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import assert from 'assert';
import { MockDomNode } from 'test-helpers';
import setAttrs from './set-attrs';
describe('setAttrs(node, attrs)', () => {
it('sets attrs for a raw jquery node', () => {
const attrs = {
class: 'baz',
const postAttrs = [
name: 'class',
value: 'baz',
const domNode = new MockDomNode();
const node = setAttrs(domNode, attrs);
assert.deepEqual(node.attributes, postAttrs);
it('sets attrs for a raw cheerio node', () => {
const cheerioNode = {
attribs: {
class: 'foo bar',
id: 'baz bat',
const attrs = {
class: 'baz',
id: 'bar',
const node = setAttrs(cheerioNode, attrs);
assert.deepEqual(node.attribs, attrs);