOnly=_opts.contentOnly,extractedTitle=_opts.extractedTitle;// This is the generic extractor. Run its extract method
if(extractor.domain==='*')return extractor.extract(opts);opts=_extends$1({},opts,{extractor:extractor});if(contentOnly){var _content=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'content',extractHtml:true,title:extractedTitle}));return{content:_content};}var title=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'title'}));var date_published=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'date_published'}));var author=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'author'}));var next_page_url=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'next_page_url'}));var content=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'content',extractHtml:true,title:title}));var lead_image_url=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'lead_image_url',content:content}));var excerpt=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'excerpt',content:content}));var dek=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'dek',content:content,excerpt:excerpt}));var word_count=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'word_count',content:content}));var direction=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'direction',title:title}));var _ref3=extractResult(_extends$1({},opts,{type:'url_and_domain'}))||{url:null,domain:null},url=_ref3.url,domain=_ref3.domain;return{title:title,content:content,author:author,date_published:date_published,lead_image_url:lead_image_url,dek:dek,next_page_url:next_page_url,url:url,domain:domain,excerpt:excerpt,word_count:word_count,direction:direction};}};var collectAllPages=function(){var _ref=_asyncToGenerator(_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(_ref2){var next_page_url=_ref2.next_page_url,html=_ref2.html,$=_ref2.$,metaCache=_ref2.metaCache,result=_ref2.result,Extractor=_ref2.Extractor,title=_ref2.title,url=_ref2.url,cheerio$$1=_ref2.cheerio;var pages,previousUrls,extractorOpts,nextPageResult,word_count;return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context){while(1){switch(_context.prev=_context.next){case 0:// At this point, we've fetched just the first page
pages=1;previousUrls=[removeAnchor$1(url)];// If we've gone over 26 pages, something has
// likely gone wrong.
case 2:if(!(next_page_url&&pages<26)){_context.next=15;break;}pages+=1;_context.next=6;return Resource.create(next_page_url);case 6:$=_context.sent;html=$.html();extractorOpts={url:next_page_url,html:html,$:$,metaCache:metaCache,contentOnly:true,extractedTitle:title,previousUrls:previousUrls,cheerio:cheerio$$1};nextPageResult=RootExtractor.extract(Extractor,extractorOpts);previousUrls.push(next_page_url);result=_extends$1({},result,{content:'\n '+result.content+'\n <hr>\n <h4>Page '+pages+'</h4>\n '+nextPageResult.content+'\n '});next_page_url=nextPageResult.next_page_url;_context.next=2;break;case 15:word_count=GenericExtractor.word_count({content:'<div>'+result.content+'</div>'});return _context.abrupt('return',_extends$1({},result,{total_pages:pages,pages_rendered:pages,word_count:word_count}));case 17:case'end':return _context.stop();}}},_callee,this);}));function collectAllPages(_x){return _ref.apply(this,arguments);}return collectAllPages;}();var Mercury={parse:function parse(url,html){var _this=this;var opts=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==undefined?arguments[2]:{};return _asyncToGenerator(_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(){var _opts$fetchAllPages,fetchAllPages,_opts$fallback,fallback,parsedUrl,Extractor,$,metaCache,result,_result,title,next_page_url;return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context){while(1){switch(_context.prev=_context.next){case 0:_opts$fetchAllPages=opts.fetchAllPages,fetchAllPages=_opts$fetchAllPages===undefined?true:_opts$fetchAllPages,_opts$fallback=opts.fallback,fallback=_opts$fallback===undefined?true:_opts$fallback;parsedUrl=URL$1.parse(url);if(validateUrl(parsedUrl)){_context.next=4;break;}return _context.abrupt('return',Errors.badUrl);case 4:Extractor=getExtractor(url,parsedUrl);// console.log(`Using extractor for ${Extractor.domain}`);
_context.next=7;return Resource.create(url,html,parsedUrl);case 7:$=_context.sent;if(!$.error){_context.next=10;break;}return _context.abrupt('return',$);case 10:html=$.html();// Cached value of every meta name in our document.
