You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
2.9 KiB

import { CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY_TAGS } from './constants'
import {
} from 'extractors/generic/content/scoring'
import { normalizeSpaces } from '../text'
import { linkDensity } from './index'
// Given an article, clean it of some superfluous content specified by
// tags. Things like forms, ads, etc.
// Tags is an array of tag name's to search through. (like div, form,
// etc)
// Return this same doc.
export default function cleanTags($article, $) {
$(CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY_TAGS, $article).each((index, node) => {
const $node = $(node)
let weight = getScore($node)
if (!weight) {
weight = getOrInitScore($node, $)
setScore($node, $, weight)
// drop node if its weight is < 0
if (weight < 0) {
} else {
// deteremine if node seems like content
removeUnlessContent($node, $, weight)
return $
function removeUnlessContent($node, $, weight) {
// Explicitly save entry-content-asset tags, which are
// noted as valuable in the Publisher guidelines. For now
// this works everywhere. We may want to consider making
// this less of a sure-thing later.
if ($node.hasClass('entry-content-asset')) {
const content = normalizeSpaces($node.text())
if (scoreCommas(content) < 10) {
const pCount = $('p', $node).length
const inputCount = $('input', $node).length
// Looks like a form, too many inputs.
if (inputCount > (pCount / 3)) {
return $node.remove()
const contentLength = content.length
const imgCount = $('img', $node).length
// Content is too short, and there are no images, so
// this is probably junk content.
if (contentLength < 25 && imgCount === 0) {
return $node.remove()
const density = linkDensity($node)
// Too high of link density, is probably a menu or
// something similar.
// console.log(weight, density, contentLength)
if (weight < 25 && density > 0.2 && contentLength > 75) {
return $node.remove()
// Too high of a link density, despite the score being
// high.
if (weight >= 25 && density > 0.5) {
// Don't remove the node if it's a list and the
// previous sibling starts with a colon though. That
// means it's probably content.
const tagName = $node.get(0).tagName
const nodeIsList = tagName === 'ol' || tagName === 'ul'
if (nodeIsList) {
const previousNode = $node.prev()
if (previousNode && normalizeSpaces(previousNode.text()).slice(-1) === ':') {
return $node.remove()
const scriptCount = $('script', $node).length
// Too many script tags, not enough content.
if (scriptCount > 0 && contentLength < 150) {
return $node.remove()