// Used when extracting title/author/date_published/dek
metaCache=$('meta').map(function(_,node){return $(node).attr('name');}).toArray();result=RootExtractor.extract(Extractor,{url:url,html:html,$:$,metaCache:metaCache,parsedUrl:parsedUrl,fallback:fallback,cheerio:cheerio$1});_result=result,title=_result.title,next_page_url=_result.next_page_url;// Fetch more pages if next_page_url found
if(!(fetchAllPages&&next_page_url)){_context.next=20;break;}_context.next=17;return collectAllPages({Extractor:Extractor,next_page_url:next_page_url,html:html,$:$,metaCache:metaCache,result:result,title:title,url:url,cheerio:cheerio$1});case 17:result=_context.sent;_context.next=21;break;case 20:result=_extends$1({},result,{total_pages:1,rendered_pages:1});case 21:return _context.abrupt('return',result);case 22:case'end':return _context.stop();}}},_callee,_this);}))();},// A convenience method for getting a resource
// to work with, e.g., for custom extractor generator
fetchResource:function fetchResource(url){var _this2=this;return _asyncToGenerator(_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(){return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2){while(1){switch(_context2.prev=_context2.next){case 0:_context2.next=2;return Resource.create(url);case 2:return _context2.abrupt('return',_context2.sent);case 3:case'end':return _context2.stop();}}},_callee2,_this2);}))();}};var mercury=Mercury;
function insertValues(strings) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
if (values.length) {
return strings.reduce(function (result, part, idx) {
var value = values[idx];
if (value && typeof value.toString === 'function') {
value = value.toString();
} else {
value = '';
return result + part + value;
}, '');
return strings.join('');
var bodyPattern = /^\n([\s\S]+)\s{2}$/gm;
var trailingWhitespace = /\s+$/;
function template(strings) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var compiled = insertValues.apply(undefined, [strings].concat(values));
var _ref = compiled.match(bodyPattern) || [],
_ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 1),
body = _ref2[0];
var indentLevel = /^\s{0,4}(.+)$/g;
if (!body) {
body = compiled;
indentLevel = /^\s{0,2}(.+)$/g;
return body.split('\n').slice(1).map(function (line) {
line = line.replace(indentLevel, '$1');
if (trailingWhitespace.test(line)) {
line = line.replace(trailingWhitespace, '');
return line;
var _templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n export const ', ' = {\n domain: \'', '\',\n\n title: {\n selectors: [\n // enter title selectors\n ],\n },\n\n author: {\n selectors: [\n // enter author selectors\n ],\n },\n\n date_published: {\n selectors: [\n // enter selectors\n ],\n },\n\n dek: {\n selectors: [\n // enter selectors\n ],\n },\n\n lead_image_url: {\n selectors: [\n // enter selectors\n ],\n },\n\n content: {\n selectors: [\n // enter content selectors\n ],\n\n // Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed\n // before it\'s consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images\n transforms: {\n },\n\n // Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn\'t be?\n // The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from\n // the result\n clean: [\n\n ]\n },\n }\n '], ['\n export const ', ' = {\n domain: \'', '\',\n\n title: {\n selectors: [\n // enter title selectors\n ],\n },\n\n author: {\n selectors: [\n // enter author selectors\n ],\n },\n\n date_published: {\n selectors: [\n // enter selectors\n ],\n },\n\n dek: {\n selectors: [\n // enter selectors\n ],\n },\n\n lead_image_url: {\n selectors: [\n // enter selectors\n ],\n },\n\n content: {\n selectors: [\n // enter content selectors\n ],\n\n // Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed\n // before it\'s consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images\n transforms: {\n },\n\n // Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn\'t be?\n // The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from\n // the result\n clean: [\n\n ]\n },\n }\n ']);
var extractorTemplate = function (hostname, name) {
return template(_templateObject, name, hostname);
var _templateObject$1 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n it(\'returns the ', '\', async () => {\n // To pass this test, fill out the ', ' selector\n // in ', '/index.js.\n const html =\n fs.readFileSync(\'', '\');\n const articleUrl =\n \'', '\';\n\n const { ', ' } =\n await Mercury.parse(articleUrl, html, { fallback: false });\n\n // Update these values with the expected values from\n // the article.\n assert.equal(', ', ', ')\n });\n '], ['\n it(\'returns the ', '\', async () => {\n // To pass this test, fill out the ', ' selector\n // in ', '/index.js.\n const html =\n fs.readFileSync(\'', '\');\n const articleUrl =\n \'', '\';\n\n const { ', ' } =\n await Mercury.parse(articleUrl, html, { fallback: false });\n\n // Update these values with the expected values from\n // the article.\n assert.equal(', ', ', ')\n });\n ']);
var _templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n import assert from \'assert\';\n import fs from \'fs\';\n import URL from \'url\';\n import cheerio from \'cheerio\';\n\n import Mercury from \'mercury\';\n import getExtractor from \'extractors/get-extractor\';\n import { excerptContent } from \'utils/text\';\n\n describe(\'', '\', () => {\n it(\'is selected properly\', () => {\n // This test should be passing by default.\n // It sanity checks that the correct parser\n // is being selected for URLs from this domain\n const url =\n \'', '\';\n const extractor = getExtractor(url);\n assert.equal(extractor.domain, URL.parse(url).hostname)\n })\n\n ', '\n\n it(\'returns the content\', async () => {\n // To pass this test, fill out the content selector\n // in ', '/index.js.\n // You may also want to make use of the clean and transform\n // options.\n const html =\n fs.readFileSync(\'', '\');\n const url =\n \'', '\';\n\n const { content } =\n await Mercury.parse(url, html, { fallback: false });\n\n const $ = cheerio.load(content || \'\');\n\n const first13 = excerptContent($(\'*\').first().text(), 13)\n\n // Update these values with the expected values from\n // the article.\n assert.equal(first13, \'Add the first 13 words of the article here\');\n });\n });\n '], ['\n import assert from \'assert\';\n import fs from \'fs\';\n import URL from \'url\';\n import cheerio from \'cheerio\';\n\n import Mercury from \'mercury\';\n import getExtractor from \'extractors/get-extractor\';\n import { excerptContent } from \'utils/text\';\n\n describe(\'', '\', () => {\n it(\'is selected properly\', () => {\n // This test should be passing by default.\n // It sanity checks that the correct parser\n // is being selected for URLs from this domain\n const url =\n \'', '\';\n const extractor = getExtractor(url);\n assert.equal(extractor.domain, URL.parse(url).hostname)\n })\n\n ', '\n\n it(\'returns the content\', async () => {\n // To pass this test, fill out the content selector\n // in ', '/index.js.\n // You may also want to make use of the clean and transform\n // options.\n const html =\n fs.readFileSync(\'', '\');\n const url =\n \'', '\';\n\n const { content } =\n await Mercury.parse(url, html, { fallback: false });\n\n const $ = cheerio.load(content || \'\');\n\n const first13 = excerptContent($(\'*\').first().text(), 13)\n\n // Update these values with the expected values from\n // the article.\n assert.equal(first13, \'Add the first 13 words of the article here\');\n });\n });\n ']);
var IGNORE = ['url', 'domain', 'content', 'word_count', 'next_page_url', 'excerpt', 'direction', 'total_pages', 'rendered_pages'];
function testFor(key, value, dir, file, url) {
if (IGNORE.find(function (k) {
return k === key;
})) return '';
return template(_templateObject$1, key, key, dir, file, url, key, key, value ? '`' + value + '`' : "''");
var extractorTestTemplate = function (file, url, dir, result, name) {
return template(_templateObject2, name, url, _Reflect$ownKeys(result).map(function (k) {
return testFor(k, result[k], dir, file, url);
}).join('\n\n'), dir, file, url);
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
var questions = [{
type: 'input',
name: 'website',
message: 'Paste a url to an article you\'d like to create or extend a parser for:',
validate: function validate(value) {
var _URL$parse = URL.parse(value),
hostname = _URL$parse.hostname;
if (hostname) return true;
return false;
var spinner = void 0;
function confirm(fn, args, msg, newParser) {
spinner = ora({ text: msg });
var result = fn.apply(undefined, _toConsumableArray(args));
if (result && result.then) {
result.then(function (r) {
return savePage(r, args, newParser);
} else {
return result;
function confirmCreateDir(dir, msg) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
confirm(fs.mkdirSync, [dir], msg);
function getDir(url) {
var _URL$parse2 = URL.parse(url),
hostname = _URL$parse2.hostname;
return './src/extractors/custom/' + hostname;
function scaffoldCustomParser(url) {
var dir = getDir(url);
var _URL$parse3 = URL.parse(url),
hostname = _URL$parse3.hostname;
var newParser = false;
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
newParser = true;
confirmCreateDir(dir, 'Creating ' + hostname + ' directory');
confirmCreateDir('./fixtures/' + hostname, 'Creating fixtures directory');
confirm(mercury.fetchResource, [url], 'Fetching fixture', newParser);
inquirer.prompt(questions).then(function (answers) {
function generateScaffold(url, file, result) {
var _URL$parse4 = URL.parse(url),
hostname = _URL$parse4.hostname;
var extractor = extractorTemplate(hostname, extractorName(hostname));
var extractorTest = extractorTestTemplate(file, url, getDir(url), result, extractorName(hostname));
fs.writeFileSync(getDir(url) + '/index.js', extractor);
fs.writeFileSync(getDir(url) + '/index.test.js', extractorTest);
fs.appendFileSync('./src/extractors/custom/index.js', exportString(url));
child_process.exec('npm run lint-fix-quiet -- ' + getDir(url) + '/*.js');
function savePage($, _ref, newParser) {
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 1),
url = _ref2[0];
var _URL$parse5 = URL.parse(url),
hostname = _URL$parse5.hostname;
var filename = new Date().getTime();
var file = './fixtures/' + hostname + '/' + filename + '.html';
// fix http(s) relative links:
makeLinksAbsolute$$1($('*').first(), $, url);
$('[src], [href]').each(function (index, node) {
var $node = $(node);
var link = $node.attr('src');
if (link && link.slice(0, 2) === '//') {
$node.attr('src', 'http:' + link);
var html = stripJunkTags($('*').first(), $, ['script']).html();
fs.writeFileSync(file, html);
mercury.parse(url, html).then(function (result) {
if (newParser) {
confirm(generateScaffold, [url, file, result], 'Generating parser and tests');
console.log('Your custom site extractor has been set up. To get started building it, run\n yarn watch:test -- ' + hostname + '\n -- OR --\n npm run watch:test -- ' + hostname);
} else {
console.log('\n It looks like you already have a custom parser for this url.\n The page you linked to has been added to ' + file + '. Copy and paste\n the following code to use that page in your tests:\n const html = fs.readFileSync(\'' + file + '\');');
function exportString(url) {
var _URL$parse6 = URL.parse(url),
hostname = _URL$parse6.hostname;
return 'export * from \'./' + hostname + '\';';
function extractorName(hostname) {
var name = hostname.split('.').map(function (w) {
return '' + w.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + w.slice(1);
return name + 'Extractor';
//# sourceMappingURL=generate-custom-parser.js.map